
I Wanna Be Your Pony

by The Last Mari Lwyd

Chapter 8: Switch

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“Yes,” said Adagio. “I'm sure I want to do this.”

Sunset examined her face for any sign of worry. Nothing. “Okay. I just wanted to be certain I'm not pressuring you into anything.”

Adagio rolled her eyes, then took her cup and finished the last of her coffee. “Let's get going,” she said.

As always, sweeping confidence and casual command. What would she be like as a sub? Sunset wondered as they left the cafe. It was likely Adagio didn't know either – she had just admitted moments ago that she'd never been in that position before. Sunset could remember the first time she'd tried it out with an old girlfriend back in Equestria, and how nervous she'd been. Adagio didn't seem nervous at all.

Sunset trailed a step behind Adagio to get a full look at her body as she walked, and tried to imagine her – on her hands and knees, naked save for a collar, ready to cry out in pain. A twinge of pleasure came between Sunset's legs.

“Same rules we agreed to the first time?” asked Adagio.

Sunset broke from her reverie. “Yeah. Same safeword too.”

Adagio nodded.

“I want to do it in your room,” said Sunset.


“I haven't been in your room yet. Besides, it feels nicely symmetrical. Unless you're worried about Aria and Sonata overhearing us … ?”

“No,” said Adagio. “They're out of time, unless Aria's in one of her moods.” She frowned briefly. “Okay. My room, Friday then?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

On Friday evening, Sunset Shimmer took a taxi up to Skewbald Heights. Standing outside the Dazzlings' house, an unassuming semi-detached, she paused and shivered, less from cold than anticipation. In her hand she clutched the same bag Adagio had brought to her room a month ago. But this time Sunset had chosen its contents, and it was Adagio's chance to be surprised.

She rang the bell and waited. Motion inside; footsteps becoming clearer. Her throat felt tight, and she shivered again.

The door opened to reveal Adagio, who was wearing a dark blue shirt and the same purple leggings she'd had on when she first came to Canterlot High. She grinned at Sunset and pulled her in for a kiss.

She led Sunset down a small hallway to the back of the house. Sunset admired her form as she walked, the curves of her thighs, hips and ass clearly visible through the tight leggings.

Adagio's room was larger than Sunset's, with a double bed and a large wardrobe. The carpet, the wallpaper, the perfectly-made bed all came in elegant shades of brown and carmine, and the surfaces were decorated with ornaments. A faint hint of some rich, lulling perfume hung in the air. As she put her bag down in the corner, Sunset wondered how pathetic her room must have seemed to Adagio on their first meeting, but she put it out of her head.

“Aria and Sonata are out. They should be gone for a few hours,” said Adagio. Her fingers played against the back of a chair beside the bed. “I've started talking to them again, you know. They …”

Sunset smiled at her. “I'm glad.”

Adagio shrugged. “Would you like a drink?”

“Are you stalling?

Adagio's eyes widened. “Of course not,” she said, recovering her composure almost immediately.

Sunset grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Then let's begin.”

“Yes, mistress.” Despite her words, there was nothing in Adagio's expression or body language that seemed the slightest bit submissive.

“Stand up straighter. Eyes forward.”

Adagio did so. Sunset slowly circled her. She was aware of how lacklustre that first order sounded, and when she was out of sight behind Adagio, she grimaced and clenched her fists.

Get it together, Sunset, she thought. You can do this. You just need to let that side of yourself out.

She walked around Adagio a second time, trailing her fingers over Adagio's body. Inside she shivered. For as long as she'd been going out with Adagio, she'd only really seen her naked once, and that was the first time they'd been together. This would be different; this time she was in control. The thought energised her, and as she finished her second circle, she pulled her hand away and brought it down with a forceful slap on Adagio's outer thigh.

Aside from a small wince and sharp intake of breath, Adagio gave no response.

Sunset stopped in front of her. “Open your mouth,” she ordered.

Adagio did so, and with a thumb under her chin, Sunset slid two fingers inside, running them over her tongue, her lips, the roof of mouth. Her teeth were perfectly formed, apart from the canines, which were a little more pronounced and sharper than normal.

Seeing Adagio respond to her orders, even for a small thing like that, sent a thrill up Sunset's spine. She told Adagio to stay put, then retrieved the first two items from her bag: A spiked collar and a lead to go with it. She gently fitted the collar around Adagio's neck, and looped the lead around her skirt for when she needed it.

And that was it. She felt properly, truly in control. Adagio still had that insouciant, almost smug expression, but only because she didn't know what was coming.

