
Changelings: Gotta Love 'em All

by Ausbrony

Chapter 6: Chapter Five

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“And so, that’s pretty much everything,” Adrien finished explaining everything that had happened so far. His first meeting with the changelings, his disastrous second encounter and subsequent befriending.

“So to sum it up, they’re entirely new here and could really do with someone helping them understand this world,” Darell said as he occasionally pulled out a candy and called out its flavor to the crowd. “So, why not get a Professor in here? Heck, Professor Oak isn’t even that far away…”

“I’d… rather not, at least not yet,” Adrien said. “Yeah, I know that the Prof wouldn’t hurt them or anything. He’s a little kooky sometimes but,” the boy sighed and looked at a far chamber. “How do you picture a meeting between him and Queen Chrysalis going?”

Darell eyed Scribe before replying. “Something like ours,” he said. “But in reverse.”

Adrien nodded. “Yeah, and how do you suppose the gracious Queen would react to the Prof’s… personality.”

“You mean that ancient-looking human from before?” Sync interrupted. “My mother is powerful and wise. More so that what any of you feeble… humans could be.”

“No, we’re just saying that they both have rather confrontational personalities,” Adrien amended. Milly crawled into his lap and purred when he scratched her behind the ears.

It was also around then that the Zubat woke up and got a look at where they were and what they were surrounded by. He looked worried, so Darell pulled the little bat into his lap.

“Don’t worry buddy. They’re pretty harmless.” He shot a look to Scribe and frowned slightly. “Most of them anyway.”

Adrien opened one of his Pokeballs as Ventus popped out, and almost right away, he and Sync were glaring at one another. Adrien sighed, this was going to be a regular thing wasn’t it?

“Oh, look who finally crawled out of his hideyball,” she taunted.

“You wanna go!?” he yelled. “Come on then ya buggy git! I’ll kick your butt all over again!”

Then one Linoone was under assault from the other eagerly greeting him. “Ventus!” Chris exclaimed. “Hi!”

“Oh bloody hell,” Ventus groaned and turned around. “Hello Christopher.” That greeting had come out dryer than the Unovan desert, but the ever-cheerful Chris didn’t seem to notice.

“So I thought I saw you back in the lab, but you didn’t say hi at all!” Chris said. “It wasn’t you, was it? You usually say hi back to me.” Ventus was his very bestest buddy. They’d battled a bunch but he’d never been able to beat the older Linoone. Didn’t help that he knew how to use Rock Smash and Water Pulse.

The female changeling near them chittered. “No, that was me,” Sync snapped before smirking slightly. “Still, good to know that I’ve still got it.”

“That’s so cool!” Chris exclaimed as he turned his attentions to Sync. “What, you can disguise yourself as other Pokemon?” He moved into her personal space as she bared her fangs and snapped at his nose when he got too close, the Linoone yelping and stepping back.

“Better,” she mused. “And yes, any Changeling can transform into whatever we want.”

“Yeah, I can’t see that being abused at all,” Ventus sarcastically said.

“It’s how we survived!” Sync snapped at him. “Without that ability, how could we harvest love from the ponies.” She stood before him in her chitinous glory. “What pony would ever love this hmm?”

“Ponies? Love?” Adrien turned his attention back to the group. What was she talking about?

“I dunno about ponies,” Darell shrugged, having heard the anger in Sync’s tone, “But here you’re just another mystery, just the latest species for us to try and understand. From what Adrien’s been telling me, you already seem to be adapting to this world, or vice-versa. I’m pretty sure you’ll attract a few new looks for a little while before you’re accepted as the newest Pokemon.”

“Tch!” Sync turned away and walked off, not even some taunts from Ventus could bring her back.

“Well, that was fun,” Adrien said. “You really tell it like it is huh? Is that some grown up thing I’m missing out on?”

“Honesty’s the best policy in making friends,” Darell said, before flicking his Pokeblock case and whistling. “Oh boy. Last one! It’s sweet, you’d better tell me quick! Chris loves these ones!”

That was when something black and possibly ballistic cannonballed into his gut, big blue eyes staring up at him.

“Eating that candy would make Milly most happy.”

Though all Darell heard was some excited chittering.

“Aren’t you already Adrien’s friend?” he asked the little ‘ling in his lap. “And didn’t you already get one?”

“Nooo?” she blinked slowly.

“Yeeees,” Adrien replied.

“Caaaaandy~” Milly pouted as Adrien pulled her away, her hooves waving as her bright blue eyes shot a pleading expression at Darell

“...I can’t say no to that face,” Darell sighed. “I’m trying and I can’t say no.” With a toss of his hand, the final candy went flying towards her.

Milly trilled happily and opened her mouth… right before it was snagged out of midair by Chris, who nommed the treat happily.

“Chris!” Darell berated him. “Just for that, I’m cutting your dessert tonight.”

That was when he was tossed across the room by a loud, angry buzz.

One that came from Milly.

“You. Ate. My. CANDY!!” she roared… well, more like squeaked. It was cute on how mad she was.

“I take it that they like the candy?” Darell asked of the cave at large as he watched Chris land and roll for a little bit. “I guess they can use Bug Buzz as well?”

“I wanted that candy,” Milly sniffled and Adrien rubbed her head while shaking his own.

“...ow,” Chris said from his landing spot.

