
The Fighter

by I Like Pie

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sharp Blade was ready to fight. She'd trained for ages and her phoenix friend Kindling was helping her. Her enemy's was a changeling and a dragon.

"Your not going to hurt the members of Ponyville!" She screams. Then they attack. She tackles the changeling; sending it up, up and  away. She turnes to Kindling who was diving at the dragon. "I'm going to get that guy!" She yelled. Then she turned around and ran towards the dead or alive changeling.  Kindling turned to the sound of her voice, but a giant dragon talon knocked him down. He cawed and screamed, but Sharp Blade was out of earshot.

Sharp Blade found the changing curled up in a ball. "He's done for." She murmurs to herself. She was wrong. The changeling picked himself up, turned into her and left at her. Sharp Blade cursed. She turns around and bucks her clone in the face. The changing reacted to the blow by flipping head over feet on to the ground. "Time for the blade." She murmured. She pulled out a sword from her bag and swung it at her enemy. The changeling laughed; just like her. Sharp Blade rushed up ready to surprise the changeling. She tossed the sword the away and bucked the changing against a tree. The changing gasped surprised. Then the changeling became really quiet. "Lnocked out. Hopefully." She says.  Then she turned and ran back to see how Kindling was doing. Kindling sat atop a knocked out dragon.

"Are you ok?" Sharp Blade asks.

"Fine.." He caws. Then they both start to walk home. Their home was a huge cottage. In front of it their friends stood. Two ponies rush forward. One was a unicorn named Healer Hooves; that could heal (duh) and the mission leader, Last Standing who was a zebra. "Are you ok?" The unicorn asks. Kindling raised a wing and showed it to her. On it there was a large wound. "Can you heal this?" Kindling asks.

The unicorn bends down tapped the wound and it healed. "Did you defeat them?" Last Standing asks. "What do you think?" Sharp Blade replies. Then she trotted off to the cafe witch was inside the cottage. Inside ponies chat and chew. Some ponies call congress to her. She finds a seat and slips next to her brother, Shield. Her brother was a tall stallion with a green mane and tail. He also had a light blue body color.  

"How was the mission?" He asks.

"Ok.." Sharp Blade didn't like jugging missions. All they where was a way to help others. In her option there was no way to measure help to others that they didn't know about, but her brother had different ideas. He measured it by how safe you are and how you took down your enemy's. Some people may call it insane, but she didn't.

"Hello!" The voice came from a little filly with a tray with food atop it.

"Can I have that?" She asks.

"Sure!" She tosses it up in the air. Sharp Blade lunges forward and grabs the tray.  

"Thank you."

"Welcome!" She screeches. Then she turns around and trots of.

"What a cutie." Her brother says with a smile. Sharp Blade got ready to reply, but the room grew dark.

"Hello!" Last Standing screams. He walks to the front of the room with a unicorn and a Pegasus. The unicorn was the trainer of the group. She made sure every pony could defend themselves. Her name was Defender. The Pegasus made sure the cottage was top shape. Her name was Fixer.

"Today," Defender say, "we will play paintball." The café cheered. Paintball was rarely played. In the game paintball every pony got a paintball gun. If you got shot you where out. Last one in won. "Ready, set, go!" She screamed. Then the air above glowed mustard yellow and guns fell from the sky, and the chaos began.

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