
Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Bracing Yourself

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Author’s note: Now we’re getting somewhere! I’m currently unsure of what to do with the Hummer since my character already seems overpowered (I am Invincible Man! Fear my wrath!).

I just don't want this to start happening because of the Hummer:

This is version 2 of this chapter. I was almost 2,000 words into another chapter before I decided it was crap and wrote this version instead. I hope you all realize how much I enjoy writing this for you.


With the Hummer off and the steady howl of the wind, I sat back in my seat and rolled down my window. I knew that Ulik probably needed me at this moment but I just wanted to be alone. I had taken six more lives today and I had to justify them in my head. I knew that the gun dealer was evil but I knew nothing of the thugs I had cut down. I pulled my G36 from my suit coat and laid it on my lap. As I stared at it, I could see everyone that I had ever put a bullet into. I know that when done righteously, killing is a chore just like any other, but when done with evil intentions, it would eat away at my soul.

The howl of the wind picked up intensity and the moon was now on its downward path. I looked over to the digital readout on the Hummer’s radio and found that it said 3am. If time matched up in this world, I had five hours before the town came to life. I wrapped my hands around the G36C’s grip and reclined my seat. The ceiling in the Hummer was a dull black plastic as was most of the interior. Feeling restless, I started to sift through the various compartments in the cabin.

I opened the console and sifted through some various papers and IDs. It was obvious that the owner of the Hummer was a college student. If that was the case, he probably didn’t even pay for the Hummer himself which made me feel a little more justified in stealing it. I closed the console and reached over to the glove box. I pulled the lever and the drawer opened up revealing a small bag (less than half a gram) of white powder. I grabbed it and examined the substance for a moment before realizing what it was. Cocaine baby.

I opened the console and shoved the coke under some of the documents and fake IDs. With the drug taken care of, I reached up to the sun visor and flipped it open. There was nothing of any real interest. I shrugged and reached over to the sunglasses holder. I press the little release and the compartment flipped open to reveal a pair of mirror aviator sunglasses and a single key.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked in frustration.

I spent almost twenty minutes trying to hotwire the car when I could have just grabbed the damn key? What kind of idiotic dumb-fuck leaves his only key in his car?! I dowsed the flames of my anger and shoved the key into my breast pocket. Still a little miffed, I grabbed the sunglasses and slipped one of the temples into my shirt to hold them in place. I clicked on the light and felt under the seat. Whoever’s car this is, they kept it meticulously clean. Finding nothing under the driver’s seat, I did the same to the passenger’s. I felt under the seat and reached around before feeling a bottle. I felt a little bit of happiness flutter over me. I wrapped my hand around it and yanked the bottle out from under the seat. I read the label and found out that it was a bottle of cheap vodka.

“Sweet baby Jesus! Why did I ever doubt fate?!” I exclaimed before shoving the bottle into the console as well.

I knew that that was probably the last bottle of real alcohol I’d ever see. Feeling lucky, I looked in the back seat and saw another bottle in the back seat (half full) and a wallet. I grabbed the bottle (while praising a god I didn’t believe in) and set it on the passenger’s seat as if it were my baby. I then reached back and retrieved the wallet. It was a small, brown, pleather wallet so it was nothing special. I flipped it open and saw a familiar face. It was Steve Brights. It said that he was 22 (obviously fake) and he lived at 2132 Union Ave. I hoped the address was real so I could check on him one day but I knew that in my heart, it was most likely fake as well.

I shoved the wallet into the glove compartment and grabbed the vodka bottle that was half full. I took my G36 and set it in-between my seat and the console. With an almost childlike glee, I cracked open the bottle and breathed in the vapors. It smelled just like heaven and a dive bar. I opened wide and drank straight from the bottle without the courtesy of even a paper bag. Every drip burned on the way down and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I downed a quarter of the bottle before capping it off and putting it into the console as well. I swear that the console was starting to look more and more like an evidence locker. The only way I could make it worse was if I shoved my handgun in it as well. With that I mind, I retrieved the bottle and cracked it back open. I was going to play a game with myself.

Drink for every law I was breaking.

1. Stole a car
2. Has two loaded guns in the front seat
*Takes two drinks*
3. Killed six people
*Takes six drinks*
4. Kidnapped a 18 year old and stole his wallet
*Takes two drinks*

With the bottle finished, I cap it and toss it into the back seat. I was effectively buzzed.

5. Drunk behind the wheel.

I gave a drunken chuckle and laid back into my seat. With my feelings effectively dulled, I passed out like a little drunken angel.


“Ryan.” A familiar voice called out.