“Oh Arceus, that was bleedin beautiful,” Ventus howled with laughter. “You alright mate?”

“I’ll live,” Chris said as he rolled to his feet. “Totally worth it.”

“Your Linoone is… interesting,” Adrien said flatly. “Though, I suppose I can’t complain.”

“That’s cold,” Ventus said. “Like, I need an Ice Heal for that one.”

Adrien rolled his eyes and looked down at Milly, wondering when Chrysalis and Sync would return. Then a thought occured. “Oh hey, you wanna meet more of my Pokémon?”

“You have more with you!?” Scribe exclaimed happily. “Send them out. I must study them posthaste.”

“Scratch what I said before,” Adrien said as he unclipped one of his Pokéballs. “Imagine if Scribe meets the Professor?”

“The only thing that’s coming to mind is a Pokemon running a Pokelab,” Darell said with a shake of his head. “Whether it’d be Oak’s or one he convinced someone to build for him, I don’t know.”

“A lab? I could use one of those,” Scribe sighed happily as Adrien pressed the button on his Quick Ball.

This friend was one he caught during a recent vacation to Unova. “Come on out Fulgar!”

Light bust from the ball and took shape before dispersing, revealing the Blitzle.

“You rang?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and the cavern suddenly fell deathly silent.

“No. Sudden. Moves,” Darell hissed. “I don’t think they like you.”

The a single changeling screamed. “PONY!!”

There was a flurry of activity as the bugs bolted from the room en masse, only Milly was left behind as she dived back inside Adriens bag.

Soon the cavern was empty as Fulgar looked around, then to his Trainer. “Well, that was interesting.”

“You’re telling me,” Adrien replied, surprised by the changelings’ reaction to the Blitzle, as well as surprising the Blitzle with the fact that he could understand him.

“I think you just looked like something they have bad memories of—” Darell added.

“Well, that’s hardly my fault,” Fulgar said.

“—And after I spent so much time buttering them up as well,” Darell sighed.

“I-I-Is the pony… gonna eat us?” Milly said, her head popping out of Adriens bag.

“He’s not a ‘pony’,” Adrien explained to her. “His name is Fulgar and his species is called Blitzle. An Electric-type Pokémon.”

Fulgar’s body sparked with lightning to help get the point across.

“He's gonna cook us with lightning!!” One changeling screamed as they retreated further into the cave.

Adrien groaned and facepalmed.

“Fulgar, right?” Darell asked the Blitzle, who gave a confirming nod in return.

“Oh yeah, you haven't met some of my new guys huh?” Adrien rubbed his Blitzle on the head. “We met in Unova what… two months ago?”

“Something like that,” Fulgar nodded.

Then something strode out from another chamber. A very pissed of Chrysalis.

“What is going on out here!?” she yelled, both physically and psychically.

“Ah!” Darell said as he held a hand to his head. “Chill! Please! Adrien just brought out Fulgar there, and all your little friends panicked because he apparently looks like a pony.”

Chrysalis looked at the Blitzle and scoffed. While he bore some minor resemblances to the equine race they knew oh so well, it was clear this creature was not one of them. It possessed no magic, it’s emotions felt more… muted. Ponies projected theirs abundantly well. “My children are idiots. It looks more zebra than pony anyway.” She muttered and looked at the caves they were hiding in. “Get out here. You honestly think that weakling is a match for all of you?”

“I feel as though I should take offense to that,” Fulgar muttered. He wasn’t expecting this in the slightest, but she had a point, he looked extremely outnumbered.

“Imagine their reaction to a Ponyta,” He heard Darell joke to Adrien. Fulgar imagined their reactions if they ever met Keldeo.

“Oh! Now I recognise that thing,” Scribe said. “It was in the Pokédex, a… Blitzle?”

Fulgar just rolled his eyes at being called a thing. He’d mention pots and kettles, but they were already black, so he simply nodded. Scribe looked incredibly pleased with himself for having got that right.

Chrysalis was annoyed by the interruption, but decided to press forward. “Now,” Chrysalis looked at Darell, “I have excellent news for you. Your offering was delicious, so I shall graciously allow you to live. Now thank your Queen.”

“Thank you, your majesty,” he said with no small amount of sarcasm. “Truly, yours is the wisdom that outshines the stars. How can this wretch be of better service to you, O’ mighty queen?”

Apparently she either ignored him or she just didn't get sarcasm. “See, now was that so difficult? There is hope for your kind yet.” She turned to the changeling horde and scanned the crowd. “Rush? Where are you?”

“Right here your Highness!” The sugar-crazed drone from before stepped forward.

“Good. Now you shall go with this human.” Chrysalis pointed a hoof at Darell. “I have a most wonderful scheme… er, plan. Yes. Plan. And these humans will serve our Hive for the foreseeable future.”

“Just as long as ‘serving the Hive’ doesn’t interfere with my home life. Like my cooking,” Darell stipulated.

“Aw, that's cute,” Sync said with a grin. “He thinks he has a choice.”

“Interfering in my cooking would mean less treats for everyone,” Darell said simply to the interruption and wicked grin.

“Queen Chrysalis?” Adrien piped up. “What exactly is you plan?”

“A sensible question,” Chrysalis nodded and looked at Milly. “Now, it has come to my understanding that you snared one of my changelings in your capture stones. Is that correct?”

