
Because I Ran Away

by No more account

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Everyone hates mondays

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Chapter 2: Everyone hates mondays

"Wake up Pinkie!!!!" Trent yelled.

"WHOLLY CRAP!!!" I yelled then kicked him. "YOU SCARED ME!!!!!"

"Dang Pinkie, you kick hard." Trent said while falling to the ground.

"Sorry, Trent..." I said.

"I'm gonna need a nurse." He said.

I picked up my phone and dialed the hospital.

"Chrystal City Hospital How may I help you?" Nurse Anna Redheart asked.

"Oh Hi Anna." I said.

"Did Trent jump-scare you again?" She asked.

"Yep!" I said.

"This happens every Monday..." She said. "Don't worry, I'll pick him up."

"Thanks. Oh, how are the twins doing?" I asked.

"Oh, Their doing fine." She said. "Thanks for asking."

"Your Welcome! Bye." I said.

"Bye, Sweetie!" She said kindly.

I hung up the phone, "Come on Trent," I said then helped him up.

"I hate Mondays..." Trent complained as I took him to the living room.

"I do to." I said.

"With Cheese gone, who's going to take you to school?" Trent asked.

"Hmm... I have three friends at my school with a car..." I said. Octavia Melody? No she's already at school probably, Lyra Heartstrings? No She lives too far from here, Lexi Vinyl Scratch? YES!!!!! "I'll call my friend Lexi?!"

I dialed her number on my phone, "Hey Vinyl," I said.

"Sup Pinkie?" Vinyl asked.

"Can you take me to school?" I asked.

"Oh, is Cheese working again?" She asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Did you kick Trent again?" She questioned.

"Yes." I answered.

"Well, I'll take you to school, Pinkie. Just meet me in the car garage of the apartment building at 6:51." She confirmed.

"Okay." I said. "See you there." I hung up the phone, then ran to my closet. I dug through my closet for my uniform and grabbed my Button-up white long sleeved shirt, my blue sleeveless sweater, my pink tie, and a black skirt then ran to my bathroom. I changed quickly then spayed some perfume and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in two ponytails and walked to the kitchen to make Trent some food.

I got out some bread and put it in the toaster. I got out the instant oatmeal and poured it into a bowl. I filled the bowl up with water and put it in the microwave. The toast was done and I put it on a plate and spread honey on it. I got out the orange juice and made a glass of it. The oatmeal was done so I took it out of the microwave and put honey and cinnamon in it. "Trent, Come get breakfast!" I yelled.

Trent limped into the kitchen, "What is it?" He asked.

"Honey toast, Cinnamon and honey oatmeal, and orange juice." I answered.

"YAY!" He yelled then sat down. He ate all of it in one minute flat. "Thanks."

My eyes widened, "Your welcome, I made it because I felt bad."

"What about you? You need food too." Trent said.

"Vinyl buys us breakfast burritos." I said.

"Cool." He said.

"Well I gotta get to school." I said. "Bye." I grabbed my bag then walked out.

I met up with Vinyl at the right time. "Hey Pinkie!" She greeted.

"Hi Vinyl, How's it going?" I asked.

"I'm fine, you?" Vinyl replied.

"I'm awesome, I can't wait until the wedding!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm the DJ there." She said.

"Awesome!!!!" I said excitedly, and got in the car.

Vinyl started the car and cranked up the music. "BOOM CLAP THE SOUND OF MY HEART." Vinyl changed the station to BOOM 807.5, which was my favorite station and started driving. The school wasn't to far from my place, only a couple of blocks away.

"Oh, I got donuts." She said.

"Awesome. " I said.

She handed me one and I ate it up. "Thanks!" I yelled.

"Your welcome." She said. "We have a huge P.E. Test today."

"Ugh. Really?" I said.

"Yup." She answered, "I bet Jorden "Thunder" Lane will ace it."

"Yup, He's a scholar athlete, the captain of every team, and the fastest runner." I said.

"Maybe, You, Me, and Tavi can kick his butt in the P.E. exam, and show him we are good athletes too." Vinyl said.

"Great idea!" I agreed. "So who is all in our group for the exam?"

She handed me the list. It said:



1.Jorden C. Lane

2.Coroline A. Cloudkicker

3.Madison R. Flitter

4.Lyra G. Heartstrings

5.Selina B. Drops

6.Rose A. Luck

7.Pinkamena D. Pie

8.Lexi V. Scratch

9.Octavia L. Melody"

"Ugh. So we're stuck with Jorden, Caroline, And Madison." I complained.

"Not only that, There is more." She said.

I also read:


Group A boxing/kickboxing details:

Pinkamena Pie vs. Caroline Cloudkicker, Winner vs. Madison Flitter or Lexi Scratch

Lexi Scratch vs. Madison Flitter, Winner vs. Lyra Heartstrings or Rose Luck

Octavia Melody vs. Rose Luck, Winner vs. Selina B. Drops


Octavia Melody vs. Lyra Heartstrings

Madison Flitter vs. Caroline Cloudkicker

Pinkamena Pie vs. Jorden Lane"

I gasped. "No no no no no!" I yelled.

"Calm down Pinkamena." Vinyl said. "Plus, we're here." She opened the door and got out.

I got out of the car trying to hide my tears.

