
May Your Short Days Be Merry And Bright

by Regina Wright

Chapter 1: 'Ponies have the memories of mayflies, don't they?' thought Celestia

'Ponies have the memories of mayflies, don't they?' thought Celestia

In the eve of the fair night before Hearth's Warming, Celestia sat in her private dinning hall (meant for entertaining friendly dignitaries and things of political hush) pleasantly stuffed with fruit cake. Assembled before her were all sorts of wonderful assortments of holiday fare; yule chocolate crumb log, steaming cranberry pudding, tempting chocolate bark and trays of baked fudge. Eggnog cheesecake took center stage as bowls of fresh gingerbread cookies cooled while her hoof handled a cake cutter to serve her purpose.

With another slice on her plate, Celestia took a forkful and chewed to her delight. Over head, the chandelier brightly beamed down on her as the torches burned scented candles of mistletoe and poinsettia. Simple green and red streamers were hung along the chandelier and cluttered in piles where it dropped half haphazardly on the rest of her table where no food lain.

Celestia lit her horn and lazily tried to reattach one particular strand of streamer to the ceiling but it fell right down with a loud plop. Sparkling confetti was sprinkled on the floor and Celestia knew her coat was positively covered in it.

If she stepped in her private room, she knew she resemble a vanilla wafer cookie with festive sprinkles specially taking space on her prestigious rump. Celestia wondered what would be the uproar if she paraded around the castle in such a form, what would her little ponies call her? Sprinkle butt? Sparkle Toot? Rainbow Rear? The thought of it made her snicker and added a merry high point to her quiet night alone.

By all rights, she would be having a grand ball lasting three whole days, celebrating Hearth's Warming, as ponies got drunk, silly and happy under the holiday cheer. But strangely, all of her ponies canceled on her. Even those who had reservations and made appointments for her companionship during the ball had other things more important than one of the biggest holidays of the year.

Celesta paused in her thinking, her ears flickered as she heard the sound of hooves trotting.

Ah, one of her little ponies must be checking on her.

She sat up earnestly, wiped some of the icing smearing on to her cheek and waited to be attended to. Some time passed and Celestia did not sigh. She merely parted her lips and warm air, smelling of desserts and treats, slipped free. And since she was apparently by our lonesome, she didn't not hesitated in sagging her shoulders in disappointment.

Call her anxious but she preferred to know where her ponies were at all times than to be walking on balls on when they would appear. But again, it seemed she was truly alone.

Weaving her ears back and forth, she also heard not a peep from the servants that should certainly be moving back and forth through the hallways, attending to their duties. Ah, she shouldn't be referring to them as servants. On this day and especially during the ball, they would have been free to partake in the same food they worked so hard to prepare. Class lines nor race lines meant nothing on such a holiday.

The Royal Guards, ever faithful and true, was also in lacking. Though the guards were trained to be stout and silent, Celestia was aware of their every breath and unintentional gesture as they watched over the castle for any sign of alarm. Even if the room could be called quiet, if was never silent with only with the sounds of their inhales and exhales filling the space. It was quite noticeable when they weren't around.

For some reason, her personal set of guards that traditionally followed her every move decided to report outside for their briefing. Why outside in the brisk wind, dropping temperature and knee-high snow? What was wrong with the tender heat of the castle and their Princess to brighten the room with idle chatter?

For a brief moment, Celestia had a crystal clear though of the entire castle was empty, staff and all, and snorted. Even if it was, Celestia chuckled on such a unlikely possibility, absolutely nothing was going to move her divine rump from this chair until she was done. Disaster whosaster, she thought, relishing in the silly phrase. This time during the holidays was often shared with her little ponies but if they really wanted her to have the night by herself, who was she to deny them?

Celestia scarfed down the rest of her cake and drunk down her reveries with a smooth mug of vanilla hot-chocolate mixed with just a pinch of nutmeg. Sweet milk bubbles blew out of her nose as she drank, making her giggle and she blew some more of the heck of it. After parching her thirst, she looked for a release of the sugar lining her tongue. Celestia reached for a set of licorice sticks and chewed them to send some spice down her pipes. Her stomach then grumbled and she became sadly aware that she could not have another bite.

Might as well figure out what the good ponies of Equuis are up to...

Celestia pushed herself from the table and up out of her chair. Another milk bubble escaped from her nose and she quickly caught it with two hooves. Looking like a colorful disaster was alright in her books but resembling a bubble-blowing milk fiend in pubic was a little to far. She was a Princess, after all. Strolling out of her hall and walking by the large windows showing the wonderful Canterlot skyline, she heard mass chanting and bonfires being lit. Celestia stared at the effigies being burnt. They almost resembled her if she was fat as a balloon and she dismissed it as a fleeting thought.