“Yes…?” Adrien sounded hesitant.

“And you human Darell? Have you captured one as well?”

“Not me, no,” Darell said with a shake of his head. “Mostly I’ve been feeding them the candy you didn’t take. And talking and trying to understand this whole situation. I did come with some, but I wouldn’t just capture anyone. I’d rather if the one that came with me wanted to.”

“Yup,” Vlad agreed from Darell’s head. “Though you kinda took me because I was the only one around.”

“You attached yourself to my face and wouldn’t leave me alone,” Darell deadpanned to the chittering Zubat on his head.

“Worth it,” the Zubat said with a shrug.

“I see,” Chrysalis nodded.

“Mother… er, Your Majesty?” Sync asked her. “What exactly are you doing?”

“It is simple,” Chrysalis nodded. “These humans will be our agents out in the field. They will take one of our brood and do… whatever it is they do. As a trade, we will get valuable information about this world and how it works.”

“What, are you all connected no matter how far apart you are?” Darell asked only semi-mockingly. Admittedly, that would be kinda cool.

“In a sense,” Chrysalis nodded. “I know where all my changelings are at any given time. And should I focus, I can even feel their emotional state and well-being.”

“Cool,” Adrien whistled, writing that down. “But, I’m guessing that there’s more to this.”

“Correct,” Chrysalis nodded. “We still need to learn how to harness these new abilities of ours, so we shall have you teach us. If…” It looked like this was taking her some effort. “We would be grateful if you would help us…”

“First things first,” Darell said, before looking at the drone that had been running around the room. “Rush, right? Do you actually want to come with me? Not just because your queen told you to. I’ll not have any partners that don’t want to be with me.”

Rush looked and put on one of the most adorable puppy-faces he could muster as he nudged the Pokéblock container.

“I make it on a regular basis,” the human smiled. “And I treat all my partners with affection and care.”

The drone grinned widely and pumped a hoof in the air.

I thank the gods that the ponies didn’t try distracting my army with candy, Chrysalis sighed and shook her head. Her changelings should not be this easy to sway. Was this a result of the changes? Or were they just idiots…?

“My Queen, are you sure that this is the correct course of action?” Sync asked. “At the very least, send someling with more skill…”

I need all the skilled ones I have here to defend our Hive, Chrysalis retorted. She noted that a good portion of her changelings had also restored some love energy, perhaps thanks to that candy? We need to take a risk here Sync. Do not worry, I’ll not repeat the mistakes of the past.

“I didn’t suggest you would,” her daughter replied. “I just… I have a bad feeling about this world is all.”

I doubt a true paradise exist's anywhere, Chrysalis sighed. Your concerns are noted, and if this fails, you have permission to rub it in. But for now… She looked down at the two humans and licked her lips. I believe they have some cooking to do.

“If I might suggest something?” Darell said, even going so far as to raise his hand. Chrysalis nodded at him, allowing him to say his piece.

“I have a home with an internet connection,” he said. “My mom’s a Ranger and out on a mission, and dad’s hard at work on some research project for the next few days. So long as, say, Scribe was quiet when my dad came back, he could use the computer to ask all the questions he might think were relevant today.”

I… have no idea what any of that means, Chrysalis blinked in confusion. What the holes was an ‘internet’?

Scribe on the other hoof. “I think I like the sound of that,” he nodded, drooling at the thought of all that knowledge. And when Adrien pulled out the book he’d brought, the drone let out a filly-like squeal of delight and snapped them up with his magic, sequestering himself in a corner to start reading.

“Dork,” Sync shook her head.

“Basically,” Darell said, “Imagine the sum total of human knowledge, easily accessible through a terminal, so long as it’s hooked up to the network. All you need to do is ask the right questions. From the weather to data on Pokemon, though that’s more commonly accessed through a Pokedex.”

He soon found himself pinned to the floor, a rather crazed-looking Scribe standing over him, his muzzle only an inch from his face.

“I. Want. This internet thing!” he panted in a totally-not-creepy way.

Darell, for his part, only meeped in fear at the crazy chittering bug on top of him.

“Release the Candy Giver!” one Changeling yelled as a small army tackled the drone off of him.

I should have stayed in bed today, Chrysalis sighed and shook her head.

“I’m starting to get that impression as well,” Darell said as he sat up. “So, your majesty,” he said to Chrysalis. “Do you think that’s a workable plan?”

I suppose we do, Chrysalis nodded as she extracted Milly from Aidren’s bag. So little one? Are you ready for your first mission?

“I won’t let you down your Majestyness!” Milly saluted.

“And provided that Scribe can keep himself under something resembling control, I don’t think I’ll mind having him around either,” Darell said as he looked at the second bugpile on said drone today.

“Must. Have. Knowledge…” he groaned from under the pile.

“So… we're goin’ on an adventure?” Milly asked her new Trainer, Adrien shrugged and then nodded.

“I guess we are,” he said as he rubbed her head. “But, I should get started on these Poképuffs. You wanna help Darell?”

“I’m outta supplies,” the other trainer said with a shake of his head. “My garden won’t be ready again for days. I brought everything I could make and carry after replanting.”

“Luckily, I brought plenty,” Adrien smiled as he emptied one of his bags. It was full of flour, sugar and tons of Berries. “Gotta feed an army after all.”

