
Sibling Arrival

by SnowFallMLP

Chapter 1: Ch. 1 The Letter

Ch. 1 The Letter

Chapter 1 ) The Letter

Snow Fall was walking the streets of ponyville, She was always happy and cheerful. She wasn't really caring where she went she was just wandering. She ended up at Twilight's house and decided to get a book. She knocked. "Why does everypony knock!" She heard from inside. Snow giggled and opened the door. " 'Cause we're not sure if you're using the bathroom or something, and I'm pretty sure you don't want ponies just barging into your house." Snow finished with a slight giggle. Twilight looked up and giggled also. "Yeah, you're probably right." Snow walked into the tree house a little more. Twilight walked over to her. "So, whatcha here for?" Snow smiled. She thought of a witty comeback. "Well it isn't for a jar of peanut butter." Snow and Twilight shared a good laugh. "Well I was just looking for a story. Most likely Non-Fiction." Twilight nodded and walked over to the bookshelf that had a small label that said 'Non-Fiction'. She lifted a book with her magic and handed it over to Snow. Snow took it in her magic and smiled. "This is one of my favorite books growing up. I think you will like it." Twilight smiled brightly. "Thanks Twi, I'll come back later when I'm done. Okay?" Twilight nodded and Snow walked out of the room.

Snow was walking back to her house, book in mussel. She was really good at not hitting anyone when reading. Multitasking is really easy to her. "INCOMING!" Was all she heard. She sighed and powered up her horn. "3... 2... 1..." She counted under her breath. She teleported right behind where she was standing.


She took her eyes off her book to see a rainbow mane and tail sticking out of the earth. "You really have to stop crashing. I swear you do it every single day!" Snow ended with a sigh then a giggle. She lifted Rainbow out of the ground and back on her hooves. She shook her head and smiled. "Yeah, you're right. I promise I wont crash tomorrow." Snow gave a look. "N-no crashing for a week?" Snow's look became more stern. "A month?" She was looking directly into her eyes. "No new trick for a week?" Snow Smiled and walked over to Rainbow Dash. "Good pony." And pat her on the head. She hated when snow did that. Snow turned around to see that ponies were watching them and some were laughing all over the ground. Dash had a look of complete embarrassment on her face. Snow giggled and continued the walk home.


Snow opened the door to her house and walked in. She smiled as she shut the door. She set the book down and walked over to the kitchen. Snow pored herself a glass of water as somepony knocked on the door. "Coming!" she shouted and sprinted to the door. She opened the door to see a familiar mail mare standing there. She had a letter in her mouth and a really cute smile plastered on her face. "Hi Derpy." Snow smiled. "Hi Snow! I have a letter for you. Seems to be somepony from Fillydelphia. Does your Mom live there?" Snow's eyes went to little dots. "Uu- y-yeah Mom." Her mom lives in Manehattan, only one pony she knew lived in Fillydelhphia. "Well, here you go!" Snow took the note in her magic. "Thanks." She saw Derpy wave and she waved back. She slamed the door behind her and ran into her room. Nonononnono!! She slowly opened the letter and saw the note. She read it over quickly three times. She slowly sat the note down. "Three... days..." She sat there in shock, sadness, and fear. "Three.. days.." She looked back down to the note. "Why... brother?"

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