
Rainbow Rocks Remake

by JusSonic

Chapter 6: Chapter 06: Party Crashers

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Chapter 06: Party Crashers

Chapter 06: Party Crashers

The scene opens up to the auditorium, as the students gathered there. But, there was a little issue to see what was going on. As the gang was in, Twilight, Ben, Golden Heart, Pinkamena and the Mane Five stood near the punch table spot with Tough & Megan, and with Omega in his stealth mode, and the Crusaders were on the center floor with Nyx. As the scene is seen, many students were in some bickering mood, the Eco-Kids were pointing at. The Techies were talking about Trixie and her two girls, as Trixie turn away to huff at being spoken by such folks as did her two friends. Nyx was with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, as the former was told to behave like everyone was against them, even to stare up at one passing girl (all to make sure the Sirens don’t know they are not under control until its later revealed). And at the table, the Main Five look at how everyone was behaving while Pinkie was stuffing her face with cookies and Twilight was gonna have some punch. Photo Finish and her group of Pixal Pizzaz and Violet Blurr stood nearby the stage while Snails gave an ‘you’re going down’ hand sign while Snips stared off against Flash Sentry as if they were almost gonna rumble.

“Hugh…I’m gonna get more punch!” Flash Sentry sighs in annoyance at the short guy, grabs his empty cup to leave from Snips & Snails to pass his own Rocker guys. But while he was distracted, Twilight was sipping her drink from a straw, as they both crash into each other, and then Flash caught from falling. “Twilight,” Flash exclaimed in surprise, as was Twilight before Nyx, Phobos & Ben came over to see what almost happened.

“Eh, bumped, into, always, doing?” Twilight kinda blushed in seeing this odd habit with Flash seems weird.

“It’s almost like a curse.” Phobos mutters to himself in thinking how this goes in some weird way.

“Oh Phobos,” Nyx rolled her eyes in thinking her pet pal was being silly.

“Hey Flash, how you doing.” Ben spoke to approach in which Flash immediately let his pal take his lover, just so since he knows not to overstep in their relationship.

“Ben, guys? What are you doing here?” Flash Sentry asked off in never expecting to see this bunch again. “You came back for the big competition, right?” He asked off in thinking the ones not from this world came for the Battle of the Bands.

“Something liked that.” Twilight rub the back of her head to say they were here for that reason.

“Right, Flash; there’s something…” Ben was gonna say something, but was cut off…

“Huh. Not that there’s gonna be any REAL competition.” Flash Sentry cross his arms to brag off that there is no actual competition around here. “No one here wants this as bad as MY band does!” Flash declared forth this statement of who wants to win this, and his band will win it since they are the best.

At that same moment, behind Flash, the Dazzlings came in through the auditorium doors. Rainbow noticed them, Adagio was smiling to inspect things, Aria was still moody, and Sonata was still the smiling ditzy girl of the bunch of the situation at play. Rainbow Dash got serious, and looked towards Pinkie Pie who was eating a cookie, as she took one chocolate chip off much to the pink girl’s confusion. Rainbow threw the chip at Twilight, which only got stuck on her hair, as it made her react to it and turn what was going on behind her. When Twilight and her group look back puzzled, Rainbow nodded her head in a general direction. That’s when the Sparkle gang also turns to notice the Dazzlings were in the area, as they walked around.

“Could you excuse me…ugh, us for just a minute,” Twilight held up her hands to ask Flash excuse them for about a minute.

“Right, we gotta take care of something first.” Nyx responded to say before she and Ben quickly got moving.

Flash shrugs off to see this, not sure what was going on now.

Rainbow Dash signals the Main Five girls to quickly get ready themselves. Sunset Shimmer was moving along while Pinkie Pie was still eating the cookies, saw her hand of two, one mouth, and…Then Pinkie Pie quickly grabbed the cookies on the tray to stuff them in her hair, and ran off to join the rest.

“Ben, you and the others stand back. If they try to attack, you guys step in.” Twilight requested this as she was trusting her love with a different task.

“Got it Twilight,” Ben nods in agreeing with her. “Everyone got the plan?” He looks to Megan, Goldie, Pinkamena, and Sunset Shimmer that were gonna follow their lead…

Course when Ben look at the other party table across the hall, he saw Tough Apple was pigging himself out. Then he made a loud belch noise much to the disgust of some of the mind-controlled kids and accidentally making a mess of where he was.

“Eheh, guess I better make sure Tough stays on track.” Ben chuckled sheepishly in seeing he has to make sure someone on their side doesn’t get so much attention.

Soon Twilight leaves those that are gonna do their own job if there is signs of any resistance from their enemy.