Sunset ran her hands over the front of Adagio's shirt, feeling her tummy and breasts through the fabric. “Unbutton it,” she said softly.

“Yes, mistress.” Adagio's hands went to the top button, opened it, went to the second button –

“Not quick enough!” And Sunset stepped forward, brushed Adagio's hands aside, and tore open her shirt. Buttons flew onto the floor. Adagio froze, looking bewildered. Revelling in her surprise, Sunset tore open her bra, snapping the clasp.

No time to stop and let Adagio get her bearings: “On your knees, now!” Sunset pinched an exposed nipple and pulled downwards. Adagio yelped in pain – the first time Sunset had ever heard her do so – and fell gracelessly to her knees.

“What are you –” began Adagio, glaring up at her.

Sunset slapped her hard across the face. “Don't speak unless spoken to. Understand?”

Adagio's throat bobbed.

Sunset slapped her again. “Too slow. Understand?”

“Yes! Yes, mistress,” Adagio choked out.

Sunset bent down to look Adagio in the face, and gave what she knew was a vicious grin. “What, did you think I would be all nice and sweet? I thought you'd heard all about me …”

She took Adagio's shoulder and pushed her down further, then back until she was lying flat on the ground.

Adagio lay there, still looking bewildered at the rough treatment. A huge mass of auburn hair splayed out underneath her. Her ruined shirt hung open, her exposed breasts flattened again her chest and the toned muscles of her stomach moving with her heavy breathing.

Sunset stood astride her and looked down at her. “Open your legs.”

Sunset kneeled and put her hand on the exposed crotch of Adagio's leggings, feeling the warmth through her palm. Moving her hand a little bit, she could feel the outlines of Adagio's pussy beneath. She gave it a light slap, and when this elicited on a short gasp, a second, harder slap. Adagio squeaked in pain. Much more satisfying, especially when Adagio's face began to redden at having made so undignified a noise.

Sunset hiked her skirt up and moved forward so she was straddling Adagio, and ran her hands over Adagio's breasts. “Barely a handful,” she commented. “No wonder you needed magic to entrance people when you're this small.”

Adagio glared again, but kept her mouth closed.

Sunset leant forward and began to kiss Adagio's neck. Adagio moaned, her hands sliding up Sunset's thighs.

“I've only seen you come once,” said Sunset between kisses. “You're going to make that up to me. You're going to come as much as I want. Say it.”

“I … uh …”

Sunset pinched her nipple again. “Faster!”

“I'm going to come as much as you want,” said Adagio.

“Because your body belongs to me.”

“Because my body …” Adagio paused to gasp as Sunset took her right nipple in her mouth. “ … my body belongs to you.”

Sunset moved forward again and stroked Adagio's hair. She took one of the ginger curls and looped it around her finger, playing with it. She made a motion as though she was going to pull – Adagio winced – but went back to playing instead. Adagio's breath was shallow; clearly she was expecting an actual pull.

Which meant she didn't notice Sunset's other hand coming down between her legs to slap her pussy again. She gasped. Then with Adagio off-guard, Sunset pulled the strand of hair as hard as she could.

She went back to playing with Adagio's hair, while her other hand, behind her, slipped under Adagio's leggings and panties.

Sunset closed her eyes just for a moment so she could concentrate on the sensation of the mound beneath her hand: The strip of hair brushing against the base of her thumb, the soft lips beneath her fingers, the warmth and wetness between them.

She moaned simultaneously with Adagio. She sought Adagio's clit, finding it quickly, a little nub against the pad of her index finger, and began to play with it. Adagio moaned again, her fingers digging into Sunset's thighs and her body writhing between Sunset's legs.

Sunset shifted her attention and slid two fingers inside Adagio. The first time she'd done so, she realised. Adagio was tight – tighter than Sunset had expected.

She pulled her fingers out of Adagio. They were slick with fluid. She grinned and offered them to Adagio.

Just before Adagio could take Sunset's fingers in her mouth, Sunset had an idea. She pulled back. “Wait.” She put her other hand between her legs, pushed her panties aside, and put two fingers inside her own wet pussy.

She leant forward, offering her first the fingers covered in her juices, which Adagio dutifully licked clean, then the fingers with Adagio's own. And then she kissed her, tasting them two of them mixed together.

Adagio murmured into the kiss; She still had her eyes closed when Sunset pulled away, and a trickle of some mixed fluid lay across her lower lip and chin.

