
I Wanna Be Your Pony

by The Last Mari Lwyd

Chapter 3: In the park

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“Now,” said Adagio, obscuring her grin with steepled fingers.

“Now?” asked Sunset. “Here?”

Adagio nodded and took a sip of her coffee.

Sunset looked around. Yes, they were in another district, unlikely to run into anyone from CHS. And yes, the cafe was mostly empty. But they were outside near the steet, and someone could walk past at any moment.

She'd hoped they'd be in the park by the time Adagio gave the command. That was foolish. Obviously Adagio would take the sadistic option.

Well? I'm waiting.”

“Yes, ma'am,” said Sunset softly. Another look across the street to check if anyone was passing. Nope. Okay. She hiked up her skirt – this one shorter than her usual – until she could reach the waistband of her panties. A third glance, then she lifted off her seat and quickly slid them down from under her skirt, over her knees, over her shoes. She dropped them into Adagio's bag which was under the table.

Fresh air played against her pussy. She closed her legs and sighed in relief. At least if anyone came by, they wouldn't notice.

As she was reaching for her milkshake, Adagio grabbed her wrist. “You're not done,” she said, still grinning.

Sunset slumped back. “Yes, ma'am,” she said in resignation. She shrugged her jacket off, slid the straps of her bra down over her shoulders and off. After another check in case anybody was walking by, the unhooked her bra and started to pull it out from beneath her top.

Just as this happened, she heard the door to the cafe open – to her left, just behind her. Footsteps between the outside tables. Sunset quickly pulled her bra the rest of the way out and hid it on her lap.

She glanced to the right to see who had just walked past – a young couple, maybe mid twenties, walking side by side with fingers intertwined. They must have seen her, right?

The woman turned at Sunset, looked briefly at her chest, then at her face. Eye contact for a fraction of a second, then the woman's head whipped forward, and she was out onto the street.

Sunset looked down. The fabric of her top was thin; her nipples, already hard, were quite visible.

She could feel her cheeks burning, and looked up to see Adagio staring intently at her. In … what? Sadism? Adoration?

“Beautiful,” said Adagio. She reached out and held Sunset's breast through her top, the pad of her thumb brushing the nipple. “I knew this would get you going! All that fire you have, and yet you're eager to be humiliated. And so obedient.” She moved her hand upwards and traced Sunset's jawline with her fingertips. Her eyes were softer now. “I love that.”

Sunset smiled despite herself. This tenderness, she thought to herself, this was why she was here – more than the physical attraction, more than the thrill. Not that those weren't important too, mind.

Adagio's commanding tone came back: “Touch your pussy. Just for a moment.”

Sunset nodded, and without looking around this time, dropped a hand beneath the table, pushed her skirt up a little, and touched herself. Her fingertips came back damp and glistening.

“Give me your hand.”

Adagio took Sunset's fingers in her hand. Seeing her lips wrapped around the knuckles, feeling her tongue, knowing she was tasting Sunset's juices, here in public, was more of a turnon that the touch itself had been. Sunset inhaled sharply.

“Mmm,” said Adagio, eyes closed, sliding the fingers out of her mouth. She gave Sunset a half-lidded smile and returned to her coffee. “Finish up. We're going for a walk.”

They left the little cafe and headed down the street. Under the pressure of her jacket, Sunset could feel the fabric of her top rubbing against her nipples. They passed a few people along the way – no one she recognised – and each time came a twinge of fear and excitement of knowing how close she was to having them see her body.

A little way into the park a copse began, where things were wilder and you had to negotiate tangled roots and uneven ground underfoot. But it was here, near the entrance, all trimmed grass, neat flowerbeds, tidy gravel pathways, where Adagio stopped her.

“Let's stop a moment, enjoy the scenery.” She sat down on a bench, legs crossed and arms stretched out along the top of the backrest.

As Sunset settled down to the right of her, she noticed the bench opposite them across the pathway: On it were four boys – maybe a couple of school years below her – chattering away and trying to upstage each other with bawdy jokes and self-aggrandising stories.

She felt Adagio's right hand stroke her shoulder from behind, then move along, fingers caressing the back of her neck.

