
Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Fighting for the Wrong Reasons

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Author’s note: Apparently people don’t like it when Ryan shows some humanity (Yes Fyreghost and bucknorris, I’m looking at you two), so I’m going to make this chapter much darker than the previous one (while still maintaining his humanity). I want you all to know that I do care what you have to say (why else would I be writing this?) and that I want you to voice your opinion. What I don’t want is a fucking outcry every time Ryan isn’t a total fucking monster or when he shows some fucking emotion other than anger and sorrow from time to time. I hope you people are happy.

The thing I do for you people.

<There will be violence and blood so caution is advised.>

P.S. This is my favorite movie of all time: Lord of War


I had been sitting here with Dash for the better part of two hours before the sun finally went down and the activity from outside had died down. Twilight had left a while ago, so it was just me and Dash, who had fallen asleep. I prayed she was a heavy sleeper as I lifted her off of me and lowered her to the floor. She wasn’t exactly heavy (70-80lbs I’d estimate) so I could easily lift her. As I set her on the floor she gave a soft stir before settling right back down.

With Dash off of me, I climbed to my feet and paced around the room. My mind was still reeling from all of the shit that had fallen on me from earlier. I had no idea what to do. I just wanted a little guidance. I continued to pace the room for the better part of an hour before I figured that I just needed to get away from this place for the time being. I removed my handgun from its holster and held it steady in my hands as I walked up to the window. I closed my eyes and press my hands up against the window sill. I took a deep breath and exhaled as I opened my eyes to an empty town and the moon flying high overhead. Relieved, I holstered my handgun and walked over to the door. I slowly wrapped my hands around the door and opened the door, careful not to cause any noise. With the door opened, I poked my head outside to check for any signs of movement. The town was deathly quiet as I observed it from the tree house.

With my fear of being discovered finally pushed aside, I walked out of the house and slowly closed the door behind me. I took another deep breath as I placed my hands against the door and locked eyes with the ground. I was still alive at least. With that thought in mind, I pushed off of the door and walked along a long, dark street. With no cars or street lights, the road was as black as the void. I then pulled my zippo from my pocket and flicked it open, giving me about 5ft of light. I held the lighter out in front of me as I walked and observed the street as I blindly wandered on by. The street was still lined with carts and work stations as well as various businesses. I could see a few restaurants and stores, but nothing really interested me.

Within a few minutes, I reached the outskirts of the town once again. I immediately turned to my left and walked along the outskirts. The town wasn’t exactly large but big enough, I supposed. It really wasn’t my kind of place but then again, what is in this damn world? I was used to the incessant rumble of machines and hum of street lamps. In this world, it seemed that everything operated on an 8am to 9pm schedule. This was a shame since I preferred the night as a whole. I liked the fact the night was colder than the day and that it naturally concealed me. I was never one to grab the center of attention in my world and usually tried to stick to the shadows or hide in crowds. Back in Youngstown, I could just blend in with the crowd and hide in plain sight but that would never be an option here.

I had been walking for the better part of two hours when something caught my eye in the distance. I flicked my lighter closed and pressed up against the building, hoping to blend in. I stayed there for a second before a small group of guards walked up to the town and began to talk amongst one another. I couldn’t tell what they were saying but it seemed serious. Within the hushed murmur of their voices, I heard my name spoken. ‘Celestia sent them.’ My mind called out to me. I had no reason to think anyone else sent them. I snaked my hand toward my pocket and pulled out my pocket knife. It was a 4.5 inch long, jet black KA-bar with a fixed handle. I flipped the knife so the blade sat upside down in my hand with the blade pointing away from me. This position still allowed me to punch, which was why it quickly became a favorite of mine in Youngstown.

I dropped to a crouch and scuttled into a nearby alleyway and waited for the guards walk into town. The guards walked past and laughed amongst themselves at some dirty joke one said. They had to be newbies. I turned and walked deeper into the alleyway before climbing on top of a dumpster and then pulled myself on top of a building’s roof. The roof was covered in a dark colored shingle and grunted as I placed my weight on each new spot. I walked up to the apex of the roof and observed the guards as they walked up to Twilight’s house. The guards consisted of three ‘earth’ ponies and a single Pegasus. One of the earth ponies walked up to the door and kicked it in. the others swiftly ran in and started yelling.

It was a goddamn raid!

I felt my blood begin to boil as they smashed the place around them in search of me. I put my knife into my right hand and retrieved my handgun with my left. I flicked off the safety. They just gave me a reason to be violent.


It had been almost thirty minutes before the guards exited the house empty-handed. They immediately gathered together and one of the earth ponies spoke up.

“We are currently not supposed to be here,” he began with the annoyance in his voice obvious “but we must show the human some manners. We must show him he can’t get away with that stunt he pulled in Canterlot. Are we going to let this… thing walk all over us?” a resounding ‘NO SIR!’ came from the guards “Then let’s find him.”

