
Imperium et Imperator

by Emperor Gerald I

Chapter 14: XIV- Simple Inquiries

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"Another proposal Gerald?" Celestia was surprised to see Gerald so early, he had been waiting for her and her sister just before she rose the sun.

"Indeed my Princess, another proposal. A much simpler request this time. I simply would like to create an office that would allow me to assist you in ruling these lands." Gerald handed Celestia a scroll.

Celestia read the scroll closely. It simply stated that Gerald wanted to hold the title of Imperator, and the powers that came with it. Gerald had described these powers as the 'maintenance and improvement of royal law.'

Celestia looked over it closely a second time. "The only issue I have Gerald, is the far reaching implications of 'improvement' of law."

"It would be no different than what occurred yesterday Princess, I would propose a law to you and your sister to consider." Gerald shrugged, suggesting that this was a trivial matter.

Luna leaned toward her sister and whispered "What harm can come by giving Gerald this meagre title? He at least would have a purpose here in Canterlot."

"I am simply worried by his previous actions, and his acute interest in our laws," Celestia explained.

Luna was no longer whispering. "And what harm is an interest in ruling and law? You did not stifle your student when she showed interest in the most powerful of spells!"

"There is a difference Luna. I have known Twilight for years, whereas I barely know anything about Gerald."

Gerald cut short Celestia's response. "I see I have offended your highness, I shall withdraw my proposal."

Celestia gave her head a gentle shake. "You have not offended me Gerald, I simply would like to learn more about you before I appoint you to an office with such great responsibilities." Celestia gave Gerald a remorseful look, as if to apologize for her prior harshness.

"We will keep the proposal, and appoint you if we deem you fit for the position." Luna added.

"Your highnesses are most gracious." Gerald bowed as he took his leave of the Princesses.

As Luna went to leave, Celestia held out a hoof to stop her. "My sister, we must carefully judge Gerald. You know the importance of the ponies he will be living with if we allow him to return to Ponyville."

Luna lowered her head. "Yes sister, forgive my outburst. I know the responsibility that Gerald will have will be enormous."

Gerald wanted out of this bloody palace. Although he enjoyed his luxurious quarters and had easily usurped Prince Blueblood's servants, he had no purpose here. He had attempted to give himself something to do this morning when he had requested that Princess Celestia give him the title Imperator, an office he had created to assist in the improvement of Equestria's laws. No such luck, Celestia still did not trust him since he had admitted his involvement with the Dark Army.

"Message for you Mr. Wellesley." a servant placed an envelope upon the desk in front of Gerald.

Gerald picked up the letter, inspecting it closely. Who would want to write to him? Gerald plucked the letter opener from the desk in front of him and opened the envelope. He held the letter close to the lamp.

Dear Gerald,

I have been working on some more clothing for you it should arrive at the castle along with this letter. I and the others here in Ponyville miss you. Twilight is concerned that Princess Celestia is angry at you for something you did. She says that she is going to speak to the Princess to clarify your reasons for leaving. Although we have not been able to spend much time with you, you seem like a very kind fellow and we hope that the Princess allows you to return soon.


P.S. Pinkie Pie held a vote amongst us other ponies and we have decided to come to Canterlot with Twilight. We cannot wait to see you again!

Gerald set the letter upon the table. He hadn't really realized it, being caught up in this business of armies and Princesses, but he missed the company of Rarity and her friends as well. Although he had not known them for very long, slightly more than a week, he felt that they accepted him for who he was. Their trust in him, although somewhat misplaced, was very touching. Gerald felt he owed it to these ponies to tell Celestia the truth. Hopefully with their support, he could convince Celestia to set him free.

"Mr. Wellesley, her royal highness requests entry!" A servant called from outside the study.

"Her highness may enter!" Gerald adjusted his ascot and re-buttoned his vest, attempting to look as formal as possible for Princess Celestia.

But it was not Celestia.

"Hello Gerald." Princess Luna walked past the servant who had opened the door for her.

"Good day your highness." Gerald bowed. He was confused, why would Luna wish to talk to him? A thousand paranoid thoughts spun through his mind.

"You may leave us." Luna addressed the servant, who bowed and took his leave.