Sunset brushed Adagio's hands from her legs, then moved from astride her, sitting to Adagio's right. “Take yourself,” she ordered, putting Adagio's hand between her own legs.

Adagio looked up at her. “Yes, mistress,” she said, and put her hand under her leggings. Sunset could see the motion as she began to work at her own pussy. Soon she started to wriggle, arching her back.

Sunset sat back and watched the waves of ecstasy cross Adagio's face as she masturbated. She was almost silent, but her breathing became deeper and more ragged, and soon she raised a hand to her small breasts and began playing both her nipples.

Sunset grabbed Adagio's legs and pulled them up, right above her head, so her hips were lifted into the air and only her back was on the ground. With one arm holding Adagio's legs up in that position, she brought her hand down as hard as she could on Adagio's ass. Even through the leggings, the sound of the slap echoed through the room.

Adagio gasped and froze.

“Keep going,” Sunset ordered. She slapped a second time.

Adagio winced, but beneath her leggings her hand resumed its motion.

Sunset brought her hand down again. And again. Each time Adagio briefly froze up, and each time she kept going.

After a few more slaps, Sunset could tell Adagio was close: Her brow creased, her eyes closed, little cries escaping her when she wasn't biting her bottom lip.

Sunset gave her ass one last whack, then released her legs, letting her hips drop inelegantly to the floor.

“Stop!” said Sunset.

No response.

She grabbed Adagio's wrist and forced her hand away. Adagio glared up at her. “But … I …” she choked out.

Sunset slapped her across the face. Not too hard, but enough to bring her to attention. Her face inches from Adagio's, she dug her fingers into her wrist. “I. Said. Stop,” she snarled.

Eyes wide, Adagio nodded. “Yes, mistress,” she said quietly, her voice and her body still trembling from being so close to orgasm.

Sunset moved back and patted her on the head. “Now sit up,” she said, and grabbed a tangle of Adagio's curls and pulling them to guide her. “It's time for a walk.”

Adagio scrambled into a sitting position. Her chest heaved.

Sunset took the lead from around her waist and hooked it onto Adagio's collar. She stood and started to walk across the room. After a quick tug, Adagio followed on her hands and knees.

After taking her across the room and back again at a speed just a little too fast for comfort, Sunset turned to look at Adagio. That smug expression was long gone. In fact, she had a look on her face that Sunset had only seen once before – just after her defeat at the Battle of the Bands.

Defeat, she thought. The idea gratified her; Adagio was hers! Her conscience twinged in sympathy. But, she reminded herself, Adagio knew the safeword, and she hadn't used it.

She led Adagio over to the bed. “Climb up.” Adagio did so, still on hands and knees.

Sunset noticed she rubbing her legs together, trying to relieve the need inside her. “Stop that,” she ordered, giving Adagio a quick swat on the thigh. “Good girl.”

She stepped back to admire Adagio's form through the leggings. The shirt was in the way, though, dangling shapeless about her body. Sunset unclipped the lead and pulled the shirt up, and with it the bra, giving Adagio a moment to let each arm out. That done, she threw it into a corner.

She traced her fingers over the defined muscles on Adagio's back, then underneath to her breasts, tugging her nipples. Adagio made a little noise deep in her throat, and moved her hips back and forth. Like she was getting fucked from behind, Sunset realised with a smile.

“Do you want to come?” she said, resting her hand between Adagio's legs.

“Yes, mistress.”

“Too bad.” Sunset moved her hand away, then brought back down – another whack against Adagio's rear. A second time. A third. She got into a steady rhythm of spanking her, occasionally stopping and caressing her pussy to keep her warmed up.

After fifteen of so, Sunset took hold of her leggings and tugged them down to reveal her plain white panties. It might've looked innocent, but the gusset was so soaked that her pussy was clearly visible beneath. Adagio's own juices ran down her inner thigh, and the air was thick with her scent.

Sunset continued to spank. Another ten before she pulled down Adagio's panties. For a brief second she caressed Adagio's reddening ass, then went to work again.

“Okay,” she said at last. “Do you still want to come?”

Nothing in response but a little squeak.

Sunset dug her fingers into Adagio's thigh. “I said …”

“Yes, mistress. Please, mistress.”

“Good. Roll over onto your back.”

Adagio did so, wincing as she rested her weight on her ass.

Sunset pulled the bunched leggings and panties off, leaving Adagio at last naked. She rested her hand between Adagio's legs. “Who does your body belong to?”

“You, mistress.”

Sunset slid her index finger inside, eliciting a gasp. “And who gets to decide if you can come?”

