
Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Something Worth Fighting For

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Author’s notes: Sometimes I hate myself. Not the normal ‘I am a piece of shit’ feeling, no, I get the ‘How the fuck can I live with myself?’ kind of thoughts. After writing this, I feel like that. I will set up the link for the dirtier parts and I promise that there will be some serious action next chapter to comp for this.

I fucking hate myself.

This has been a piece of wisdom from All American.

P.S. The clop part is in the other story folder that I will leave the link to. This story shall remain in the teen rating for all the touchy sods out there.

Addendum: After a few hours of surfing the net, I closed out of Chrome and saw my Rainbow Dash screen saver and spent about ten minutes apologizing to it. Yep, I’m officially a basket case.


Dash and I spent the next few minutes just staring off into the distance, or maybe it was just me. I wasn’t really paying attention at this point. My mind was trying to piece together the rationality of the situation I was in. I had spent the better part of a year arguing with a mythological… horse, and then tried to kill myself only to end up in a fairy tale land. I then spent the next two days as a fugitive, killed three pony guards, practically adopted a raptor-thing named Ulik, and had a serious debate with the Princess. After that I became a bodyguard for some VIPs and now have magical powers.

What. The. Fuck.

I guess that if I don’t adapt to my new reality, it will swallow me alive. The sun finally dropped below the horizon and I flicked the interior lights on. I peeled my glasses off and tossed them onto the dashboard. I brought a hand up and rubbed my tired eyes. My day had been long and my back injury wasn’t helping. Not to mention the awkward situation that was building in the H2. I had no idea how to proceed with the situation. I’m not exactly sure how this would work out because I could identify a few issues that still bothered me:

1. I was human and Dash wasn’t.
2. I am her guard and if this didn’t work out, things could get bad in a fuckin’ hurry.
3. She had connections to my boss and if I fucked up, I had nowhere else to go.

What the hell could I do in this situation? She obviously wasn’t going to let this go. I knew that in the same part of my black heart that I keep Ulik, I could sense her there too. I knew it wasn’t good to mix business and pleasure, but what could I do?

I dropped my hand from my face and let it slam off the console with a thud. Without taking my eyes off the horizon, I tried to defuse the tension.

“Dash, you know this isn’t a good idea.” I pointed out.

I didn’t turn my head to see her, but I could feel her brushing up against my hand.

“I don’t care.” She announced.

I kept my attention on the horizon ahead and watched as the town settled down for the night once again. I swear it was like fucking clockwork. This kind of thing always bothered me. I was never one for a schedule and this early to bed early to rise shit really annoyed me. I watched as the townsponies returned to their homes and killed the lights, effectively destroying the town’s beacon of light from the horizon. Only the moon remained and I wondered where Ulik was. I assumed he would be with Applejack or Twilight. I wasn’t really ‘father’ material but I needed to find a real home.

Dash pressed up against my hand and it felt like she was almost trying to merge with it. My mind was in a place of its own at this point. Only the muffled chirping of grasshoppers echoed in the distance. I wanted nothing but the sound of a car horn or a jet turbine to kill the silence. Just like that, my mind switched off and repressed instincts took over. I turned to Dash placed both a hand on each side of her face. Fuck it, I was going to be a man here. I went for it.


Warning! Dangerous link here: A wild link appears!


With Dash curled up on my chest, she buried her head into my neck and placed her ear to my jugular. I watched as she listened to my heartbeat and smiled. Her beautiful eyes slowly fluttered closed as she passed out from exhaustion.

With a moment to myself, I tried to ponder on what had just happened. I just slept with a Pegasus and she loves me, fuck everyone else. I loved this blue, rainbow mane Pegasus and nothing could tell me otherwise. Fuck the human race, fuck time, and fuck everything. I was complete for now. Nothing before had ever meant so much to me but this was something special. I was never one for words but all I could say was ‘Fucking A.’

Next Chapter: Chapter 19: A New Enemy Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 26 Minutes
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