
Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Dealing with Others

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Author’s note: Well, here we are again. This is the part where you expect me to do some promoting or have some witty comment or quote, but truth is, I got nothing. I have expended my catalog of wittiness.



I adjusted the rifle that sat on my back and took a step forward towards the door. I stopped for a moment and tried to think of what I was actually going to teach my recruits. They didn’t have hands or guns, so I couldn’t exactly teach them to fight in my style but what I could do is break them down and build them from the ground up mentally. As much as Shining hated my authority, he was going to have to suck it up and bite the bullet. With that in mind, another thought popped into my head; I didn’t even know the names of my recruits. Maybe it was better to not get attached but I had a better idea in mind.

I could hear Dash fumbling around behind me as I stepped up to the door and pushed it open. Night had rolled in and was in full swing as I stepped into the glory of the moon. I couldn’t see shit except for a fire in the distance were the camp sat. I pulled my pistol from my pocket and flicked the light on. A circular beam of white light shined in front of me and illuminated the way to the camp.

A chilling gust of wind blew through the air and assured me that winter wasn’t far off. I felt a little relieved at that notion but it just wouldn’t be the same without Thanksgiving (or shall I say ‘Christmas half time’) preparations. Back in Youngstown, ever since my mother died, I never had a family for the holidays which left me alone for most of the holidays. Alex couldn’t stand to see me wallow in sorrow and forced me to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with them. I never thanked him for it but I now realized how much that meant to me. I never would get the chance to say thanks. Not in this life anyway.

I held the handgun at my hip and used the light to guide myself towards the campfire. The air was nice and crisp, just the way I liked it. It wasn’t quite cold enough to see my breath yet but it would be soon enough. As I strolled up to the fire, I could see the silhouettes of six guards, still in full armor. They sat on logs with their backs to me and their attention dedicated to the fire. I killed the light on my gun and walked over to one of the logs. The guards looked over at me as I sat down next to one of them. The guard was a unicorn but other than that, he looked just like the rest of them. Other than Shining, all of the guards looked the same. They all wore their golden armor and had white coats. There was only one out of the group, other than Shining, that stood out.

It was a dark blue earth pony with some sort of symbol on his forehead. It seemed almost runic in nature. He wore armor like the rest but lacked a helmet like Shining. On his ass, sat a relief of two crossed swords and a shield covering them. His eyes stood out the most though. They were blood red and very unsettling, almost like they had seen too much. He seemed the most promising out of the group.

“How’s it goin’ ladies?” I asked casually “I know I’m breaking my rules but I want you to be open with me. Are you going to be able to handle this?”

The group tried to keep their eyes from making contact with mine. The only exceptions were Shining and the blue earth pony.

“I’m giving you a pass tonight.” I said as I motioned with the handgun in a circular pattern “You can tell me if you want out.”

“Four left earlier due to how hard Ms. Dash was pushing them.” A guard said from the opposite side of the fire.

“I see. They were weak.” I said as looked at the fire.

The fire illuminated the area around us and was quite impressive. The flames reached the five foot mark and the base sat at maybe four feet in diameter. I would be even more impressed but I figured they used magic to build it.

“I have a question.” The guard next to me asked.

“Shoot.” I replied.

“Why haven’t you asked for our names yet?”

“I already know Shining from a… previous encounter.”

“We heard! You sure showed him up.” a guard said excitedly.

“I’m right here!” Shining exclaimed, obviously aggravated.

“Anyway,” I said to try and regain control of their attention “I haven’t asked because it keeps us from getting too attached.”

“I’m Midnight Star-“ the blue pony tried to say.

“Don’t fuckin’ tell me!” I shot back “I don’t want to know. I will assign you each a call sign and you will answer to it. Sound reasonable?”

“I guess.” Shining said with a sigh.