“Think you brought enough?” Darell said with a chuckle. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you pulled out some sort of mini-stove next.”

Chrysalis watched Adrien rummage around in his other bags, pulling out a fold up table, a portable cooker and some pots and cutlery. “Mum likes to see me prepared for anything,” he chuckled.

Sweet hives, he was like that insufferable pink mare. One of Starbright’s friends… Pink Thing?

“...I’m not even going to question how that all fit in there,” Darell flatly said, looking just as perplexed. “So, changelings. Who’s hungry?”

Not a single changeling had all four hooves on the ground. Even Chrysalis raised a hoof before looking away.

“Okay,” he chuckled. “Adrien, how about you sort the berries based on taste, and the little changelings can make...yeah, five lines, based on that. I’ll make the Pokepuffs.”

“Will do,” Adrien said as he recalled Fulgur, seeing as how a lot of the changelings still looked nervous around him. Instead, he took out another ball and opened it.

Except he forgot that Chris was still here… and this Pokémon had…

“Chrissy honey~” the Marill cheered as she latched onto her self-proclaimed boyfriend. “How’s my snuggly-wuggly little Linoone today~?”


“Ack!” Chris said as he tried to break free. “I told you before, I’m not yours! I don’t even like you like that!” He eventually shook her off and started to run.

“Aww, I love it when you play hard to get~” the little water-type sang as she chased him.

“Oh… forgot about that,” Adrien sighed and recalled the Marill. “And being able to hear that makes it so much worse.”

“You know, I’m starting to see where not hearing Pokemon say more than their names could be useful,” Darell said.

“Yup,” Adrien let out a tired sigh. “At this rate, ‘sorry’ is going to become my default greeting.”

“Well, currently you’re the only one that can understand ‘mon,” Darell pointed out as he walked over to the portable cooker. “Unless more of these translators get produced.”

“Who knows… ah crap, I was supposed to write out that report for Professor Oak…” Ah well, he’d do it when he had the time. Adrien got up and started directing the changelings. And of course, Milly, Sync and Chrysalis were first in line.

“Right, what’s the first berry, Adrien?” Darell asked as he started measuring ingredients.

“Well, Sweet seems to be one of the most popular,” he replied and handed over some Pecha berries. “And Bitter as well.” For that he needed… Ah, Aguav berries!

“Right,” Darell said as he started mixing up the two Pokepuffs, before separating the mixes and adding a Pecha to one and an Aguav to the other. In short order, the two flavors of puffs were being created, filling the cave with the scent of baking treats.

Chrysalis hummed to herself, swaying slightly as she smiled. Adrien chuckled at how some simple treats won them over so easily as he diced the berries. He started working on the Sweet ones, and divided up a few berries to make the other flavours as well.

“Order up!” Darell said before pulling the puffs off the portable range, acting for all the world like a short-order cook. “One Sweet, one Bitter!”

Chrysalis and Sync bounded forward, eagerly taking their treats as Chris looked up at his trainer, a line of drool coming from his mouth.

“You already ate lunch,” he said to the Linoone, not even looking down as he pulled the next two mixes onto the range.

“Awww,” the Linoone pouted. “Lunch, yes. But what about afternoon tea, second lunch and snacktime?”

“Second-Lunch?” Adrien echoed and quirked an eyebrow at Darell. “How many times a day do you feed him?”

“Too much, and I think he snacks when I’m not looking,” Darell said. “I either need to cut his intake or exercise him more.”

“Blasphemy on both counts!” Chris said.

“Maybe he’s a ‘glutton’ for punishment?” Adrien laughed.

“Too bad,” Darell said. “With a third team member, I think we’ll be ready for an actual journey to find the rest, and more delicious berries. Guess who’s going to be outside his ball, walking with me the whole way?”

“Aww man,” Chris sighed.

Adrien laughed again as he continued to distribute some tasty cakes. Though he had the sneaking suspicion that Milly was transforming into other changelings to get more treats.

Once they’d seen to every ‘ling getting a full belly, the two boys were rather exhausted. Darell panted as he lay near his bag, before opening up one of the pockets at the front and pulling out a simple Pokeball. “Hey, Rush?” he asked. “Totally up to you when we do this, but…”

He looked confused, perhaps a little uneasy, but some chittering from Adrien’s changeling seemed to alleviate those fears.

Darell touched the button and caused it to expand to normal sizes. “If you’re absolutely sure about being my partner, just touch the button in the center,” the boy said, holding the ball out to the changeling. “It’ll take care of the rest.”

Rush looked at his Queen, as the Royal Changeling nodded once. He inched closer and pressed the button as light engulfed him, pulling him into the ball. Several changeling’s gasped as Scribe watched with a look of fascination. After the ball shook three times, it dinged to signify the process had been completed, and Darell nodded before opening the ball back up and letting Rush out again.

“Whoa…” Rush wobbled and put a hoof to his head. That had been an experience and a half. One second he was here, the next, he was inside the most comfortable place he could imagine. A Hive filled with candy. Heck, it was made of candy...

Are you alright? Chrysalis asked. She wasn’t sure if that had been fascinating or terrifying to watch.

“I’m okay!” Rush nodded. Sync looked him over and she blinked in surprise.