“Tough, what are you doing?” Goldie asked off in what the guy was doing in making a mess and pigging out, almost all the students are looking at him.

“I’m hungry! I skipped breakfast & missed out on lunch today!” Tough exclaimed to explain himself with his mouth half of what he ate; all this travel to a different world and get dragged off by military goons while not getting a milk shake at Sweet Shoppe, his tummy needs something to fuel him.

“Ssshhh, keep it low guys.” Sunset hushes those from what they are doing, as Tough takes a sip of the punch to wash down what he ate.

“Right, this is gonna be close.” Megan explained in what they are gonna do is going to be close…

“Are you doing alright Omega?” Pinkamena asked the hidden robot behind them that no one but them knows he’s in the room while in stealth mode.

“Perfectly functioning & ready for action,” Omega whispered softly to say this.

“So if them Siren girls try something funny’ we hit ’em hard, right?” Tough asked off to say in getting what they gotta do here.

“That’s the general plan.” Golden Heart nods in stating what they have to go with.

“We best be ready for anything while not endangering anyone in here.” Megan spoke in knowing what they must try to avoid, a conflict that would involve the students in this close space.

At this moment, the Dazzlings were observing the work of hearing arguments from the students. Adagio seem pleased, Sonata seems okay, and Aria just seem bored. Trixie and her group were arguing with Flash Sentry’s group over whose better. The Techies, Rockers, even those that look like the human versions of the Diamond Dog trio were making a stand near the Eco-kids. Octavia argued with another group of girls while Derpy sat in a chair to watch this fight go on.

“Oh, no; No one’s mingling!” Adagio spoke off in sounding with a voice of pretend concerns. “It’s like there’s some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute!” Adagio wiggled her fingers and taps her hands with sneaky joy of seeing how things are going with everyone about to burst from their negative energy guiding them to hate each other.

“It’s the fruit punch, isn’t it?” Sonata spoke off to say with a sad look as she held a cup while interrupting Adagio to look back. “I knew I used too much grape juice!” She held up another bottle of grape juice in her other hand in stating she made the punch for this probably taste awful; much to Adagio and Aria rolling their eyes of such a claim.

“It’s not the fruit punch! It’s us!” Adagio clap her hand to her head in stating in annoyance to Sonata to know what she was meaning.

“But the punch is awful, too.” Aria cuts near Sonata’s blank look to say her punch was awful anyway.

“What do you know about good fruit punch?” Sonata pouted to point off in asking what this girl even knows about good tasting fruit punch.

“More than you,” Aria push the cup in her face down to state this off to Sonata in more of her bad attitude.

“Do not!” Sonata protests to say as she whacks a little tap on Aria’s cheek.

“Do too!” Arai remarked back to flip Sonata’s hair up to make it look messy that she smirk for, as a frowning Sonata quickly fixes it.

“This is just the kickoff party, girls.” Adagio came to her group in smiling to state what this situation was starting to be. “Imagine what a tizzy they’ll be in by the time the Battle of the Bands starts.” She clap her fingers together in stating this fact that they all smiled to; when the musical showcase starts, it’ll really get this party going…their way.

“There isn’t going to be a Battle of the Bands!” Twilight’s voice interrupts the Dazzlings that made their eyes widen in surprise before looking over their direction of spoke off just now. “We’re gonna make sure of that!” Twilight and the Main Five stood in a six group line, looking ready, daring, dashing, Fluttershy nervous and Pinkie Pie with a cookie in her mouth. Sunset nods with a smile, as she and the others watch how this is gonna go down. “Alright, girls, let’s do this!” Twilight spoke with confidence to get Rainbow’s hand, then AJ’s hand, and so forth. “Friendship is magic!” Twilight shouts off in declaring this, as now the girls shut their eyes in preparing to unleash their magic on the foes; this was gonna be it…


There was an awkward silence, as even the puzzled Dazzlings wondered what was up with Sonata shrugging her shoulders to be confused too. In fact, everyone was lost, and even Sunset Shimmer got worried in seeing this, and so did Ben and the rest; nothing was happening. There was nothing happening with the Main Six bunch, and they still had their eyes shut in expecting something to happen, until Rainbow Dash peek her one eye out to notice something up.

“Uh…weren’t there rainbows and lasers and stuff last time?” Rainbow Dash leans near Twilight to ask this puzzled question in seeing this was not going off like before.

“I don’t understand.” Twilight whispered to her friends in being uncertain of this development. “We’re all together again. Why isn’t this working?” She softly asked while looking worried in why when they how have the magic, aren’t making anything happen here.

Every student was looking at the group with annoyed or puzzled expressions in what this was about. But it look like the Dazzlings smiled in feeling fine, like this strange act didn’t go as these six girls wanted.

