
Daring Do and the Catacombs of Causality

by Trick Question

Chapter 99: Magic Win (second)

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Magic Win (second)

The Room of Doors

You find yourself right back where you started. The sigil in front of you stops glowing.

"Well, here goes everything," you say.

Recalling the recipe from memory, you carefully pantomime picking up all of the ingredients and placing them on an invisible table in front of you. Then you grind and mix them in the proper order, and finally pour the result into an invisible glass.

"Bottom's up?" you say, then tilt the imaginary glass toward your lips, feeling a little like an idiot. (Okay, a lot like an idiot.)

But then, you can taste something! Is it cotton candy? You can't feel the liquid, but you can definitely taste it: now it's raspberry, and after that, fresh cut grass... The flavors keep changing until you finish the glass.

Suddenly, your wing no longer hurts. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. Is it even possible?

You reach back and start to unwrap it, but you wince. It still hurts when you touch it, and you're certain it's still broken. But it seems to have mended enough that the constant pain has left you.

You breathe a huge sigh of relief. It's a step in the right direction, and you think you know where to go next.

Awesome. Next Chapter: Kindness Win Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes

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