“Weird, you don’t have the same love boost the youngling had.”

“That’s just a normal Pokeball, the one I used was called a ‘Friend Ball’,” Adrien explained. “It has a special property that fosters friendship between Trainer and Pokémon. And it was expensive and rare… but Milly’s totally worth it.”

“Yup, cause I’m cute!” Milly said.

“It’s useful for the sorts of ‘mon I typically go for,” Darell tacked on. “Namely, ones that want to be with me. If I were after ‘mon that were bigger or stronger, I’d use a different ball.” He looked at the Friend Ball and tapped his chin. “I might have one of those stashed away somewhere, but I didn’t think I’d need it today,” Darell said as he scratched his head. “Or was it dad that had it?...”

Adrien just shrugged, not bothering with a question he didn’t know the answer to. “So, are you sure about this Queen Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis looked at Darell. Not entirely, the older nymph replied from her resting place. But… you have proven to be trustworthy so far.

“I promise to treat Rush with all the care I treat all my friends with,” Darell said with a firm nod. Chrysalis looked at his Pokémon, they all radiated love and affection for the human. As much as any pony would. She couldn’t help but draw some of that ambient energy in with a soft sigh.

“Do you think we should tell her about the various Teams?” Darell asked Adrien. He really didn’t want Queen Chrysalis mad at him again. She was terrifying.

“What, like Team Rocket?” Adrien said and shrugged. “I think it’s fine. They’re not that big a deal are they? Sides, only we know about the Changelings so far.”

“Her paranoia isn’t entirely misplaced, though,” Darell pointed out. “Once we walk out of here with them, others will see them and want to know where they came from. I’m going to make sure that Scribe looks up the teams, if only so they know what to watch for and avoid being used like tools. Not all humans are as nice as we are.”

“Yeah…” Adrien sighed. The topic of those… people always got to him. Adults could be so stupid sometimes. “We can’t tell anyone where Milly and Rush come from.”

“But at the same time, I doubt they’re going to stay hidden forever,” Darell said. “We should arm them with knowledge before we just leave them be.”

“That’s why I’m here in the first place,” Adrien replied. “Then you decided to follow me and now everything's all weird.”

“Hey, you were talking about new types in the bug-infested forest,” Darell joked. “What was I supposed to do, ignore my curiosity?”

“In a word, yes.” Adrien deadpanned. “But what’s done is done as the old folks say. So, looking forward to journeying with brand new Pokémon?”

“I’m sure we’ll learn a lot from each other,” Darell said with a nod. “And if all else fails, he can try using his new moves on Chris. He’s about as heavy as a punching bag, it’d work out.”

Chris tilted his head and asked Ventus something, who only shook his head in response.

“Now all I have to do is sneak two Changelings into my home so that one of them can use the Internet and so that both of them won’t be spotted by my dad when he comes home,” Darell sighed. “What have I gotten myself into.”

“...You know they can use Transform right?” Adrien pointed out.

“Which is good,” Darell agreed. “All I’ll have to do is put my team away so that Scribe can disguise himself as Chris without anyone any the wiser as to why there’s two of him.”

“Yeah, it looked a bit suspicious that I had three of Ventus running around,” Adrien nodded. “So, shall we start teaching them about moves and how to use them?”

“Yeah, I got time before I have to get back and start making dinner,” Darell agreed, pushing himself up. “What sort of movepool do they have so far? Heck, what type are they?”

“I’ve seen them use a lot of Bug moves, as well as some Ghost,” Adrien said as he flipped through his notes. “So I’ll say they’re at least part Bug-type. If they happen to be a dual type, then I don’t know. I also have no idea what their Ability might be.”

“Hmm,” Darell hummed. “Well, one of the faster ways to determine if they have more than one type is through moves...namely, seeing if any other sort of move they can perform is stronger than the norm. Alternatively, we could have them use their moves on each other, see which ones sting more, but I don’t think that’d go over well.”

“Yeah, me either. I don’t know how resistant they’d be, since they seem to be adapting little bits at a time,” Adrien pointed out. “My hunch is that if they have a second typing, it’d be Ghost or Dark. Too bad I don’t have any non-attacking Psychic moves.” He did have some attacking Fairy ones. But again, if they didn’t have the defenses…

“Alright, so far I’ve recorded them using Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz, Transform and Shadow Sneak.” Adrien flipped through his notes again. “And… I think that Chrysalis might be a Legendary. No other changeling looks like her. And I also get the feeling that Scribe and Sync might be their evolved forms.”

“Hmm,” Darell said as he pulled out his own Pokedex and flipped to the typing matchup application. “If they were a Bug/Ghost, they’d be similar to Shedinja, and Ghost and Dark type moves would be super-effective. But there is no Bug/Dark type. However, I can...guess as to what would be super-effective against them, if they were. Fighting would be negated by their own Bug nature, but Bug and Fairy would be super-effective. So, the quickest way to determine their typing would be to have your friend use Bug Buzz against one of her own. At the very least, it’d either confirm or eliminate Dark from the typing pool.”

“Well…” Adrien looked down at Milly and then got an idea. “How about we have Milly and Rush battle?”

“Hardly fair,” Darell teased back with a smile. “You’ve had her on your side longer than I’ve had my friend. Though if Rush is up to putting his body on the line for science, I won’t stop him.”

