
I Wanna Be Your Pony

by The Last Mari Lwyd

Chapter 1: I Wanna Be Your Pony

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You're insane, Sunset Shimmer told herself. Utterly fucking insane. What sort of sensible person would even think of arranging such a thing?

She peered out her apartment window into the evening, searched the street three stories below, and drummed her fingers in the window sill. Nope, nothing.

She retreated and sat on the edge of her bed. Her heart was thudding. Yes, it was insane. Yes, she would catch hell if her friends ever found out. That was the point. That was what made it so hot.

She lay back and, slipping her fingers down the front of her skirt, thought of Adagio.

Adagio who kept to herself even after Sonata and Aria had started to make friends.

Adagio who, when Sunset sat with her had whispered harshly: “I'm not an 19-year-old ape thing. I'm not even a fickle little pony who threw a sulking fit because she wasn't good enough to make the grade. I'm an millennium old demon, and I will not play magic-is-friendship with you lot. Not even now.”

Adagio whom Sunset found sitting alone and miserable in a club a couple of weeks later.

Adagio who was proud and arrogant and sneering – and yet vulnerable in her own way.

The buzz of the phone broke through her thoughts. Startled, Sunset withdrew her hand and clambered off the bed.


It was Adagio: “I'm here,” she said. “Let me in.”

“Yeah, sure. Just wait there.” Sunset swallowed. The thoughts telling her this were insane were coming back.

“And I was just about to walk off,” Adagio said, then hung up.

Sunset shrugged and headed downstairs to open the door.

Illuminated in the pale yellow streetlight, staring up at the apartment complex was Adagio. With one hand she held a leather bag; with the other she fiddled with the unused belt loops of her jeans. She wore a gauzy shirt over a violet camisole. When she saw Sunset she offered a thing, brief smile.

How to greet her? Anything affectionate was surely off the table. After some hesitation, Sunset gave her a little wave. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey,” said Adagio. “So, er,” She nodded towards the stairwell.

“Yeah, come on. By the way, you're looking … really sexy.”

That got a real smile. “Thank you,” said Adagio, in a tone that said I know.

Leading her upstairs, Sunset began to feel more confident. “Remember what we agreed on?”


“What was it?”

“Oh, come on.”

Sunset stopped at the next landing and turned. “Look, if you can't do this properly, I'm not playing. You can go back home right now.”

Adagio threw her hands up. “Okay, chill. You're only mine when we start playing. Nothing that'll leave a permanent mark. You say the safeword and I stop immediately …”

Sunset smiled and, because it felt appropriate, reached forward and gave Adagio's hand a quick squeeze. “Good. Now what else?”

The rest of the way, Adagio recited everything. She got it all right.

“Loving the room,” she said, dropping her bag in the corner, when Sunset let her in. Sarcasm? Probably. The room was tiny; there was little there save the bed, the desk, the ensuite, a full length mirror on the closet door. Back when she was playing alpha bitch at Canterlot High, she had never let anyone round to see it.

Still, Adagio was in her room. Adagio was in her room! And her bag, holding who-knew-what toys. The thought was enough to send an electric shiver up Sunset's spine. “So,” she said, “do you wanna begin now?”

Adagio nodded.

“Okay,” said Sunset. “Go. I'm all yours.”

The words brought another smile to Adagio's face. Her voice was at once commanding: “Back against that wall. Arms by your sides.”

Sunset did as she was told. Adagio stood in front of her, looking her up and down. “All mine, huh?” she said, running her fingers idly across Sunset's body. Without warning she reached up and grabbed Sunset's hair, pulling her head back, and bit her jaw.

Sunset yelped. The sudden pain, the knowledge that it was Adagio's decision and she had no choice in the matter sparked a twinge between her legs.

“Good pony,” Adagio said, caressing the spot she just bitten. “Come on now, aren't you a good pony?”

“Yes, ma'am,” said Sunset.

“Open your mouth.”

Sunset did as she was told.

In response she found Adagio's index and middle fingers in her mouth. “I don't want you to gag.” The fingers slid deeper, deep as they would go. A fraction of a second later, trying not to, Sunset started choking.

The fingers were gone immediately. Adagio tutted. “Too bad,” she said. “Maybe later.”

Sunset nodded.

“Hold on there just a moment.” Adagio opened her bag, searched through for a moment, and retrieved a crop. “You know they use these on ponies here?” she said with a smirk. She sat on the bed in front of Sunset, leaning back and supporting herself with her hands, and crossed her legs. “Anyway, where were we? Time to see the goods, I think. Take your top off.”

Sunset shed her jacket, laid it beside the bed, lifted her top over her head. She could feel Adagio's eyes on her all the time.