“You, uh… really need to go ahead and do the whole “magic of friendship” thing now.” Spike sneaks up behind Twilight too climb her shoulder to whisper that they gotta do this now, everyone is watching and waiting.

“I’m trying, Spike.” Twilight whispered back in stating she’s trying her best here. “I thought the six of us standing together against the Sirens would bring out the magic we needed to defeat them. That’s what happened before.” Twilight explained the case from what was supposed to happen like last time, but it was not working now.

“Ugh, please tell me we’s got a Plan B?” Tough asked in thinking they got a backup for this.

“I don’t think we came up with that when Plan A was supposed to work.” Goldie shook his head in stating they didn’t plan for failure.

“This…might get ugly now.” Pinkamena stated in knowing what comes next.

“Talk about throwing down the gauntlet!” Adagio shrug off her shoulders to make this bragging right of what was displayed here. “This group is obviously serious about winning!” She stated to the Main Six that undid their hands in seeing what this Siren was planning. “A little cocky though, aren’t they?” She shrugs off her shoulders to walk pass Sonata & Aria that smiled too, as Adagio continued. “Claiming there won’t really be a battle. Seems they think they already got this thing all locked up.” Adagio was making this stated claim pass Photo Finish’s group and Octavia in saying the Main Six have declared they win HANDS Down, no saying they need a competition at all.

“Not if the Great & Powerful Trrrrrrixe has anything to do with it!” Trixie snapped off in making her bold and dramatic claim of reaching out to win, as her group stood by her side on that.

“Whatever, Trixie,” Flash Sentry points off his finger to remark this off to the girl. “We’re the best band at CHS!” Flash declared that he and his band of Rockers are the best.

“No; ‘De Crusaders are gonna win!” Apple Bloom stuck out to state this with an upset tone.

“Apple Bloom, what are you doing?” Nyx pulled her friend back in trying to figure out what she’s doing.

“Wha, trying to make a stand,” Apple Bloom whispers back to say this to her pal.

“Yeah, we only got our costumes in and we wanted to perform.” Scootaloo whispers this to Nyx in what they got and wanna do.

“And get you in with us since your return so we could win too.” Sweetie Belle stated in wanting Nyx to join their band.

“Really, well I…” Nyx was suddenly lost in the idea while forgetting the situation.

“Ugh, maybe you should save this for afterwards.” Ben spoke in seeing this as he came to pull the girls back with him.

Suddenly, an argument breaks off with all of the students now fighting against another, as the Main Six watch as they do, green cloud mist shrouds them. The Dazzlings got in the center, as they smiled and allowed the negative energy to enter their gems. Adagio grasp at feeling the power course in her now; that was the burst of push they needed to get things rally up. But a look of puzzlement was seen from her face, as she sees the six girls that protest to them…seem like they were doing nothing but watch the argument of the other students when they should be under the same spell…

Or perhaps…the answer is clear than the Sirens think.

“I think we may have found what we’re looking for.” Adagio spoke off to say in seeing the reaction the Main Six were showing that was not negative reactions. “Or rather, it found us.” Adagio declared to say this in looking wickedly proud before looking to Aria who smiled in getting the idea; Then they looked to Sonata, who was looking at them with a blank look, and shrug off her shoulders and shook her head in not following.

“Slap,” Aria slapped her forehead in annoyance at how slow Sonata was in getting the idea of what they are talking about.

“Magic,” Adagio yelled out to her dizzy friend that made Sonata yelp in being scold, she was talking about finding magic here. “Don’t you see?!” Adagio stated off with a stern look, as they look ahead of them. “Everyone else has fallen under our spell; But not these girls. These girls are special.” As Adagio said this, Sunset, the Main Five, and Twilight were quickly leaving the auditorium as fast as they can while Twilight look back with worry before catching up.

“But what about that golden guy and the freaky pink lookalike; and that weird girl that looks almost like the Mag’ne?” Aria stated in seeing Golden Heart & Pinkamena exit the other door that they held open that weren’t arguing, and let Megan pass and also Omega who was unseen.

“Not to mention that brown and purple guys and they are pushing those four little girls to run off…just now.” Sonata pointed in seeing Ben & Tough got Nyx and the Crusaders out the open exit door to get out of there as well.

“Yes….very interesting.” Adagio spoke in seeing this sorta action play out, minus the four little girls that seem to be under their spell, there were the others who weren’t. “Perhaps things may turn out even better than we hoped for.” Adagio declared in seeing this may turn out better than they hoped for.

The Dazzlings smiled with their little evil understanding of what was going on, there was magic here, and it seems those folks are the ones they seek. All they need to do now is plan a way to get their hands on it, and soon…this world shall be theirs. Everything goes dark at this time, as it seems evil is ahead in this game.