“You want me to fight Rushy?” Milly asked her trainer. “Why?”

She… had a good point. Then he got an idea. “Better one, how about we battle with our other Pokémon first? Show them what one is like?”

“Yeah, but we better keep the noise down,” Darell agreed. “We don’t need others investigating the random sounds coming from a cave well off the beaten path.”

Chris ran up next to his Trainer and bounced excitedly. It was his normal cue for saying he wanted to battle.

“Okay, so Chris against…” the boy said, waving a hand at the other human.

“Let’s go, Ignatius!” Adrien tossed the ball into the air and it popped open, revealing his second partner, a Quilava. “Ready for battle?”

“All will become ash,” Ignatius nodded and looked at Chris.

“Not a bad choice,” Darell admitted.

“Heya Iggy!” Chris waved. “Sorry, but I’m gonna have to beat you now!”

“Hmph! We shall see,” the Quilava nodded and looked around with a curious expression “What’s this?”

“New friends,” Adrien replied. “We’re teaching them about battling.”

“You… understood me?” Ignatius turned and looked at the boy, who just tapped his earpiece. “Human technology never ceases to surprise me. Very well. A battle it shall be.”

“Let’s go Chris!” Darell said. “Let’s use our traditional opening move. Sand Attack!”

“Roger!” the Linoone said, before using his claws to fling sand and dirt in Ignatius’ eyes. The Volcano Pokémon coughed as he got a faceful of sand.

“It’s alright buddy, show them Swift!” Adrien countered. Ignatius leapt into the air and opened his mouth, spraying several glowing stars down at the Linoone as they pelted his body with perfect accuracy. Chris grunted in pain, but smiled as he knew it was time to show off the latest Technical Machine that they’d acquired

“Chris, use Return!” Darell said, and the Linoone practically glowed as he darted forward, slamming his claw into his opponent. Ignatius yelped in pain as the powerful move struck him, sending him tumbling across the floor.

“Ignatius!” Adrien couldn’t believe how powerful that was. “Use Defense Curl, we can’t take many more of those.”

Chrysalis watched the battle. “That was interesting,” she mused at that last attack. “That one had quite a bit of love energy in it. Seems we aren’t the only ones that can harness that power.”

Scribe was just taking endless notes as Milly and Rush watched with mixed feelings. This was what the humans wanted them to do? It looked really painful.

“Alright, giving me a freebie, huh? You know what to do here, buddy,” Darell laughed. Chris nodded and flung even more sand and dirt into Ignatius’ face, further lowering his accuracy.

“Not so much,” Adrien said and smiled. “Ignatius, show them your Flame Wheel!”

The Quilava nodded and his curled up body begun to spin in place, his neck and tail flames flaring up as he became wreathed in fire. And thanks to the Defense Curl, it had a very nice power boost as well.

“Ooh~ Everything's better with fire,” Chrysalis chuckled. She idly wondered if she could learn some of these moves.

“Quick, Slash him!” Darell said. “Try and throw his aim off even more!”

The Linoone hastened to obey, nearing closer as his claws glowed again. Ignatius shot off, rolling across the ground as he neared Chris…

The Linoone, for his part, did his best to guess where Ignatius would likely go and tried to dodge at the last possible moment. It wasn’t something he was good at, but hopefully he wouldn’t need to be that good at it.

He dodged the the main strike, but it was close, close enough that a trail of singed fur now lined his side as Ignatius came to a stop and rubbed his eyes.

“Let’s see how they like it,” Adrien called out. “Use Smokescreen!”

The Quilava smirked and exhaled a thick plume of black smoke, plunging the area into darkness.

“Chris, use the light from his flames to guide you and use Slash!” Darell called out. There was some shuffling, before the Linoone used his move again.

“Ignatius, follow up with Quick Attack, get him before he gets you!” Adrien commanded as the Quilava launched himself at the incoming Linoone.

But due to the decreased accuracy of both of them, all they could see were incoming blobs of colour.

The loud crack of their heads colliding echoed throughout the cave.

“Ooohhh,” all the changelings winced.

“C’mon Chris, I know your head’s harder than that,” Darell pleaded. “Finish this off with another Return!”

The Linoone was seeing so many stars, he wasn’t sure he wasn’t under assault from a Swift barrage. However, his trainer’s words cut through the haze, and he charged the attack up on reflex before unleashing it right in front of him.

“Use Ember!” Adrien called out. “I know you can do it!”

Ignatius opened his maw and fired wildly, his vision danced with spots and his head pounded. In the end, both attacks missed completely and the two Pokémon fell over.

What kind of bloodsport is this? Chrysalis heckled from the sidelines. I want to see entrails!

Darell shook his head at the macabre comment. “That’s one of the rules of any trainer battle,” Darell said as he walked closer to the pair of downed ‘mon. “No lethal or crippling moves. You fight each other until one of you passes out, then the battle’s over.” He pulled Chris closer to him and smiled. “You did good buddy. Here, let’s get back to our spot.”

The Linoone giggled giddily and batted his paws at something, his eyes swirling around dizzily.

“Draw?” Darell posed to Adrian as he fished around in his bag, before withdrawing a potion to use on Chris.

“Draw,” Adrien nodded. “Ah well, can’t win them all. Chris has gotten a lot better though.”

