
Human From... Equestria?

by SnowFallMLP

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Human From... Equestria?

Bored, bored, so very bored. Why am I always bored? I don’t know, waiting for the new season and all. All I’m doing is sitting on my couch, doing nothing. I should go run. I should go play with my friend, well only friend. Should I draw? What am I doing with life? Nothing, that’s what. I just sit here every day on my phone, on Facebook talking to other Bronies or Roll Playing. It does get boring after a while. I need to walk around the pond. But it’s going to rain. Too bad you’re going to walk! No I’m not, I’m roll playing! Nope, walk, now. Fine…

I get off the couch and slip my shoes on. I put my phone on the table in the dining room and head for my door. I grab the key and walk to the door. I don’t wanna! My head whines. Still, I walk out the door, and turn around to lock it. Then walk down my driveway into the street. I look both ways then wander over to the pond. In a few minutes I’m standing but the pond, wind in my hair and clouds ahead. I feel invincible, I decide to sit down and admire the fish, ducks, and turtles in the freshwater pond. Just then it starts raining. Only a drizzle, not enough to make me run home. I lay in the grass and look at the dark sky. It’s very pretty. I don’t like the sunlight, it’s too bright. I’m a Nyctophiliac. I like the darkness, it’s soothing. It started raining a little harder so I stood up and walked under the big Willow Tree. I know, I know, “No standing under a tree in a storm stupid!” There is no lightning, so I’m good. I sat at the nearby bench and looked strait. I saw part of the pond and some of the power plant. Perfect place for a good picture. I waited a little bit to make sure the rain slowed down. It eventually did and I started to walk around the pond. I soon got bored of walking around the pond and took another path. I wasn’t familiar with this path but I still took it. It’s good to walk. I kept walking until I found a small bridge. It didn’t look real steady, I decided to walk up to the bridge and put my foot on it. I added a little bit of pressure to see if it would break. It creaked but didn’t break. Don’t you dare walk across it! Curiosity got the best of me. I took another step, the bridge creaked and swayed, but I still continued.

I had made it across the bridge and I was safe. It was like a dark forest, kind of reminds me of the- wait a minute… I began to search around for an entrance or exit. Thing is, I couldn’t find daylight. I see a rock, a tree, another tree, and many more trees. I ventured away from the bride, but at the same time I started to walk I heard a scream, a crash, and then nothing. I was startled but confused. “That sounded like- no, no that’s stupid.” I said to myself out loud. I tried to follow where the sound had come from. I didn’t find anything for a while. I had to pull my phone out for extra light. I was soon accompanied to the sound of moaning and struggle. I started to follow that sound because I knew I was close. The sound got closer and closer. It started to grow fainter until it stopped completely. I panicked but kept walking forward. I finally found what was making the sound. A young teenaged girl with black shorts and cyan tank top laid in a rose bush. Something was also off about her. I moved a little closer to see that her hair was no ordinary color. It was the color of a rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple in a messy jumble wrapped in the thorns of the bush. She laid there not moving, no- Not moving! I ran up to her and put my finger on her wrist. There was still a pulse. I sighed in relief. She had scraped on her face, arms, and legs. A couple holes in her shirt and shorts. Her shoes were a cyan color also, with a cloud with one lightning bolt shooting out of it. The colors were red, yellow, and blue. I thought on how to get her out of the bush, without hurting her even more. I grabbed her leg and pulled it over the bush, I did the same with the other and she slipped down more into the bush. “Shoot!” I whispered. I grabbed her hand and began to pull. Her hair untangled a little but took some of the branches with it. She was finally out and lying on the ground. I grabbed her head and legs and picked her up. She weights like nothing. I began to search for the bridge. I had to get her home, she can’t just stay here. I’m so dead when my Mom comes home.

I opened the door to my house and turned on the light. I set her down on the couch and looked at her. She was all messy. She looked like she was just beat up. She had cuts, scratches and bruises all over her body. Some were bleeding but not a lot. I went into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. I came back out and pulled out bandages, gauzes and medical tape. Thank God my mom is a nurse.

After I finished putting the band aids on her she seemed a little more relaxed. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some supplies to make a sandwich, she’d better be glad I’m vegetarian. I put lettuce, tomato, and a few other things on it. No meat. That would probably scare her. I brought the plate with some water out and set it on a table in front of her. She was still asleep but should be waking up soon. I’ve read stories about this before. She wakes up, flips out, attempts to beat them up, blah blah blah. Not like that’s ever happened to me before. I grab my kindle and begin to read a fan fiction. I hear her move, and look up to see her just turning over. I already know her name because of a show. I’ve always wanted to have this happen but now it’s kind of weird. I look back down to the kindle and continue reading.