The next scene shows the Dragon Strike Force watching the students exit the auditorium, as they see them all walk by. And among them were the Dazzlings, Shadow Dragon had his group wait in the teacher’s lounge while seeing by another spider cam….which they were lucky to have a spare, seeing the event that played out. And let’s just say, they were expecting a little bit more out of the Main Six and friends in stopping their next enemy.

“Well, that went well…” Blazefist slowly responded in seeing the situation could have gone better.

“What the heck was that?! That wasn't victory, its humiliation! They're much bigger fools than Tech!” Shadow Dragon complained in having seen from the lap-top that Shorty Thinking showed them of how Twilight & the Main Five looked like fools.

“You actually think that Alien Twilight made that up from the beginning?” Shorty Thinking asked this off in questioning Twilight’s claims of having a plan to defeat the Dazzlings.

“No... I've seen Applejack's eyes.” Saber shook his head no while stating the claim. “And I don't think it was a fake. It was more like shock.” From what they noticed, Twilight and her group were shocked to have learnt something that didn’t go according to plan.

“Then, that means something is missing for them to accomplish their powers.” Tailtech nodded in thinking there was something missing to which could helped the girls use their power.

“Whatever it was, I hope it's the quick one. I really hate to see more students hate each other before their negative feelings and thoughts get absorbed by these alien busters.” Aquastroke stated in fearing that if nothing is done soon, the Dazzlings will continue to do as they please and use the negative energy of the students to grow strong.

“Well, I really hate to see what happen next to us…” Burnblast: stated this fact which earns everyone else to listen. “I mean Joshua Joyce and Schemetrick told us that Mutants and Transformers are immune to their songs. But if their voices get stronger, we might not be immune to it long enough.” That was a possibility, if the Dazzlings get very strong, then in due time, they will fall prey to them.

“Indeed.” Lightningblade nodded his head in agreeing to that idea. “If that happens, we have to rely on our earplugs and headsets to protect our audio sensory. Twilight better find the way to end it before things could get any worse.” He stated in what they’ll have to do if the situation doesn’t resolve soon.

“Hey, where's Laxtinct?” Icy asked off in noticing that someone wasn’t with them in the room; only for them to see where he was…on the laptop screen.

We soon see the Dazlings walk out of the auditorium, and as Adagio & Aria were ahead, Sonata was being left behind. Until without warning, Laxtinct cuts before her much to her sudden surprise.

“My sweet girl of my dream, I have come before you.” Laxtinct exclaimed with poetry in motion as he held the girl’s hands to speak while the background became romantic (somehow?). “Your beautiful hair and face are the most magnificent sight, I ever seen in my life. And nothing can compare to that. And trust me, I would never think of another woman but you. You're one of the kind. So, I beg of you! Will you date with me?” Laxtinct was really throwing down all the stuff while even getting on his knees and waved off his one arm while holding her hand, speaking almost like a prince asking for his princess’s hand.

“Heheh…Funny and amazing as always; you're one of the kind.” Sonata giggled happily in seeing this action before her. “And I really like the funny guy. And best of all, I want to make the fruit punch just for you. I hope you like it, my Prince of Dream.” She spoke in showing a punch she had saved to offer it to the guy.

Practically the Dazzlings & even Dragon Strike Force each showed weird reactions to seeing this unusual love suddenly build up between the two. Then without warning, Terrorcreep came before Laxtinct to pull him by his ear, and as Sonata was gonna reach out to him, Adagio pulled her hand away to drag the two apart before they were getting far away from another.

“Idiot as always; why do I have to take you away from the problem? You are truly annoying, Lax,” Terrorcreep remarked off to the guy from being a complete idiot to fall for the wrong kinda guy.

“Why do I have to be the only one to keep an eye on her; it's like she easily forgets. Idiot as always,” Adagio groans off to remark about Sonata’s ditzy behavior, it can be annoying to have her in the group.

The scene goes dark from the weird action that was played out, it’s just one thing after another…


The scene changes to the outside part of the school, as everyone sat on the steps while Twilight was standing up and looking worried. Apparently their plan to defeat the Sirens, aka the Dazzlings, didn’t go off as they planned it. And now what they did might have had the opposite effect, and worse, they caused it. Brother, when Azure Phoenix gets word of this, he may not be a happy camper and may think Twilight and her visitors from Equestria are accomplices to the Dazzlings.

