
A Blissful Planet

by VonArmen

Chapter 7: Act VII: Divine Judgment

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I had another strange dream. It was almost the same as the one I had in that forest, with one exception: I heard someone. In that emptiness I was sitting in, I heard the sounds of someone speaking loudly in my direction. I was not quite sure what they were saying, whoever was speaking had their voice muffled. I tried looking for the source in that black void I call an environment but couldn’t find anything. It was far too dark to see.

I like to think, or rather, convince myself that I don’t know what these mean, but I can’t hide from my thoughts. I know what they mean. I know exactly what they mean, and I got dreams exactly like these back when I was younger. It’s so hard to deal with things alone…

I awoke next in what seemed to be a hospital bed. I was almost going to say that I’ve just been in a coma the past week, had it not been for the multiple pictures I noticed around the room containing pictures of a bunch of different colored ponies standing next to a pony in what could be called a lab coat, or something similar. I couldn’t read what was on the pony in the lab coat’s name tag, the pixel resolution was far too terrible to make that out, but I could at least assume that he (or she) was: one, a doctor, obviously; and two, cared about his/her patients enough to actually make sure they were okay after they left the hospital, instead of just mailing a bill to them after they left, regardless of whether they had other complications and sending them on their merry way.

As I finished scanning the room, finding hospital equipment that I’d see in an old 1950’s movie, someone walked in. They wore a white cap with a red cross on it and didn’t really carry anything with them other than a clipboard, so I assumed that this was the nurse.

I could tell it was a female after she spoke to me. Well, it wasn’t really speaking more than it was a very feminine gasp, followed by running out of the room and slamming the door on her way out.

“That seems to be happening to me a lot lately,” I muttered to myself.

A couple minutes later, that pony that I kept seeing in the pictures walked into the room, stethoscope around his neck. I could finally read what was on his tag on the coat he was wearing. “Visionary Mind,” it said.

“Are you feeling alright?” he asked, lifting the stethoscope around his neck with magic and bringing it up to my exposed chest.

The coldness of the metal that the stethoscope was made out of sent a jolt through my body. If I wasn’t awake before, I certainly was after that.

“We scanned you and found that your right forehoof didn’t register with our systems.” He continued, “Can you move it?”

I wonder why their MRIs don’t pick up my right arm... How strange. “My right arm is fine.” I gave it a whirl-around a couple of times and stretched it out to prove it to him. “See? Nothing to concern yourself with.”

“How very perplexing,” he noted. “Well it’s good to see you are alright, all the same. You were rushed here all the way from Ponyville on an emergency order from the Princess after passing out, but it looks like it was just from normal exhaustion. Doesn’t seem to be anything else wrong, from what we could gather. Seeing your anatomy was very informative for us, by the way. I appreciate it, despite you not actually giving us permission for it.” He gave a little nervous laugh after he said that.

Damn Celestia, she just rushed it as an emergency to peek at what makes me tick. No doubt to see if there’s anything in particular that she could use against me in the event that I am considered a rogue. Clever. I like that. Wait, from Ponyville?

“So by ‘all the way from Ponyville,’ do you mean that I’m in a different town right now?”

“That you are,” Visionary replied, “As of right now, you are residing in the most prestigious hospital in Canterlot, the ‘Royal Bastion Hospital of Canterlot.’”

I know I passed out and all, but just how long was I out for? Either Ponyville is incredibly close to this nation’s capital, or I’ve been sleeping longer than I thought.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, I haven’t introduced myself yet,” Visionary cut off my train of thought. “My name is Visionary Mind, as I’m sure you guessed from my nametag.” He pointed to his nametag with his forehoof after placing the stethoscope back around his neck with his magic.

“Hurricane,” I said back, “As I’m sure you already knew from the patient report that should have been filled out when whoever brought me here signed me in.”

The doctor looked a bit taken aback, “Yes, I did. How did you…?”

I forgot how easy it was to press information out of people. “That process works similarly where I’m from. How long have I been out? Must have been a decent while if that female from before gasped and rushed to get you.”