“Ok then.” I said before pointing to the blue pony “You’ll be known as Dallas.” I turned to the pony next to him and saw that it was a pegasus “You’ll be known as Atlanta.” I change my direction to the next guard “You’ll be Chicago.” The next guard was the unicorn next to me “You’re now Vegas.” I pointed over to the guard next to Shining “You are Tallahassee.” I then turned my attention to Shining “And you. You will be known as… Youngstown.”

“What are all these names from?” Dallas asked as he kicked a rock into the fire, sending a bunch of sparks into the night sky.

“They are names of cities back from the United States. I’m from Youngstown for example.”

“Why did you give me the name ‘Youngstown’ then? Am I special or something?” Shining asked with a smug tone building up.

“No, you’re not special. I hated Youngstown. Place was a shithole.” I said with a smirk.

“OK… then.” He said as he scooted back a bit.

I laughed a bit under my breath as I kicked a log in the fire and watched the sparks travel into the sky in a majestic flight. The light danced as it travel to the heavens and slowly faded out like a dying star. With my eyes locked on the sky, I studied the stars. I wasn’t sure if the constellations were the same here but I guess I would never know. Due to living in the city, most of the stars were invisible due to all of the light pollution. Not that I cared for star gazing anyway.

I let my attention fall back to the group of guards as I took a deep breath and stared back into the fire.

“How exactly are you going to teach us how to fight?” Dallas asked.

“I’m not going to show you how to fire a gun or thrust with a sword if that’s what you’re asking.” I explained.

“What the hay are you going to teach us then?” Youngstown asked as if he was frustrated with the question.

“How to kill someone and live with it.” I said coldly.

“What do you mean by that?” Chicago chimed in.

“I suppose the idea never crossed your minds, but killing something takes a mental toll.” I explained as I tapped the gun on my forehead to explain my point “You don’t just kill and forget about it. I still remember my grandfather giving me a rifle when I was eight and telling me to go shoot the rabbits in his backyard.” I lifted my pistol as I told the story and looked down the sights like I was reliving it “I remember seeing my first target come into my scope and I stared at him for a moment.” I said as I pointed the gun at Dallas “I saw the rabbit stop what he was doing and look around like he knew I was there. Then I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.” I said as I jolted the handgun to reenact the recoil. I lowered the handgun and said “I can still see the rabbit in my dreams from time to time. You never forget your first kill. Mine still haunts me.”

“I see.” Dallas said as he pondered what I had just told him “How exactly are you going to prepare us then?”

“Well, we’ll start by having you watch me take down an animal. You need to see death before you can pull the trigger yourself.”

“But I was part of the squad that cleaned up the changelings you took down.” Atlanta said.

“That’s not the same. You need to see the target die. Not just the results.”

“That’s… deep.” He said before looking into the fire.

“Yeah, we’ll go with that.” I said as I holstered my 1911 back into my pocket.

Then moon hung high overhead at this point and I guessed that It had to be at least eleven. The fire crackled for a moment before a piece of wood snapped and sent more sparks into the sky. With nothing left to say, I stood up and swung my rifle from my back into my hands.

“I hope you enjoyed this little bit of informal time because tomorrow, we are going hunting.”

I received a nod from both Dallas and Youngstown before I spun around and flicked my rifle’s light on. I was ready for bed. I walked back to the house and opened the door. The hinges creaked as I closed it behind me. The room was almost pitch black except for what the rifle’s light lit up. I placed the rifle at my hip and used it to light up the hallway. I walked towards Dash’s room and pulled the door open. I could hear Dash snoring as I swept the room with the light. I finally found my target and rested the light on Dash. She laid in the center of the bed and still wore the headband from earlier.

I smiled a bit as I walked over to the side of the bed and found a night-stand. I pulled my handgun out and set it on it before I flicked the rifle’s light off and leaned it against the table as well. The house was significantly warmer than outside, so I pulled my jacket off and used the rifle’s barrel as a hanger. I pulled my tie off as well before sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulled my shoes off. It had been almost two days since I had them off and my feet praised the fresh air.