“It doesn’t make any sense.” Twilight shrug off her arms in being unable to think what happened back there. “I should have been able to create the spark that would help us break their spell.” She walked across the path in talking to herself while everyone watched. “That’s how it worked before.” Twilight stated in looking a little panicky, the spell that helped them won against Demonic Sunset Shimmer, but it’s not helping much here with the Dazzlings.

“But to defeat me, you drew magic from the crown I was wearing.” Sunset Shimmer spoke in recalling that event that was her defeat against Twilight from before when she was evil. “The Sirens’ magic comes from their music.” She held her chin to ponder a thought of what the Dazzlings seem to do. “So maybe you have to use the same kind of magic to defeat them.” She smiled to speak her mind out to Twilight who was thinking seriously…until she stopped in what she just heard, “Or…maybe not.” Sunset suddenly retraced her suggestion in feeling maybe her thought might not be helpful at all.

“No. I think you’re onto something.” Twilight spoke to smile in stating this to Sunset’s plan.

“Really,” Sunset smiled to look at Twilight in thinking she was helpful now.

“Oh course, don’t sell yourself short Sunset.” Ben encouraged Sunset that she shouldn’t feel nervous to speak her mind.

“Yeah, everyone’s thoughts can count for something.” Pinkamena stated to say this as to cheer the girl up more.

“It’s when you play music that you transform now, right?” Twilight pointed to the Mane Five in asking them of how they transform by playing music.

“Eeyup; Ears, tails, ‘de whole shebang,” Applejack nods to say and pointed out all the parts to wave off.

“So maybe the way to use that magic to defeat the Sirens is by playing a musical counter-spell!” Twilight pointed out to say this, pound her right fist in her left hand before waving them off the solution to defeat musical villains; is with music itself.

“You mean like a song?” Fluttershy asked off in brushing her hair back in getting what her friend was suggesting.

“Uh-huh.” Twilight nods to say this as it was indeed the idea. “And in order to free everyone who’s been exposed to the Sirens’ spell, we’ll need them all to hear it.” Twilight thought for a moment to consider how to free those that are under the siren’s spell, everyone must hear it.

“I’s got it! We pull the fire drill and make everyone get out thinking there’s fire!” Phobos spoke off his wild idea of what they can do.

“I doubt we have time to have them hear with a loud bell noise, Phobos.” Ben stated the problem in even using such a plan.

“D’oh!” Phobos cursed in feeling that was a waste.

“I could scare them out with my new pee-shooter?” Tough asked off in showing what he’s got that could scare everyone outside.

“And get every cop in town involved to stop you and stop us from playing the counter-spell? Plus, everyone would scatter out any exit and not be together.” Ben pointed out another problem in trying to even go through with that plan.

“Man, this brainstorming’ stuff is hard.” Tough groans to say in feeling this was hard planning.

“Hmmm….” Everyone was humming to themselves in trying to brainstorm here. What could help them make sure that everyone would hear the counter spell to undo the Sirens’ work? They have to gather everyone together sure, but the question is how, and how to keep them all there to hear them out.

“Hugh…The band competition,” Rarity gasped to say before standing up in stating the answer for them. “That’s the next time we can be certain everyone will be in the same place at the same time.” She explained the answer of where everyone will be brought together, as that’s what the students are all wanting.

“Gitting back ‘ta ‘de subject; Guess ‘de Rainbooms are ‘de band ta beat.” Applejack smiled off to say this, as she patted Rainbow’s shoulder in seeing their band will be the ones to beat the rest and save the day.

“And I believe you, Twilight, just became the Rainboom’s newest member.” Rarity held out her hand, in inviting a stun Twilight to become the sixth new member to their band. Twilight kinda had a sheepish nervous face in being asked to do this all so sudden.

Laughter & cheers came from the Main Five, as they pass a worried Sunset Shimmer who also was thinking of what was said about Twilight becoming a member. But she just went mope in feeling like she doesn’t matter, she may have hang with the Main Five during band practice, but…it’s obvious Twilight is their closer friend than her.

“It’s okay, they are just excited.” Megan patted the girl’s shoulder to ease her. “You’re still their friend, you are not a replacement.” She spoke in knowing how Sunset has these girls as her first friends and doesn’t wanna be replaced.

“Thanks Megan. I know that I was filling in for Twilight when she left, but…I just felt not much to replace her, you know?” Sunset smiled a little in being grateful for the talk, even from what she knows be the true fact of how her friends love the most.

“Its fine, we’re all different, and that’s what makes us special.” Megan explained this to Sunset to help the girl be at ease.

Twilight was still kinda smiling at seeing her friends give her such an honor, before something else was brought up.