I reached up and batted at an imaginary alarm clock before rolling over in my seat.

“Ryan.” The voice said in increasing intensity.

“Piss off.” I grumbled before the first effects of a hangover began to take hold.

I grabbed my head and pulled myself into the fetal position in pain.

“Are you ok?” The voice asked.

“Fucking hangover.” I said.

“Oh, in that case, WAKE UP!” The voice yelled at me.

I grimaced in pain before my anger took over. I was currently facing the passenger’s side of the Hummer and the voice was coming from the window. I spun around and pulled my seat up with a thud. I turned my head and slipped my sunglasses on to protect me from the harsh morning sun.

“Try that again and I will destroy you on the atomic level.” I mumbled while rubbing my temples to soothe the pain.

I turned my head and found that Dash was hovering outside my door.

“What do you want?” I asked with my voice still really low.

“Twilight is making a big announcement and she wanted me to wake you up. Now get up before I drag you in there.” She said in a playful voice.

“Fine. Give me a minute.”

I grabbed my G36 and flipped the sun visor down and looked in the mirror. I was still pasty white and I looked like I had been partying all night. I begrudgingly slicked back my hair and dusted off my suit. I kicked the door open and stumbled out into the open world. I felt like this world was just trying to kill me with all of its bright colors. Even with the sunglasses it didn’t help. I turned around and locked the Hummer’s doors before closing it behind me. Dash flew next to me and I threw my right arm over her for support.

“C’mon, let’s get you inside.” She said with a little more sympathy in her voice.

“I need to stop drinking.” I mumbled as we reached the door.

I had reached the point of tunnel vision as the door opened to a nice and dark room. Dash guided me to a wall that I leaned up against before collapsing on the floor. There was a collective gasp as someone ran over to me.

“Are you ok darling?” Rarity asked.

Without saying anything, I lifted my hand up and gave a thumbs up. I felt like hell but I was functional. I let my arm fall back to the floor as I sloppily pushed myself back up and sat against the wall. I lifted the G36 into my lap and took a deep breath.

“Where is Ulik?” I asked flatly as each word made my head want to explode.

The room remained silent before I felt the familiar sensation of Ulik hugging me. I threw one arm around him and left my head hanging.

“I told you I’d be back.”

There was a collective ‘D’awwww’ in the room as he latched onto me as if I had been gone for a lifetime.

“I’ve got a nasty hangover, so make it snappy.” I said as I brought my free hand to my temple.

“How about we get you something to eat first.” Twilight suggested.

“I’d like nothing more.”

I placed the barrel of my rifle on the floor and used it as leverage to get to my feet.

Motioning with the rifle, I said “Lead the way captain.”

Twilight nodded and trotted off into the other room with me, Ulik, Dash, and Rarity in tow. I was led into a small room adjacent to the kitchen and was pushed into a chair near a table. It felt like one of those chairs that they make first graders sit in.

“What does your species eat?” Twilight asked as Dash and Ulik climbed into a seat.

“Anything but poisons, leaves, and grass.” I fired back in a surly tone.

“What do you mean by that?” she asked.

“I can eat meat, fruit, and most vegetables.” I said flatly.

“You’re a… carnivore?” Twilight asked in almost hesitant tone.

“You caught me, but I believe omnivore is the right term.” I pointed out in frustration.

“Uhhh…” I heard as my head met the table.

I knew the question they were going to ask before they even spoke.

“Have I eaten any of you yet?”

“What?!” Dash asked in horror.

“Answer the question.” I said without moving my head from the table.


“There’s your fucking answer.” I said with my anger starting to shine through.

“Sorry.” Dash and Twilight said in unison.

“Don’t doubt me again. I’m not in the mood right now.”

I pried my face from the table and placed it against the wall to my side. By this point, I could feel my heartbeat in my head. I needed to take my mind off the pain before I went insane. I lifted my G36C onto the table and removed my handgun from my jacket. I pulled back the slide on the handgun and set it on the table.

“Got a rag that you don’t mind getting dirty?” I asked as I ran my eyes along the engraving on the G36.

Twilight levitated a rag over to me and returned to work as I wiped the guns down.

“Could you tell me about those things now that we’re not at each other’s throats?” She asked as she sifted through her pantry.

“I guess.” I answer as I ran the rag through the barrel of the handgun.

As the rag exited the barrel, I noticed that there was zero gunpowder residue on it. I guess it was just another bit of magic at work.

“What do you want to know about ‘em?”


“This might take a while.”


After getting some nutrition in my system and having a lengthy discussion about the history of guns and their workings. My hangover had mostly died down.