I set my shoes next to my rifle’s stock before I laid down on the bed. I never expected my life to take a turn like this. Just over a week ago, I was just another swingin’ dick on the street with a gun, drinking problem, and a death wish. Now I am a bodyguard for six ponies, a general, and I have a girl. I never expected that last one the most though. I always expected to die alone due to my inherent mistrust of anything with the ability to form a coherent thought.

As I thought about my past, Dash muttered something and rolled over onto my arm. Felling it, she scooted over and curled up into my side. I was flying high on the inside as she scooted up into my armpit and exhaled peacefully. It was nice that she wasn’t worrying about me anymore. The guilt was killing me and it didn’t help that she had seen Youngstown either.

I closed my eyes and continued to ponder my situation. Everything about this world was strange but in a way, it made me think of myself as a cowboy on the new frontier. This was a place where magic and talking ponies existed. Fuck, I could walk on clouds too! I had some strange dreams in my time but this was probably the first time that my reality was stranger.
In all honesty, it was better that I didn’t question it. I didn’t want to fall asleep and wake up in my apartment in Youngstown again. I don’t think I could handle that reality again. I’d rather French a gun barrel.


The morning rolled around and Dash stretched out, still in my side. Her actions woke me up and my eyes peeled open. I was greeted by a white ceiling and the morning sun blasting through the window. My wounds seemed to be nonexistent as I sat forward lifted my glasses up to rub my eyes. After I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I let the sunglasses drop back down to tint my view. I felt familiar hooves hang over my shoulders and a chin rest on top of my head. I placed a hand on the hoof and massaged it with my thumb.

“Mornin’.” I said.

“Good mornin’ sleepyhead.” Dash said in a happy tone.

A thought popped onto my head that I would need a coat soon for the upcoming winter season. I knew that Dash could control the weather, so maybe she would know when the cold would roll in at full steam.

“I have a quick question for you.” I said as I grabbed her hooves and pulled them off of me.

“What is it?” She asked as she walked around me and laid across my legs.

“You know when winter is rolling around?” I asked as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I dunno.” She said as she rolled onto her back, leaving my hand on her chest “A week or so? Why?”

“OK,” I replied “I ask ‘cause I’m gonna need to have an actual coat made soon.”

“Why? You can’t handle the cold or something?” She asked playfully.

“Well, if you didn’t notice, I don’t have fur and I’d rather not get hypothermia.”

“Oh, I forgot about that.” She said as she stood up.

Dash took flight in the room, allowing me to get up. I threw my leg to the side and climbed out of bed. I wasn’t going anywhere yet, but I needed to grab one thing. I turned to the table and grabbed my 1911. I checked it for a moment and tightened the silencer. Satisfied, I shoved it into my pocket.

“You expecting to get attacked before breakfast?” Dash asked from behind me.

“I expect the unexpected.” I replied with a hidden smirk.

“Whatever tough-guy.” She said before flying over to the door.

I heard the door open behind me and the noise from flapping wings dissipate. I spun round and saw her round a corner in the hall. I walked through the doorway after her and rounded the corner. I found a small kitchen with a small table and chairs. There was an icebox in the corner of the room with an ensemble of cabinets and a stove in the opposite corner.

Dash flew in front of a cabinet and pulled it open. She grabbed a small box from it and flew over to the icebox. She grabbed a pitcher of what looked like milk and flew over to the table. She set the items on the table before flying over to another cabinet and grabbed two bowls from it. I swear I could hear her whistling a tune as she flew over to the table and took a seat.

“You just gonna stand there or are you gonna take a seat?” She asked me as I watched her from the doorway.

I shook my head and made my way towards the cloud table. I pulled my gun from my pocket and set it on the table before I sat down in a chair on the opposite side from Dash. I grabbed the box that she had snagged from the cabin. The box didn’t have anything on it other than the name ‘Sugar Oats’.

“How… Original.” I said as I set the box back down on the table.

“Don’t knock it till you try it.” She said as she opened the box and poured some into her bowl.