“So what do you wanna play?” Pinkie Pie ops in to leave everyone puzzled with this question of instrument, “Triangle/Ding!” She held out a triangle that ‘dings’ before the girl, “Sousaphone? FWOMP,” She asked to hold a sousaphone before blowing it that blew Twilight’s hair back; which kinda made the Crusaders hold in their giggles at her expression of getting that, “Theremin?” Now Pinkie had out a thermion out of nowhere, and began to play a mystical spooky tune while blowing air and moving her hands about it, “Soooo magical.” She exclaimed from feeling that instrument was really a wonder of magic.

“I might take a little too long to learn how to play something with these.” Twilight shrug to say and wiggle her fingers, as a pony from Equestria, she barely knows how they work. “I’ll just sing.” She pats her right hand to her chest to smile in what band performance she’ll do.

“Like, as in lead singer?” Rainbow Dash skipped to lean behind Twilight to question this act, “Cuz that’s usually my gig. This being my band and all,” She spoke off before smiling to hold Twilight’s shoulder to state the positions each band member plays in.

“It’s our band!” Applejack came around the other side to remind Rainbow that it’s a group band, not her own, “An’, o’ course, as lead singer.” She patted Twilight’s back to proudly say she’ll take that role. “She’s ‘de one wit’ ‘de magical know-how ‘ta help us pull ‘dis off.” She explained this to everyone in knowing that Twilight might be the best shot to pull off a magical spell to stop their new foes.

“Okay, yeah, that’s cool.” Rainbow Dash held up her arms in trying to sound okay with this firm, but tough decision. “I’ll just use this as a chance to hone my already insanely good lead guitar skills.” She pointed out and smiled to wiggle her fingers in making a guitar play of perfecting her skills.

“It’s only temporally.” Twilight smiled to her friends in stating this fact towards them of their plan. “And we don’t have to win the Battle of the Bands.” She shrugs off her shoulders in saying it wouldn’t matter if they win the competition or not. “We just have to perform during the first round of the competition.” She explained this to everyone, on where they need to perform when everyone is there to see and hear them play.

“Namely in the finals, that’s when everyone will be there.” Goldie stated off in recalling how they can get so many, in the finale, that’s when all the students wanna see who wins.

“Let’s get to learning that musical counter-spell!” Rainbow Dash pops in with her fist gripped in raring to get this on.

“Well, that’s just it.” Twilight smiled a bit nervously in having something to say. “I don’t know any.” She shook her head in regrettably saying she doesn’t know any musical counter-spells.

“Awww…” The Main Five & Sunset pouts in feeling that isn’t good, and here they are all excited too.

“But I’m sure I could figure out how to write one.” Twilight shrug off her shoulders to say this in trying to lighten the mood a bit to not discourage her friends.

“Totally,” Spike spoke off in making a stated claim from beneath Twilight’s feet. “Twilight can write a spell like it’s nobody’s business. That’s pretty much how she got to become a princess in Equestria.” Spike tap Twilight’s feet and stood up in bragging how Twilight did such a thing to become princess.

“Technically, I helped finish a spell.” Twilight pinch her right hand’s fingers to state the part of what she actually did. “And there was a little more to it than that, Spike.” She frowns at Spike in forgetting the other stuff that made her to become princess.

“Yeah, whatever,” Spike waved off to say that there was still no problem cause Twilight usually helps solve things in the end, it seems.

Twilight’s group of friends smiled to help her stay strong with them by her side in this.

“I’ve got this.” Twilight spoke forth in stating that she will do this thing. “C’mon!” She bends down to grab Spike, as she was leading herself, Ben, Ny and Phobos towards somewhere.

“Where’re ye goin’?” Applejack asked off in seeing the Sparkle group go up into the front of the school.

“Well, last time we were here, Spike & I and everyone else spent the night in the library.” Twilight pointed off to the building with a smile in what she and her family did the first time they came to this world and of where they stayed.

“Ugh, I feel that I dreamt I was in a history department!” Phobos groans to say ion what he dreamt the last time he was in a library.

“Phobos, you were sleeping on history books.” Nyx pointed out this fact to her pal.

“Are you crazy?!” Pinkie Pie zoomed near Twilight with a smile to the puzzled girl in asking a question of how crazy that was to sleep at a library. “We’re besties now!” She got into a hug with Twilight to happily state this fact, “Slumber party at my house!” She hug Twilight tightly off the group with Spike in the middle, as the teen girls were excited for the idea for them to be together and hang with Twilight tonight. “And everyone here’s invited!” She pointed to the gang in saying that everyone can come.

“Wait, isn’t it a Girls slumber party? Wha are we suppose ta do? Play dress up?” Tough asked off in feeling like though they get to join, a girls party ain’t a boys thing.

“Well how’s about this, while we girls have a slumber party, you boys can have a Guy sleepover.” Pinkamena smiled off in making this helpful suggestion.

