
Fallout: Equestria-Ballad of a Crystal Pony

by MuseoSansPony

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine: Gold and Orange Applewood

Previous Chapter
Chapter Nine: Gold and Orange Applewood

“The best-laid plans of mice and ponies often go awry.”

“Locks, Chains, get our new merchandise situated,” The slaver leader barked at his minions, “confiscate their weapons and put them with the other loot, including that of Mr. Cube Brick.”

The slavers mentioned left to fetch their namesakes.

“What?” Cube Brick shouted in alarm, “You said if I brought you anypony who investigated Mareily Hills, my family could go free.”

“Yes, I did say that.” The slaver said with a devilish smirk, “Bring me Mr. Cube Brick’s family.”

Another slaver marched out a ghoul mare and colt from the crowd.  The leader then raised his gun.  BANG, BANG.  2 shots rang out and the mare and colt dropped to the ground dead.

“There,” The slaver leader said to the stunned Cube Brick, “They are freed from life.”

Then the slavers Locks and Chains arrived to lock us up and take our freedom.  I looked back at my companions for any hope of an escape plan.  Bucky subtly shook his head no.  Bugz–as Archer–looked at his hooves with a resigned frown.  Nicky was crying–likely blaming the curse she believed she has on our enslavement–and Ollie was trying to console her.  Slimeball was nowhere to be seen.

How had somepony so smelly managed to slip away? I asked myself.

Then I heard a soft THUNK and a brownish ball landed in the center of the crowd.  This was followed by a soft hissing sound and a greenish haze settled over the group.  Then I smelled the smell.  It was like a rotten apple had been eaten by a pony, then that pony barfed it up, but was forced to eat the puke, then they shat it out and ate that too, it was then shat out again and left to fester in an underground cave.  That is how rancid the stink bomb was.

Everything erupted in a panic.  Slaver shot slave, Slaver shot slaver–some lucky slaves picked up fallen guns and shot slavers too.  Most weak stomached slaves and many of the slavers simply passed out from the stench.

Holding my breath I grabbed Blazing Sunset from its holster and tried to cue in a few shots with SATS to the lead slaver who was managing to stand strong despite the smell.  To my surprise I had a 0% chance to hit him when I was only a few feet away.  Slimeball had failed to mention the lack of targeting ability while in the stench cloud made by her weapon.

I exited out of the targeting spell and fired a shot with my tongue, ignoring the burning sensation in my eyes and by lungs need for fresh breath.  Blazing Sunset made its crackle and pop sound before hitting the lead slaver directly in the head.  Not only did he burst into flames he almost instantly crumbled into a pile of yellow, burning ash.

Who knew I was such a crack shot outside SATS? I thought to myself as the green haze slowly faded along with the offending stench.

***  ***  ***

Overall 65 of the original 120 ghouls survived the battle with the slavers.  None of the slavers made it out alive–yes even the ones who had simply passed out from the stench were killed either by a stray bullet or a vengeful former slave.

Among the survivors was Cube Brick.  He was hunched over the corpses of his family sobbing–or the sounds made by ghouls that counted as sobbing since no actual tears fell.

“He will be punished for his crimes in this life and the next.” a ghoul earth pony mare–scratch that she had stripes barely visible on her decaying hide so she was a zebra–who caught me looking at Cube Brick.

“Oh,” I said startled, “You’re a–”

“Ghoul? Zebra?”  The mare said sounding mildly offended.

“Zebra.” I finished, “Didn’t think any were still alive–or whatever a ghoul life is considered.”

“Held on this mortal coil by dark, necromantic magic as a side effect of the mega spells can hardly be called living.  But yes crystal pony not many zebras exist as ghouls outside of Zebra Town.  Most living zebras are part of the Remnant up in hoofington. I am Xinkra.  Much thanks for mounting my village’s rescue.” Xinkra replied.

“This was your village as in you are the–um–mayor?” I asked.

“Chieftain, but the position is the same.” Xinkra said, “And tell the daughter of the leader of the Slummy Scums to tell her father we forgive them for the debt his tribe owes.”

“Wait debt?” I asked.

“Ement-Excray will know what I mean.  It isn’t my place to tell.” Xinkra said turning away, “Thank you again–”

“Clash Coat.” I interjected.

“The Mareily Hillers are in your debt.” she said nodding at me, “And you could have a worse coat and mane combination.  You could be white with black stripes–or is it black with white stripes.”

I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.

“It was a joke, you must learn to lighten up.” she said and turned to trot back up the hill to Mareily Hills.