What a boring sport, Chrysalis scoffed and stared at the two humans. So, that’s how you battle hm?

“Pretty much,” Darell shrugged. “And considering we don’t know your movepool or types, it’s going to be a learning experience for both of us,” he said as he made sure Chris could see and walk straight. He seemed to be doing better now.

“Still, all we need now is for Milly to use that Bug move she knows on you,” Darell said to Rush. “It’ll help narrow down the types Changelings could be.”

Adrien agreed with Darell, but until they could determine if Changeling’s could resist a Pokémon attack...

“We could run some experiments!” Scribe said excitedly as he loomed over Milly. “Come now little youngling! We have science to do!”

“Eeeek!” Milly shrieked at his sudden appearance and buzzed her wings, trying to get away, but she used Bug Buzz again instead. Scribe was launched across the room with an impressive spiral and impacted the wall, firmly imbedded in place.

“Bug/Dark?” Darell asked Adrien.

“Bug/Dark,” Adrien nodded as he looked at the twitching drone.

Sync absolutely lost it, rolling onto her back as she cackled with laughter. “Holey freaking crap. That was hilarious!” she gasped between giggles.

Chrysalis just sighed as she went to retrieve her foolish son. A few firm tugs on his hoof later saw him free from the wall, a nice Scribe-shaped indentation was all that remained.

Perhaps we should work this out tomorrow, the Changeling queen said.

“Assuming you can stop him from following me home even now, I’ll agree to that plan,” Darell said.

“Knowledge…” Scribe groaned, raising a weak hoof.

“Well, he’s still alive,” Adrien said and shook his head. “So… they have some defenses against attacks?”

“That, or he’s just too stubborn to die properly,” Sync added with a smirk. “And I would like to train now. The sooner I learn these powers, the sooner I can defend the Hive.”

“Well, I was planning to stay the night anyhow,” Adrien nodded. “So we can start going over the finer points.”

“And I need to get back and start cooking for my team,” Darell said. “And probably my guest as well. Assuming he can make it back and I don’t have to carry him.”

He shall see you in the morn, Chrysalis said as she looked at the unconscious drone on her back. And human… take care of that youngling.

“Of course,” Darell said. “Though I will have to stick him in the ball if we’re going to get him back to my place unseen. You do want that, right?”

If we are to be Pokémon to blend into this world, then so be it. Chrysalis looked at the drone and tilted her head. The two seemed to be sharing a private conversation.

Rush. Do not try anything foolish. And do not do anything that will put you in harms way, Chrysalis said to him. Should anything bad happen, you return to the Hive immediately alright?

I won’t, Rush nodded. “He seems like a nice… human-thing. Plus he has candy~

What is it with us and candy? The Queen sighed out loud and shook her head. She turned her attention back to Darell and nodded at him. Very well. Protect my child well Human Darell.

“I’ll do my best,” Darell said as he lifted the ball. “Rush, return.” A red beam shot out of the sphere and contacted the changeling’s form, turning him into so much red light and sucking it into itself. A faint ‘Wheeeee’ could be heard when he did that.

Perhaps it is you I should worry for, Chrysalis chuckled. Come to us tomorrow. We shall see about Scribe accompanying you for information purposes.

“If not for the whole trying to sneak him in thing, I’d offer to carry him in, but that’s not the most inconspicuous way...at least, not until night’s fallen,” Darell said with a shrug. “Still, I’ll do my best to look after Rush once we get home. My dad’s pretty hands-off, I doubt he’ll look into it too hard unless Rush runs right under his nose.”

Chrysalis nodded and with a round of farewells, Darell left for home, after what was possibly the strangest day of his life.

Inside the cave, Sync poked at Adrien and smirked. “No rest for you. We start training now.”

“...Yay,” Adrien sighed.

Darell sighed as he arrived home. Nobody had raised any questions, which was good. Then again, all they might know from observation is that he had three balls on the belt at his waist instead of two. He pulled the one for Rush off his belt, expanded it to normal size, and opened it, unleashing the changeling in the fairly normal home his parents owned.

Rush looked around, then started zipping about at lightning speeds as he observed every little knick-knack in his bedroom.

Darell, for his part, simply picked the little bug up when he next dashed by him, holding him up and turning him to look Rush in the eyes. “Do I need to housebreak you?” he asked teasingly.

The changeling just gave him an inquisitive looked as his horn started to glow.

“I’d like it if you calmed down just a little, so I don’t have to have Chris sit on you while I make dinner,” the boy said.

Chris looked a little offended and Rush stopped, sitting perfectly still.

“Good,” Darell said with a nod as he put Rush back down. “I’ll explain things better after I’ve made dinner, okay? Feel free to look, but don’t touch anything. It might be breakable. Also, I never said you had to sit completely still,” Darell said. “Just no roughhousing or touching anything. I can’t afford to replace anything.” With that, he left the room as Rush looked around some more.

“What’s thaaaat?” the changeling said in awe, staring up at the large television. “Shiny~”

“That,” Chris said, “is a Television, or a TV for short. Humans use them to talk about all sorts of things to one another. C’mere, I’ll show you how to work it.” With a hop, a grunt, and a bit of effort, the Linoone was sitting on one of the couches. Notably, the couch with all the remotes on it.

Rush crawled up next to him and bounced in place, wondering what was going to happen.