“Well that does sound like it works best for me, Golden Heart, and Tough here.” Ben scratches his head in feeling they be okay with that.

“I have a few things in my locker, Ben, Tough, wanna help out?” Goldie stated in needing to pick a few things up.

“Sure.” Ben & Tough replied off to say, as the boys were going out to get some things.

“I’ll see if maybe Hoboken Joe can drive us all over to your place Pinkie Pie.” Megan spoke to say in knowing what she’ll do for the gang, as she goes to find Hobo Joe.

“Um, Twilight…have you ever…um, had an event like what we’re doing? If you don’t mind the nosy question,” Fluttershy meekly asked in her shy tone to speak this question.

“Not at all, I think we had one once in Equestria which was made me and Rainbow Dash, judged by a band called Knightshade.” Twilight shook her head to say while getting free from Pinkie’s hug to explain the answer to a question.

“Seriously,” Rainbow Dash asked off in getting excited to hear this.

“Yes, the other Rainbow I know is in a band called AoD, that’s short for Awesome on Destiny, with Applejack & Derpy.” Twilight explained how in her world, her friends form a band.

“Wow, sounds wonderful, Twilight?” Apple Bloom spoke in liking this story.

“So another Rainbow Dash is in a band too?” Scootaloo stated in hearing another version of her hero is also in a band.

“Are they still doing well?” Sweetie Belle asked in wondering how that other group is fairing.

“Well, there were problems….she cheated to win money for her video game system that she thought was broken, only to reveal to us that there was some cheese stuff that was jamming it the whole time.” Twilight spoke out, making Rainbow feel a bit foolish upon hearing that.

“Eheheh, really; Bummer to know….for her that is?” Rainbow sheepishly chuckle in hearing what her other self did.

“Well we best get moving, our ride should be here soon.” Rarity spoke to say this to her friends.

“I shall travel in silent approach to give you all more room.” Omega spoke from his hiding place among the gang.

Soon the gang was moving off to prepare to have their first slumber party with Twilight and the rest of the gang from Equestria. This’ll be the first worldly get together to hang out like any best friends etc. do. Course Twilight will be helping to save the day with a counter spell, but that’s for later to discuss.


At this moment, Golden Heart was by his locker getting some things before they head over to Pinkie’s place. And soon coming across the hallway near Goldie, Tough & Ben were none other thea Principal Celestia & Vice-Principal Luna. Ben saw them, and didn’t stand still, as he came up to them to block their path while surprising them.

“Ben….you’re here?” Celestia spoke in surprise to see who was before her.

“When did you come home, nephew?” Luna asked in not knowing when Ben was coming home.

“Recently, and I’m the other Ben.” Ben spoke to say he’s not the Ben of this world, but from Equestria filled with ponies. “Listen, you have to hear me out.” He spoke in wanting those here to hear him out a bit now.

At that same moment, Megan and Hobo Joe were walking across the hall before coming near an exit door.

“Okay, I’ll bring my ride around, see yah outside.” Hobo Joe spoke off to say, as he went out to get his vehicle to help get the gang going.

“Thanks.” Megan called out to say before the door shut.

“And that’s the reason.” Ben’s voice is heard that made Megan look who else was in the hallway.

“Ben?” Then Megan saw not only Ben, but also approached to find the human versions of two ponies she knew for a long time, “Oh my, Celestia…Luna.” She gasped in recognizing Celestia & Luna; their human forms look almost like their pony ones back home.

“Can we help you miss?” Celestia asked in seeing Megan while not knowing her, for say?

“Yes, you seem to know us.” Luna nods in seeing this was another girl they do not know, but she knows them; maybe another new student.

“Well yes and…is everything alright with you two?” Megan spoke to say while wondering what was up here.

“Everything is fine, there’s nothing wrong.” Celestia spoke in saying there was nothing to be concern for.

“But it seems the whole matter about the Dazzlings seems to have gotten Ben here to question them like Rainbow & Sunset.” Luna stated how Ben here has been saying things that they find crazy about the Dazzlings.

“But it’s true, they are using dark magic. How else can it be explained that everyone is at each other’s throats?” Ben stated to inform the two that the Dazzlings are creatures that are turning this school into something it isn’t.

Celestia & Luna were also in a loss for words, as they began to wonder…maybe what was said is right. But a moment later, their eyes flash green, as the spell that holds them to the sirens was still in play, as they had a different reaction.

“It’s only an emotional phase; every teenager goes through it once in a while.” Celestia inform the boy about the current events playing out.

“Yes and simply blaming new students for it is not a fun prank to pull so sudden.” Luna also stated in a firm tone about trying to pull a funny joke like that.

