
The Colt of Monte Crowhop

by youmaycallmewhite


The Arrival

The townsponies of Mareseilles often gathered to greet ships returning to port, but none so much as the town's patron vessel named simply 'Sea Pony'. The ship was crafted nearby, and even owned by a local merchant. The usual crowd gathered on the docks to greet the Sea Pony and her crew after their three month absence. As the ship expertly glided  across the waters to dock,  sense of great loss emanated from the deck crew. An overwhelming melancholy took the crowd by surprise.  In a bout of anxiety one such spectator leapt to a small boat and piloted it out to meet with the incoming ship. A certain young stallion stood beside the Sea Pony's pilot, skilfully repeating the pilot's orders to the crew. Upon noticing the small boat beside the ship, the stallion left his post to lean over the ships edge and greet the boatsman. He was a tall, handsome young stallion of nearly twenty. The stallion's hair was a deep, rich black, his coat lie somewhere between gray and blue. His every hoofstep portrayed confidence and leadership, and rightly so. He looked down to the pony below him who cried out

"Honest, is that you I see?" a concerned expression drawn across his face, "Why all of the gloom amongst the crew? Has there been misfortune at sea?"

"A great misfortune Monsieur Affaires Sérieux, a great misfortune indeed." Honest spoke with a strong mix of mourning and confidence, "Especially for me. My captain and mentor, Ami Disparu, has passed from our world to the next."

"Sweet Celestia, by what force was Captain Disparu taken from us?"

"Horn Rot, it spread to his brain. After three days of fever and agony, he simply left us. His illness fell a surprise on the whole crew. After a long particularly long conversation with the harbor master, Captain Disparu left the the port of Stables with a great deal of unrest. Within twenty-four hours the early onset of the rot took hold, leaving him bed ridden. Following his death we performed a burial off the Solar Isle, weighting him in burlap and delivering him to the sea."

"The Solar Isle you say?"

"Yes, now he may bask in paradise for eternity. I apologize for the rush, but I must aid in docking."

"Yes, Yes, very good Honest. Continue your duties." Immediately following the end of his conversation with the ship's owner Honest Heart spurt out a series of nautical commands, to which the crew followed in extreme loyalty. After the ship was anchored at port, Monsieur Sérieux  met with another of the ships crew. The log keep, Menteur.  

"Monsieur Sérieux, I presume by now you've been informed as to the fate of brave captain Disparu?"

"Indeed I have, such a tragedy."

"Indeed Monsieur. You'd be well to know that immediately following the captain's death, without so much a consulting anypony, Honest Heart took control of the Sea Pony and her crew. It appears he already fancies himself the next captain."

"Why should he not? He shows all of the aptitude and confidence needed to command such a vessel and such a crew."

"I do not argue that in youth he lacks self confidence. However it was by his order that the ship stop at the lunar Isle, costing the voyage an entire day and a half on her return to Maresilles to deliver a packet."

"I am unaware of such a delivery, did Honest speak of the contents?"

"No, and he delivered it unaccompanied. Perchance did young Honest deliver to you the letter from captain Disparu?"


"Yes, I witnessed the captain give the boy the packet and a letter. I assumed it addressed to you."

"I will speak with Honest Heart of this, thank you Menteur."

"It is only my duty, Monsieur Sérieux."

"Honest, may I speak with you a moment?"

"Surely Monsieur Sérieux," Honest approached with a smile, "How may I assist you?"

"Would you be so kind as to explain the circumstance of your delivery to the Lunar Isle?"

"Certainly Monsieur, Before his passing, captain Disparu gave a final order to deliver a packet to a thestral on the isle."

"And was the delivery made?"

"Yes Monsieur."

"And did you see the Lunar Empress in her banishment to the Isle?"

"Yes sir, I spoke with her a short while. She asked of Equestrian affairs, and the welfare of her sister, and the like."

"And the letter bestowed by the good captain?"

"To be delivered to canterlot. To which end I must request three months time to deliver the letter, and for a honeymoon with my beloved."

"Is this true? That you are to marry beautiful Octavia?"

"Yes sir, the wedding is to be soon."

"Well Monsieur Honest, this is welcome news indeed. I must grant your request, and give to your future marriage my full blessing. So long as you return in three months time, the Sea Pony cannot sail without her captain."

"Please sir, tell me that you do not jest at my expense. Is it true that you should ordain me with such an honor?"

"Indeed Honest Heart. Now let us celebrate your new position. Won't you join me for dinner?"

"I beg you forgive me Monsieur, but I must pay visit to my father."

"Ah yes, go now Honest, you are a good son."

"Thank you Monsieur, I am forever in your debt." Honest Heart gathered his advance pay, the rest would be paid as the ship's cargo was sold. Honest galloped through the streets, eager to tell his elderly father of his good fortune.

. . .

Father and Son

Honest Heart's metal horseshoes clodded against the dirt, clacked against the stone, and carried him with great excitement. Unaware of the Sea Pony's arrival, an elderly stallion tended gingerly to the vines and flowers outside of his simple home. The stallion stepped back to admire his own work. His eyes were a gold rich hue which had softened with age, his mane near colorless white paired with his blue coat now tinged with gray. Affectueux Heart. As Affectueux Heart gazed upon his work, hooves suddenly wrapped around him, and a familiar voice cried out:

"Father, my dear old Dad!" Honest heart released his embrace and allowed his father to turn and face him. It was at this point he took notice of the frailty of his father's condition. "Father, what ails you? Are you sick?"