“Clash,” Bucky called from across the swamp, “There is a group of non-ghoul stallions that would like to speak with you.

I trotted over to where Bucky was standing.  He was with a group of 4 stallions all with light grey coats and grey eyes.  None of them had a mane or tail and they were all wearing a brown hat–I think they were called fedoras–and a brown pre-war suit jacket.  Stranger still they all sported the same cutie mark–a pair of binoculars.  Aside from slight differences in height or weight, they looked almost identical.  Part of my mind wanted me to think of them as desirable, but I ignored that part.

“You must be Crystalline.” one of the stallions said in a monotone as I approached, “My fellow Observers and I are grateful for you assistance in our rescue.  We will be sure to mention it in our report.”

This is the first pony to refer to me by that moniker since leaving Clockwork, who is this stallion? I thought feeling awkward at the mere mention of the title given by DJ Pon-3.

“Uh, you can just call me Clash Coat.” I corrected.

“I am September,” The stallion said then motioned to the others, “ This is January, March, and June.  We have been watching you since you entered Applewood.  We heard of what you have done in Detrot and Clockwork.  You should stop by the Variety News Publishing building in the heart of Applewood.  Miss Variety would like to have a word with you.”

“You’ve been watching me?” I balked.

“Not me specifically, but the Observers.  Variety will explain when you visit.” September said as the Observers turned and walked off seemingly fading into fog that was forming in the swamp as the sun set behind its blanket of clouds.

***  ***  ***

“Be wary Clash Coat,  The Collector is a tricky sort and is not easy to do business with.” Xinkra said as she unlocked the gate that lead to the path to the sign.

“Meeting with him or her is very important to Clash,” Ollie said as we started on the path, “So there is no stopping her.”

Xinkra locked the gate behind us and went back to decide Cube Brick’s fate.  The rest of us continued in silence to the sign.

10 or 20 minutes later–my pipbuck has been acting strange ever since Future Nicky’s pipbuck did it's strange fusing thing–we arrive at the sign.  Up close the gigantic letters towered over us and the flaking white paint was more noticeable.  It also appeared that somepony had tried to repaint the letters at some point, but had gotten the wrong color white and so the bottom section of the 2 “o’s” were more eggshell than pure white.  Tucked in a small cave was a door subtly marked with the MOA logo of a cloud and a lightning bolt, but the door has been painted to match the brown rock face–though like the sign the paint was flaking off revealing a rusty steel door beneath.  Next to the door on either side there was an equally rusty, no longer hidden place where turrets could pop up.  There was also a camera and speaker hidden above the door, but I didn’t notice them until The collector started speaking to us.

“Go away. Nothing to scavenge here, this is my home.  Leave peacefully or I will open fire.” the distinctly ghoul sounding voice of the collector bellowed through the speaker–though I could not tell if it was a he or she.

The aforementioned turret spots popped open and the turrets within aimed at us.

“Hello, Collector, my name is Clash Coat.” I said shakily taking a small step forward, “I was wondering if you had a recollector and if I could borrow to view a black opal?”

“And what would you give me in return for the use of this wasteland rarity?” The collector asked the turrets remaining trained on me.

“Well, what do you want in exchange for its use?” I asked.

“Yeah, Clashie he’e can get it lickitysplit fer ya.” Nicky said stepping up next to me, the left turret turning to track her while the right remained trained on me.

“Hmm,” The collector thought out loud, “There are a few things missing from my collection.  If you were to get these items for me I might be willing to let you use my recollector on the condition that I too get to view the opal and keep it when you are done.”

“Deal.” I agreed without a moment's hesitation, “What items do we need to get?”

“They are several old Applewood memorabilia.  First, get me the star for Fleur Dis Lee from the walk of fame, the original hoverboard prop used in ‘Buck to the Future’ 2 and 3, as many original cells of animation from the Ponimaniacs as you can find, and the ruby slippers used the ‘Unicorn of Oz’.” The collector requested, “Do not return until you have found all of the requested items.”

With that the voice turned off, but the turrets remained trained on us.

“So what now?” Bucky asked from his perch on the center of one of the o’s.

“I guess we find those items, it is a good thing we have an Applewood guide.” I said turning to Slimeball.

“The Walk of Fame star should be easy otay find, it isay on the Walk of Fame.  Itay will be the heaviest item anday there isay mounting hostilities between the GGAs anday the Double O’s.  I was hired otay help you stay clear of that anday the Walk isay where the 2 gang’s territories eetmay.  The hoverboard prop will be in a warehouse on the Stable-Tech Studios Lot anday the slippers on the Winnyland Lot.  Those are the gang’s headquarters.  The animation cells would be in the Saddle Sister’s animation studio.  Of all of them, that isay the easiest.  No gang affiliation, ubayt it isay the farthest from us.” Slimeball explained.

