
Stars in the Making

by Borsuq

Chapter 9: Campfire Exchange

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“T, wanna do the honors?” Illusion asked, turning from the pile of wood he had constructed in the middle of their camp, and looking at the green half-dragon.

“Sure,” T replied, shrugging.

As Illusion backed away, T breathed light fire at the pyre, setting it aflame. Even though it was still a while before Princess Celestia would lower the Sun completely, the area around them immediately became much brighter thanks to their campfire.

Must have been darker than we’ve noticed, Starburst noted briefly.

“Alright,” Candy exclaimed happily, “who wants to make some s’mores?”

And what else could we do with a campfire? Starburst wondered sarcastically, rolling her eyes. However, she stopped as she noticed a banjo, of all things, sticking out of Candy and Del’s tent. I had to ask…

Trying to ignore the borderline painful memories of the last campfire song she had the displeasure of hearing, Starburst focused on sticking a marshmallow on a long stick. Even Del’s good singing voice can’t make Ninety-nine Buckets of Oats sound entertaining, she remarked.

She glanced at Starfall, wondering if she should ask him to see if he could do something about Candy’s banjo (she was still a bit angry for every remark about how her and Starfall became a couple the blue mare had uttered last week; Starburst overlooked the fact that Candy had ended up being right), and to her mild surprise she saw that her coltfriend’s gaze was turned to the river instead of the campfire.

“Hm, this is nice,” Starburst heard Annie comment before she could talk to Starfall.

She turned to look at the blind mare; she was cuddled up with her coltfriend T and staring at the fire. Being almost completely blind, Annie was afraid of darkness, so it was not surprising that she was so happy about the new source of light.

“But I bet it would be even nicer,” Annie continued, glancing her and Starfall’s way, “if somepony would use their magic to make the flames all colorful.”

It was probably her favorite part of Star’s show, Starburst commented, turning to Starfall; Annie really liked colors. Sometime ago, she even made a drawing of all of her friends the way she sees them. It was basically a mash of many colors (though even Starburst had to admit it was cute).

Seeing that he hadn’t show any sign of having heard Annie, Starburst nudged him. That finally got Starfall’s attention; he shook and looked at her. “Hm? Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” he said, blinking.

“Annie was curious if you could make the fire colorful like back during your show.”

“Oh,” Starfall exclaimed; to her confusion, he seemed uneasy. “I would rather not.”

Okay, that’s something new, Starburst thought, surprised. I’ve never expected him to not want to show off.

“How come?” she asked.

“I’m not exactly comfortable with using my magic on fire,” Starfall explained, rubbing the back of his neck. “It feels… unnerving. I’ve managed to do it so well during my show because I’ve practiced before and spent half a day mentally preparing myself. And I was still worried about what could happen if I’d lost my concentration; hence why I asked for the audience,” he glanced meaningfully at T and Claire, “to not produce any more fire. It would make me, um, lose balance, so to speak.”

Starburst tilted her head, but it was Whirlwind who asked the question she was thinking about. “Then why did you do that fire trick back during your show?” she asked from the other side of the campfire.

Starfall leaned closer to Starburst so that he could see the purple pegasus. Whirlwind was sitting beside Hot Head, as far away from the fire as she could. “‘Cause I know it looks awesome,” Starfall replied. “Fire changes its color to match my magic as soon as I use it to manipulate it. Probably because of that whole ‘part dragon thing’. And as for losing control over it, I reduced the fire’s temperature. Even if it were to explode-”

“‘Explode’?” Starburst interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

“You don’t like fire, I take?” he asked Whirlwind, ignoring Starburst’s question.

“Something like that,” Whirlwind replied, sullen.