“All right,” Chris said, before pushing the button at the top of the remote. “First, you turn it on.” The screen flickered into life, before displaying a news broadcast. “Bleh, that’s just news about what’s happened,” Chris said, sticking out his tongue. “I know that these,” he indicated the two sets of arrows, “Either change the channel or change the volume.” He pushed one, and the screen flickered, to display a cartoon. “And this is what we call channel surfing,” Chris said proudly. “Flipping through all our options until we find something to watch.”

“Oohh~” Rush’s eyes went wide and they stopped on a channel broadcasting a repeat of the last Pokémon League challenge. A man with spiky red hair was battling using a massive blue serpent with a fierce gaping maw.

His opponent, a boy about Darell’s age had a big silver snake thing.

Apparently the volume was up loud enough for the human to hear it from the kitchen. “Enjoying the show?” Darell called, as sounds relating to him cooking were also heard. Vlad chose to make his presence known by landing on the back of the couch.

“Yeah, it’s not bad so far,” Chris said to no-one in particular. Plus, if Rush saw any move he liked, he could try it out himself in training. Maybe.

The Steelix roared and fired a Hyper Beam at the Gyarados, Rush’s eyes went wide. “I wanna learn that one!”

“Sorry kiddo,” Chris said as he pet the changeling behind the ears. “Hyper Beam can only be used by adults. And even then, it’s a real expensive move.”

“But… lasers,” Rush pouted. “Grown ups get all the cool stuff.” The Gyarados on screen roared and unleashed a powerful Aqua Tail, slamming the Steelix across the battlefield. “Hmm…” Rush smirked. “I should be a grown up too!” And the body erupted in emerald flame…

When Darell walked upstairs, he couldn’t hear anything from his room. And when he opened his door.

The face of a Gyarados stared back at him.

“AGH!” he yelped, stumbling backwards and only barely keeping a firm grip on the tray full of dinners. His brain caught up to his panic and put two and two together for him. “Rush! Behave, please! I nearly dropped dinner!”

Emerald flames filled the room as Rush returned to normal, Chris and Vlad had been pressed against a wall due to the serpents massive coiled body.

He chittered something before he started wobbling and fell over, his stomach growling louder than any Gyarados.

“Something tells me you shouldn’t try disguising yourself as something so big for a little while yet,” Darell said as he put the tray down on the floor to pick up the little ‘ling. Which turned out to be a tactical error, as Chris had used that moment to swipe one of the plates of food off the tray and dart away with it.

“Wasn’t going to make you diet just yet,” Darell said with a deadpan expression.

Chris responded with a sheepish expression. Darell just rolled his eyes and picked the little one up, worried about his newest friend.

“Liiiiiiiinnnng~” he moaned and made grabby motions with his hooves. Darell put Rush back on the couch and picked the tray up before joining him there, putting the tray on the table and holding a plate in front of the little ‘ling.

“Think you can feed yourself?” the human asked. The changeling looked at the tray and blinked.

“Nuuu, I want fooooood,” Rush protested, pushing the tray away a little.

“What do you even eat that that’s not good enough for you?” Chris asked. “Seriously, it’s good stuff. Darell is great at cooking. Puts his heart into it.”

Rush opened his maw and started inhaling. While it was imperceptive to Darell, both Chris and Vlad saw faint wisps of… something enter his mouth. Something he seemed to be taking from the air itself, and something that also looked like it came from the human. Darell blinked and rubbed his chest when the little changeling was done.

“Okay that...was weird,” he said. “What did you just do?”

Rush made a weird face, before opening his mouth and belching loudly. “Thanks for the food,” he sighed happily. “Love is so tasty~”

“Wait wait wait,” Vlad said, flapping in front of the bug. “Hold on. Are you telling us that you just… ate our trainer’s love?”

“Yahuh,” Rush nodded, eating a lot made him sleepy. “It tasted warm and nice.”

Chris’s eyes widened. “Okay, disregarding how that should be impossible, does it do any damage to the one you feed off of?”

Rush groaned. Why couldn’t they let him nap. What’s the big deal anyway? “Only if I eat aaallll of it. But I don’t have to, cause the Queen says that’s bad. So we just eat it from all around and stuff…”

Darell shivered a little, whatever Rush had done had left him feeling a little cold for some reason. “Okay, we’re discussing this with Chrysalis when you wake up tomorrow, and when we get back to the cave,” he said. “I don’t want others to classify you as a dangerous species and try to move on your home.”

Rush just chittered quietly before falling asleep.

Chris just sighed and rubbed the little changeling’s head affectionately.

Darell mirrored his partners expression. “I’ll put his tray of food back in the kitchen. If dad asks, I’ll tell him my newest partner wasn’t hungry.”

Chris gave him a hopeful look, only to get a wilting gaze in return. That diet plan was looking better and better.

Rush just started snoring quietly in response.

Chrysalis had retired to her chamber for the night. Tomorrow, she would send out some workers to see about procuring supplies to start building their Hive properly.

But when she reached her bed, something strange was sitting upon it. A leaf of paper. She picked it up and her eyes scanned the page, though that only served to confuse her more.

“What the holes…” she muttered. “Legendary Pokémon Application Form?”

Next Chapter: Chapter Six Estimated time remaining: 34 Minutes
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