“Did I say stop?” said Adagio. She sat forward and with the crop swatted Sunset just under the ribs.

“Oh! Sorry, ma'am.” As Sunset reached up to the clasp of her bra, her fingers were trembling. She was about to expose herself. And to Adagio! Adagio, who was still unrepentant about everything she'd done to the school.

The bra dropped to the floor. Sunset could feel her cheeks burning.

Adagio tilted her head to one side. “Hm,” she said, like someone trying to figure out whether they liked an odd piece of art. “Not bad, not bad at all.” Then, in one motion, she reached forward and pinched Sunset's left nipple – hard.

Sunset let out a squeal of pain and tried to pull back, bumping into the wall.

“Oh, come on, you can do better than that,” said Adagio. “Stand up straight.”

She stood in front of Sunset, taking her tits in her hands, caressing them, and then leaned forward to whisper in Sunset's ear: “This time, keep quiet.”

“Yes ma'am.”

A moment later came the sharp pain, from both nipples this time. Sunset grimaced; her knees almost went from under her; she managed to keep her mouth shut, but couldn't help a pitiful moan come from her throat.

Adagio took her hands away. Sunset looked up at her to see her smiling.

“Good girl,” she said, stroking Sunset's hair. She sat back on the bed. “Not perfect, but better than I expected. Now, about that skirt.”

Sunset started to unbutton it.

Adagio slapped her hands away and shook her head. “No. Lift it up.”

As Sunset did so, Adagio traced a line on her inner thigh with the crop. When it touched her crotch, she let out a little gasp.

“Ha!” said Adagio. “We've barely started and you're already practically dripping.” She pressed two fingers briefly against the fabric, summoned Sunset closer with a gesture, then lifted them to her mouth. “Open!”

Sunset could taste herself on them, musky and ever so slightly sweet. Was she really that wet already?

She saw Adagio reaching between her legs again and tensed up, not knowing whether to expect pain or something else. But Adagio stopped just before touching her, and instead made a “spin” gesture.

She heard a brief chuckle. “You put on a thong! Did you do that just for me?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

She felt Adagio's fingertips lightly stroking her up her legs to her ass. Then nothing. Then – smack! The pain of the crop. She managed to stop herself from crying out just in time.

Behind her, Adagio chuckled.

The crop came up between her legs, landing right on her pussy. She squealed.

“Sunset Shimmer! What did I say?”

She swallowed. “That I should keep quiet, ma'am.”

“Yeah, I did. So keep quiet.” Adagio idly brushed the crop against Sunset's legs. “That was just a tap. If you can't do it this time, I'll do it twice as hard. At least. Understand?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Open your legs a bit more.”

Sunset held her jaw as tightly closed as she could and did as she was told.

When the crop came again, she just about stopped the scream in her throat. She put her head against the wall and sighed with relief.

“You're such a good girl,” said Adagio. She said it in a tone that sounded genuine, a tone that make Sunset's heart melt and her face light up.

Behind her, Adagio stood. “This way,” she said, grabbing Sunset's hair and dragging her over to the mirror on the closet door. “I want you to see yourself.”

There she was. Breasts exposed, skirt hiked up, showing her thong, a damp spot on the crotch. And behind her, looking over her shoulder, Adagio Dazzle, smiling confidently and fully in control, her hands on Sunset's hips.

“How does it feel?” asked Adagio. “Being at the mercy of the evil leader of the sirens?”

Sunset took a breath, shivering. “It feels good, ma'am.”

Adagio's smile broadened. “And why is that?”

“Because … because I adore you.”

“Yes, you do,” said Adagio, stroking Sunset's arms. “You're just my little pony who adores me, aren't you?”

“Yes, ma'am.” Sunset swallowed and nodded.

Adagio's hands were all over her. On the left, one sliding over her hips, over her belly, cupping her breast. The other playing across her back, momentarily under the band of her thong, then caressing her ass and thighs, moving between her legs. All very gentle. Even when Adagio bit her shoulder and her neck it was gentle. Between her legs, fingers momentarily pushing the fabric aside and resting against her bare pussy; the other fingertip playing with her nipple.

And in the mirror she could see the effect it was having on her: Her expression. Her chest heaving.

Adagio pulled away and in one smooth motion raked her nails down Sunset's back.

Sunset kept quiet. She could see her own grimace in the mirror.

Adagio reached forward and did it again, this time across her chest, between her breasts, leaving four red streaks.With one hand around Sunset's throat, she pulled her back. With the other she presented two fingers to Sunset's mouth.

“Don't gag,”

Sunset nodded and opened her mouth.

