
A Hero Of War (UNEDITED)

by DontWakeTheNeighbour

Chapter 20: Special occasion

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Thursday 7th June 1942 7:30pm

We made some rapid progress today, despite the Jeep breaking down twice due to heating issues, then the fan belt snapped, now we are trying to find a way to patch up the rusty fuel tank. Now I can see why this piece of shit was abandoned in the first place.

But despite these setbacks we’ve managed to drive about 30 miles along the cost, where we are I’m not quite sure, I can just see a village in the distance, and because it’s night I can see the lights in the buildings. Sadly we can’t take the risk of running into more enemy soldiers, we need to get as far away from Norden as possible.

It’s a miracle we haven’t been caught yet, we thought these woods will be crawling with Nazi troops, I suppose they didn’t see us drive into the forest. If they knew that, they’d probably find us, we need to keep moving.

I’m feeling better today, but after lying in the back of the Jeep for 20 miles I started to get serious backache, right now however I can move both my arms but I’m still finding it hard to walk. Cole said the shrapnel wounds on my back are showing no signs of infection, but that means we have to keep pouring alcohol on the wound twice a day.

Which is a pain in the ass because A; it stings like a son of a bitch and B; it means we have to use MY whisky to keep it clean; at least I’m making a steady recovery.

It’s my birthday today, I would’ve kept it quite had it not been for Sergeant Cole, apart from Dixon, everyone was very supportive. We even had a mini celebration, but it was difficult to come up with anything to do, without alcohol, music or cake. I don’t care, I’m just grateful to be alive; I’ll take that as my birthday present any day.

Tomorrow’s going to be a real treat; we have to ditch the Jeep if we want to make any more progress. We need to cross a swamp in the forest if we’re going to make it to the next town. ..... Joy. Hopefully then we can find a town to radio for an extraction.

It’s now that I realize how alone we really are in this war, Nazi soldiers breathing down our neck, being low on ammunition and food, I don’t know if we can survive another ambush. That’s if Dixon doesn’t kill us first.

I’d best stop writing now, looks like a storms coming in.

So, happy birthday to me I guess. Sgt David, Ann, Bishop.

Next Chapter: Chance Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 18 Minutes
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