“Ah! Please excuse her rudeness, she is fairly new here, and as such, isn’t accustomed to dealing with different species. You have been asleep for the past 23 hours. We’re still doing your blood work, trying to figure out if there’s a virus in your system, but it will take some time for us to understand your blood composition, considering we haven’t come across your species before. Might I say that your species seems very fascinating in terms of structure and composition? It’s so very similar to ape’s blood, and yet there are a number of differences that makes you able to speak and feel emotions as we ponies can. Truly remarkable!”

As I recall, Earth wasn’t able to determine sentience in a being with blood work alone. Or at all, for that matter. Either I have been underestimating their technological prowess all this time, or their magical capabilities far exceed our technological standard. “You’re able to determine sentience with blood work alone?”

“In a way, yes. It’s not all done with our current technology, that’s for sure. There is a reason most of the ponies that work in the hospital are unicorns, and being able to magically analyze blood and body structure are some of the many reasons why.” His answer seemed so immediate, it’s almost like he was expecting that question.

“So how exactly do you determine sentience with ‘magically analyzing’ it? Is there some invisible strand in my DNA that’s receptive to magic or something?” I was mostly just guessing based off what I heard, at that point, was yesterday from the little quiz session I had. If this “leyline system” is almost like the respiratory system, carrying mana around through your body like the flow of oxygen in your body, I would imagine some sort of similar cell or chemical would be doing the same thing in said “leyline system.” Much to my surprise, I wasn’t very far off.

He gave me a quizzical look, “You’re fairly close, actually. It is the leyline system itself -that is, the system in the body in charge of directing and managing the mana flow in your body- that causes beings of any shape or size to have sentience. I’m sure you’re familiar with us ponies, but as another example, cows have a leyline system, and are therefore able to communicate and interact with our species in a language that we can understand. As of this point in time, we ponies are still trying to determine what exactly in the leyline system makes a being have sentience, but there hasn’t really been any rush to do so in recent times. I’m sorry; do you know what cows are? I’m afraid I’m not quite certain what all you know about our world yet.”

Astounding, truly. Not only can the cows speak, but the good doctor here seems to have his priorities backwards. “Yes, I am aware of what a cow is. So, since I have sentience that would therefore mean that I have a leyline system?”

“Correct. Although, there were some strange cases documented in the past where beings that had no leyline system in their bodies were still able to communicate with us via crude drawings and bodily motions.” The inside of his coat pocket glowed a faded gray color and a picture was levitated out of it so that he could show me. It seemed as though it was a statue of a wolf made out of trees and sticks. “This is what’s known as a ‘timberwolf,’ they commonly reside in the Everfree forest, and somehow through a series of foreleg movements and scribbling in the dirt below him, he was able to convey his thoughts and feelings to us. Of course the Medical Association of Equestria took a sample of his DNA for studying, but results for determining a specific gene or bacterium that causes sentience in living beings remains inconclusive, currently.”

Just like the Chimera. I guess that means the Chimera and Cerberus can’t use magic… But I can, right? At least, in theory I can, anyway. I wonder if I can get someone to teach me.

Visionary Mind put the picture back into his lab coat and pulled out the clipboard attached to the bedframe I was using. He was flipping through paperwork has he spoke, “Now, as for you, it’s very strange why your right arm does not appear via magical scanning. The rest of your body appears to be in perfect condition, from what we doctors here can gather, but your right arm baffles us. There should not be a reason why the portion of your leyline system that flows mana into your arm is severed from the rest of your body. The only possible way discovered as of yet is if your arm was severed from your body, but since that isn’t the case…”

He trailed off and looked at me expectantly, as if I had a clear cut answer. As it just so happens, I didn’t know a definitive answer at the time, but I am very good at guess work.

“I might have an explanation for that. How much has Celestia told you about what she knows of me?” I need to confirm if he knows about the concept of war or not. I doubt Celestia would have told him, but it doesn’t hurt to check.

He gave me a confused glance, “Just your name and that it was very possible that you’re from another planet. That’s all.”

Then I’ll have to avoid talking directly about the war. I should probably avoid mentioning guns and ammunition, as well. The less destructive weapons introduced here, the better. “Well, long story short I got into a pretty nasty fight with someone, and they managed to poke a hole right here,” I pulled down the right sleeve of the hospital garment that barely managed to cover my chest and pointed to my old war wound. As a matter of fact, it was actually the wound that got me discharged. “It went straight through and out the other side, shattered a part of my shoulder bone, and severed the nerve connection that allowed me to use my arm. It’s very possible, if the nervous system and the leyline system are connected or intertwined in some way, that this wound is the reason my arm doesn’t have functioning leyline nodes.”