“Well, then you should understand why I feel uncomfortable,” Starfall continued, raising up to a sitting position. “I’m not afraid of fire -which, considering I had to jump through burning hoops and had my flank incinerated, is a bit weird - but I am… uneasy about using my magic on something so chaotic.” Starburst could swear she saw him glance briefly at Illusion and Claire and smirk. “That’s why I prefer using it on water, the exact opposite of fire. Still though... “ he added, grinning and flashing his fangs. “I have no such problems about playing with fire without magic.”

Starburst frowned. “What do you-” she started as Starfall lifted his foreleg and swung it horizontally before the campfire, and was left agape.

A portion of the flames changed colors from orange to multi-colored and jumped from the fire to Starfall’s hoof.

After a second, when she recovered, Starburst turned her gaze from Starfall’s hoof - where he held the flame - to his face. Her coltfriend was still grinning, and nothing indicated that he was in pain. However, his horn wasn’t glowing.

How is he doing that?

“Neat, huh?” Starfall asked. Suddenly, he shook his hoof and the ball of flames flew from his forehoof to the other one.

He threw it, Starburst realized.

Everypony watched in amazement as Starfall kept throwing from forehoof to forehoof the ball of multi-colored flames over his head. “Alright, how are you doing this?” Illusion finally asked, eyeing him curiously.

“Wait, he really isn’t using magic?” Annie, who had been told by T what was happening, asked him.

“No,” Illusion replied. “His horn isn’t glowing, and I would know if this was chaos magic. Seriously, how are you doing this?”

“Told you, I’m a god,” Starfall replied, sticking his tongue and throwing the fireball to the air.

He then leaned back, opened his mouth wide, and, to everybody’s shock, let the flames fall right in. Then, almost in a blink of an eye, he presses a hoof to his nose and blew, exhaling flames through his ears.

“Feel free to start bowing before my greatness,” Starfall told the boggled ponies after coughing once.

Starburst, who was starting to get used to his weirdness, was first to recover. “The only thing ‘great’ about you is your ego,” she told him, sticking her tongue out.

“Aw, you poor thing.”

Starburst turned to Annie, surprised. “Wha-”

“Although, its probably for the best,” the blind mare continued. “You know, considering your size.”

“What are you…” Starburst starred, but as everypony started chuckling, she figured out what Annie meant. “Oh, grow up!” she exclaimed, blushing.

“Huh, you have quite the appetite.”

Starburst blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed at her coltfriend’s comment. She tried to swallow the s’more she’d just put in her mouth so that she could reply, but Annie beat her to it.

“You’ve been on a day-long date with Starburst and hadn’t noticed that she has an appetite of a full-grown horse?” Annie asked, giggling. “You should see someday how fast she can eat a watermelon, it’s really an intimidating sight to behold. Isn’t it, T?” she asked the green half dragon who laid next to her with a wing wrapped over her.

Starburst rolled her eyes as those of their friends sitting the closest laughed at the joke. I hadn’t eaten that many, she thought, although she put away the stick with which she had cooked several marshmallows in the last hours.

Not wanting to get into an argument and lose her composure, she looked around the campfire. With so many of them here, it was easy to lose track of who was sitting where and with whom they were talking. Only earlier when Prism’s and Hot Head’s argument about the next Best Young Flyer Competition resulted in them having a short race above them, had they all been focused on the same thing. Aside from that, they’d spread into small groups.

For instance, a few moments ago, Annie and T had joined them, as Annie wanted to ask him about some of his spells, and they only stopped their conversation to make fun of her.

“Well, now that you mention it,” Starburst heard Starfall contemplate, “she did have twice as many coconuts as me yesterday…”

“Yes, that sounds about ri- wait,” Annie stopped, blinking in surprise. “Did you just say ‘coconuts?”


“... Seriously, where were you two on that date?” she asked, looking from on to the other.

Starburst sighed. I should probably tell them later. Otherwise, this will never end…

“Oh, you know,” Starfall began to answer, “to this really awesome place that you will never learn about.”

Annie frowned hearing that, but she quickly shook it off. “Oh well… so anyway, back to your illusion spells,” she said, resuming their earlier subject.