"You okay, Pinkie?" Vinyl asked.

"Oh, I-I'm fine." I said. "Don't worry about me." I smiled a fake smile.

"You sure? Your hair is flat." She said.

"Don't worry." I said. "I'm fine, Lets go see Tavi."

We walked to the cafeteria, Octavia was waiting at our table with her cello and book bag. Her black sweater was buttoned up and she had her black hair braided. We walked up to her. "Hello Pinkie, Hello Vinyl." She Greeted

"Hiya!" Vinyl said.

"Hi..." I whispered.

"What's wrong?" Tavi asked.

I handed her the paper and said, "This..."

She read it and her eyes widened, "Your fighting Jorden?" Octavia worried.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Well, Well, Well, Is it 'The three nerds'" A voice from behind us said, It was Jorden. Everyone fell silent. "Pinkamena, Lexi, And Octavia... A.K.A Pinkie, Tavi, and Vinyl. Pinkamena Diane Pie, The one who hangs out at the bakery because she is lonely."

Caroline walked up, she twirled her white and blue hair and stared straight at me. I backed up, "I-I don't want any trouble Caroline..." I whispered.

Caroline giggled, "I don't care." She walked up closer to me.

"WOAH BACK OFF!!!" Vinyl yelled then held her back.

"Did you just touch me?" Caroline asked. "She just touched me..."

"Hand's off of my girlfriend idiot." Jorden said then pushed Vinyl down.

Everyone gasped. "You did not just push her!" Tavi yelled. I helped Vinyl up. "She's not an idiot."

"She gets C's in every class." Jorden said.

"She's not an idiot..." I whispered.

"Looks like Pinkamena is to weak to talk." Jorden said.

"Okay everyone!" Principle Blueblood exclaimed. "Sit down." We all sat down. "As we all know this is the final week of school, and we have some exams. So without further ado the P.E exam participants today: Jorden Lane, Caroline Cloudkicker, Madison Flitter, Lyra  Heartstrings, Selina Drops, Rose Luck, Pinkamena Pie,  Lexi Scratch, and Octavia Melody. The students I called go to the locker rooms to get changed."

Vinyl, Tavi, and I made our way to the locker room. I changed into a pink tank top and some black short shorts, Vinyl wore a white tank top and some navy blue basketball shorts, and Tavi wore a grey T-shirt and some grey shorts. We went into the gym and sat on the bleachers, the others did the same.

Coach Spitfire walked up, "Okay ladies!" She yelled, "Today is your exam the first thing you need to do is pair up into teams of three,"

"Tavi, Vinyl, lets team up." I said.

"The first exam is basketball, You guys are going to try to make a basket in the other teams goal, The first two teams are playing are, Team Pinkamena and Team Jorden."  We all walked up to the court. Me, Vinyl, and Tavi were on the other side of Jorden, Caroline, and Madison.   "Three, two, one. GO!"

Jorden got his hands on the ball and I chased after him, he was halfway to the goal when I knocked him down and dribbled the ball to the other side while avoiding Caroline and Madison and made a basket. I laughed, "That was easy."

"Next team up is Team Lyra!" Coach Spitfire yelled.

"Coach S! That was unfair!!! Did you see what she did?" Jorden Complained.

"Yeah, It's called life." She said.

"Now is the kick boxing tournament, the first people I'd like to see on the mat are, Pinkamena and Caroline." Spitfire said. We walked to the mat, "The goal here is to Knock them onto the floor."

"Your going down." Caroline whispered.

"Three, Two, One, GO!" Spitfire yelled.

Caroline tried to kick me in the face and missed, I punched her in the stomach sending her back a few feet. She was enraged,  She ran after me but, I punched her in the face to stop her. She kicked my shoulder. Before I knew it I was kicked to the ground. "And the winner is, Caroline." Spitfire yelled.

"Next up is Lexi and Madison." Spitfire said. I didn't worry much. I knew Madison was the least the scholar athletes had to offer.

"Get ready to die." Caroline whispered.

"Ready, Set, GO!" Spitfire yelled. Vinyl kicked Madison in the leg, then Madison grabbed Vinyl and repeatedly punched her in the face.

"I GIVE UP!!!! I GIVE UP!!!!" Vinyl yelled.

."STOP!" Spitfire yelled. "Stop the match!" Vinyl ran off of the mat then hugged me and Tavi. The next round was Madison

Vs. Caroline and I didn't pay any attention but Caroline won.

Next was me vs. Jorden, my stomach was churning. "Okay, Pinkamena and Thunder get up there."

"Your life is done." He whispered.

"Ready set go!" Spitfire yelled.  Jorden punched me in the shoulder and I kicked him in the stomach which propelled him back 5 feet.  He charged at me and punched me in the throat, I couldn't breathe I fell back gasping for air. The last things I heard were Vinyl and Tavi's voice and Jorden's laugh.

I woke up with a breathing machine on my mouth, I took it off.  "How long was I out?" I asked.

"A couple of hours." Nurse Redheart said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The nurses office." She said. "Girls she's here!"

Vinyl and Tavi ran in wearing their uniforms, "You okay?' Tavi asked.

"Need anything?" Vinyl asked.

"I'm fine and Vinyl, can you get me some apple juice and a burger with fries?" I asked.

"Sure thing, Be right back." She replied.

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