“What is the closest?” I quirried.

“The Star, then the hoverboard, then the Slippers.” Slimeball replied, “though we should save the heaviest for astlay.” Slimeball replied.

“Then lead us to the hoverboard, Slimey!” Bucky said leaping off his perch eliciting a slight blush from Slimeball for some reason.

***  ***  ***

As we walked I decided to turn on the radio.  The music that was playing sounded like some kind of battle march.  After the song ended Variety’s voice came on the air.

“Well my honeycrisps, if you haven’t heard it would appear that one of DJ Pon-3’s heroines has arrived in Applewood.  Crystalline heard my news broadcast about the Mareily Hillers disappearance and swooped in to rescue the ghouls from a group of slavers.  There were some tragedies.  55 ghouls perished in her daring rescue.  Though among the survivors were 4 of my missing Observers.  For that Crystalline, I am eternally grateful.  The Chieftain of the Mareily Hillers had this to say.” Variety said followed by a soft click.

Xinkra’s voice then rang out of my pipbuck a moment later, “The mare is a shining beacon of what everypony should be.  Risking her hide for the normally ridiculed and outcast is something all ponies of the wastes should do.”

“Now that is just a lovely sentiment.  In honor of this real life supermare, here is the theme from Supermare.” Variety closed out as some heroic sounding music began to play.

“Clearly September didn’t give an accurate report!” I said through gritted teeth as I switched off the radio, “And here I was starting to like Variety over DJ Pon-3.”

Ollie stifled a chuckle as we continued down the rocky path that headed away from Mareily Hills and down towards the city below.

***  ***  ***

My plan of approaching the front gate of Stable-Tech Studios without any guns and completely alone was not the brightest idea I’ve ever had.  It was punctuated by a bullet to the knee.  Though much like the sniper shot from Bucky outside the Chariot it didn’t cause as much damage as it would have without my mutation.  Don’t get me wrong it hurt as much as a bullet should hurt, but it stuck into my hide just below the surface and the area around it appeared to crack rather than show the natural damage caused by an injury.

The studio was a bunch of large warehouse like structures with a few smaller buildings arranged around the bottom of a hill.  Around the lower part was a large metal fence reinforced by scrap metal and pieces of collapsed buildings.  Atop the hill was the remains of what looked like a theme park.  Slimeball had lead us to a gate on the lower half that had a single guard tower built into it.  Apparently the theme park part was infested with feral ghouls, so this gate was the only safe way into the main hub of the Golden Globe Apples.

“Celestia horn rape me! I’m unarmed!” I said through the pain.

“Yeah but your friends poor attempt to hide in the shadows aren’t.” The gruff GGA stallion in head to hoof combat barding that was painted yellow–likely in an attempt at gold–and a sniper rifle battle saddle on his back shouted down from the guard tower.

“Fair enough,” I said ignoring the pain and shifting my weight to my uninjured side only to lose my balance and fall to my haunches, “But we aren’t affiliated with any gang.  We just want to do some business with the Golden Globe Apples.”

“Do you think I’m stupid or something Glowing One? I recognize the freshener rag your friend is wearing.  You’re with the Slummy Scums.”  The guard shouted back.

“Oh, Slimeball?” I said in recognition, “She is just our guide to the city.  She means you no harm.”

The guard thought for a second putting a hoof on his chin, “How do I know you aren’t Orange Oscar Spies?”

“We aren’t.” Bucky shouted up to the guard as he landed next to me, “I’m close friends with the leader of the Slummy Scums, they aren’t working with the Oranges and neither is anyone else in our party.”

“I’ll need to talk with the leader Miss Appledale.” The guard replied apathetically.

He then spoke into his radio.  While we waited for a response Ollie pulled the bullet out with some tweezers and I drank a healing potion.  A few seconds later he got a reply, but it was too far away for me to hear.

“Your whole party is permitted in the base.” He said begrudgingly, “Miss Appledale would like to negotiate an alliance with the Slummy Scums heir to leadership and talk with the one known as Crystalline.”

I cringed at the mention of my moniker.

***  ***  ***

We were herded quickly down the street and into an office building.  We then went up a flight of stairs and directed to enter a large office.

