
Daring Do and the Catacombs of Causality

by Trick Question

Chapter 137: Guard (this is now ridiculous)

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Guard (this is now ridiculous)

Guarded Entrance

"I could make it worth your whiiii-llle," you say in a sing-songy voice with a gentle motion of your hoof, then immediately you freeze.

What in the actual buck am I doing?!

Oh dear. You really did not think this through in advance.

The guard blushes and looks taken aback. "Look, miss, I think you have the w-wrong idea," he stammers, interposing the spear between the two of you. "Are you trying to...?"

Your eyes widen. "No! Oh, no, Celestia no," you say, blushing and looking awkwardly at the wall. "I, I, um... I actually have no idea what I'm doing right now."

"Okay, that's uh... weird," says the guard, who then clears his throat.

"Let's just forget this happened okay?" you quickly blurt out.

"Sounds good. Yes. Let's do that," he says.

"But, just to check—"

"You still can't go in," says the guard.

You sigh. What could have possibly possessed you to... well, the good thing about being a writer is you can edit. You'll leave this part out of the book. You don't really write romance novels, because you don't have any romance in your life. Although, if this part were in the book, it wouldn't count as romance. This would definitely fall under comedy.

Sometimes you do write comedy, because on occasion you are an idiotic foal when forced to interact with other ponies. More commonly, however, the comedy involves bad guys falling into a pile of manure, like Slingshot did in Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds.

Heh. Manure.

End this humiliation and do something else. Next Chapter: probe darkness Estimated time remaining: 10 Minutes

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