“Talk to me,” said Adagio quietly.

“About what?”

“Anything you like.”

Sunset, mind blank, scanned the park for inspiration.

“Not those lot in front of us,” commanded Adagio.

A sparrow landed beside them, skittered about, then took off again. “Birds,” set Sunset, painfully aware of how lame it sounded.

“Okay,” said Adagio. “Birds it is. Open your legs a bit.”

Sunset froze and turned to Adagio.

“You heard me.”

Sunset swallowed and looked forward again. “Y-yes, ma'am.” She shifted, opened her legs so there were maybe six inches between her knees. She glanced at the boys on the opposite bench. They weren't paying any attention to her. In fact, she noted with a twinge of jealousy, seemed to be looking at Adagio.

“Do you like birds?” asked Adagio in a conversational tone. “Most of them are pretty pathetic, I think.” She threw a sidelong glance at Sunset. “But I have some respect for ravens and crows. There's something … I don't know … coldly magnificent about them, don't you think?”

“I suppose,” said Sunset. She took a moment to try and forget the feeling of her exposed pussy on concentrate on what Adagio was saying. “I'd, uh, I'd have thought you would like eagles.”

“Open your legs wider,” said Adagio. “Yeah, eagles are fine. A bit obvious, though.”

Sunset did as she was told. Her pussy was definitely visible now. Another glance at the boys; the one who had been looking at Adagio now had his gaze directly between her legs. She swallowed and pulled her attention back to the conversation. “So … you prefer ravens to eagles?”

“Mhm, I think so.”

Something occurred to Sunset. Even given the situation, she couldn't hold back a smirk. “Are you telling me you're secretly goth. Is that it?”

Adagio made a little growl in the back of her throat.

“Maybe you could come back to the school with your hair dyed black,” suggested Sunset. “And loads of eyeliner?”

“A bit wider,” said Adagio. “There's a good pony.”

Another glance at the boys opposite, and Sunset's mirth evaporated. She had the attention of all four now. Their conversation had died away. Two on the end were whispering to each other and intermittently looking between her legs.

She felt her cheeks warming and looked away from the opposite bench. Out of nowhere came Adagio's finger stroking the nape of her neck, and sparks of arousal jumped up her spine. She gasped involuntarily.

“Now that you mention it, it would be fun to do some goth style,” mused Adagio as if nothing were happening. “Would you like that?”

Sunset took a deep breath that almost became a moan under the ministrations of Adagio's fingers on her neck. “Mhm,” she managed eventually.

Adagio reached across with her left hand and stroked Sunset's leg, upwards, then pushing her skirt further upwards to rest against her inner thigh. Little waves of pleasure radiated from every point of contact; eyes closed, Sunset arched her back and murmured Adagio's name. And then for the briefest moment, Adagio's fingers brushed against her pussy, and she let out an audible moan.

As Adagio's hands retreated, Sunset opened her eyes to see all the occupants of the bench staring right at her. She could feel slick wetness on her crotch and the inside of her leg. On the left side, her skirt was all the way up to her hip, displaying everything. She looked down immediately, brimming with shame. And yet simultaneously wishing Adagio would touch her again.

“That's enough of a rest, I think,” Adagio said cheerfully. “Come on, let's get going.”

“Yes ma'am,” Sunset replied.

Adagio stood, helped Sunset up, and started walking to the copse. Walking beside her, Sunset made to smooth down her skirt, but Adagio grabbed her wrist. “Not yet.”

When they were a few metres down the path, Adagio turned and waved goodbye to the boys. Sunset kept her vision forward. Then she felt her skirt being lifted from behind, higher, higher, until she could tell everyone behind her had a clear view of her ass as she walked away. Finally, Adagio slapped her behind, eliciting a yelp.

“Okay, now you can straighten it,” said Adagio, looking forward again. Sunset did so as quickly as she could.

They walked for a few minutes, Adagio humming to herself. The trees grew denser and wilder.

Adagio stopped and looked around. “Here,” she said.

Sunset checked too. She couldn't see anyone now, and all she could hear was the sussuration of leaves in the wind, mixed with birdsong. “Here's good.”