Visionary contemplated for a moment, trying to piece together how I got the wound, maybe. It’s a little hard to tell what’s going on that head of his. Then again, I would assume that’s how others think about me with my cloak on, or in general, really.

He finally spoke, “That would make sense up until the point where you still have full control over your arm. I just can’t think of any reason that your body would somehow regenerate the nerve cells in your shoulder and allow you full use of your arm again. Other than that, what you said would have been perfectly fine.”

I didn’t quite have the heart to tell him that I underwent a stem cell operation and had the nerve connectors to my shoulder and right arm regenerated. This was mostly just because of where stem cells are most commonly harvested. I couldn’t very well say “Well, they injected an unborn fetus into my arm and I was A-Okay!” Something told me that wasn’t very appropriate, so I played it off as though I didn’t know how I got back control over my arm and just shrugged.

“Well, I suppose it isn’t that pressing a matter at the moment. I would very much like to know, but if you don’t remember I can’t very well expect an answer. After all, it isn’t exactly wise to look a gift horse in the mouth.” The fuck? Alright, I think these horse puns are starting to get really out of hand on this planet. “If you do remember anything about it, please feel free to tell us. We always have our doors open.”

He levitated the clipboard with him and moved closer to the door, “Now all that’s left to do is finish your blood analysis and you’ll be out of here in no time!” He gave me a bright smile before leaving to go finish his work.

“Seems like a nice guy,” I said aloud, not really to anyone in particular.

One thing I wanted to make sure of is that I didn’t want to lose any more memories about myself or the people I knew in the past, so as a test, I played over the recent events in my head to make sure I had my memory straight about the previous night. Celestia, Twilight, Spike, that guard, and I all finished that game of 20 questions, then Celestia went to raise the sun? I suppose I’ll have to double check that with someone else, but after that it’s blank up until when I woke up a little bit ago. That would mean that I passed out sometime after the game ended but before she went to raise the sun… That sounds incredibly weird to think, actually.

Any more thoughts I had were interrupted by a knock on the door and the nurse from before entering the room.

“Y-you have a v-v-visitor…” she stammered before quickly turning around to bow, then bolting out the door when Celestia walked in.

“How friendly,” I commented jokingly, “Do you think she likes me?” I’ll have you know, I tried VERY hard to stifle the laugh after that comment. VERY hard.

Celestia gave me a cold stare, “I was going to ask if you were alright, but it seems as though that’s no longer necessary.”

…Ouch. “I take it you were the one who admitted me here and filled out the paperwork for it?”

“That’s correct. It was the only way to get you in here.”

“…I appreciate it. I would only imagine that that was a massive pain to go through.”

She seemed taken aback by that comment completely. From the looks of it, it ruined her entire train of thought. “What did you say?”

I just smiled, “Look, I may be rude, cynical, and completely anti-social, but that doesn’t make me an ingrate. I understand the gesture and I appreciate it. Especially considering the mounds of paperwork I’m probably putting you through just so that you could get me admitted here, let alone all the complications from the tests that were done on me, not to mention me even being here in the first place.”

I think Celestia finally lost it. In all the two days I got to speak with her, this is the first time I’ve seen her actually show any real emotion, and that was bursting into laughter.

“You certainly are an interesting one,” she said after catching her breath, “Perhaps my student was correct in putting her trust in you. After all, if you can show this kind of gratitude there may be hope for you yet.”

I gave her a joking, deadpan look, “Ha ha. I’m sure I brighten up your day with my incredibly outgoing and bubbly personality, not to mention my overwhelming mounds of gratitude that I hand out.”

For some strange reason, I found her laughing this much to be incredibly unnerving. The laughter was genuine, sure, but seeing her doing it was rather strange, given her fairly hostile and irritant attitude towards me.

Perhaps she’s laughing this much to win me over now that she doesn’t see me as a threat? …My god, was I always this paranoid? She really is laughing genuinely, and that’s my first thought? I think I’m taking this whole “cautious” thing a little too far around them. Maybe I should tone it down just a bit, if I can. It’ll probably be really hard, though, considering I’m used to dealing with people that were literally out to kill me at one point and then figuratively at another. Oh well, baby steps I guess.