The caroling must've started, she thought, singing along with her mouth missing a word or two. Because of the high pitch fervor and ponies breaking into different chants every second, she didn't understand every word but it did sound catchy. Bobbing her head and right, she caught the rhythms of their songs.

“Revolution! Revolution! We desire retribution! On our knees did we bow... To the queenly white sow! Take her head and claim her crown, we shall burn it to the ground!” She chimed along, her mood absolutely giddy.

Celestia trotted through empty halls and rooms in terrible disarray. Feeling a bit baffled, she stuck her head in a few. To catch a servant trying to tide the room or a guard investigating the scene. None of her ponies were there and she noted the ransacked state of the rooms she bothered to check. What if all of them were in that state, plundered of the fine cutlery, expensive sheets and just about anything that wasn't nailed down.

The thought of being concerned was entertained but she hadn't notice anything amiss all day. And if there was castle break-in, her guards would have informed her. And her nobility and working council members would have thrown a fit about their things being looted under their nose.

Spreading her wings as she reached the main staircase, she flew down two flights of stairs and entered one of the main ground floor halls. The singing was getting louder and louder and Celestia deduced there was quite a surprise waiting for her outside. Her ponies were always quite generous and they knew there was little she could want for so how would they top themselves this very. What would be their gift to their devoted and loving Princess for serving them five hundred years to this very day?

Celestia sped up thanks to her curiosity before slowing into a brisk and stately walk. It wouldn't do to look too anxious. She passed displayed and polished sets of armor from centuries long passed and took the time to check her teeth and muzzle.

All was well. Not a crumb or crusty flake of icing was on her coat.

She turned around.

Or on her rear. Very good.

Just ahead of her were the main gate door that would lead to a courtyard where it seemed all of her little ponies were gathering. As she continued, she noticed the many, many missing sets of mostly ceremonial armor and had a laugh. Were the ponies going to perform a play for her along with their carols? That would be just lovely.

Celestia parted the doors and took in the sight before her.

Down below the castle steps was an army of ponies armed to the teeth with very weapons and magicked armor her Royal Guard wore. She noticed some dents and crawl marks on a few of the golden shields. It was the same armor. Swarms of pegasi decked in the borrowed armor were moving the snowing clouds despite it being scheduled for a all-night snow. Celestia had put in the order herself.

Towards the very end of the crowds, where she assumed they thought wouldn't be saw if things went unwell,  Celestia spotted her nobility and council staff working and coordinating even more reinforcements to swarm the weaker parts of the castle. She hoped they weren't as simple-minded to think of sieging the castle? Clusters of civilian ponies stood with them, carrying various sets of household goods in an apparent threatening manner. None had a butter knife with them and Celestia took a point off for lack of ingenuity.  

“It's Hearth's Warming Eve!” She spoke to the crowd, raising her voice and bringing all eyes upon her. All of them took an unwarranted step back and Celestia's temper nearly ignited. Hadn't she been good to them? Good to the descendants of her beloved Equestrian ponies? “Do you all need to do this now? What is this? An uprising?” She asked, trying to comprehend what she was seeing her. Was this a united force of unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies attempting to take her down and what for?

“It's an revolution.” One brave solider replied, shouting his voice and setting off the others in screaming their words at her. “It is a glorious revolution, Tyrant!”

Celestia tilted her head, confused by such simple words being thrown at her in a ugly and hateful chorus. “I rather you all not call me by some unfriendly nick-names.” Celestia spoke over the crowd. “I prefer the title, Princess. Note the way how I pronounce it. I say it with a capital P, very important.” She clarified, watching in ill-humor as the army divided into two to allow her niece, Pure Blood the Sixth, up the stairs. “But none of that answers why you are here.”

“Tyrant, we are here to ask for you to step down for the good of equines everywhere.” Her niece bellowed, surprising Celestia by the chops her niece was hiding in her. “It is preciously why we chose Hearth's Warming as a time to attack. By our sources and due to your own behavior, we believed that you would be more amenable and willing to listen during the holiday.” Quite a few soldiers nodded along with her.

“I see.” She did not see but was curious to hear what they had to say. And she hoped it was good explanation. “What was the need for this revolution as you called it? Did I not treat you all well enough? What was so bad about my rule?”