“You do, mistress.”

Sunset added her middle finger. In response, Adagio let out a rare moan.

“Beg me.”

uh Please, m … mistress. I … beg you.”

Sunset pulled her fingers out and went back in with a third finger added. Adagio's tight pussy stretched to accommodate them. She could see Adagio's brow creased with pain.

And again: Four fingers, pushed in the way to the knuckle. Adagio was panting, her hands clenched. Sunset brushed her clit with a thumb, and Adagio twitched and gasped. Her pussy tensed around Sunset's fingers.

“What do you reckon?” asked Sunset. “Think I can get my thumb in there too?”

She was about to try when Adagio grabbed at her other wrist. “Sunset …” she gasped, shaking her head. From her expression, she clearly didn't want to try.

For the briefest moment Sunset thought about going ahead anyway. Then, looking at Adagio's face, compassion won out. She squeezed Adagio's hand to reassure her, then pulled her fingers out. They ached from the released pressure, and a thick layer of Adagio's juices coated the skin.

Adagio gasped and let her head roll back against the bed. Her body was still quivering. Sunset's hand returned to her pussy – this time just to play with her clit. Her back arched, and her hands grasped in a frenzy at the bedsheets, then at her voluminous curls.

Moments later she came with a stifled cry, a small fountain erupting briefly between her legs and soaking Sunset's hand even further.

Sunset watched her lying in a post-orgasmic haze as her breathing slowly returned to normal and her tensed muscles relaxed. When Sunset raised her hand, she lapped at the fluids covering it. After a moment Sunset pulled her hand away, and smeared the rest across her cheeks and jaw.

Kneeling beside the bed, Sunset leant and kissed her, feeling the stickiness against her own lips. Eyes still closed, Adagio smiled and stroked Sunset's arm.

“Okay, enough relaxing.” Sunset hooked the lead to Adagio's collar and pulled her forward. “On the floor. Now.”

Adagio rolled off the bed and scrambled after Sunset, who led her over to the bag. She retrieved from her bag a small vibrator – and the remote control to go with it. “Roll over. On your back,” she ordered, pushing Adagio's bare hip with the tip of her boot. “And open your legs.”

When Adagio had done so, Sunset slid the vibrator into place. It went only a little way inside, but fit snugly in place, with an extension pressing against her clit.

Sunset switched on the remote control and gave it a push to test. She was rewarded with a satisfactory buzz – and a gasp from Adagio.

She tugged the lead. “Come along.” Deciding the room wasn't large enough, she took Adagio to the door and pulled it open. “Give me the tour. Let's hope you're right about Aria and Sonata being out for a few hours.”

There was a pull at the lead as Adagio paused. Sunset looked down at her. “Maybe I should just tie you up and leave you out there for when they get back. Would you like that?”

“No, mistress.”

Sunset grinned at her, then turned and, giving the lead a good pull, walked out into the hall. She took Adagio around her own house, naked and on her hands and knees. Eventually, she headed to the living room and settled on the sofa. She sat back and instructed Adagio to crawl in front of her so she could rest her boots on the naked girl's back. She gave the remote control a press and enjoyed the sensation of Adagio faltering.

For a while Sunset just sat there, playing with the remote, listening to Adagio's breathing, and snapping at her if she moved too much.

“I could get used to this,” Sunset said, and leaned forward to swat Adagio's ass. “But there's still something I want to do.” She stood and stretched. “Stay there. Even if you hear your friends come through the door, do you hear me?”

“Yes, mistress.”

Sunset smiled to herself as she left the room.

Just before she entered Adagio's room, Sunset pressed the remote. A soft but audible gasp came down the hall. Holding the button down, she grabbed her next item – a thin, silver dildo. On the way back, she stopped by the bathroom and took a towel for good measure.

Thumb still on the remote, she tiptoed back into he living room. Adagio, facing away from the door, couldn't see her. She was rubbing her thighs together and moving back and forth, again as if she were being fucked. As Sunset watched, she moved one hand from the floor and put it between her legs.

Sunset released the button and strode into the room. “Did I say you could touch yourself? Did I!?”

Adagio's head snapped round to look at her. Her hand dropped to the floor immediately. “No, mistress.”

Sunset dropped what she was carrying behind Adagio, then brought her hand down on Adagio's ass as hard as she could. A second and third time on each thigh. And finally, more gently, between her legs.


“Well what … mistress?”

Sunset slapped her pussy again, harder this time. “Aren't you going to apologise?”

