
Daring Do and the Catacombs of Causality

by Trick Question

Chapter 140: Ravenhoof: why you here

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Ravenhoof: why you here

Temporal Magic

"Wait, Professor Ravenhoof? What are you doing here?" you ask. "You're a part of this hallucination?"

"I wouldn't say hallucinate, exactly. You're re-experiencing memories in a highly structured manner," he explains.

"Memories... I don't remember any of this, though. I remember doing research at the Royal Canterlot Library, but I can't remember meeting you here before," you say.

"Ah. Well, there could be two reasons for that," says the Professor, adjusting his wire-rimmed glasses. "The first reason is that I might not actually have met with you in the Royal Canterlot Library. The second reason is that you might not have access to that particular memory while the simulation is running."

Return North to the hallway.

Ask about the first reason.

Ask about the second reason.

Ask him about where you are.

Ask him about the books he's looking over. Next Chapter: Ravenhoof: where is this place Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes

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