I hear her move again, I look up to see her holding her hand in the air. She did the same with the other. She was awake. I felt afraid all of a sudden, but couldn’t help myself. “Afternoon, sleepy head.” She turned to look in my direction. I smiled and she sat up. “That egghead.” Was the first thing she said. I looked down to my kindle again. “There’s food right there if you wanted something.” She looked at the plate in front of her. “Thanks.” I nodded as she began to eat.

It was 10:27 PM. My Mom gets out of work at 11, and is usually home by 12. I sat there finishing the story, as she sat upside down on the couch looking at her fingers. About five minutes later I set the kindle down and sighed. “Cliff hanger.” She looked up at me as I plugged my kindle in to charge. “I never got your name.” She said. I turned around and smiled. “Oh, woops, sorry, my name is Kim.” I got up and walked into my room. I came back out with a notebook and art pencil. “I think I already know your name but, just to be sure, tell me it again.” She sat up on the couch. “It’s Rainbow, Rainbow Dash.” I nodded. “Thought so. Hey, why was there no boasting at the end?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I dunno. No wings so I can’t say ‘Fastest Flier in Equestria.” She then looked at me confused. “Wait, how do you know about that?” I sighed. “Well you see, there is a show called My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, now the title sounds a bit cheesy but, It’s a really good show. You and your friends are the main characters and there are lots of problems that need to be solved along the way.” She stared at me dumbfounded. She shook her head and had a look on her face. It was more of a serious face than anything. “Okay then. If you know a lot about the show answer these questions.” Oh boy a test… “Who are the rulers of Equestria?” “Princess Celestia and Luna.” “What are the Elements of Harmony?” “The Elements of Harmony are the most powerful magic source in Equestria” “Who are my friends?” “Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight and Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash had a look of shock on her face. It then turned into a grin. “What do I have as a pet?” “Tank the Tortoise.” She sat there completely dumbfounded. I stood there with a smug smile on my face. I looked over to the clock. 10:50 PM. I walked into my room. Mess. I looked around to find clothes, toys, and paper everywhere. I started to pick them up and poked my head out to see Rainbow Dash sitting there twirling her hair in her fingers. “Hey Dash.” She looked in the direction of the sound. I motioned her to come into my room. I looked back into my room and walked over to the art desk. I pulled out a piece of paper and art pencil. “Oof!” I stood up and walked to the door. I saw Rainbow laying on the ground. I gave a small laugh and she gave me a stern look. “Need help?” I then couldn’t help myself and burst into laughter.

After I taught Rainbow to walk, it was 11:32 PM. At first she was a bit scared to find herself and all her friends plastered on my walls but she soon calmed down. She gave a slight yawn and I took notice. “Tired?” She nodded. I walked into the garage to find my sleeping bag. I came back with a big yellow sleeping bag. I set it down on the carpet and rolled it out. I put one of my three pillows at the head of the bag and smiled. “There you go.” She nodded and smiled. “Thanks.” She kneeled down and laid inside. She looked over to the side as I went back to the art desk. “What’s that?” I looked over to see her pointing at me backpack. “Oh it’s just my school book bag. I have to go to school tomorrow. Maybe I could bring you along.” Rainbow Dash looked at her with a ‘really now?’ face. I laughed. “I’ll just say you’re one of my cousins and I’m not allowed to leave you home,” She looked back at Rainbow. “Even though you do look like you’re 14.” She rolled her eyes and laid back down. “Night.” I said and turned back to the drawing. “Night.” She muttered. I chuckled.

My alarm rang at 7:15 AM. I had fallen asleep at my art desk. I’m starting to act like Twilight… I got up and walked over to the alarm clock and shut it off. It stopped beeping and I looked down at Rainbow Dash, still asleep. Heavy sleeper. I chuckled and went into the kitchen. I heard a car and looked out the window. My mom was backing out of the driveway. I felt bad for her, she has to get up at 6:30 to leave at 7. I went back to what I was making, cereal. I put away the milk when I saw a messy haired Rainbow Dash walking down the hall. “Your hair is a mess.” She looked at me. I chuckled. “Brush is on the third shelf.” She walked into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and went back to my cereal.

I went into the living room and turned on the TV. I changed the channel to Discovery Family Channel and saw MLP Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks was on. Would it be weird id Rainbow came out to see me watching MLP? I asked myself. “Naah.” I put the remote down and continued to watch it. I heard a door open and Rainbow came into the room. ”Whatcha watchin?” I chuckled. “MLPEQRR.” She stared at me with a blank face. “Huh?” She turned around to see what I was watching. “My Little Pony Equestira Girls Rainbow Rocks.” “Uum, okay then?” I smiled and she sat on the couch. We watched the movie for a little bit. She seemed to enjoy it. I got up to put the bowl in the sink and went to find some of my school uniforms. I came back into the kitchen with one pair of clothes for me and another for her. “School time.” She looked away from the movie and groaned. “Tell me about it.” I looked to the left.

Author's Note:

I did all of this in school! Any mistakes you can tell me! :D /) Is it good for a 12 year old Journalist?

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