Adagio put her hands around Sunset's waist and pulled her close, kissing her deeply, then nibbling her lower lip, biting her jawline and chin, and nuzzling her neck. “That was brilliant,” she said. “Your face was so red! So very hot.”

Sunset ran her hands over Adagio's body, over her surprisingly delicate shoulders, over her back, her hips. She couldn't help but smile. “Yeah,” she whispered. “I'm yours and you can show me off to whoever you want to.”

“Exactly,” said Adagio. She released Sunset and stepped back. “So, let's continue.” She extended a hand.

Sunset shrugged her jacket off and let it fall to the floor, took another look around the forest, listened, then pulled her top up and over her head. Her breasts free, her nipples rock hard in the chill air, she handed the top to Adagio.

All she had on was her skirts. Well, and …

“Shoes too?” she asked.

Adagio nodded. “Everything.”

So Sunset removed her shoes, peeled her socks off, and put them all to the side.

The soil against her feet was as startling a sensation as the air against her breasts, and brought home how exposed she was. As she fumbled with the buttons on her skirt, she realised she was shivering, as much with anticipation as with cold.

She slid her skirt down, picked it up from the ground, and gave to Adagio. Top and skirt went into Adagio's bag.

Goosebumps prickled her skin. A rustle somewhere. Sunset looked around frantically, strained her ears, but heard nothing further. Instinctively, she covered her breasts with one arm and put the other hand over her crotch.

Adagio was standing back, arms crossed, grinning widely. “There, naked in the open air. Just like a pony should be,” she said.

Sunset looked around. “Now can I … ?”

“Not yet,” said Adagio. She pulled Sunset into a kiss, hands running over her body. One ran over her belly, grasped just above her hips. One slid between Sunset's legs, fingers brushing her lips and clit, and sending waves of pleasure up through her abdomen. A finger slipped inside her. Sunset moaned into the kiss.

Adagio pulled her hand away, and put her slick fingers into her mouth and Sunset's as they kissed. Sunset could taste herself on Adagio's fingers and Adagio's tongue in her mouth, and she moaned again.

Then Adagio pulled away. She was grinning again. “You can finish by yourself,” she said. “Oh, and the bag doesn't open again until you've come. No matter who comes by.”

Sunset stared at her, then swallowed. “Yes, ma'am,” she said.

Somehow, masturbating outside seemed more embarrassing then sex outside. But then Adagio probably knew that. Which was why she was doing it.

Sunset started to gently stroke her clit with one hand, and brought this other to cup her breast and play with her nipple.

She was already aroused, and quickly found herself unsteady, knees weak, and close to falling over. She looked around, then settled back as best she was able against the nearest tree. There, legs spread, feeling the rough bark press into her back and buttocks, she began to touch herself again.

That was it. That worked. Soon she was furiously rubbing her clit, occasionally slipping her index and middle fingers inside her pussy. The tree rubbing up behind her only served to turn her on more. She moaned loudly, bit her lip, rolled her hips. All out in the open. All with Adagio watching.

“Stop,” said Adagio.

Sunset did so, and looked up at her, breathing heavily.

“On your hands and knees. Continue like that.”

“Y-yes ma'am.” Legs weak, Sunset stumbled forward, dropped to her knees. She struggled for a moment to find a good position, finally settling on resting on her left elbow and touching herself with her right hand.

The ground was a few inches from her face; she felt roots pressing into her knees and elbow. When she moved her hand to play with her nipple for a moment, her fingers left a slick trail across her belly.

She couldn't see Adagio, but heard her walking. A moment later, Adagio's boot appeared between her legs, moving up until it pressed briefly against her pussy. She moaned, started frigging herself harder. Close now, very close.

Next, she felt Adagio's boot treading on the small of her back. Not hard, not enough to hurt, but an insistent pressure. A reminder: She was Adagio's – debased, naked in the woods, getting herself off, while Adagio stood unsullied. The thought took her nearly to the brink, and she squirmed, rolling her hips and mewling.

“Listen,” said Adagio. “Someone's near.”

A cold dread worked its way up Sunset's spine, intertwined with the pleasure. She paused for a moment, long enough to hear faint movement.