With a free hoof, she passed me a bowl. She finished pouring her bowl and passed the box as well. I rolled my eyes and poured a small amount of the cereal into my bowl. In a way, the cereal looked like something a twig-and-berry muncher would eat. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice.

“Here.” Dash said as she slid the milk over to me.


I grabbed the pitcher and poured it into my bowl. I needed something in my system and this was going to have to do.


I finished my bowl and had yet to be impressed. Dash snagged my empty bowl and I got up from my seat. I grabbed my gun and walked out of the room. I returned to the bedroom and grabbed my suit coat from the rifle and tossed it on. The metal still sat just about the breast pocket on the left hand side and I could hear my remaining cash jingle in the hand pockets. I buttoned up the coat and slipped my shoes back on.

I grabbed my rifle and threw the shoulder strap over my head. I figured the guards could wait. I needed to see Rarity still. I tightened my tie and jogged out of the door. I ran into the front room and stopped just shy of the door.

“I’m headin’ out to see Rarity. I’ll be back in an hour or so.” I called out into the house.

I opened the door and stepped out. It seemed to be early morning and the sky was covered in overcast. I could see that the campfire had gone out hours ago and old a steady stream of smoke ran up into the sky. It looked like most of the guards were out cold. I just shook my head and walked over to the H2. I stepped over to the driver’s door and climbed in. I set my hand on the cold leather of the steering wheel and heard the engine come to life.

The engine came to life and chugged in the cold air. I could see that the engine made a few of the guards wake up but I didn’t really care. I shifted into gear and accelerated towards the road.


I drove along for about 20 minutes before the town came into view and I lowered my cruising speed. The town was going about my business as I pulled in and made my way to Rarity’s. I felt like I had been neglecting my duties to my other clients. Hell, I only ever spoke to Fluttershy maybe twice.

I listened as the tires of the H2 crushed the gravel on the road before I pulled up in front Rarity’s place. I shifted into park and let the engine die before I pushed the door open and hopped out. A heavy breeze blew through the street causing my suit coat to flap in the wind. I swung my rifle around and grasped the grip. Rarity’s place seemed to be… different from last time. All the windows had fabric over them that made seeing through them impossible. I walked up to door and knocked on the door with my right hand.

“Knock, knock.” I called through the door.

Without being prompted, the door creaked open like someone didn’t close it all the way.

“Hello?” I called into the building.

The room inside was pitch black except for what little light came through the door. Something told me to investigate. I stepped inside and tightened my grip on the rifle. A breeze from the door blew on my back as I studied the room. The room was just like the last time I was here but there were a few tables and boxes towered about.

“Speak now or forever hold you peace.” I called into the empty room.

Suddenly, the door slammed behind me and let the entire room shrouded in darkness. I ran over to the door and I could hear someone lock it behind me. I slammed against the door and heard something get pushed in front of it.

“Goddammit! I will blow this door off the hinges!” I yelled through the door.

I could hear hushed voices before a few sets of hooves ran away. I lifted the rifle and pointed it towards the door before something in my mind yelled at me to not fire at a target I couldn’t see.

“Shit!” I exclaimed as I spun towards the room.

I flicked on the rifle’s laser and flashlight to give me a chance. The light created a decent sized beam of visibility with a little red dot in the center. I scanned the room for any sign of life. The room was so quiet that the only thing I could hear was the straps of the rifle brush up against the metal of the gun. I scanned to my right and saw a staircase. I carefully walked over to the staircase and slide the stock of the rifle into a shorter position. The stock clicked into position as I used the light from the rifle to illuminate the stairs in front of me. I carefully stepped up the stairs before a door stood before me.

I moved my right hand to the handle and slowly opened it to minimize the noise. I scanned the new room with my rifle. It was more of a personal area. I could see dressers and single large bed in front of me as I rounded the corner to the last unsearched area.

My light fell upon Twilight and Rarity. The laser landed on Twilight’s forehead before I lowered the gun and exhaled.

