

by FreeGallop


  • Flying Alone
  • Unexpected Greeting
  • Flying Alone

    The sunset peered over the horizon, reflecting beautiful shades of orange and yellow onto Cloudsdale.

    I sat alone on a small cloud, watching as the sun disappeared and swallowed the sky into darkness, leaving small stars and the moon to allow small light into the earth.

    The soft and shallow light reflected on my shiny blue coat. I stood and took a quick glance around me.

    It is a Monday night. The only day of the week I am free from anything. I dove off of my small cloud and flew with small beats of my wings around, weaving between clouds. For once in months I can actually feel free. I looked over to my wings, my feathers blowing and catching the wind, allowing me to glide. I laughed as I dove, descending rapidly to the ground and pulling up at the last second. My hoof less than a yard from the soft grass in the fields. I flew as fast as I could as I wove through trees and watching out for creatures that may be roaming the fields tonight. In the distance, I heard a howl of Timberwolves. But I have no worry about them, because I was flying very fast.

    I was in a daze at the beautiful yet empty meadows as I crashed into somepony. Both of us yelped and fell to the ground only a foot down. I looked at the pony, making sure they weren't hurt. I gasped, it was Commander Spitfire, leader of the Wonderbolts.

    "I-I am so sorry Spitfire!" I gasped as I helped her up.

    I was a huge fan if her and also the rest of the Wonderbolts.

    She only smiled and said, "Oh, it's perfectly fine! What's your name, I've never heard of a pony who flies this low in these fields."

    I thought, she wants to know my name?!?! Am I dreaming!?!?

    "Oh, it's PaintHoof." I said, trying to lower my gaze.

    "PaintHoof, I've never heard of a PaintHoof." She said.

    I looked up into her eyes.

    "Yeah, I-I'm not that popular around Cloudsdale..." I sighed.

    She seemed surprised too see me.

    "Do you have any friends?" She asked.

    "Well, umm, only one... Her names Midnight Shine. You may not know her, she has a cream colored coat, with long lime green hair with some black streaks down her mane. She's also a unicorn, just in case you wanted to know." I said.

    "I see," she said, "You may be surprised to hear this but I haven't seen anypony fly that fast in a long time. Maybe, this weekend you want to try out for the Wonderbolts?"

    I jumped, she wanted ME to try out?!

    "Y-you want ME to try out?!" I gasped.

    "Well yes," she said, "You look suitable... want to fly? I want to see and test your skills."

    I nodded as we shot up into the sky.


    I knocked on the oak wood door. I waited for her to answer, thinking about last night. I heard a click as the door swung open, and there stood Midnight Shine. She smiled and invited me in. We both sat on the couch and I explained what happened last night.

    "She wants YOU, and you only to try out for the Wonderbolts?!" She said.

    I then explained that I may need to practice andI need her to help me.

    How you ask? She is very smart and knows a spell that allows her to fly using bat wings.

    I liked her personality, allways on her Computer, commonly "fangirling" but yet spends time with her friend.

    At least she is very popular down in Ponyville.

    I, at least, spend most of my free time down here. Only a beat of a wing away.

    Author's Note:

    I know, I'm not that good at writing fanfics, nor grammar. But I want to give thanks to

    Shining Night (My Boyfriend) and Midnight Shine(My BFF) for always showing me that my life is not yet useless. I want to thank you two! Even in the darkest times, they are there for me!

    I love you both!! :3

    (I will do requested drawings of ocs and stories. Just request them in the comments!!!!)

    Unexpected Greeting

    The rain picked up. The rain soaked my mane. The wind howled in my ears. Dim light peeked through the clouds. I had always loved the rain. Well yeah, it was dark, it always was beautiful. I had just left Midnight Shine for the night, I will for sure see her in the morning.

    This was my moment to escape.

    I landed at the edge of the Everfree Forest. The trees loomed over me. I had always hated being alone in these woods. But not today.

    My bluejay, Ollie, perched on my back. Letting loose a beautiful series of chirping and whistling. I joined in too, whistling to the small bird song. Not wanting to fly, I trotted into the forest.

    It was somewhat dark. But also full of adventure. Always on high alert for predators. Especially Timberwolves.

    I found a small clearing with a small creek running through it. Although it was still raining, it died down to a small sprinkle. I sat below a large Oak tree and reached into my saddlebag. I laid out a small blanket and set out a small lunch. I brought some bread for Ollie.

    I bit into my apple, straight from Sweet Apple Acres. Man, I love that place, all of the animals there. Especially I love seeing that little AppleBloom, still on that quest for her Cutie Mark. Along with too others, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, if you put all three together, they are up the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The rain died down completely. Leaving small clouds to depart. Leaving a large rainbow to stretch across the sky.

    I was kind of sad too see the rain go, but the sun was still good too.

    I could hear the soothing sound of the creek running nearby. I was packing up when I heard a twig snap.

    I jumped. My ears pricked up in high alert. I slowly stood ad I called out, "Hello? Anyone there?"

    No answer. I backed to the center of the clearing. Glancing all around me. I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

    A bat wing. Stretched above the bush. Whoever was hiding, didn't do a good job. "Come out!!" I yelled, "Slowly!"

    A pony stalked out of the shadows. Looking at me nervously. I noticed it was a unicorn, but it had wings.. Bat wings..

    It HAD to be an alicorn... "Who are you? I don't want any trouble!" I said.

    "It's Shining Night!" He stammered, "Please, take it easy."

    I took a step forward. "Fly with me, this place makes me edgy, don't think of anything stupid..." I said.

    "Trust me, I won't..." He said

    I landed on a cloud. He landed on a larger, darker cloud across from me.

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