In the center was an oak desk relatively untouched by the centuries.  The walls were covered in a blue wallpaper that was peeling slightly towards the roof, but was held on by extensive use of wonder glue since there were blotches of darker color that was messed up by the glue.  A red carpet covered the floor and it was surprisingly clear of dust, but smelt faintly of mildew.  The 4 large windows along the wall were mostly intact, but painted black recently–I guess to prevent sniper shots.  So with the lack of natural light several candles were lit around the room giving it a warm orange glow.  Behind the desk was a young earth pony mare with a yellow coat, green mane, red eyes and the cutie mark of a golden apple.  The mare had an overbite and  and a hole thorugh her ear.  I wasn’t sure if both were battle wounds, and thankfully my stable 13 programing couldn’t designate her desirable or undesirable.

She regarded us as we entered and then spoke, “Welcome to Stable-Tech Studios, home of the Golden Globe Apples.  I am their leader Appledale, though you shall refer to me as Miss Appledale is that clear?”

We all muttered a yes and she continued, “So, Miss–Imebellslew? Is that correct?”

Slimeball stepped forward, “It isay Imeballslay, but Slimeball is my name in Equestrian.  I’m sorry Miss Appledale, utbay I am in no way able otay negotiate an alliance.  Eaderlays aren’t passed on by famliy.  My dad Ement-Excray would eednay otay be here.”

“All well and good dearie.  I’ll have Rotten Apple send him a message.  He used to be a Slummy, he knows the language.” Miss Appledale said.

She then turned to the guard who had accompanied us from the gate, “Sun Kissed, you are dismissed.”

The guard in question removed his helmet, revealing a bronze coated stallion with a bright red mane and green eyes.

“You honestly wish to be left alone with these outsiders?  A glowing abomination, a tackless griffon, a filthy mother and daughter, a hapless unicorn, and a shit stain?” Sun Kissed asked indignantly.

“Sun Kissed, that is an order.  Leave me and my guests alone.  They can keep thier weapons, had they wanted to kill me they would have already.  If they still wish to they won’t escape the lot alive.” Miss Appledale barked back.

“It is your funeral Miss Appledale.” Sun Kissed said replacing his helmet and turning to leave, but stopping next to me, “Variety and DJ Pon-3 might think you are the bees knees Crystalline, but remember I shot you in the knee.  Next time it will be your skull if anything happens to Miss Appledale.”

“My apologies, Crystalline.  Sun Kissed is my top lieutenant.  He wishes I took a more direct approach and attacked the Double O’s head on.”  Miss Appledale said sighing, “so what brings you to the Golden Globe Apples?”

“Well, we need something that is likely in your possession.” I began, “The hoverboard prop from ‘Buck to the Future’?”

Miss Appledale crossed her front hooves over the desk, set her head between them and let out another sigh.

“I don’t know of anything like that on the property.” she said, “Though I could permit you to look if you do something for me.”

“What?” I said quickly.

“I put on that little bit about the alliance to appease my ponies.  This war–the mounting hostilities aren’t something I want at all.  My mother–Miss Fruitiedale–was the leader of all of Applewood.  The gang was called the Fruit Salad Stars.  When she began to die of cancer she needed to appoint a new leader–Me or my sister Orangedale.  Unfortunately she passed before a decision was made.  This caused a schism in the gang.  Supporters of either my sister or I began to fight on our behalf forcing us to rein them in and form 2 new gangs.  The Golden Apple Globes and the Orange Oscars.  Since then we have been on the brink of all out war.  I like to think my sister is like me and wants the gang to unite once more, but the ponies under us are loyal to a fault and wrongly believe only one can live for the other to succeed.” She said before sighing heavily once more and standing back on all fours.

“Crystalline, I need you to meet with my sister and arrange a secret meeting between her and I.  Hopefully we can find a way to become one family again.  Maybe if we sign some kind of truce to this unnecessary conflict our ponies’ loyalty to us will stop the fighting.” Miss Appledale finished.

“We we need ta go ta Winnyland for somethin’ else anyways.” Nicky chirped–essentially accepting the task for me.

“Thank you.  Good luck.” She said focusing back on some old papers on the desk.

And with that we turned to leave.

***  ***  ***

“As I live and breath.” a voice called at us as we left Stable-Tech Studios office building, “Grimwald Gregorian Beak.  Never thought I’d see your hide in these parts.”

