
Why Me?

by SnowFallMLP
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
When a 13 year old ends her life at an abusive foster home, she gets a second chance. But there are questions that follow her new life. Will she accept it? Will she make friends? Will it be easy? Will her problems follow her?
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Cassie is a 13 year old. She lives in a foster home because she lost her parents at a young age. She was sent to a foster home, with in time turned out to be abusive. She liked to be alone, had no friends, rarely went to school, and loved to read and write. When she was at the foster home for about a week, they threw her out the window and she was ran over by a car. She now has a prosthetic leg that is easier to control. She also likes a show called My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. She gets picked on by the kids and beaten by the adults. When things get pushed to far, she ends it. But what will happen? Will she be alright? Where is she? Will her problems from her world follow her forever? Will she ever escape?

Slice of Life

1,169 words: Estimated 5 Minutes to read: [Cache]

2 Chapters:

  1. Ch. 1 Flashbacks [Cache]
  2. Ch. 2 The Toy [Cache]
Published Oct 2nd, 2014


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