
Slaver Rarity

by Kaidan

Chapter 1: 1. I Don't Understand

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She had followed the instructions and it was late evening now as she approached the old oak tree at the edge of town. Scootaloo slowed down and got off her scooter as she looked around for Sweetie. She looked down again at the folded up letter, unfolding it and reading it one last time.


I’ve had a crush on you and I think I like you like you… and it’s hard to admit it but when you get this letter you’ll know and I’ll have to meet you at the oak tree before the schoolhouse… and if you feel the same about me, then show up after supper.


The note was rather simple, but it’d gotten the point across and Scootaloo had come to tell Sweetie she felt the same. However, she wasn’t really sure what they were supposed to do next. They were already best friends, and what would Apple Bloom think if they stopped spending time with her too?

As she stood there and wondered about it, a pony grabbed her around the neck and began choking her. Scootaloo panicked, flapping her wings and flailing her legs at the unknown assailant. She tried to scream out for help, looking to the sky for some sign of her hero Rainbow Dash. But Dash hadn’t been seen in days.

Scootaloo caught sight of Lotus picking up her scooter and helmet and walking off. It didn’t make sense, why would Lotus just walk away while Scootaloo was being attacked?

Everything in the town had gone sideways since Rarity made that horrible mistake, and as Scootaloo lost consciousness she just hoped Sweetie Belle was okay.

Scootaloo woke up and moaned, her throat sore and her back aching against cold stone flooring. She rubbed her throat before getting to her hooves and looking around. She was in a small room maybe a couple meters wide and deep, entirely made of stone and brick. There was a small drain in the middle and she wasn’t sure what it was for.

Upon looking up, her eyes made out a faint glint. There wasn’t any proper lighting in the room, but there was a crack near the top of the door that some light was shining through. That single beam of light revealed new secrets to her as her eyes adjusted. There was a shower head on the wall, as well as some bolts and a couple chains.

Scootaloo gulped, she’d heard once in Cheerilee’s class about not taking candy from strangers who might want to foalnap you, but she’d never heard of anypony around Ponyville being foalnapped.

The door slowly opened and she backed away from it, tripping over a chain wrapped around her hind leg. Scootaloo looked down and realized there was a shackle around her leg that chained her to the wall. The chain was rather short, having been designed not to be long enough to choke oneself with.

As the door finished opening, Scootaloo couldn’t believe who walked in.

“Sweetie Belle?”

She shook her head, horn glowing as she levitated a dimly lit shape into the room with her.

“You’ve gotta get outta here before the foalnapper gets back! Get help!” Scootaloo stumbled towards her until the chain pulled taut. “Please, Sweetie, say something!”

Sweetie growled and swung the object she had been holding in her magic. The plank of wood hit Scootaloo square in the jaw, knocking her into the nearby wall.

The loud cracking sound that was made was drowned out by the ringing in Scootaloo’s ears. She could barely see or stand due to the shock of being hit, but finally managed to get up to her legs.


There was another deafening thud as the wooden club hit Scootaloo in the back of the head, sending her muzzle-first into the floor. It took much longer this time for her to recover. Just looking at her hoof made her nauseous, like she was seeing two hooves instead of one.

While fighting the urge to vomit, Scootaloo began to crawl away from the deranged attacker, who couldn’t possibly be the filly who had invited her out to confess her love. As she crawled away with her back turned, the plank of wood came down again, snapping a bone in her wing.

“Gah! Stop it! St—” Scootaloo felt like she was choking and suddenly vomited onto the ground. She gasped for breath, drooling as her body tried to recover.

A loud snapping sound filled the room as the wood hit with enough force to shatter, splintering into dozens of pieces over Scootaloo’s head. She landed on her side in her vomit, legs twitching, and made no attempt to stand. Her ears rang and her eyes went unfocused as all color seemed to drain from the world.

“You disgust me, worm. Just look at you. Pitiful. And you actually thought I could love a waste of time like you?” Sweetie tossed the love note into the puddle of vomit right in front of Scootaloo.

Seeing the letter land in her filth took a minute to register, and it took even longer for Scootaloo’s assaulted mind to put the pieces together. She opened her mouth wordlessly as she realized Sweetie had lured her here to beat her up. “No…” Scootaloo gulped, and continued to murmur to herself in disbelief.

“Death would be too good for you. All you filthy Pegasi are the same. You don’t know your place. Well believe me, you will learn yours.” Sweetie gave Scootaloo a final parting gift in the form of a large splinter stabbed into her flank. She then left without another word.

Scootaloo couldn’t stop gasping like a fish out of water as she sobbed into the pool of vomit. A few drops of blood that had pooled in her ear began to run down her face, and her entire head ached worse than any crash she’d ever been in. She couldn’t seem to get her body to obey her commands and just lay there.

The whole time, her flank had a sharp pain from the splinter of wood driven into it, and she was laying on a broken wing. Her whole body screamed out in pain but all she could feel was the pressure of each heartbeat in her head.

There was a sudden burning sensation on her flank, and Scootaloo didn’t even try to flinch away from the pain, nor did she bother to look who it was. Seconds later, the old pipes in the stone wall began to creak, and water sprayed into the room.

The purpose of the drain was obvious now, not that Scootaloo had the energy to care. The blood, vomit, and tears were washed to the center of the room and down into the sewers. Scootaloo laid there as good as dead as icy cold water cleaned her.

This time, when the water shut off and a pony walked in, Scootaloo managed to tilt her head to see who it was. Aloe, one of the spa pony sisters, had walked into the small room. Scootaloo tried to gesture for help, but all she managed was a pained whimper.

Without a word, Aloe began to treat Scootaloo.She bandaged Scootaloo’s wing and treated the wound the splinter had left in its wake. After looking at Scootaloo’s head, blood still trickling from her ear, she sighed and left the room without bothering to dry her off.

Scootaloo didn’t know why she didn’t help her, but part of her recalled seeing Lotus and somehow she knew this whole nightmare must have been caused by them. Sweetie was too nice, and so Scootaloo rationalized that all of it was their fault, and Sweetie was a pawn. She was sure of it.

As she began to fall asleep the icy water turned on again. Every time the water turned off and she started to dry off in the damp air, the water would turn on again. It continued the entire night, and Scootaloo didn’t get a single minute of sleep.

Deep down she hoped somepony would come to save her, but a small voice in her head told her that nopony would.

Author's Notes:

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Next Chapter: 2. Opal II Estimated time remaining: 14 Minutes
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Slaver Rarity

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