
This Kingdom of Mine

by splash626

Chapter 7: %Chapter 7: Princesses are born%

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%Chapter 7: Princesses are born%

“I don't care how we may try, we have to get to Canterlot!” the furious blue pegasus was going off.

     “But we can't get passed those rampaging changelings set out there.” Fluttershy stared outside from where the tree of harmony grew.

    The team of friends and married couple took shelter in the cave, after they passed the crystal empires shield they were blasted by the army of black creatures.  

    “I'll kick those armies flanks if I have too, all by myself!” Rainbow dash was going to set out but was quickly stopped by Cadences added advice.

    “Fluttershy's right, we can't get out there till they die down. We'll set out tonight, the sun should be under the mountains soon and after they begin to sleep then we could go.”

    Twilight was thinking the same thing as she was flying dreadfully slow, “The sun should be down by now? oh.... the sun should be down by now...” she couldn't bear the thought of it anymore, the image of it all, she had to find her friends and find them soon. She decided to head for sweet apple acres first, if Applejack made it, she should be there. The changelings were distracted by snacking on the fruit on the land, She then took the opportunity to knock on the barn door but, there was no answer. She squished her ear against the door listening for any noise that may indicate if anyone was in there, she then went in without permission. “Apple jack, are you in here?” she said with a whisper.

    “WOA NELLY! SET OUT ROUND ONE!” “Huh?!” suddenly an apple hit the lavender princess' mane.

    “Ouch! guys it's me!”

    “Copy still around, set out round TWO!” Big Macintosh kicked with his hind legs another apple as his sisters were hiding behind another room.

    She caught the apple in mid air with her magic, “IT'S ME!”

    The orange pony set behind the wall popped her head out, taking off her red helmet. “Twilight, is that really you?”

    “Yes it's me.” she then threw her arms around her real friend but was cut short.

    “Apple jack, we have get to the others fast!”

    “Understand that, Brother keep an eye over the family, we have some business to attend too.”

     He then gave out a deep “Yup.”

They began running across the field, the little black creatures were still distracted by their own snacking.

   “All righty Twilie where to next?”

   “Don't know any suggestions?”

   “Well, where did they head off too, before I got kidnapped?”

   “They set off to the Crystal empire but they could be anywhere by now, if the changelings got to there too, the shield would have protected them. If they started to head back to Canterlot they would have been overwhelmed by Chrysalises' army.”

    “Then lets set out to the train station then.”

    “We'll have to go around, through the Everfree forest.”

    “Everfree forest? Are you out of your mind?”

     “I know, I don't want to either but we have too, Ponyville has a swarm of those changelings.”

     “All right Twilight, let's do this!”

************************** *******************

As they were running through the Everfree forest they were next to the ravine where the tree of harmony grew, they saw a bright glow in the cave and also heard familiar voices.

     “Could that be them?” the winged alicorn looked down into the ravine.

     “No idea, let's check it out sugar cube.” Sure enough it was them, every pony was surprised.

“Oh good, we found you!” everybody followed the words by a big group hug. “Cadence! You came!”

    “Sure enough Twilight, we took shelter in this cave cause-” she was cut short by the pony she used to foal sit for.

    “I could see why, listen there is something I have to tell you guys. All of you really.”

    “Yes?” everyone said harmonically.

    She intended on telling them about the alicorn spell but, how could she tell them without setting off her emotions to what happened with her teacher, she didn't want to think about but, It came out anyway.

“Celestia..” she began to tear up and she rubbed the back of her neck, “Celestia and Luna are..” every pony began to turn white, “ are gone.. That is what I wasn't supposed to tell you until I had the chance too but, it was Chrysalises' fault!” It was very apparent she became angry, “She and her stupid army!” then her emotions twisted again, “but, it's kind of my fault too, I was too overcome by my emotions to even help Luna while I had the chance..” A very small tear rolled down her face and she began to weep, not many droplets swelled out cause she had already cried so much earlier. Every pony looked at each other and felt sympathy for her but also kind of questioned why she couldn't help Luna while she could, Shining armor then broke the Silence.

    “Twilie.” He put his arm around her as she sat there crying, “I'm sure you tried your best to do what you had to do, you lost your teacher who taught you a lot over the years and I'm very sorry for that but, You can't hold yourself responsible for somebody else's actions.

    She then smeared the water droplets on her face, “Thank you but it still hurts.”

    “I know Twilie.”

     She then turned to her friends to change the subject but still, she was emotional. “Celestia gave me a spell to make you guys alicorns. Now that this means I'll be ruling equestria, I may outlive you guys but, This also means that you may get your own kingdoms. 6 princesses can't rule one kingdom.”

    Shocked they looked amongst each other, “Why that would be extravagant! How wonderful it would be having a beautiful pair of wings!” Rarity watched her back side imagining what it would be like.

   “Why would you want us to become princesses?” Fluttershy said rubbing her arm.

   “Because now more than ever, I need you guys, your possible magic, your high speed wings.” She then looked down “Your company?”

   Apple jack came and put her arm around her, “Oh sugar cube, I don't have to become royalty to pass this new challenge, we've pushed through before. Though we may not be there for your whole life, at least y’all could make the most of what time we have now.”

    Twilight put her hoof on her friend's shoulder, “You don't understand, I need you!”

    Rarity then stepped up, “Darling, every one will pass some day. Some sooner than others, not that becoming an alicorn wouldn't be fabulous!”

    The purple pony recoiled at the word pass.

    “Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-”

    “It's OK Rarity, really. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.”  

The seamstress couldn't help but to feel bad to remind her friend of her pain.

    “You mean a lot to me, your my friends. Thank you so much for being here for me.”

    “Anything for you Twilight!” Pinkie pie started to jump up and down.

    “Well, I guess all I have to do now is.” She turned around to face the frozen bright star in the sky,

“Raise the Sun.”            

    Cadence stepped up with a smile, “I'll help you with that.”

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