
The New Pony In The Town

by I Like Pie

Chapter 3: The Rest Of The Day

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The Rest Of The Day

I flop in my bed that had been sent from one of my Canterlot friends. The part of the day after Fred had left had been boring. Enough said.

The Letter

A knock at the door wakes me up in the middle of the night. Its Fred. I stare at him with my tired eyes.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I really need to give this to you." He throws me a bag. Then he turn around and runs off.  I open up the box inside there are waffles and a envelope. I open it up and read it.

Dear Icy,

Welcome to Ponyvile. I'm so glad your here. I want to invite you to come with my friends and myself to play games at my house tomorrow right when the sun goes up.  If you need help getting around Ponyvile call my friend Tori. She usually gives people directions, but for you she'll do it for free.



I yawn. Then I flop on my bed and go to asleep.

The Day Affter

I open my eyes. They feel like led. Oh crud I'm late. I push of my covers and run to his house.  I get to the door panting like crazy. It open.

"Hi Icy." Fred says.

"Hey." I reply.

"Ready for some fun?"  

"I guess." We enter the house. Its not that big but its very cozy. We come to the kitchen. Inside Fred's friends stand. There are seven of them.

"Meet Fast Wings, Sharp Horn, Dare, Blue Sky, Dandelion, Mike and Jake.  

"Hi." I say waving my hoof. They wave back; smiles on there faces. A neon pegasus fly's to us with some targets and ice arrows on their back. I love shooting ice arrows, but I rarely get a chance in Canterlot to do shoot them.  Every pony picks a arrow, bow and target. We all start to shoot. I hold up bow with my pink colored magic. I fire. It hits right next to the center circle. In a hour I go back home smiling. I think I just made some new friends


Dear Icy,

Hi its me your old friend! How's Ponyvile? Canterlot is all fine and dandy, but I miss you. A lot....



Curly Mane.

Dear Curly Mane,

Ponyvile is ok. I've made a handful of friends. I miss you to.



Dear Icy,

That's really awesome! I'm so happy for you!

Dear Curly Mane,

Yea it is. You know how I'm a blank flank? I think I'm going my cutie mark!

Dear Icy,

That's awesome! So your finally using your talent for ice arrow shooting? If yes that's awesome! Or are you using a different  talent.  

Dear Curly Mane,

I'm using my ice arrow shooting talent.



Dear Icy,

Your parents are inviting you to a hearts warming eve play.


Curly Mane.


   I push the paper away from me with a dumb found expression on my face. I didn't want to go back to Canterlot! I had just gotten used to Ponyvile. How could I possibly go back! But I had to. Three words, but they said my fate. I sigh. I pull out a fresh sheet of white paper and a large quill. It takes me fourth try's, but finally I have a almost perfect paper. I then pull out a envelope. I push the paper inside of it with magic and the I make it go to Curly Mane with a strawberry color puff of smoke .

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