“I am not sure what prompted this change of attitude, but I enjoy it. Had you taken this attitude from the start, I may very well have not been so hostile towards you.”

I rolled my eyes and looked away, giving a knowing smile as if to say, “Yeah, right.”

She noticed and chuckled, “Joking aside, you did give us a bit of a scare. Were you really so exhausted during that little game of yours?”

“Not until close to the end. My body can’t quite handle sudden decreases and shifting of my sleeping schedule as easily as it used to. Honestly, I was expecting to pass out before that party even started.”

Celestia flashed a confused glance, “How aged are you, Hurricane?”

“Early 40s,” I replied, “42, to be exact. Average human lifespan directly after the war was about 65 to late 60s early 70s. Before that, though, it was about 100, getting close to mid-100s. I would think that the war cut off a good ten years of my life, but the way I feel now, it’s almost like I was in my early 30s again with all this exercise and lack of sleep I’m able to keep up with.” It’s funny, I hadn’t noticed it before, but I did have a lot of energy when I came here. I know it’s not from an emotional response, I’m still as stoic as ever when it comes to that, but physically I feel so… unlimited. It really does feel like I’m in my late 20s or early 30s, and I’m not quite sure why. Of course I have some ideas as to why, but there’s no real effective way to prove it.

“So then you would be getting close to the end of your lifespan about now?”

“Oh, what, want me gone already?” I gave her a sly smile.

“Do you take anything seriously?” She got that annoyed tone in her voice again. I guess I’m good at getting that out of her.

I cleared my throat, “Sorry. And yes, I am most likely entering the last years of my life fairly soon.”

“I am sorry to hear that, Hurricane. Well, during your stay here in Canterlot I have prepared a room for you to stay at in Canterlot Castle. The guards will lead your way there when you get inside. While there is much to do here in Canterlot, I would advise to not go into highly crowded areas, lest you cause a panic amongst my citizens. I have made formal awareness of your existence here, but there are no doubt some who do not yet believe me until they see you or some who were not able to hear my speech. That being said, Canterlot Castle, along with its observatories and Archives are made available to you during your time here. You also may not leave the city until the doctors here are finished analyzing what they need to. If they call you here for anything you are to come back here immediately, am I clear?”

House rules, huh? Oh goodie, now I feel like I’m 15 again. “You are.” Doesn’t mean I’m going to obey any of those, though.

“Good,” she replied, “Now then, Doctor Visionary Mind gave the clear for you to be able to leave the hospital after I was done speaking with you. Also, I would like for you to get a tour of the city, and since I can’t do it myself, a familiar face will be waiting for you at the castle. I would advise you wait to talk to her, though. It is just before sunrise, after all.”

It is? Well, if I passed out 23 hours ago it couldn’t have been too close to daybreak by now, so that makes sense. So Twilight’s here, is she? I guess I don’t have a choice but to head back to the castle as my first stop, then. “I see. Also, where exactly did they put my clothes? I’d very much like those back.”

“Ah, those will be returned to you by a nurse after I leave. It’s standard procedure for a pony to get his or her clothes back once they have been cleared to depart. With that said, I bid you farewell, Hurricane. I hope you find your stay in Canterlot to be an enjoyable one.”

She opened the door and was just about to leave until she turned around, “Oh and please don’t cause too much commotion while you’re here. It’s already bad enough that I have the paperwork to file out for your being here, the house in Ponyville that got destroyed, acquiring the deed to said house, and all the medical paperwork. I don’t need any more on top of my duties as Princess.”

I shrugged, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s been nothing but sunshine and rainbows since I got here.”

Celestia gave me a sour look in response.

“Oh relax, I’ll try not to. I should warn you though, trouble tends to find me on more occasions than I’d like.”

“So I’ve seen. Just be careful, please. I would very much rather not have an international crisis on my hooves just for keeping you here until there is a way found for you to return to your home planet.”

「だいじょうぶです。」 (“It’ll be fine.” - formal)

Celestia raised an eyebrow and responded, “だいじょうぶない。(No it won’t. – fairly informal) Don’t think I haven’t kept track of the language of the ancient dragons. I’m not quite sure how you picked it up, but I assume you understand me, and I would urge you to be careful, lest I actually have to keep that threat of throwing you in the dungeon.”