Adagio's fingers went in, deeper, deeper. She could feel the tips against her palate, but managed not to gag. Seeing herself in the mirror, with Adagio's fingers in her mouth up to the knuckle, other hand around her throat, with those marks on her chest, made her pussy ache. She wanted, she needed Adagio – her mistress – to fuck her.

Adagio held her like that for several seconds, then released her, slowly easing her fingers out of Sunset's mouth. She led her over to the bed and sat down. “Over my lap,” she said. “Face down.”

Sunset did as she was told, lying on the edge of the bed, her hips positioned over Adagio's legs.

“Such a good pony,” murmured Adagio, her hands on Sunset's ass. “Now, before we begin.” She turned and pulled something out of her bag. Sunset couldn't see what it was.

“Count these for me. But don't cry out.”

“Yes ma'am.”

Whack! The crop came down on her ass. Sunset stifled a yelp and said, “O-one.”

“Thank me for it.”

“Thank you, ma'am.”


“Two. Thank you, ma'am.”

Sunset felt Adagio's free hand between her legs, pulling the fabric aside, letting the cool air play against her pussy. She moaned a little.



“Three. Thank you, ma'am.”

Adagio started to caress her inner thighs, every so often brushing her pussy lips. Sunset bit down on her hand to stop making any noise – except when she had to count.

After “Eight”, Sunset felt something cold press against her pussy, slowly entering it. She ground her hips and stifled a moan.

Again – Whack! Sunset managed to get out a “N-nine.” The toy slide further into her, and when she said “Thank you, ma'am” it came out tremulous and punctuated by gasps.

After “Ten”, Adagio started fucking her with the dildo.

After “Eleven” she left it buried deep in Sunset's pussy and started to stroke her clit.

She kept on like that, randomly alternating between the two.

After “Nineteen”, Sunset's knuckles were white, grasping mounds of bedsheet as hard as she could. She was rolling her hips, fucking the dildo and trying to get it to go even deeper.


“T-t-twen-ohfuck!” The attempt to count dissolved into a long, drawn out moan.

Adagio stopped immediately, laying the crop to one side. Sunset lay there for a moment, tensing her pussy against the dildo, trying to extract all the pleasure she could from it and waiting for the return of Adagio's touch.


“Please?” Sunset managed to choke out.

“What?” said Adagio.

Sunset buried her face in the bedsheets. “Please let me come,” she begged.

She felt motion, Adagio's hand on the dildo. And in one motion it was out of her, and she was left empty.

“Let's get to, hm, thirty first,” said Adagio. Sunset could imagine her sadistic smile.

She nodded. “Yes, mistress.”

Adagio patted her on the head. “Starting at twenty again, alright?”


“Agh! Twenty. Thank you, ma'am,”


They kept going:


“Thirty. Thank you, ma'am.” Sunset wriggled on Adagio's lap. “Please. Please fuck me, ma'am.”

She gasped as the dildo slid back into her. Now, crop laid aside, Adagio had both hands to work on her. One fucking her; the other caressing her clit, her lips, then away to tease her nipples for a moment.

Very quickly she came to a shuddering orgasm, biting her hand again to stop herself from crying out, and mostly succeeding. Adagio kept up her motions, expertly working the dildo, and soon Sunset came a second time and a third.

At last, Adagio took the dildo out and removed her hands from Sunset's body. Sunset lay there, panting, and bunched up the bedsheets and cuddled them against herself.

She felt Adagio's hand against her own, and looked up to see an expression that was not the usual haughtiness. If anything, it looked warm and even a tiny bit concerned.

“Fun?” Adagio said.

Sunset nodded. “Mmhmm.”

Adagio let her lay there for a few moments, then, her imperious tone returning, told her. “We're not finished. Get up!” She pushed at Sunset, who rolled off her lap, off the bed, and landed awkwardly on the floor.

When she got up, Adagio leaned forward, unbuttoned her skirt, and pulled if off along wth her thong, leaving her naked.

“I think it's time I got some fun, don't you?” said Adagio, standing in front of her.

“Yes, ma'am.”

“On your knees.”

Sunset did so.

Adagio played with a strand of her hair. “Tell me, little pony, what do you want to do?”

Sunset looked up at Adagio. “I want to please you ma'am,”

The pressure on her scalp became pain as Adagio yanked her hair. “Boring. You can do better than that.”

“I want to lick you out. I … I want to taste your pussy. I want to SEE your pussy.”

“Better. Give me your hand.”

Adagio took Sunset's hand and placed it between her legs, taking a deep breath when it made contact.

Sunset's chest heaved. The denim against her fingertips and the pressure of the flesh beneath. The flesh – Adagio's pussy. Just two layers of fabric away.