Adagio tensed. “S … sorry, mistress. For touching myself.”

Sunset patted her head. “Good girl.” She sat cross legged behind Adagio, then cupped her pussy. The pressure of the vibrator, surrounded by the soft, slick flesh of her slit pushed against Sunset's palm. She pressed the button; buzzing against her hand. A pause, then another press, and Sunset began to move her hand slowly back and forth; Adagio's breath quivered.

Once she was sure Adagio was lost in bliss, unaware of the world, Sunset released the button, then picked up the silver dildo and slid it between her hand and Adagio's pussy. A couple of turns ensured it came back shining with lubrication.

She pushed the button once more, so Adagio would notice nothing amiss.

And in once smooth motion she placed the dildo against Adagio's anus and pushed. A moment of resistance, then the dildo entered her ass, and almost immediately was buried deep within her.

Adagio's body tensed. Her eyes shot open. Her fingers dug into the carpet, knuckles white. At first she made no sound – her mouth working, but her system too shocked to respond.

“Fuck,” she choked out eventually. “What …?”

Sunset gave the dildo a little twist. This time Adagio did yelp. She slumped forward, head resting against the couch, and shivered.

“Hypocrite.” Sunset couldn't help the broad grin spreading across her face. “I did say the same rules as last time, didn't I?”

Adagio, head still against the couch, nodded as best she could. “Yes, mistress.”

“Give me your hand.”

After shifting a little to remain stable, Adagio took her right hand from the floor and offered it to Sunset behind her. Sunset placed Adagio's grasp on the base of the dildo and wrapped her fingers around it.


“Yes mistress.”

Her own hand around Adagio's, Sunset pulled the dildo back a few inches, then pushed it back inside. “There,” she said. “That's how you can touch yourself. Keep going.” She let go of Adagio's hand.

Hand trembling and body still tense, Adagio began to tentatively fuck herself with the dildo. After a few strokes she began to moan quietly.

Sunset stood and grasping Adagio's hair, pulled her back a little to free up space on the couch. She lay the towel across the seat and, after hiking up her skirt, sat with her legs spread in front of Adagio.

At first, Adagio didn't seem to notice. Her eyes were closed, and her jaw was trembling. Sunset gave the button on her remote a quick push, at the same time saying sharply, “Pay attention!”

Adagio's eyes snapped open. The motion of the dildo slowed as her gaze followed Sunset's thigh's to her crotch. She looked up at Sunset.

Sunset ran a finger across her damp panties, shivering as she did so. “Well?”

Adagio's throat bobbed. She moved forward towards Sunset, crawling awkwardly with just one hand to spare.

Sunset gave the remote another push, and Adagio gasped, nearly falling over. But she steadied herself just in time, and continued forward.

Sunset moved her gusset aside, exposing her glistening slit, and Adagio brought her mouth upon it.

A surge of pleasure ran through her body as Adagio's tongue touched her. A series of light kisses by her thighs followed, each with its own spark, building up to a crescendo of joy. She gasped and slumped back against the couch.

Adagio's attention moved to her clit, and her thoughts became hazy. More out of instinct, Sunset grasped the remote and pressed the button. She felt, rather than heard, Adagio panting, warm breath against her pussy.

Sunset recovered her wits enough to check Adagio was still fucking herself in the ass – she was, now faster and more forcefully, and rolling her hips as she did so. The sight brought another wave of pleasure, which doubled a second later as Adagio's tongue penetrated her.

She grabbed auburn curls and tugged, pulling Adagio towards her pussy, and cried out.

Immediately after, Adagio's attentions increased. And again. Sunset tried to pick up the remote, but it toppled from her grasp as she came.

When the waves of pleasure finally subsided, she grabbed Adagio's hair and pulled her away. Sunset shivered, then shuffled back and straightened her skirt.

Adagio was still working away at herself with the dildo – she was close now, eyes closed, biting her lower lip. Every now and then she would release a little gasp or moan, or the arm she was supporting herself with would twitch, and she'd have to rebalance herself. Her face was thick with Sunset's and her own juices.

After finding the remote, Sunset pressed the button and held it down. Adagio murmured to herself.

Sunset climbed off the couch, sat beside Adagio, and ran her index and middle fingers over her inner thigh. She brought them back and popped them in her mouth, savouring the taste. Then she slipped them into Adagio's pussy, with her other two fingers resting gently against Adagio's labia and the thumb across her perineum, its tip brushing the surface of the dildo as it moved in and out.