“りかいです。(Understood. - formal) So, where’d you pick up this language? I didn’t exactly expect this to exist here.” Speaking in Japanese with someone else is always a fun experience for me, since it’s not my native language. What intrigued me was where this language came from here and how our little Princess here picked it up.

“I don’t know much, and never really got the chance to practice it with others due to the language dying out some 500 years ago when the dragons started changing their language and eventually swapped to Equish altogether. I picked it up from an old dragon emissary who spoke both Equish and Dragon-tongue. Back in those days, the dragons actually had a kingdom and were ruled by the wise dragon king Bahamut which Equestria was rather close with. After one of Bahamut’s citizens Tiamat defected from the old Dragon Kingdom, he took a large number of followers with him, and they tried to overthrow Bahamut thus starting the Great Dragon War. The war left the entire kingdom desolated and barren, with most of its subjects dead or scattered. The dragons were never quite the same after that; kept to themselves, started hibernating frequently, and with their kingdom in shambles, they needed a great leader to keep them together. Unfortunately, both Bahamut and Tiamat were killed in the war, and with no king, the dragon kingdom stayed scattered. I tried to do what I could to help preserve what dragon life I could find, but most of the hatchers of dragon eggs didn’t really understand what raising a dragon meant, and I couldn’t very well take care of them all myself, so most of the dragons within the last 200-or-so years have been raised rather poorly, with one exception that I have personally seen.”

How interesting. “So I take it that your relations with the Dragon Kingdom went well?”

She nodded, “Yes, they used to. Bahamut was a surprisingly reasonable negotiator, unlike his father. Equestria trading goods and culture with them was a huge boost to not only our economy, but our foreign relations with the rest of the world, as well.”

Understandable. I wouldn’t want to mess with a country that has good relations with a country that quite possibly has some of the best military forces in history, personally. I nodded in understanding, “So what happened with that Dragon War? Why did Tiamat decide to betray his king? Something like that isn’t exactly a decision you make on a whim.”

She looked lost in thought for a bit before answering, “Truth be told, I don’t know all of the details, either. Bahamut didn’t get a chance to leave into hiding to protect his self from the defectors, not that he’d take it anyway. All I heard was that Tiamat betrayed his kingdom because he disagreed with the direction that Bahamut was taking it in. That’s all.”

“When did this all come about? Was it before they tried to reform their language?”

“It was. I’ll never forget the day I heard that news. June 8th, 0344 A.L.B, that’s the day the りゅうやま (Dragon Mountain) was attacked.”

No wonder I hear so much about dragons, but never see them. Can’t say I blame their habits after going through something like that. I know personally what war can do to a man. Not only was their major political building most likely in shambles, they didn’t even have a good leader to take them out of that depression. It’s like imagining America without FDR, it just wouldn’t work. I decided to change the subject, “I take it that ‘one exception’ you mentioned is Spike?”

She smiled, “Yes. Despite all the hardships he’s experienced growing up around a species that wasn’t his own; he’s blossomed into a fine young dragon.” She paused for a moment, “Actually, if it’s not too much trouble, if he’s interested, would you happen to mind teaching him Dragon-tongue? It seems like you’re experienced with the language somehow, and he has been searching for a way to really connect with his species as of late. Learning the language and being able to communicate with an elder dragon would be a very good experience for him. Just a thought, I suppose.”

She stopped for a second, then resumed, “Well, I must be off. It was an interesting conversation with you, Hurricane.”

As she was about to exit the room, I stopped her, “Dragon tome.”

She turned back around, “Excuse me?”

“Dragon tome,” I repeated, “I need some form of literature of ancient dragon if I’m gonna teach him the language. Get me something like that and I’ll teach it to him.” At the time I figured that this would be a really great way to learn more about not only Equestria’s, but the Dragon Kingdom’s history and political relations, and practice my Japanese all at the same time. Getting the literature was mostly just a way to confirm whether or not the written language was structured the same way, having three sets of characters (in Japanese’ case being Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji) and putting together the characters to produce a series of syllables to be spoken aloud (Roumaji). If it was structured the same way, not only would I be able to teach him everything, but I would also be able to read ancient dragon history and literature, and that definitely excited me.