"Your highness! What brings you to my quarters at this hour? Do you not usually sleep during the day?"

"We have come here for a casual visit Gerald. One does not simply go to sleep when you have finished your duties, you know."

"Of course your highness." Gerald sensed that there was something more to this than just a casual visit. Luna did not seem like a casual ruler in any sense. She was very formal and traditional, even more-so than her sister.

Luna looked awkwardly around the study. "Forgive us Gerald, this is embarrassing, but we do not know what to do now."

"Whatever you wish your highness." Could this really just be a casual visit?

Luna looked around the room, seeing that Gerald had been delving into the vast library that Prince Blueblood had neglected. Books were piled around the room. Luna noted that Gerald had surrounded himself with books pertaining to Equestrian history, legend, and law.

Luna walked over to Gerald's desk and grabbed the book that Gerald had been reading. "What art thou reading, Gerald?"

"I am reading about the creation of your kingdom, or Hearth's Warming Eve as this book refers to it as."

"So thou art learning of the consequences of conflict. A very important lesson indeed." Luna placed the book back upon the desk.

"Very much so." Gerald looked at Luna suspiciously, was she judging him?

"You seem very interested in our history Gerald, have you any questions that you would like to ask us?"

"These books have informed me of much of your history, your highness. I have no questions for you right now."

"Very well..." Luna looked confused again, she had no idea what she should say next. She had come here to find out more about Gerald, to learn what he truly was like. Yet what she really wanted was to embrace him again, to share her affection that she felt toward Gerald. He had been the only one who had shown any affection toward her besides her sister since her return. Everypony else had been too afraid of her wrath or overawed by her title to speak with her at length. Gerald, although he seemed to respect her title, seemed more comfortable around her than the others. She desperately wanted to inform Gerald of her feelings toward him, but she had a reputation to worry about. Celestia seemingly had struck a careful balance between the love and respect of her subjects, and Luna wished to imitate it.

"Your highness? Are you alright?" Luna suddenly realized that she had been staring intensely at Gerald these past few moments.

"Yes, Gerald, we are quite well. We were just deep in thought." Luna lowered herself into the chair at Gerald's desk.

"Might I ask what your highness was thinking about?" Gerald pulled another chair up and sat himself beside Luna.

"We were just thinking about the events that occurred in your dream... we feel that we have become too familiar with you. It is not seemly of a royal pony to associate with others in that manner."

Gerald frowned. "I am very sorry about that, your highness. Both times I was overcome by your... beauty." Gerald had really meant to say 'cuteness' but had felt it might not be the best descriptor for a monarch.

"Our beauty?" Luna turned away from Gerald, so he could not see her blush.

"Indeed, your beauty." Gerald pushed onward, unaware of the effect of his words on the Princess. "I would like to apologize for my actions, and will treat you in a more proper manner from this point onward."

Luna was taken aback. Her feelings toward Gerald were unlike anything she had felt before. It was similar the love she felt for Celestia... but at the same time very different. She tried to speak, but no words would come.

"Princess?" Gerald stood from his chair, fearing he had offended her. "I-I am sorry that I could not control myself, um, you see that we, um, uh, I thought you were not real the first time and the second time you embraced me first-"

"We are not offended Gerald!" Luna said in a much more forceful tone than she had intended.

"Of course not your highness." Gerald backed away from the Princess, holding his hands defensively in front of him.

Seeing Gerald cowering in fear before her was too much for Luna, she didn't want him to fear her! He had been the only one aside from her sister who had shown any kindness toward her since her return. "Gerald, we are sorry! Please don't be scared of us!"

Gerald lowered his arms to his side, and adjusted his ascot. "I do not fear you your highness, I was simply startled by your forcefulness. I completely understand your concern that we have become too familiar with one another. It is completely my fault. We need not discuss this again, and nopony will ever know about it."

It took every ounce of Luna's willpower not to stand up and embrace Gerald. She was very happy to know that Gerald was not afraid of her, but his tone was no longer as friendly and warm as it once was, he sounded more like one of the servants who served her meals: very respectful, but not friendly. Wasn't that what she wanted, though?


"Yes your highness?"

"I love you."

Next Chapter: XV- Trust Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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