
MLDC: SHAZAM, Equestria's Mightest Mare!

by Michael_Ravencroft

Chapter 31: Epilogue

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It was a cold Fall day, the leaves had already changed colors and the annual Running of the Leaves would soon begin. Most of the ponies in Ponyville would be there, all except for one though. A teenage pegasus mare trotted down the path which lead to Ponyville’s local cemetery, she wore a Wonderbolts hoody and had the hood drawn up, her flank bore a lightning bolt cutie mark, its true meaning only obvious to those close to her.

The teenage mare entered the cemetery, her destination already known to her. The young teenage mare finally made it to the grave she was looking for, and upon it the headstone read: “Here lies Alula, a great friend, and wonderful little filly. Taken too soon from this world.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” said the mare as she drew back the hood, revealing her long and spiky purple mane. “Hey, Alula, it’s me again.”

Scootaloo lowered herself until she was lying on the ground, looking at the headstone with a combination of sadness and happiness. It had been a year since Alula’s death, and in that time there was a lack of activity from the Kingdom, most likely due to the madness Thorn Blackforest created, and had probably gone underground until they could figure out their next move.

“So, things have gotten not as crazy as I thought they would. I’m fourteen now, but I guess you already know that. Cheerilee -- er Mom’s gotten a little used to me being Shazam and all, although she was really ticked off that Twilight and I kept that secret from her for so long. Rainbow Dash’s finally been able to look me in the eye again, the whole…kissing you’re surrogate little sister thing was messed up, but we laugh it off now.”

Scootaloo sighed heavily as a tear fell down from her cheek. “I really miss you, Alula. There are days when I cry at night and just vent about how unfair it is that you’re not here, how you and me could be doing all kinds of stuff together!” A blush befell her cheeks. “Oh…and I found out about Aura’s -- ahem -- ‘stories’ about us, but that’s not what I meant about ‘stuff’ I swear!”

The orange mare looked up into the clear sky, sighing once again as her thoughts turned to more pleasant events. “Twilight finally asked Mom to marry her, and she said yes! Apparently we’re keeping it a secret from ‘Uncle’ Shining Armor because he apparently never told Twilight about when he was getting married until the very last second.” Scootaloo chuckled, remembering that conversation and the devious look in the alicorn mare’s eyes upon hatching the scheme.

“Anyway, it’ll be later in the year, but I can’t wait! I’m finally going to have a whole family! I love Cheerilee and Twilight a lot, and having Spike as a brother, and I can’t wait to start this new life with them!” Scootaloo’s lips curled into a pervy grin as a thought crossed her mind. “I think they might actually try to give me and Spike a little sibling, don’t ask how, but the Wisdom of Starswirl let’s me in on some otherwise ‘interesting’ spells.”

Scootlaoo’s ear perked up, hearing some cheering in the distance. The young teenage mare rose up and stood on her hooves, she looked towards the sounds and then back at the grave. “That reminds me, I enchanted this hoodie you had made for me, it’s pretty much indestructible, self-cleaning, and adjusts to my size as I grow. I barely have to take it off, it’ll always be my reminder of you, always. I gotta go cheer on Rainbow. I’ll talk to you later, Alula.”

The teenage mare began walking towards the entrance, but spared one last glance to her former lover’s grave before smiling sadly and proceeding on her way. However when she turned back Scootaloo accidentally smacked into somepony sending her falling to the ground.

“Ah, sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” Scootaloo apologized.

“That’s quite alright, no harm done Ms. Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo looked up, wondering who it was she bumped into. Her suspicion faded when she saw who it was. A sandy brown earth pony stallion, with blue eyes, and a spiky, shaggy mane. The young mare knew this stallion, most of the ponies in Ponyville did, the local scientist and science enthusiast, Time Turner, or Doc as he was more well known as.

The Trottingham stallion offered a hoof to the young mare, which she accepted and allowed him to pull her up. “Thanks, did you come to see somepony?”

“Well yes, as a matter fact, I have.”

“Oh, then I’ll give you some privacy, sorry again,” said Scootaloo as she walked passed Doc.

“Actually, my dear, the pony I have come to see is you.”

Scootaloo’s ears twitched at the way he said that, she spun around quickly but wasn’t fast enough. From Doc’s trench coat, he pulled out a small device that had attached itself to his hoof. Doc pointed the device at Scootaloo’s face and a flash went off, making Scootaloo stumble backwards in a daze, she tried to collect her thoughts, but whatever the flash of light did it was making it hard for her to think. Drowsiness overtook mind, her muscles became weak as if she had gone through an intense workout.

“W-What did…did you do to me?!” Scootaloo asked weakly.

“I’m sorry, but explaining right now would take too long and there are others I must gather first,” said Doc.

“You…You won’t get away with-with this…! Sha…Sha…”

With those last words, Scootaloo fell into unconsciousness, the stallion quickly went to her and gently eased her to the ground. Once he was sure that the teenage mare was out he sighed in relief. The earth pony stallion brought up his left hoof and began speaking. “Gideon, bring the Storm Strider in and decloak.”

[I copy, Captain Turner. Storm Strider approaching. ]

A whirlwind kicked up around both Scootaloo and Doc. in the clearing to his right the air became distorted and wavy, After a minute, something appeared, a large blue metallic ship, with a glowing sphere spinning at the bow between two pincer like protrusions appeared out of nowhere. The ship came closer and opened a large cargo hatch.

“Well Equestria’s Mightiest Mare, your might is sorely needed.”

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