There was a small cheer from the guards as they gathered in formation. Dash and Twilight had run up to the door and began to yell at the guards and threaten that they would tell the Princess. The guards paid them no mind as they fanned out and searched the surrounding area. Thankfully the Pegasus stayed grounded or else he would have seen me in an instant. I holstered the handgun and leveled the knife with a guard that was walking by the building I was perched on.

I was going to show them I was not one to be fucked with.

I took a deep breath and leaped from the build onto an earth pony and he collapsed to the ground under my weight. I dropped the knife to his throat and dragged it across it. He let out a small cry followed by a gurgling noise. I held my hand over his mouth as he slowly got weaker and weaker until he passed out. I jumped off of his corpse and ran into a nearby alleyway with my hand covered in blood. If these ponies wanted blood, I was going to make sure it was their own.

I turned tail and ran out to the other side of the alleyway which led out into the main street. I press up against the wall of a small bakery and rubbed my hands clean on one of the walls. Another nearby guard walked up the street but was far enough away to where he couldn’t see me. I immediately tucked back into the alleyway and waited for him to pass. He trotted along the street for a moment before he past the alleyway I was in. I could smell his arrogance as he passed. With knife in hand, I slinked out of the alley and confidently walked up behind him. I was thankful for the rubber soles on my boots as I walked up as quiet as a mouse. With his eyes locked on the road ahead of him, he failed to see me walk up next to him. I took my finger and gently poked him in the side. He gave a small shudder and turned to me.

“Game over motherfucker.”

I brought my knife up and dropped it down with bone shattering force into his neck. He cried out in pain before I pulled the knife up with a burst of force and heard a snap emanate from his neck. He quickly fell limp and dropped to the ground with my knife still lodge in his neck. I dropped to one knee and pulled the knife from his neck with a sickening squelching noise. In any other circumstances I would feel like a monster but my anger was numbing that thought.

“By Celestia! What have you done?!” a voice called from the end of the street.

I turned to the street and saw the last earth pony standing at the apex. I gave a small laugh and held out my hands and motioned for him to come at me. With fury in his eyes, he charged me at breakneck speed. He began to kick up dirt as he charged, obscuring the road behind him. When he was less than a few feet from me, I side-stepped him and let him come to a grinding halt. I laughed at him as he passed. Not wasting a second, he kicked a rock into my face and it struck my nose with some serious force. I recoiled at the pain as my nose started to bleed. I brought my hands to my face out of instinct and was tackled. I brought my hands up and deflected a few blows before getting my stomach kicked in. I grunted and kneed the guard right back. He fell to the side and I jumped on top of him. With my superior position, I held the knife high with both hands and brought it down with everything I had. At the last second, a hoof connected with my hands and sent them over to the side, making me bury my knife into the dirt road. A second hoof connected with my face sending me onto my back. Reeling in pain and covered in blood, I pushed myself back up against a wall and sat there for a second in a daze.

The guard began to walk up to me, adjusting his helmet “I was first in my class in training. You can’t hope to defeat me in single combat!”

I began to point and laugh hysterically as he stopped in his tracks “What is so funny? I am going to kill you!”

I pulled my handgun from my holster and pointed it at him “I can’t beat you in close combat, so I’m going to cheat.”

I watched as his eyes grew wide and he began to charge. I lined the sights up with his chest and pulled the trigger twice, sending one round into the wall behind him and the second into his chest. The round slammed through his armor and hit him where it hurt. He dropped to the ground mid-run and slid for a few feet. He took on last ragged breath and went limp.

I placed my free hand onto my knee and pushed myself to my feet. I took one step and pain shot throughout my body. I toughed it out and limped over to my knife and removed it from the ground and slipped it back into its sheath. Various lights flipped on and shadows had appeared at the windows. I pushed it out of my mind as I limped back to Twilight's with my gun dangling at my side. As I walked, ponies began to poke their heads out their doors and windows and whispers hung thick in the air. Not soon after the fight, I was close to Twilight's house. The Pegasus guards stood at attention near the door as I walked up to him. When I was less than a 20ft from him he held out a hoof.

“You are under arrest!”

I raised my handgun and pointed it at his chest.

“I’ve had enough of this bullshit.” I said with my voice in the darkest tone it had ever seen.

I lowered the 1911 to his leg and fired. He dropped to the ground and clutched him leg, grimacing in pain.

“I was doing just fine, I talked with the Princess, I tried to be friendly, I tried to learn about your world, and you greet me by busting the door in and trying to arrest me?” I raised the gun to his head and his eyes locked onto the muzzle “go fuck-“ I tried to said before someone pushed my hand down.

My anger flared as I was met with Dash and Twilight next to me. Twilight’s horn was flaring purple (most likely to combat me) and Dash clung to my arm. I shook her off and looked down at the guard.

“They just saved your pathetic life.”

I turned around at began to limp out of the town with my hand still clinging to my gun. I wanted to get along. I truly did. At least now I could add a few tallies to my gun.


