
Rising of the Sun

by Starlight Comet

Chapter 1: Chaos in the Cafeteria

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October 14th 2010, 12:30pm

To a majority of the student of Canterlot High School, it was to be a normal lunch break in the cafeteria. But to Sunrise and his gang of cronies outside the cafeteria, it was just the right time to terrorize their fellow classmates. Sunrise grinned devilishly at his friends Iron Will, Gilda, Snips, Snails, Trixie, and his girlfriend Sunset Shimmer.

“So we all know what to do today, right,” Sunrise stated, “We don’t want another incident like last time to happen.” As he said this, he shot a dirty look at Gilda as though what happened was her fault.

Gilda shot back, “Hey, don’t blame me for the fact that the hall monitors caught me and I had to spend the next few days in detention.”

“In any case,” Sunrise continued, talking as if he hadn't heard Gilda, “we’re doing this in order to get some money and start a food fight in the process. If the hall monitors come barging in, you each go to the designated routes I've set up for you all. Everybody remember where they need to go?” After everyone nodded, Sunrise said, “Good; now let’s get ready.”

For as long as anyone could remember, Sunrise and his gang were the baddest group of juvenile delinquents in the history of Canterlot High School. Sunrise, alone, had been sent to detention so many times that his count was in the double digits. Sunset Shimmer was even worse; many students considered her to be Sunrise in the form of a female.

As the group was getting to cause trouble in the cafeteria, Sunset Shimmer walked up to him with her fiendish looks. “Let’s go cause some mayhem, big troublemaker.”

Sunrise smiled and said, “You know it, little troublemaker.”

Their lips then locked together, which prompted Trixie to stick out her tongue in disgust and state, “Oh get a room, you two.” Both Sunset and Sunrise shot daggers at Trixie as they broke apart.

“Alright everybody, let’s do this” said Sunrise.

Sunrise and his friends burst through the cafeteria and started to take money away from the students.

One student in particular, whose name was Flash Sentry, stood up to Sunrise and said, “There’s no way that you’re going to take my money, Sunrise. You think you and your friends can just…walk…around…and…” These last few words trailed off as Flash saw Iron Will standing behind Sunrise and looking as he was ready to start punching.

Flash gulped and handed Sunrise his money. “Thanks Flash,” said Sunrise with a smirk on his face, “Always nice to do business with you.”

Just then, the doors to the cafeteria burst open to reveal the school’s hall monitors, led by none other than Shining Armor. “Sunrise!” Shining Armor yelled. “Give up; there’s nowhere else for you to run.”

As Armor and the other hall monitors moved in closer, Sunrise laughed and said, “Keep telling yourself that, Armor. Trixie, NOW!” At this, Trixie took a small pouch out of her pocket and threw it on the ground. Instantly, a cloud of black smoke erupted and covered the entire cafeteria. As the smoke settled, Shining Armor saw Sunrise and his friends running away.

"STOP THEM!" yelled Shining Armor.

“Get going and don’t let them catch you!” cried Sunrise.

As his friends ran off in different directions, Sunrise suddenly tripped over a trick wire. The next thing he knew, he was enclosed in a net that was hung up by a metal cord. Sunrise opened his eyes and saw the entire student body staring at him with the deepest loathing in their eyes. Somebody pushed through the crowd to see what the commotion was. Sunrise realized with dissatisfaction that it was Principal Celestia. The two of them began to glare at each other with the utmost annoyance.

“I see you tried to stir up more problems again…son”

“How very observant of you…mother”

Next Chapter: Crime and Punishment Estimated time remaining: 40 Minutes
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