“It is an eternal one!” Pure Blood shouted and the army lost themselves again as they swore disgusting words at Celestia. Pure Blood rose a hoof and the army quieted down but they weren't silent. “We the people of Equuis demand a new state, a new rule for us to stand above the changing tide of history. Today, we throw off our shackles of your false devotion, your disgusting babying of our fair country and your propaganda of friendship and harmony.”

“My little ponies, I did not know-”

“Stop!” Her niece shrieked, sounding almost like a war cry. Together, the army chanted. “WE ARE NOT YOUR LITTLE PONIES!”

“Duly noted,” Celestia said, stiffly adjusting her position to stand on another hoof. Her belly rumbled but she doubted her- the ponies of Equus- heard. She was getting hungry again. “What do you plan to do me gone?”

“That isn't any of your concern, Tyrant.” Pure Blood barked, whirling around and riling up the crowd. “All we ask,” They cried, their voices a searing sound of absolute conviction. “Is that you step aside.”

“And even if I gave up my ruling power, duties and went on my merry way... Who would move the sun in my stead?”

“We've prepared for that.” Pure Blood whistled as twenty unicorns, adorned in amulets and cloaks stepped forward. Their horns already gleaming as they wield untold power and magic.

“Is that my student, Little Light, with you? I was wondering why she went to the trouble of faking her death.” Celestia asked, pleased. “Did you get any of the goodie baskets I sent?”

Little Light flinched but kept her place within the procession and together, they carved a grand rune into the courtyard floor. The rune glowed brightly and Celestia clapped, unable to hold herself back.

“Behold, Tyrant... The sun!” Pure Blood seemed to be having a grand time of it.

The night vanished as her sun rose over the horizon, completely unwanted and far, far too early. It was midnight for goodness' sake but Celestia wouldn't hold it against the ponies of Equuis. They deserved this moment.

“What do you think, Tyrant? What sway do you have over us now? Long, long ago before you usurped the the throne for yourself,” Pure Blood recited. “The three tribes were able to rule themselves untied as one. And today, they have united once again and we shall retake the throne you stole.”

“This was a nice show if only a little predictable. But it was nice to watch all the same.” Celestia applauded, looking at her sun bathing Canterlot in light. “If you wish to start up a new governing system, there's not problem coming from me. I only wished you done it through the proper channels and not gotten yourselves drunk on battle-lust.” She chided, thinking mostly off her desserts going cold.

“What are you saying?”

“What I am saying is that you can have your new laws but as long as you live on my soil, there are certain laws you must keep. Like for one, you must keep me fed and in good warmth. But if you are that interested in having me gone, I am willing to head north for vacation for a few centuries. It's been a while since I've gone and spread my hooves on some fresh soil.”

“Keep you fed and full?” Pure Blood barked, staring at her like a mad mare. “Are you insane? At best, we'll chase you north to live in exile!”  

Celestia sighed and considered leaving the crowd to figure it out but they might start breaking windows. “I'll admit something to you all. I cannot move the sun.” Releasing her wings, she drifted a few feet in the air.

“I always knew you were a charlatan.” Pure Blood sneered. “First regiment, ready your arrows!”

“How on earth can I move myself?” Celestia stated, bringing the crowd in confusion. Behind her, the sun swept away and night fell once again. Pure Blood shouted at the unicorn mages to bring back the sun but all of their magic failed. It would so because she moved the sun to contribute to their little play.

“Back in those days that you hold so dear, unicorns would have to 'move' me into bringing whatever I desired for my services. When all three tribes came together during that despairing winter, do you really think it was the windigoes that caused it?”

“Oh no!” Little Light cried, she was clever student. “Please Princess, don't do it!”

“The unicorns got full on themselves as they had children and their children had children. They actually believed the lies they fed the other races. So they too did something like this and I humored them by heading north. North of this solar system, I mean. There is a meteor belt I've been meaning to explore. But because I'm not cruel, I'll leave some natural light to keep you company.”

“To thee, a merry Hearth's Warming!” Celestia vanished and with her, the night became a thin gray silver. Clouds broke free from the pegasi and became a great storm covering all of the country, raining snow and despairing cries for all. Celestia snorted deep in space and ripped off the head of a gingerbread cookie, cackling wildly.

Luna snagged the rest of the cookie from Celestia's hoof and sighed at her. “To this day, I don't understand why any pony would prefer you ruling over them. I would have treated them nicely.”

With Luna choosing the stars to dwell and Twilight and Cadence wandering the universe with a colony of ponies, it was only Celestia who spent time on the planet. And at times, she did have her flights of fancy. But Celestia wouldn't really leave the ponies to fend for themselves. She'd go back in a fortnight. “Still loving those earth-bound freaks, Luna?”

“Oh, shut it!”

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