Adagio held her hand there. “And why do you want to do such a thing?”

“Because you're gorgeous. I've thought so since I first saw you in school.” Sunset pressed a little harder between Adagio's legs , and heard a catch in the rhythm of her breath in response. “Because I adore you.”

“Oh, you,” said Adagio. “How could I turn down such a good little pony. Just – one more thing.” She pulled Sunset's hand away, then leant over the bed to get something from her bag.

It was a blindfold. “You don't need to see to use your tongue, now do you?” she said, smirking at Sunset. “Don't worry, little pony, I'll guide you.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Sunset felt a twang of disappointment, immediately followed by a surge of excitement as Adagio put the blindfold on her.

“Ready?” she heard Adagio say. “Put your hands out.”

She did so; she felt Adagio take them, move them forward, bring them against the the top of her jeans, against the top button.

“Go on,” said Adagio.

With trembling hands Sunset fumbled with the button, finally managing to undo it. She took the zipper and, after pausing for a moment, moved in down. She felt her knuckle brushing against the fabric of Adagio's panties.

Adagio took her hands again and moved them to the belt loops.

Sunset tugged Adagio's jeans down.

Again, Adagio took her hands. “Ready?” she said.

“Yes, ma'am.”

Sunset tried to move her hands. Adagio held them firmly in place.

“Ask nicely.”

“Please, let me take off your panties, ma'am.”

Adagio guided her, hooked her thumbs under the waistband.

Sunset slid them down, feeling her hands stroke against Adagio's hips. Anticipation wrapped itself around her throat. She felt herself shivering.

She could smell Adagio's arousal. The thought of Adagio being turned on – being turned on by her no less! – Made her own pussy tingle. With Adagio's hand in her hair, guiding her, she moved in closer.

There! She couldn't be more than a couple of inches from Adagio's pussy. And seconds away from tasting her.

A tug on her hair stopped her, then pulled her away. She yelped, half with surprise and half with frustration. A shuffling noise, followed by a command: “Take off the blindfold.”

She did so, to see that Adagio was once again fully dressed, with a smile that had a sadistic edge.

“I've decided that I don't want you to taste me,” she said. “Do you know why, little pony?”

“Why, ma'am?” Kneeling in front of Adagio, Sunset almost felt like crying.

“Because I felt like it.”

Sunset looked down and didn't say anything.

“And why can I do that? I'm sure you know the answer to that one.”

“Because –” Sunset swallowed. “– you can do whatever you like. I'm your little pony, and I adore you.”

Adagio ruffled her hair. “Exactly! Whatever I like.” She leaned over the bed to retrieve something from her bag. “Stand up. I have something for you.”

She turned back holding a pair of nipple clamps connected by a length of string. “Made sure they won't leave any marks,” she said with a smirk. Said in a tone, Sunset thought, of someone who was proud she'd done so well and wanted approval.

She brushed her fingers against Sunset's nipples. “Ready?”

Sunset nodded.

“Now, which one. Or both?” Adagio waved one of the clips from left to right, holding it open. “Oh, choices, choices.” And without warning, she closed it on Sunset's left nipple.

Sunset grimaced, but didn't make a sound.

“Oh, good girl,” said Adagio. She put the second clamp on, and gave both a tug.

Sunset whimpered a little without opening her mouth.

“Now, get on the bed. On your hands and knees, facing away from me.”

Sunset did as she was told.

Facing away, she felt Adagio's fingers caress the back of her legs, the heard her searching the bag one more. “Don't worry, little pony. We're nearly done,” she said.

Without warning something cold pushed up against her anus and started to enter her. Sunset cried out and moved forward to evade it.

Then nothing. No chiding from Adagio, no punishment. Sunset looked round and saw her holding the offending instrument – a clear butt plug on the end of which was a tail, correctly coloured in red and yellow just for her. Adagio's sadistic appearance had vanished. Now she looked, well, concerned.

She's waiting for the safeword! Sunset realised. Of course. This was something they hadn't discussed. Not forbidden, but questionable. And when Sunset had reacted like she did after enduring everything else so far – that must have seemed like a red flag.

And all that must mean that under the sarcasm, under the sadism, Adagio actually WAS concerned about her wellbeing. Sunset's heart did a little flip at the thought.

“I'm your little pony,” she said. “And you can do whatever you like.” She looked forward again, away from Adagio, and hung her head. “I'm sorry I made a noise ma'am.”

There was no reply, but she felt Adagio's hand on her side, a comforting gesture.

A couple of seconds later, and the tail started to enter her. Sunset tightened her jaw and endured the pain.