“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I asked.

“We are going to have another talk.” Twilight said as she hit a switch next to her that illuminated the room.

“Was this drama necessary?” I asked as I turned off my flashlight.

“You wouldn’t have given me the chance unless we trapped you.”

“Who said you trapped me? I could shoot out a window and be on my merry way.” I pointed out.

“Look outside.” She said as she pointed to a window to my left.

I raised an eyebrow of doubt before pulling a curtain aside. Everything seemed normal outside with the exception of a transparent purple wall the surrounded the area outside. I let the curtain fall back into place and returned my attention to the pair of ponies at the other end of the room.

“Clever girl.” I said as I made my way over to them.

Twilight and Rarity sat on a large red day-bed and Rarity motioned me over to a tan chair to their left. I stepped over to it and sat down.

“This is for your own good darling.” Rarity said.

“What do you want?” I said with an aggravated tone “I have places to be.”

“Like what?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I am currently training some guards if you didn’t know.” I said as I pointed to my new medal “I’m part of the guard now.”

“I’m impressed.” Twilight replied.

“It’s nice to see you making friends darling.” Rarity chimed in.

“Oh, Twilight,” I said as I leaned my rifle against the wall “I’m currently training your brother too.” I said with a laugh.

Oh no.” She said as she placed a hoof on the side of her head.

“Ha!” I exclaimed as I threw a finger in her direction.

“Please don’t hurt him.” Rarity pleaded.

“I make no promises. He is free to drop out if he can’t handle it.”

“He isn’t going to drop out.” Twilight pointed out “He’s too stubborn.”

“Good. I’ll make a man outta him in that case.”

“ANYWAY,” Rarity called out to regain the focus of our conversation “You wanted to say something Twilight?”

“Yes,” Twilight said as a light bulb flicked on in her head “I wanted to talk with you again.”

“Like I have any another option.”

“Good, we can begin. I would like to ask you about what you have against the Princess.”

“What is there to say? I can’t be a little resentful for her interfering with my life?”

“She saved your life!” Twilight cut in.

“I didn’t want her to.”

“But without her, you would not be with-“


Twilight and Rarity back away into the day-bed as if they were going to use it for cover.

“Sorry.” Twilight apologized.

“I wasn’t aware things were that… serious.” Rarity said with a hidden giggle.

“Just keep her out of this. It is bad enough that she followed me into Youngstown.”

“She did what?!” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

“She chased me into Youngstown the day before yesterday. Where do you think I got the new gun?” I asked as I motioned towards the rifle.

“What happened?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Well, I ended up killing four people in front of her, I visited my mother’s grave, I found out my best friend died in combat, and I got into a car crash. Questions?

“Did she get hurt?” Twilight asked.

“A few cuts that I took care of but it’s the mental scars that I am worried about.” I replied as I folded my hands in front of me and sat back in the chair.

“I see. You want me to talk to her?” Twilight asked.

“Do that and I’ll make sure you never see the light of day ever again. I just want her to forget about it.”

“You don’t forget something like that!” She angrily replied.

“You think I don’t know that? I have the blood of twenty plus people on my hands.”

“Why don’t you want me to talk to her?”

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples as I said “Because she seemed fine to me and I don’t want to push the issue.”

“Of course she seemed fine! She’s too headstrong to let others see weakness.”

Whatever. Were done here. This isn't my problem.” I said as I grabbed my rifle and stood up. “Rarity,” I said as I turned my attention to her “I need you to make a coat for me. My budget is five hundred.”

Rarity gave me a nod before I spun around and heard a low hum dissipate. I was done here.


I stepped outside and found that the transparent barrier was gone and whatever was in front of the door was gone. It didn’t help that I was still pissed. I figured that instead of brooding by myself, I would use this anger on my recruits. I climbed into my H2 and tossed the rifle into the backseat.

Next Chapter: Chapter 29: Full Circle Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 42 Minutes
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