“I already told you,” Starfall sighed, “a magician never reveals his secrets.”

“Come on, please?” Annie asked, making puppy eyes at him. Before Starfall could reply, she stopped, and glanced at T. “T, could you please assist me?”

T, slightly embarrassed, imitated her to the best of his possibility. Both of them were now looking at Starfall with big, round eyes… which in T’s case looked a bit comical. Starfall turned to meet Starburst’s gaze and raised his forehooves, as if asking: “What is this?” She just shrugged, as abashed by this as he.

Starfall rolled his eyes and turned back to Annie. “Look-”

“I can’t.”

He facehoofed hearing the joke. Starburst deadpanned at Annie as the mare began to giggle.

After removing his hoof from his face and clearing his throat, Starfall resumed. “Why do you want to know about that spell?” he asked as he began tapping the ground with his other forehoof.

“Well, gee, lets see…”

I thought she couldn’t do that, Starburst thought sarcastically.

The blind mare raised one forehoof. “I can’t see,” she began, looking in the direction of that hoof, and then she raised the other, “and your Mirage Field made me see your illusions.” She clapped her forehooves against each other. “Seems clear enough for me.”

“How long are you going to say blind jokes?” Starburst asked her.

Annie turned to her. “Your coltfriend had made a rape joke earlier today and you’re giving me the heat?”

She hesitated before she answered. “Alright, you have a point,” she replied, and frowned when Starfall chuckled.

“Anyway, my Mirage Field doesn’t exactly work like that,” he began to explain after a moment. “It leaves most of what you see as it is. I change only one or two aspects, like myself. So even if you were to learn that spell, you wouldn’t be able to use it to see.”

“Maybe I’ll figure something out if you’ll tell me how it works,” Annie replied.

Starfall frowned, pondering her words. “I suppose… but to be honest, I don’t know if I can explain how my spells work. Aside from a few, almost everything I know about magic I learned by trial and error… often with a big whip looming over me,” he added. “That surprisingly helps with learning stuff; I wonder if law and medical students know of this…”

Starburst and T both cringed hearing him talk about whips, but to Starburst’s surprise Annie hadn’t. “Really? Aw, just my luck,” she said, pouting. She turned to T. “I can’t get T to even spank me, let alone whip me…”

T blushed fiercely, agape and utterly stunned. Annie giggled, as if seeing his reaction. It wasn’t anything new; Annie embarrassed T like that quite often, so Starburst wasn’t surprised by this display. However, she was surprised by Starfall snorting shortly. She herself felt more uncomfortable than amused.

“Still though,” Annie resumed, “could you try and teach me that spell?”

Starfall tilted his head, pondering. “I suppose I could try… but after this camping trip. I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of too many ponies learning my secrets. And with Mister Floating Head being curious about my tricks and Starburst’s cousin glaring at me everytime she and I aren’t looking at him-”

Starburst turned her head sharply at her cousin. Valiant was talking with June, Claire and Illusion, but she couldn’t tell for sure if he had or hadn’t been looking their way.

She frowned, but after a few seconds she gave up. She turned her attention back to the conversation in time to hear Annie reply: “I understand, though I think you’re being slightly paranoid.” She then brightened up. “Oh, I know! We should have a double date!”

Oh, joy… Starburst thought, not very enthusiastic about the idea.

“T and Star can go work out or practice fighting,” Annie continued, “while we would practice magic. I can teach you some spells in return. ‘Swap spells’, as they call it.”

“That’s… an idea,” Starfall replied diplomatically.

Annie opened her mouth, but when she was about to say something, they heard raised voices from the other side of the campfire. “Oh, those two are at it again,” Annie said, frowning; everypony knew who ‘those two’ were. “I’ll better go calm Hot Head down.”

“How are you going to do that?” Starburst asked as Annie raised, followed by T.

“Easily,” the blind mare replied, smirking. “I’ll just tell him that if he doesn’t behave, I’ll tell Amber on him.”