She smiled again, “As it just so happens, we have a number of books and two tablets in the Canterlot Archives. Will that suffice for you?”

“It should. The whole reason I’m asking is to see whether or not the written form of the language is the same as mine, which considering the size I imagine the dragons can get up to, it’s most likely not. Never hurts to check, though.”

“I don’t understand you.”

What? “Pardon?”

“You. I do not understand you. One minute you’re this cold, calculating, sarcastic maniac, then the next you’re this gentle, helpful soul. I do not know what to make of you for it.”

Well, this is new. She seems legitimately concerned about this, as well. I just smiled, “I guess that makes two of us.”

“See, you being able to say something like that with a straight face, let alone a smile, is what bothers me the most. It’s like you’re keeping up this façade so that you don’t go insane.” By this point her smile had long since faded, being replaced with a frown of concern.

Right here, in this hospital bed, talking with royalty, was one of the very few times out of my first week there I was truly speaking honestly, “It’s because I am insane that I can say that with a smile. Do you really think my country basically forcing me to go out to another land and kill others wouldn’t make me insane?” I paused for a moment, trying to collect the shattered pieces of myself, “I lost my best friend in that war, you know. I had known him since we were both 12, and I had to sit there and watch as he bled out from a bullet wound right in front of me. He died a slow and painful death, and I couldn’t do a single fucking thing to help him."

The look she gave me was one of sheer horror. I don’t think that even all her supposed years of ruling this kingdom and dealing with the world’s problems, she’s never had to experience what I had to on that day. “I… I’m so sorry. I didn’t know…”

“Not many do. You’re the first on this planet to find out. Actually, if you don’t mind, could you keep this a secret from Twilight? The last time I told her about a part of my life, she felt so bad she felt the need to hug me. I’d prefer not to find out how she reacts if she hears about this.”

“I would rather not keep secrets from my student, but I believe that might be for the best for now.” Celestia’s smile returned, “Did you know she considers you a friend? My quiet, studious little bookworm finally managed to come out of her shell and make such great friends, and she truthfully thinks you’re one of them.”

“I have no idea where you’re going with this.”

“What I mean is, this little secret of ours can’t stay one forever. Eventually you’ll have to tell her, and since she considers you a friend it better be sooner than later. I’d hate to see her hurt just because you won’t open up to anypony.”

Great, tell one person your deepest secrets then they want the whole damn world to know. “I was not aware she thought of me that way…”

Celestia gave me a confused glance, “You are surprised to hear that you have friends?”

“The only person I truly called a friend was killed seven years ago, and I never talked much after it, so yeah, that kinda does.”

Celestia just laughed, “You know, for how much you look annoyed when I mention that I made the right decision putting you with my student, you aren’t exactly giving me any reason to have second thoughts. Makes me wonder what you’re really annoyed about…”

Good ol’ Celestia. Always knows how to lighten up the mood. “Personally, I think it’s the hooves. I mean; all my life I’ve always thought, ‘You know what would make my life so much easier? Not having opposable thumbs.’”

Celestia snickered, “What a strange coincidence. I was just thinking the same about magic.”

We both took one look at each other and burst out into laughter. It was the first time in a long time I felt I was truly able to enjoy another’s company.

“In all seriousness, Hurricane, I truly do appreciate all you’ve done for us and I respect all you’re trying to do for yourself. I know, somewhat, what it’s like to lose a loved one like that and it certainly isn’t easy coping with the pain.”

I smiled, “Thanks, Princess. I do hope I won’t disappoint you while I’m here.”

She smiled back, “Oh, please, call me Celestia.”

Author's Notes:

Don't let the Japanese intimidate you, it won't occur too much. I'll also put the translation right after it so you don't have to look anything up while reading this.
At any rate, here's the next chapter that I hope you all enjoy. Personally, it's not the one I've had the most fun writing so far, but it was done the quickest, oddly enough. I'm somewhere like 2/3 done with Chapter 8, so this'll probably be my last update for at least the next week or two, depending on how fast I end up going. Planning where a story goes is hard, yo.

Next Chapter: Act VIII: Bureaucracy at its Finest ~ Secrets Kept Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
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