
Operation: Equestria I

by TheSouthernBrony

Chapter 1: The Launch

The Launch

October 24th, 2024, 0700 hours, 25 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska

This was it, the moment that we had been trained for.    Dan, me, Moe, and Matt were about to go to space and attempt to go the Equestria.

This mission is a complete secret, and I doubt most of my fellow bronies know about it, as we were all chosen in a very specific manner and he details are unknown to the community at large.

About 5 months ago, scientists in the brony community found a way to travel inter-dimensionally, creating a space-time portal using what is now called, ' the sonic rainboom formula".

Using this and a specially designed spaceship which was equipped with a specialized engine designed to create a space-time portal and by using coordinates that have been mathematically estimated, we hope to land in Equestria.

Our mission parameters were this, as layed out by the United Equestria space program, ( the brony-version of NASA):

One: to land on Equestria and establish contact

Two: to make good relations with the Royal Equestrian government

Three:  to establish a link between Earth and Equestria, allowing for brony settlement.

" well, guys, this is it" I said, climbing into the co-pilot seat.

Nodding, Moe seated himself next to me and replied, " yeah, let's do this".

Dan and Matt sat behind us and both said, " whooo!"

Smiling, I look at the photo I have at the above console.

It showed a pretty Hispanic girl with brown eyes, black hair, wearing a skirt and dress shirt, while smiling to the camera.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw her, as she was my girlfriend back in Atlanta.

" I miss her", I said softly.

Moe nodded and pat me on the back.

" don't worry, you'll see her again", he said, going through the pre-flight checklist.

A few minutes later, a voice over the intercom said, " Equestria I, this is control, are you prepped for launch'?

Moe, who was our mission commander, replied, " roger that, control, we are ready for launch".

" copy that, Equestria I, initiating launch sequence".

Suddenly, I could feel the seat underneath me shake as the ship made ready for lift-off.

" 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and we have lift-off", the flight controller announced.

Suddenly pushed against our seats, the ship lifted off and I could feel my stomach lurch as we sped up into the dawn sky like a Pegasus.

" Equestria I, this is control, good luck and long live the night", the flight controller said.

An hour later, well, it was really only a few minutes, it just felt like a hour; we left the earth's atmosphere and we disengaged the thrusters.

" control, this is Equestria I, we are ready to make the jump",  Moe said.

" copy that, Equestria I,  from here on out, maintain radio silence till you get pass the portal", the controller said.

After punching in the coordinates, we activated the jump drive and we entered the space-time portal.

Our mission had officially begun.


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