“But…” Ben was about to say, but was cut off.

“I’m sorry Ben, but Luna & I must continue work in preparing for the Battle of the Bands.” Celestia interrupts the boy who is like her other son from another world as she has work to do.

Soon Celestia & Luna continue to walk down the hallway while leaving Ben & Megan in shock. The spell that holds the principal and vice-principal is hard even for family to break.

“I couldn’t get through to them.” Ben sighs in feeling sad over this.

“Don’t worry Ben, they are still in there, but they are not entirely themselves. We’ll get them back, I can promise you that.” Megan pats Ben’s back to cheer him hop over this, as there is still hope to save them.

“You think so?” Ben asked in hoping that Megan was right about such a thing.

“Yes, they may not be the Celestia & Luna I once knew, but they are still the same even in a different world. They are not gone; we’ll find a way to help.” Megan replied to say with more courage in her voice for every word she spoke on the matter at hand.

“Thanks Megan, you know how to help cheer a guy up.” Ben smiles to say this in starting to wipe away any tears he was gonna make. “And we will help my mom & aunt out, by helping the Rainbooms perform their song for everyone to hear.” He spoke in feeling himself recover now, if they can do what they set out to do, they can help the school out.

Soon Golden Heart & Tough came over with the stuff they were getting while missing out what happened with Ben & Megan, of which they fill them in later. But at the same time behind a corner of the hallway, a strange woman was seen in a brown lethal over-coat, wore a hate and sunglasses in watching this action play out.

“How sad, a child wanting to reach out for his mother, and yet they can’t help another.” Spoke the mysterious woman in question in seeing Ben in need. “Jack Zen, can you come here for a minute?” She spoke towards someone to come before her.

Soon a human boy who looks like Jack Zen from Equestria came in, only he wore some casual emerald stripe-vest and brown pants with dark brown shoes, and on his shirt was a shield with two crossing swords.

“Yes Iris Crystal, you need something?” Jack asked in wondering why he was called.

“Your friends with Golden Heart, correct?” Iris asked the question to which the boy nods his head to. “Then can you please give this message to Ben when you get the chance.” She took something out, wrote on it, gave the guy a card that looks like a business card.

“Well sure, but…why can’t you?” Jack replied off to say while a bit lost.

“I’m a busy woman, but I want my words to help the boy other there out.” Iris explained herself of why she couldn’t; she has much work to do.

“Sure thing, I’ll swing over and join them to help out.” Jack Zen replied to say in not having a problem.

“Thank you.” Iris nods to say while she turns to go down the other hallway and away from the others.

Soon Iris was leaving the sight before anyone asked anything, which during the moment, Jack Zen caught up to meet with his old buddy.

“Hey Golden Heart,” Jack Zen spoke in getting his friend’s attention.

“Jack Zen, hey…when did you get back?” Golden Heart smiled in seeing an old friend of his.

“Yer pal I’m guessing’ here?” Tough asked off to Goldie in who was here.

“Yeah, Jack Zen was on project retreat trip, but I didn’t think he come back during this situation.” Golden explained where Jack was, and to think he come back now is a surprise.

“By the way, has a message for you Ben…from a friend.” Jack spoke to say in giving a card to Ben to see.

Ben takes the paper from Jack, and begins to read it to himself. And what he was reading was a little bit of a surprise, they were actually words of encouragement meant to help a boy who wants to help his mother out even though she doesn’t want it without knowing she needs it. And at the end of what was written, was of a certain name he recalls hearing from before…

“Iris….Crystal,” Ben replied off to say in what he say the note was from. “Where is she?” He asked in not knowing where the person is.

“Already left, she’s a busy business woman and mother, you know.” Jack shrug off to say this about Iris’ whereabouts. “Hay, what are you guys doing?” He asked in wanting to ask a question.

“Um, planning a sleepover, some girls are having their own next to us. You interested?” Goldie spoke to explain while asking if his friend wants in.

“Totally, it’s been forever man, plus, I wanna hear all of what’s going on, like what is everybody’s deal?” Jack spoke i saying of course he would wanna go and join this guy’s sleepover thing and catch up on stuff.

“Long story, we’ll chat later. Not here.” Ben informs Jack about such things to be said later. “Come on, Megan left ahead and the others are waiting.” Ben explained this to the guy, as they gotta be going.

Soon the boys were packing up and getting ready to go on out now; After all, just cause the school is becoming a mess, doesn’t mean some pals can’t come together and have some fun, right? Let’s just hope everyone can get by even after today’s plan to foil the Dazzlings didn’t work out so well. Next Chapter: Chapter 07: Slumber Party Event Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 40 Minutes

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