“Hey Star?” Starfall asked once Annie and T went over to sit by the quarrelling pegasi. “Remember how, when I was calling you all by nicknames, I called her ‘Kind One’?”

“You’re still calling everypony by nicknames,” Starburst couldn’t help but point out. “But go on.”

“I think I should have picked something more fitting,” Starfall finished, flickering his ear.

“That’s Annie for you,” she replied, knowing too well what he had meant by ‘fitting’. “She picked that up from Amber, she’s even worse.”

“Amber? You mean Damsel’s Damsel’s mom?”

“Yeah- ‘Damsel’s Damsel’?” Starburst repeated, confused.

“I thought those two were about to kiss at one moment,” he replied, shrugging. “But you’re right, that’s a weak nickname… get back to me later on that.”

Starburst rolled her eyes, too tired to argue. Ten minutes in Annie’s company and he started making those jokes… She looked around the campfire again; she wondered how long would it be before they would start going to sleep. Starburst knew it would be better if they weren’t first to go to sleep; her friends’ jokes aside, she didn’t want to deal with Valiant’s overprotectiveness.

Even though I really plan to go to sleep, Starburst thought, annoyed. She wanted to get up early and do some exercises before the others woke up; if Candy caught her working out when ‘she’s supposed to hang out with everypony’, Starburst wouldn’t hear the end of it.

She turned to Starfall, wanting to ask him if he wouldn’t mind that she’d go train (or perhaps if he would join her), but she stopped when she noticed that he was still tapping the ground with his hoof. He hadn’t stopped throughout his talk with Annie? Starburst thought, slightly surprised.

“You’re that nervous?” she asked him as his hoof made another tap-tap-tap-tap.

“Hm?” Starfall asked, then followed her gaze. He chuckled and finally stopped. “Nah, what do I have to be nervous about? Making a good impression on your friends? Being in a presence of two alicorns and half-draconequus while unable to use dark magic? Not to mention that one of the said alicorns seems to not like me?”

“Well… it’s nice that you want to make a good impression on my friends,” Starburst told him, blushing. She was really touched that he was trying to make this effort. She decided to ignore the other reason of his nervousness. “Anyway, would you mind if I’d wake up early and do some workout?”

“Why would I?” he replied with a question. “I admire your dedication to your training. Besides, everypony needs some alone time from time to time.”

“You can join me if you want.”

“Tempting offer, Lil’Lioness, but I thought about sleeping in,” Starfall said, and yawned. “I couldn’t get much sleep last night. You know,” he added quickly, waving his hoof, “being nervous about today, excited after our date, and stuff.”

“Sure, I understand,” Starburst replied.

Though it would be nice to train together with her coltfriend, after the last two days Starburst was actually looking forward to some alone time, as Starfall had said.

“Since you want to get up early, shouldn’t we go to sleep soon?” Starfall asked.

Starburst nodded, but just as she was about to reply, they heard somepony speak:

“Well, it’s been a lovely evening, but I think we shall retire for tonight.”

They both turned to look at Claire and Illusion as they rose.

“Already?” Nidra asked, looking at them as if they were joking. “C’mon, the night has just started!”

“True, and I admit it’s tempting to remain with such splendid company,” Claire said gracefully. “However, darling, some of us like their beauty sleep.”

Since they are leaving…

“We’re off too, actually,” she said, raising.

She pointedly ignored the “Ooooooh!” Candy, Annie, and Nidra made while smiling teasingly. Instead, Starburst turned in the direction of her tent, with Starfall quick to follow her.

“Now, hang on a bit.”

Starburst grit her teeth as her cousin called out, but she stopped. Valiant quickly got to his hooves and walked towards them. In the the next second, she swiftly turned to him and spread her wings. “What?!” she asked, frowning.

Valiant was so surprised and scared that he almost jumped back. “I…” he stammered, his eyes wide. “Um… wanted to wish you good sleep,” he finished, somewhat regaining composure and smiling awkwardly.

