
Equestria Girls: Trixie's Christmas Carol

by StarShineGirl

Chapter 3: Sonata Dusk, the Spirit of the Christmas Past

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Sonata Dusk, the Spirit of the Christmas Past

When Trixie's alarm clock struck midnight, an another glowing spiritual figure in a form of Sonata Dusk came to her. "Wake up, Trixie!" she said as she was shoving Trixie, "Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!" "Stop shoving me," mumbled Trixie as she was still sleeping, "I'm tired!" "C'mon!" said Sonata, "C'mon c'mon you gotta get up!" "Alright already!" Trixie said in her annoyed tone. As she woke up and stood up, she was kind of shocked to see Sonata's glowing effect. "I remember seeing you, but what's your name?" Trixie asked. "I'm the spirit of the Christmas past!" said Sonata. "So you don't have a name," said Trixie. "No no no!" said Sonata, "I'm really Sonata! My spiritual job name is the spirit of the Christmas past." "That explains a lot," said Trixie in her sarcastic tone. Sonata sighed and was annoyed. "Just let me take you to your past." Trixie said nothing and took Sonata's hand. At an instant, they were transported to Trixie's Christmas past. "This is your Christmas past," said Sonata. Trixie was sort of amazed by looking at her past memories. "Where am I?" she asked, "This seems familiar." "Don't you remember what this popular town was called?" asked Sonata impatiently. Trixie shook her head no but noticed something that she had done before with her childhood friends, but that wasn't convincing to her about how special Christmas is. Just then, she and Sonata went into the empty church and saw the empty manger on the empty stage. "Where did that come from?" asked Trixie as she was focusing at it. "I dunno," said Sonata, "Maybe it was from Bethlehem or something like that." Hearing that response, Trixie was still-shocked. "Wait what?" she said, "What did you say that the whatchamacallit was from?" "That whatchamacallit is called a manger," replied Sonata, "And I told you that it's from someplace called Bethlehem. Speaking of which, have you ever heard of the true miracle happen more than 2,000 years ago?" "Uh....I..um....I..." Trixie didn't know what to say. Sonata sighed and told her the whole nativity story. "And that's what happened," she concluded. Trixie was confused but still speechless. Sonata sighed and said, "Anyway, it's about time for you to see an another visitor." "I know," Trixie said finally.     Next Chapter: Adagio Dazzle, the Spirit of the Christmas Present Estimated time remaining: 2 Minutes

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