With her free hand she pressed the remote; the vibrator buzzed against her fingers. Adagio's breathing became more ragged, and the motion of the dildo more irregular

Seconds later, Sunset felt Adagio's pussy clench around her finger. For a moment she froze, coming in silence. Fresh fluids ran down Sunset's palm, past her wrist. She grabbed the towel from the couch and dropped it between Adagio's knees.

Sunset curled her fingers inside Adagio. This earned her a gasp which turned into a moan, and Adagio began to fuck herself with the dildo once more. Sunset aided her with the vibrator.

Adagio came again, and a third time almost immediately.

Sunset stepped up her efforts, working her fingers in and out beside the vibrator, sliding the tip of her thumb inside Adagio's ass. When she wasn't pressing the remote, she ran a hand over Adagio's sweat-slick back, her sides, her tummy, her breasts.

Adagio came a fourth time, cursing as she did so. Juices ran freely from her pussy. The arm she was supporting herself with gave way and she sunk to the floor. She released the dildo, leaving it buried in her ass. Her hands, now free, clenched and unclenched and her words devolved into soft murmurs.

After extracting her fingers from inside Adagio, Sunset leant over and kissed her hip. “We're done,” she said. The only response was a a small, muffled noise. She took the toys out of Adagio – earning another noise – and went to wash them.

Only once she had finished did Sunset notice she was shaking. She stared at her quivering hands as she ran them under the cold tap, well past the point of cleanliness until they were almost numb.

There's something in you, she thought. Something unpleasant. No … you've always known it was there.

But bringing it to the surface, revelling in it …

Had Adagio been right? If not in general then for Sunset, at least?

She shook her head and splashed water on her face. There would be time to worry about that later.

Once she'd dropped the toys in her bag, she returned to the living room to find Adagio still lying naked in front of the couch, the towel bunched up beside her. When she saw Sunset coming over to her, she looked up and gave a small smile.


“Mhm.” Adagio wriggled a bit. “Feel like I could stay here all night.”

“Even when your friends come back?”

A shrug and a noncommittal noise.

“Come on,” said Sunset. She offered a hand to Adagio, who took it and slowly climbed to her feet. An idea came to Sunset. “Here. I'll carry you.”

Adagio looked at her for a moment, then nodded.

She was surprisingly light, Sunset thought, as she carried her out of the room. Her hands supported Adagio's rump, with Adagio's legs wrapped around her torso. She would've peered over Adagio's shoulder, but masses of curls obscured most of her vision. Somehow they made it. Sunset lay Adagio down on her bed, and dumped the towel – which had been draped over her shoulder – on the floor.

“That was fun,” whispered Adagio, stretching on the bed.

Sunset leant over and kissed her. “Just one more thing.” She swept into the bathroom, came back with a damp flannel and dabbed Adagio's face clear of stickiness.

Adagio, who was clearly still in something of a daze, lay back with her eyes closed and smiled. When Sunset got up to wash the flannel, she grabbed her wrist. “Leave it,” she said, eyes still closed. “Hold me.”

Sunset smiled to herself and dropped the flannel.

From down the hall came a noise at the front door.

Sunset slipped from Adagio's grasp and padded over to shut the door to the room, then returned to the bed and wrapped her arms around Adagio. Amid clunks, she could hear animated voices punctuated by laughter: Aria and Sonata.

Then, silence save a small thump.

Adagio smiled to herself. “Perfect timing,” she said, as her hand sought out Sunset's and their fingers intertwined.

From outside, Aria's voice: “Stop slobbering on me, you fool!”

Then, the sound of Sonata giggling, followed by the clatters of running footsteps up the hallway. “Gotcha!”

“Gerroff! You'r ruining my …”

The exchange devolved into both of them laughing, then fell into silence again.

“Oh,” said Sunset.

Adagio pulled her closer. “Stop eavesdropping,” she said, burying her face in Sunset's chest.

Sunset ran her hands over Adagio's hair. For a while, neither of them said anything, and while the girls outside frolicked and eventually calmed, Sunset's attention lay with the sensations in front of her.

She realised, in an idle, relaxed sort of way, that this was some new level to Adagio, beneath the pride and the arrogance, that she'd not seen before. And while there were things she'd wanted to ask, right now they didn't seem important. All that mattered was to simple exist together and enjoy being.

“I love you,” said Sunset.

Adagio nuzzled against her chest, and replied, “I love you too, Sunset Shimmer.”

Next Chapter: Meeting your friends is always a good idea Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes
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I Wanna Be Your Pony

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