
Persephone's Story

by Jasmine_TheCreator

Chapter 1: Seph

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“SEPH!” screamed Discord at the bottom of the stairs. He was furious and for a good reason, at least he thought so. Seph just rolled her eyes and stayed in her room writing her latest ideas down.

“Hmm” she thought out load “Fifteen? I can do better.” She wrote down five more “Better” she said then snapped her fingers and the notebook disappeared to Celestia knows where.

“SEPH! I WILL NOT SAY THIS AGAIN, GET DOWN HERE!” Discord yelled, while Seph just groaned. She opened her door and flew down to where her dad was waiting. “What did you do?!” he asked glaring at her.

“Why, I have no idea what your talking about. Father mine.” she said using her indifferent tone that drove him mad.

“You know perfectly well!” he said and grew about a foot taller.

Seph acknowledged this “Dad your growing again.” she said as a nail file appeared in her eagle claw and she began to sharpen her panther paw.

He shrunk back to his normal size and sighed, “Can you just explain why I can’t find your brother anywhere?” he said in a calmed, but not relaxed, tone.

“Roof” she said with indifference

“WHAT!” then he snapped his tail and Apollo appeared in between them.

“Why didn’t you just do that in the first place?” asked Seph as she instantly tensed. She was not fond of her satyr/pegasus brother.

“You know that’s not how it works. If I don’t know where he is, I can’t use my magic on him.” the chaos spirit said relaxed now. He picked up Apollo and said to Seph, “You may go”

She bowed, while sneering, and flashed back up to her room. “Stupid Apo,” she said using his nickname “it was just a joke. He can fly, so he wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” she jumped on her bed during her sentence. She picked her head up and stared into her full size mirror, then she got up and walked over to it. She hated what she looked like, yet it mesmerized her. A right reptilian leg, a left wolf leg, a right black panther arm, and a left eagle claw. She also had a wolf tail and ears, but her face. Her muzzle was so small and her eyes were just a bit bigger than her fist. Her teal eyes, the ones her dad always say are beautiful, but seem to stand out the most. She was not the same as her father or mother, yet you take one look at her and you knew instantly she was their child. Except for the fact she wore clothes, almost all the time. She had no fur to cover her torso and wearing a shirt without pants just felt unnatural, so there she was wearing her baggy black t-shirt and jean shorts. Then there was her name, Persephone, the flower goddess. “Flowers, man. My dad gets Chaos, my mom gets revenge, and my brother gets sunlight. But I get freaking flowers.” she said out loud. Her parents named her that because when she was born enough flowers to fill Canterlot gardens burst through the floor. She growled and punched her mirror, but the spell she put on it stopped her paw mid-punch. She growled louder and the sunflowers by her window turned to look at her, instead of the sun as if to say ’What’s wrong?’

While she was having her fit, Discord and Apollo were on the ground floor seeing who could fly the highest. Discord won, as always. Apollo’s wings were big, but not fully grown, so he could only lift a couple feet and hover. Then there was a knock on the door and Discord zoomed over to open it, “Ah my dear” he said after making sure it was actually Eris this time. Eris smiled and pecked Discord on the lips, which caused him to float for a few seconds and get a giggle out of Eris.

“Where is Seph?” she asked looking around the room. Then everyone froze, except for Apollo who kept flying but not moving anywhere, when they heard a blood-curling growl come from Seph’s room. “Oh” the girl draconequus said in a soft voice. “I’ll go check on her” she said before Discord could react.

A few moments later Eris was knocking on Seph’s door, which opened a crack. “Yes?” came a voice that was cracked and choked up.

“Honey you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Can I com-”

“NO!” came a voice filled with hatred and anger before Eris could finish her sentence. “I mean, uh, no I’m fine” she said again, this time softer.

“Okay, but remember you can always talk to me.” she said before closing the door and walking away.

Once the door was closed Seph went back to her crying. A soft crying, but filled with all her sadness and hatred of everything. “I need to get out of here” she said grabbing her backpack and going out her always opened window, she didn’t have to worry about bugs they stayed away from her. She began flying towards the Everfree, the only place she felt welcomed, still crying a bit. Every tear that hit the earth resulted in a small blooming Poison Joke flower. Next Chapter: Why does nopony care? Estimated time remaining: 4 Minutes

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