“There we go!” said Adagio. Her dom tone was back. She patted Sunset's ass and gave her tail a little tug. “Last thing.” She slid the dildo from earlier back into Sunset's pussy as deep as it would go. “All done, I think.”

She grabbed Sunset's hair and pulled her round. “Follow me, pony.”

Adagio led her off the bed, across the floor on her hands and knees until the mirror was behind her.

“Stop,” she commanded. “Look round.”

She saw herself, utterly debased – hair a mess, naked, red marks across her ass, tail hanging between her legs. Adagio lifted it up so she could see the dildo sticking out of her pussy.

She could Adagio, her mistress, too – smiling imperiously, holding her tail, unruffled, fully dressed and fully in control. The contrast sent twinges up her spine.

But, she thought, looking at Adagio's body, I still know you're turned on.

After giving her a few seconds to take the image in, Adagio said, “You've been such a good pony. I think you deserve a reward.” She squatted to take the dildo out of Sunset's pussy, then, offering a hand, said: “Stand up.”

Sunset did as she was told.

“Take off my shirt,” she said.

Sunset swallowed. Was she actually going to do it this time? And without the blindfold? She took the edges of the shirt and opened it, letting her hands stroke Adagio's shoulders as she did so, removed it and dropped it on the bed.

“Keep going,” Adagio whispered in her ear. “And don't be afraid to touch me.”

Sunset stroked Adagio's arms, pulled her close, took her camisole off, and ran her hands over her exposed back.

She unhooked Adagio's bra and paused – she was about to see her naked!

The bra dropped to the floor, and Sunset, throat tight, slowly ran her hands over Adagio's breasts. She moved forward to take the left nipple in her mouth, then looked up. “Ma'am, may I?”

Adagio, smiling down on her, nodded.

As she did so, she heard Adagio moan, felt her stroke her back. Sunset moved on to the right nipple, this time adding little bites along with the caresses of her tongue and lips. She grasped Adagio's hips, then ran her hands up her sides.

“Oh, you fucking brilliant pony, you,” murmured Adagio. She pulled Sunset's hair, directing her downwards. “Don't get stuck there. Keep going.”

Leaving a string of kisses and bites down Adagio's belly, Sunset dropped to her knees. They were in same position as earlier, but now she was without the blindfold. She ran her hands over Adagio's thighs, across her ass, between her legs – getting a gasp and a moan in response.

She unbuttoned Adagio's jeans and slid them down, all the way down, and off.

Just one thing left. Adagio stood in front of her wearing just pale blue panties, looking down on her with a smile. Sunset reached forward and brushed her fingers against the fabric, feeling the outline of the slit beneath. She saw Adagio close her eyes and breath in at the touch.

Sunset's fingers came back damp; she put the to her lips and tasted Adagio.

She was ready. Slowly, slowly, she took Adagio's panties down. Her pussy was bare save for a thin, perfectly trimmed strip.

“Like what you see?” said Adagio, obviously appreciating the attention.

Sunset wasn't sure whether she could form words. She nodded quickly, then managed to get out, “Yes, ma'am. Oh, fuck yes.”

This got her a stroke from Adagio, who then sat on the edge of the bed, opened her legs, and pulled Sunset forward.

Sunset didn't need any more signals. Kneeling on the floor, she leaned forward and buried her face between Adagio's legs. Licking and nibbling her slit, feeling Adagio's thighs against her cheeks. With one hand she caressed Adagio's clit; with other the stroked her own.

“Yes, yes, fuck me. Oh, you brilliant little pony, you fucking gorgeous …” moaned Adagio. She pushed Sunset against her pussy and rolled her hips. Her juices covered Sunset's lips and chin. Sunset purred with pleasure, and slid her tongue over Adagio's clit. Adagio lifted her legs a bit and brought her feet together against the small of Sunset's back.

Sunset came moments after Adagio, whose legs squeezed her head and whose fingers pulled her hair. They remained in that position for a while, cooing and murmuring together.

Feeling Adagio's legs release her, Sunset sat back. With her fingers to help, she gathered the fluid on her face and licked it up. Adagio seemed to enjoy the spectacle.

Adagio stood and stretched, making soft growls of pleasure deep in her throat. Then, looking down at Sunset, she said, “There's one more thing I want to do. Something we haven't done yet.” She reached down, put an index finger under Sunset's chin, and with gentle pressure commanded her to stand.

When they were face to face, Adagio cupped Sunset's face in both hands. There was only warmth in her expression, her eyes searching Sunset's. “Kiss me,” she said.

Sunset did as she was told.

Next Chapter: Overnight Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 17 Minutes
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I Wanna Be Your Pony

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