But she was close. All she could do, all she wanted to, was keep going, even if it meant getting caught. As she stroked her clit again, she imagined getting caught, imagined being seen by a stranger on the ground masturbating, under Adagio's boot. And that thought, the fear and the excitement, finally brought her over the edge.

She stifled a cry, shuddered as she came.

And then she decided to keep going. How could she stop? The thought of someone so close was just too hot to ignore.

She came again – harder. This time she did cry out, not caring who heard. Exhausted, she rolled over onto her side, and lay there panting.

Adagio looked down on her, smiling. “Well done, little pony,” she said, and offered Sunset a hand up.

Sunset realised she couldn't quite stand on her own, and had to lean on Adagio for support. When was settled, though, she realised Adagio was looking at something.

Her gaze was directed at one of the boys from earlier – the one who had looked first -- standing a dozen metres away, with eyes lie saucers. Unperturbed, she made a gesture to shoo him away, and he complied, retreating silently, running back towards the park's entrance.

Sunset swore and buried her face in Adagio's hair. “How long was he there?”

“Arrived just in time to see you come the second time,” said Adagio. “How's that for good luck?”

Sunset groaned.

“Whenever you're ready,” said Adagio, her voice softer.

Sunset nodded. She didn't feel quite capable of doing anything except, perhaps, cuddling. “Will you … dress me?”

“Sure.” Adagio smiled at her. “You'll have to let me get my bag.”

“Yeah, I think I can do that,” said Sunset. Shakily, she managed to stand while Adagio retrieved her clothes.

A thought occurred while Adagio was sliding up her panties.

“It's weird how well we've adapted. Clothes never used to mean anything …” She lifted her arms to let Adagio clasp her bra.

“Take anyone, pony or human,” said Adagio, “and tell her it's wrong to, I dunno, not stroke her nose at midday. Here, step in.” – she offered Sunset her skirt, and Sunset obliged – “Put her in a community who all follow this rule and mock anyone who doesn't. Then get her to break it, and marvel at how much shame she feels.”

“Good hypothesis,” said Sunset.

“Siren. Comes with the territory.” Adagio pulled Sunset's top over her head. “You can do the shoes and socks.” She stroked Sunset's hair idly. “So is that your post-orgasmic fun? Hypotheses?”

Sunset was silent as she put her shoes on. “I guess so,” she said, standing. “I like thinking about that sort of stuff. I don't do it so much here, because in high school culture it marks you as a geek. And that's not the image I wanted to build.”

“But you're happy for me to see,” said Adagio.

“Yeah, my geeky side is TOTALLY the most embarrassing thing I've had on show today.”

Adagio laughed and put her arm over Sunset's shoulders. “I like it. You're not an airhead, which is more than I can say for … well, whatever. It's hot, seeing you go from writhing naked on the ground to geeking out about magic.”

They started walking further into the woods, arm in arm, towards the park's second exit.

“You think so?”

“Mhm. Especially when your hair is all tousled like that.”

“You wanna hear what I think?” said Sunset, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame it.

“Go for it.”

“I think it's in the mapping. The mirror between Equestria and here. It turned me and Twilight into humans. But there has to be some mental side to it too, since we both knew how to walk on two legs. More than that, we both knew the language. So the mapping doesn't just give you a human body, it also gives you culturally specific awareness. Like, for example” – Sunset opened her hands in rhetorical flourish – “nudity taboos.”

Adagio stopped. “Hold on for just a moment.”


Adagio pulled her into a kiss that lasted several seconds. “Definitely hot.” she said, and started walking again. “Now why couldn't you come up with a topic like this when we were on the bench?”

Sunset squeezed her hand. “Because I wanted to concentrate on what you were telling me to do.”

Adagio smirked.

“Was there a mapping like that for you?” asked Sunset.


“When you came here.”

“No. We arrived as sirens.” Adagio held out her hands and stared at it. “We made these bodies later.”

“Really?” said Sunset. “That's …”

A look towards the park exit silenced her.

Standing there, staring at them, was Rainbow Dash.

Author's Notes:

Suddenly, chapter three! Is that drama I see on the horizon?

Next Chapter: Discovery Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 57 Minutes
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I Wanna Be Your Pony

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