“Where did Rarity run off to?” I asked as I adjusted the sunglasses on my face.

“She said she had to grab some things from her house before we leave.” She stated as if it was something I should know.

“Wait… leaving for where?” I asked

“The Gala! Only the biggest party of the year!” Dash exclaimed from the back ground.

“Why the fuck wasn’t I told?” I asked in sheer confusion.

“I thought you knew!” Dash fired back.

“Umm…” I said as I presented the fact I was human “hello?”

“Oh yeah.” She said as a light bulb came on.

There was a knock at the door and Rarity stepped in.

“I’m back.” She said as she struggled with a large package. “I’ve got our outfits!”

“Great.” I said with my sarcasm showing through.

Rarity let the box slam on the floor and she opened it with all due haste.

“This is for you,” She said as she levitated a small box to Twilight “And this is for you,” she continued as she handed another box to Dash “and this one is for you!” she said with a burst of excitement.

She levitated a slightly larger box over to me and watched me with anticipation as I pulled out my knife as cut the bindings off. I sheathed my knife again and flipped the box open. Inside of it was another black suit but this one was different. Not only was my mark on the shoulders, but it also sat on the breast pocket and a very large version of it sat on the back. In my world, this would have been considered tacky but here, I figured it was commonplace.

“I told you that more suits would have to wait till I get paid.”

“I can’t have you showing up to the Gala in that!” she said matter-of-factly.

“How much is this one going to run me?” I asked.

She rubbed he chin for a moment before saying “Since you’ve been such a dear, I’ll say 500 bits would cover it. Just pay me whenever you get the chance.”

“You realize that every time you give me something this nice for free, you just make this more and more awkward for me right?”

I watched her expression get turn to one of frustration. I honestly thought her head might explode for a moment.

“You will take that suit,” she said, taking a step with each word “and you will put it on and enjoy it! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!”

By this point she was less than an inch from my face with furious… generosity in her eyes.

“Crystal clear.” I said unmoving.

“Good.” She said as she turned around and began to happily trot off “Oh and check the bottom of the box. There is something extra I put together for you.”

I looked down in to the box and lifted most of the contents out. I removed the suit coat, another black tie, a white dress shirt, black pants, and a part of shiny black shoe before I saw it. In the bottom of the box sat a sling for the rifle and a holster that was fitted for the suits. On the side of the holster sat her mark of three diamonds in a triangle pattern.

“Thank you.” I said without receiving a reply.

I look around the room and saw that only Ulik and Dash still sat at the table with me.

“Wow.” Dash began “You were just chewed out by Rarity and didn’t even flinch.” She said as if she was almost astonished.

“I’ve had worse from my girlfriends.” I explained “Once I dated with crazy blonde that chased me out of her house with a kitchen knife. I ran down the street in my boxers before she finally caught and stabbed me.” I said before breaking into hysterical laughter “Oh, how I miss those days.”

“Uh huh.” Dash said, obviously creeped out by my story “You’ve date some strange ponies.”

“People, and you have no idea.”


After ditching Dash and Ulik, I had gotten dressed and prepped for the long night ahead. I was just hoping that they’d have an open bar. I stepped back into the book room and found that Applejack, Dash, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were all dressed and ready to go.

“Ok,” I start off “I can’t be everywhere at once. If you have a problem, I’ll be at the bar.” I explained to the group.

“Uh… he is coming Twi?” Applejack asked as if she was confused.

“He was assigned to us.” She replied.

I pulled back the action on my G36 and let it fall forward with a nice metallic thud. I slung the rifle over my shoulder with the sling that Rarity had made for me and opened the door. I held the door, letting the ponies walk outside. After all of the ponies left, I turned to Ulik.

“Try to stay out of trouble. I’ll be back later.”

Ulik gave me a little salute as I closed the door behind me. I turned to see all of the ponies looking confused at one another.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

“Our chariot isn’t here!” Dash exclaimed.

“We’re going to be late!” Rarity cried out.

“I have a better idea than a horse and buggy.” I said.

“What would that be?” Twilight asked with suspicion.

Before answering her, I ran around the house and came across the Hummer. I snagged the key from my pocket and opened my door. I pulled myself inside and slammed the door behind me. I hit the ignition and shifted into drive. I pressed on the gas and turned on the radio. A Deadmau5 track came on and I adjusted the volume to a manageable level. I pulled around the house and caught the ponies in my headlights. The all stood there like deer caught in… headlights (HA!). I threw the Hummer into park and stepped out.

“Ladies, this is way better than anything you’ve ever ridden in.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 13: Loathing in Canterlot Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 46 Minutes
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