I had been walking for the better part of three hours before my pain finally caught up with me. I collapsed to the ground with my handgun still in my hands and my mouth now full of dirt. I grumbled a few curses and rolled onto my back. I laid in the middle of the road for the moment, watching the stars hanging high overhead. Here I was, a brutal killer, with some of the most beautiful stars I had ever seen hanging above me, gloating at me.

After feeling sorry for myself, I sat up and crawled over to the side of the road and rolled into a nearby ditch. It was better than the middle of the road but not by much. I just wanted to go home but I had none to go to. Then it hit me. I. have. nothing. I have nowhere to go and I couldn’t even ask anyone for a handout at this point. If anyone saw me, I would most likely be labeled a monster or a murderer. I brought my handgun up above me and studied it. The five tallies still sat on the side, just above the safety. I pulled my knife out and scratched three more tallies into the side of the gun.

Suddenly, something began to stir in my hand causing me to drop the knife and gun onto my chest. The backs of my hands began to burn with the intensity of a thousand suns causing me to cry out in pain. As I cried out, my gun began to glow and a single beam of light began to etch a floral design onto the side of it. I turned my attention from my pain to the gun as the magazine melted into a permanent part of the gun and the grips took on a gleaming white color. Just as it started, the gun stopped and fell back onto my chest and ceased to glow.

“What in the flying fuck was that?!” I yelled out.

I raised my hands to my eyes and studied them as their two-part symphony of agony finally came to an end. I removed my gloves and studied my palms and found nothing wrong with them. I kiss my hands out of happiness and looked over them in glee. I flipped them over and saw what I assumed caused the pain. On the back of each of my hands was my 1911 with the slide back and flames pouring out of the barrel and ejection port as if it was firing and in the back ground was a pile of brass casings. I ran my finger over the image and found that my hands still hurt like hell. I grimaced in pain and let out a little yelp. Whatever had caused the… ‘tattoo’ was making my body react violently. With my hands still burning, I slipped my knife back into its sheath and grabbed my handgun. Whatever happened to it made the handgun emanate heat like a car radiator. I brought the handgun before my eyes and saw that the slide was now engraved with an elegant design and the grips were now an ivory white. All the tally marks and scratches were now gone from the gun too. I flipped the gun over in my hands and found that the magazine was now melted into the bottom of the gun and I couldn’t get it out. Even the release button had disappeared. I ran my free hand over the slide and it felt like small amounts of electricity ran from the metal into my hand.

“This is… unprecedented.” I muttered as I ran my hands over the gun.

Whatever had happened was something unlike anything I had ever experienced. My mind was still trying to figure out what the hell just happened. All I knew was that I needed to move. The first rule of a crime is to get as far away from the crime scene as possible. I holstered my strange handgun and shoved my gloves into my pocket. I placed my hands at the top of the ditch and pulled myself up and onto the road. I gave a small huff and climbed to my feet. I brushed myself off and continued to walk with my only thought being ‘I hope my gun still works.’

I walked along the road for about an hour before I noticed something in the sky. I pulled my handgun out with my left hand and my knife with my right. I didn’t want to take any chances.

“Hello?” I called at the creature.

I knew that I had nowhere to go, but I needed help before I collapse in the middle of the road. My right leg was screaming in pain as some unknown injury spoke up. I gasped it with my left hand and yelled. My yell must have caught the creature’s attention, because it dropped in altitude and landed before me. It had a dark blue coat with a long and flowing light blue mane. The creature also had a large set of wings and a horn. My only thought was that it couldn’t be Celestia.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked still clutching my leg.

The creature gave me a funny look before saying “Watch your tongue. We are Luna.”

“Of course you are and I am the mailman.”

“Your sarcasm isn’t very becoming of you.”

“Yes and almost dying isn’t either.”

‘Luna’ gave a small laugh at my remake before speaking again “I saw your actions in Ponyville. Might I ask why you were so… decisive in your actions?

“Uh huh, sure. Considering I was almost caught in a raid, I did the only thing I knew how to do, fight.”

“But why did you fight?”

I pondered the question for a moment “Survival, I guess.”

“We doubt that.”

“We?” I said in an inquisitive tone before shaking it off. “Never mind, it’s better if I don’t ask questions. Anyway, what do I do now?”

“We have an idea.” She said walking a little closer to me.

“…..And?” I remarked, raising an eyebrow.

“Return to Ponyville.” She said locking eyes with me.

“You’re fucking kidding me right? If I go back, I’ll have an angry mob on me before I can even speak.”

“You underestimate my subjects, human.”

“Human? How do you know me?”

“Your questions will be answered in due time, human. For now, return to Ponyville and speak with Twilight.”

I tried to speak but was immediately cut off by the flapping of wings and Luna flying off into the night sky.

“This shit is getting old,” I said while turning around to leave “and I need a fucking drink.”

With my mind filled with my fondest memories of whiskey and scotch, I began the long walk back to the town.

Next Chapter: Chapter 8: Unexpected Responsibility Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 52 Minutes
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