"No, no dear Honest... my colt... my son, I was simply stricken by your sudden appearance."

"Well you may calm yourself now, father. I am here, I apologize for approaching so abruptly."

"Nonsense my son, I am always happy to see my colt, no matter how sudden. Now come, tell me why you are in such a state of excitement."

"May Celestia forgive me that I have found joy in the death of another, and pray she knows I did not wish it! But what has happened has happened. Captain Disparu is dead, and Monsieur Sérieux wishes for me to take his place as captain! Can you understand father? A captains salary at the age of twenty."

"My son, this is welcome news indeed."

"With my first pay I will buy you a little cottage house with a garden for your flowers, but come now, you don't look well."

"I'm fine son, It will pass." With that Affectueux coughed as his knees failed, forcing him to use the door frame to support his fragile body.

"Don't worry father, a glass of daisy wine will clear this right up. Where do you keep it, I'll fetch it right away."

"There is no wine Honest."

"No wine! Have you been in need of money father?"

"My colt, I've been in need of your safe return."

"Father, what of the two hundred bits I left you three months ago, before my voyage?"

"You forgot to pay a small debt to our neighbor, Berry Punch. She came to me to ask for it, and told me that if I did not pay she would go to the office of Monsieur Sérieux to collect it. I did not wish to see your good name tarnished, today's events have affirmed that I made the right choice."

"But," Honest's voice painfully stammered, "I owed Berry one hundred forty bits. Do you mean to tell me that you have lived the past three months on only sixty bits?"

"Honest, you know I don't need much to get by--"

"Celestia forgive me! I have starved my own father!" Tears welled in the corners of Honest Heart's eyes as his head hung. With a gentle smile Affectueux lifted his sons head with his hoof.

"You need not worry, Honest. All is well now." A sheepish smile drew across the young stallion's face.

"I come with some money with me today," he said pulling a small sack of bits from his saddle bag, pouring its contents on a small table near the door, "take this, restock your shelves, send for a good meal, and for Celestia's  sake-- as well as your own-- buy some wine."

"Who's money is that Honest?"

"It's our's father. Spend it, I entreat you, spend it. We will have more in the morning, and good fortunes too." Young heart spoke jovially.

"If its of no object to you, I should spend it not all at once. I wouldn't want anyone to see me buying so much at once, they would think I'd required your return to buy the things I need."

"Of course Father, spend It as you see best fit."

"Honest Heart, have you returned to us already?" the Hearts, young and old, turned to face the approaching purple mare.

"Yes, it is as you see, and here to serve you in any way neighbor." His fair words did little to conceal his coldness towards Berry Punch.

"Thank you. I am in no need of service, often times it is others in need of my help." The young unicorn's jaw clenched lightly, and his head gave a slight move in response. Readily, Berry seeing his anger responded.

"Of course I don't mean you. I lent you some money and it was returned to me in a neighborly fashion. Now we are quits and our business is settled."

"We are never quits when our business is through," said honest, " when we cease to owe money we still owe our gratitude."

"Ah, but why speak of it? What is in the past has gone. No need to dig it back up. Besides, you have had a stroke of good luck. We should happily celebrate your good fortune. You are marked well in Monsieur  Sérieux's good books."

"Monsieur Sérieux has always been kind to me."

"Then you were wrong to refuse to dine with him."

"Refused to dine with him!" Honest's father interjected in shock, "You refused to dine with him?"

"Yes, You see, I was in a rush to see you as soon as possible father."

"And," Berry cut in, "I suppose your oh-so-kind Monsieur Sérieux  was not impressed by this. You know, a man aiming to be captain should not offend his employer. Perhaps you should go and butter him up a bit?"

"I should hope that the hard work of my hooves and my resolve would suffice."

"Celestial! Your old friends will be happy to hear this, and I know of somepony that won't be sorry to hear it."

"You mean Octavia?" asked the old stallion.

"Yes," replied Honest, "And now that I know you are well and have all you need, I must ask to take leave to visit Octavia. I have been very anxious to see her."

"Of course, go now my colt. May Celestia bless you with a wife befitting my son."

Honest Heart trotted merrily down the path to visit his lover. After a few minutes berry followed.

"Did he speak of hopes for captaincy?" Menteur spoke out from the corner at the base of the path where he awaited Berry.

"He spoke as If it had already been settled."

"I tell you the boy lacks all forms of patience! Besides, he isn't captain yet."

"But I do believe your employer has already offered him the position."

"And is he still taken by the young earth mare, Octavia?"

"Taken straight to the moon. He is headed to see her now, but he'll find nothing but trouble in that direction."

"Pray tell, why is that?"

"Every time she has come to town lately she has been accompanied by a handsome earth stallion."

"Do you think they're screwing behind Honest Heart's back?"

"That would be a stroke of irony with a name like that, and I see no other reason for such a handsome colt to be spending so much time with a young mare."

"Well then, lets go the same direction. We'll wait for events to come at the corner tavern over a glass of wine, I know you... appreciate your drink."

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