
Flightless Allies

by Hidden Light

Chapter 1: Pegasi


Countless clouds darkened by the rain they held drifted in the evening sky above ponyville. The shadows of them wandered on the streets, warning citizens about the thick blankets of water ready to pour out onto them. The ponies under them fled from the oncoming rain and into the welcoming warmth of the indoors. Except one. An undersized Pegasus filly hovered above the ground, taking her time to get home, despite the downpour. The instant rain soaked the filly's pelt, making it harder for her small wings to hold her up, so she set her feet on the sodden earth and walked.

The drenched mare made her way to a small cottage, surrounded by dozens that shared the same appearance. Only the numbers above each door made them different from one another. The filly walked down the row of marked houses and stepped up onto the porch of building 1277. She stretched her hoof to knock, but pulled it back again, not wanting to see the disappointment of her family. She reached out again and knocked, knowing that if she wanted to avoid it, she wouldn't have come here. A female earth pony with a pale yellow coat and dark red mane opened the door.

"Hi, sweetie!" Roseluck said cheerfully. "Come inside and warm up."

The filly complied. She walked through the hallway at the front door and sat at the table in her kitchen.

"I've got some leftover daisy sandwiches I saved for you. I know they are one of your favorites." She said as she shoved a plate with two small sandwiches towards him.

Roseluck paused as she let her daughter take a bite.

"So, how did it go?"

"I'm still failing." she replied.

"But surely your improving, right? You've grown quite a bit since you started flight school, so your wings must have grown with the rest of you."

"They're still too small for me. I can't even fly 300ft off the ground."


"Nothing anypony says is going to fix this. We need a doctor. A unicorn who could grow my wings to just the right size!"

"Sweetie, I'm afraid I don't have the money for that."

"We could convince him somehow! We've got to persuade him to help me! We need to do whatever we can-"

"Scootaloo! I know that in your earlier years, the streets have left mental scars in your head, and it seems like the most dangerous choices are the best, but they aren't! I need to keep my job to get this bits to pay bills and feed you, and I'm not going to risk far more that that by hurting others to get what we want."

Scootaloo and Roseluck remained silent for a moment.

"One thing I learned when I was your age-" Cloud began. "- Is that when there are problems you need to face, you must choose an ally: Power, wisdom, or courage, depending on what the problem is. You have tried you hardest to get your wings to let you fly, yet you say that nothing has worked. So, try asking others in similar conditions for advice."

"Like who? There's no one around her for miles that knows my pain."

"Atcually, I there is."

"Who? Where are they? Why didn't you tell me years ago!?"

"Calm down! I only just met him a few days ago. I did tell you about him, but you weren't listening at the time!"

"Right..." Scootaloo said. "So who is he?"

"He's one of my co-workers who recently moved here. He's got wings even smaller then yours!"

"Seriously? Smaller than my wings?!"

"Yup. They're so tiny, everypony at work wonders how in Equestria can his wings get a huge stallion like him keep him off the ground everyday. I bet he can tell you how he does it."

"Alright, I'll talk to him. What's his name?"

"Now that you mention it. I've never asked him what him name was, nor he me, even though I always talk to him during break time, and I've visited his house! Well, his nametag does say Mr. Biceps. Plus, I have his phone number, so I could just call and ask."

"I'd love to meet him. I guess I'll head out now, Since I don't have any homework I need to to finish right away."

"Okay then, just let me write the address down for ya." Cloud said as she pulled a pen and notepad out of her purse.

Scootaloo grabbed the paper as soon as Roseluck finished writing and ran for the door.

"Be careful, Scootaloo!" she reminded.

"I will!"

The address led Scootaloo to neighborhood nearby her own, and had houses similar to them except they had larger lawns and driveways. She trotted up to 7721 and loudly beated her hoof on the door. A stallion so tall and muscular that he must be some elite soldier opened the door of his house.

"Uh, Hello," He greeted. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm Roseluck's daughter. She said you could give me some advice on living with small wings."

"Yeah, she told me a lot about you! Come on in, Scootles! You can eat dinner with us if you like."

"It's Scootaloo, and I already ate dinner." she said as she entered the house.

She walked into the house and found it small and cramped like her own home.

"Oh, sorry." He replied bluntly.

Author's Note:

Please don't rudely point out my mistakes! :applecry:

Constructive criticism is welcome though.

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