The frown didn’t disappear from her face as she replied: “Goodnight.” However, when she turned to the others, it did. “Goodnight,” she said in a much softer tone.

As everypony wished them goodnight, Starburst and Starfall entered the tent. As she closed the entrance, she didn’t miss that her coltfriend was amused. “I hope Lance hadn’t seen you smiling like this,” she told him. “He’s bad enough without you provoking him.”

“Oh come now, Lil’Lioness, I think his overprotectiveness is cute.”

Starburst was really not in the mood for this. “It’s not cute. He treats me like some dumb filly,” she said angrily. “I don’t need protection!” she added, stomping.

When she heard laughs outside, she realized she had said that last part too loud. Blushing from embarrassment, she opened the entrance to the tent. “Grow up!” she told them, sticking her head out, before going back in.

Starfall wisely removed the smile from his face. Starburst sighed and rubbed her temples, calming down. “I’m going to repress that memory,” she announced before looking at the sleeping bag.

The thought that she was about to sleep with Starfall in it caused her to brighten up. They had slept together before, but a sleeping bag would make it more… intimate. She felt excited at the prospect… and a bit nervous.

“So…” she started, turning to Starfall, “how should we…”

“Ladies first,” Starfall replied, smirking.

What is he planning? Starburst wondered, seeing the smirk. Curious, she did what he asked, and crawled into the sleeping bag first. It was fairly big one, so with her small size they shouldn’t have problems fitting together. Even if it will be a bit tight.

As soon as she was in, Starfall trotted closer and began to crawl in after her. However, instead of trying to position himself so that they would lay face to face, as Starburst had thought they would, he crawled from behind her. Starburst tried to turn around, but to her surprise he grabbed her chest and held her until he crawled all the way.

Now with both of them in the sleeping bag, Starburst didn’t have enough room to turn, so she just looked over her shoulder. “Why…” she started, but trailed off.

Starfall began munching her ear.

She moaned in pleasure, but quickly put a hoof over her mouth silencing herself. Starburst didn't want to give everypony the wrong idea. Not to mention that I don’t want them to know about my ears, she thought as Starfall’s fang scratched one in all the right places.

As pleasure built up in her, her wings tried to unfold on their own, but because of the sleeping bag they couldn’t. Starburst found that pressure in her wings to be surprisingly pleasant. She used her free forehoof to grasp Starfall’s hoof on her chest, to show him that she was enjoying this.

To her dismay, Starfall stopped tending to her ear… with his mouth. In the next second she felt his free hoof scratch her other ear, while his muzzle moved to her neck and he began kissing it. After a few seconds, he opened his mouth wide and nibbled her playfully. A shiver went down her spine as she felt his fangs around her neck, but she wasn’t scared, not even for a second.

He moved his muzzle over to her lips. Starburst removed her hoof and they kissed deeply. “You’re borderline evil with this,” she told him several heartbeats later, trembling as his hoof continued to scratch her ear.

Starfall chuckled warmly. “I’ve figured that, since so far you’ve been the more forward one, I should reverse our roles.”

“I was the more forward one?” Starburst asked, amused. “Who was the one who kissed the other first?”

“Who was the one who invited the other to bed?” he replied, sticking his tongue.

Starburst was about to reply, but he cut her off with a kiss. “Honestly though, I want to thank you with this” he told he quietly afterwards. “This day… I was nervous, but it was really fun. Hanging out like this with your friends. It’s nice to feel like a normal colt from time to time.”

“As opposed to feeling like ‘a god’?” she asked playfully.

Chuckling, he nodded. “I really am thankful,” he told her as he resumed his ministration. “In return for this day, I want you to go to sleep like this, being pleased by me.”

Starburst, too tired and in too much pleasure to argue, smiled and nodded.

Next Chapter: Different Relationships Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 39 Minutes
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