Life is looking up for Sunset Shimmer.
With her grandstanding at the Battle of the Bands, Canterlot High has taken a new approach to her. Amends have been made, friendships have been restored, and Sunset is on the fast track to becoming a better person.
But even now, there are still apologies that have to be said.
For her Spring Break, Sunset returns to Equestria to make up with her estranged family: the parents that raised and provided for her, and the sister she left behind. But a lot has changed since then, and some wounds won't heal by just saying 'I'm sorry.'
Fixing friendships is one thing. Sunset will be put through her hardest test yet when she tries to bring her family back together.
Another one edited by Cerulean Voice.
Stunningly amazing cover art drawn by Ayemel!
Featured on Equestria Daily.
Listen to the audio book here!