Since we weren’t rushed out like we had been entering the building I was able to look around the lot.  From the gate we entered from there as a row of dilapidated buildings–sound stages I think they were called.  The intact ones were used for the housing, gun storage, and food storage of the GGA.  The ones that weren’t intact were used to reinforce the fence or in the construction of additional fences blocking off all side streets.  So even though it appeared they used the whole lower section of the lot as a base, only 1 street of the network of old production buildings were used.  The street ended with an office building–which we had met Miss Appledale in–and was the most intact building on the street.  It had the facade of a movie theater on the front of it and it was slightly blocked by a fire long ago.

I took a moment to look for the owner of the voice, but couldn’t discern its origin.  Then it landed in front of us.  A rather petite griffon with brown and red feathers on its front half and the features some solid black cat on its back half stood before us blocking our path.  Her 1 green eye–the other blocked by an eye patch–looked not at me, but at Bucky.  

Bucky visibly tensed up and took a step towards the griffon.

“Gwyneth,” he spat uncharacteristically cold, “Kill any foals recently?”

“Sorry to disappoint Grimmy, no foal killing contracts this week–unless the Orange Oscars use foals as foot soldiers.” She said not missing a beat.

“Wait,” Slimeball cut in suddenly, “You mean otay say you’d illkay a foal?”

“If it is in a contract and for the right amount of caps, yes.” Gwyneth said not taking her eyes–sorry eye–off Bucky, “Griffons are loyal to 2 things: The contract and the caps.  That is something Grim here didn’t understand.  That is why he left the Talons.  He broke a contract and when I tried to stop him he shot out my eye.”

“Cut the crap Gwyn, that foal was innocent.  I had to save it.” Bucky said.

“Sure as shit it was, not where you found it and you know it.” She squeaked, “You should know Gawd has a standing cap bonus to any Talon who brings you to her.  You know her feelings about breaking contracts.”

The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.  Bugz raised his weapon, clearly not caring that we were in the middle of a gang stronghold.

“So you gonna stand there or bring me in?” Bucky asked unphased by the news.

Gwyn continued her one eyed glare for a few moments, “Not worth my time.  I have another contract that pays more.”

With that she flew into the darkening sky.

***  ***  ***

We walked in silence to the gates of Winny Land.  Unlike Stable-Tech Studios, the theme park was the part used as a base.  The park itself existed long before the great war that created the wasteland, but according to Slimeball it was taken over by the Ministry of Moral and turned into one of the many Fun Farms that now litter the wasteland.  Though unlike the other Fun Farms it maintained its original name since it was well known at the time.  Though a large pink pony head building had been built in the middle of the park to function as the city’s MOM Hub.  It also had a more recent addition of ruble enforced wall and guard tower posts like there were at Stable-Tech Studios.

I decided to have us all approach the gate instead of going alone like last time.  When we neared a guard flew down from the guard post, but it wasn’t a griffon, hippogriff, or a changeling.  It was a pony with wings–a pegasus.  He had a tangerine coat, but his mane and cutie mark were obscured by the pegasi version of power armor that was painted orange.

“State your business here.” The pegasi guard said.

“We need to meet with your leader Miss Orangedale.” I said.

“And who might you be that is so important to demand a meeting with our leader?” the guard asked.

I sighed in defeat and muttered, “I’m Crystalline.”

At that the guard lifted his visor–revealing his blond and red striped mane and purple eyes–to get a better look at my friends and I.

“Miss Orangedale,” he said into his radio, “Crystalline is here to see you.”

“Well then Updraft, let her in.” The tinny voice of Miss Orangedale said over the radio.

Updraft flew back up to his guard post and signaled to have the door opened.  We all trotted inside.  Many of the rides were in a major state of disrepair, but the debris were reused to for makeshift dwellings and other structures to store food and guns.  The only mostly intact building was the giant glass pink pony head in the center.

“Head to the Pinkie head building, a guard will take you in to see Orangedale.” Updraft called after us.

We did as told and when we got to the Pinkie head we were greeted by another guard.  She was clearly a unicorn, but the orange combat armor prevented us from seeing much more of her–it reminded me of the armor worn by the GGA’s gate guard.

She lead us into an elevator and we rode up to the top floor.  There was a short hallway and a single door.  The guard stood outside the door and motioned for us to enter.

The room that had once been an office was devoid of furniture.  Well, actually all the furniture–a desk, some chairs and a filing cabinet–were stacked against the far wall.  There was a matress on the floor in the middle of the room and a mare–Miss Orangedale–sat upon it looking out the huge pink tinted window at the park below.  She had an orange coat and a red mane.  Her cutie mark was an orange behind a podium.  She registered as desirable to my stable 13 mind, but I was becoming accustomed to ignoring that part of my mind.

“My scouts say you were seen at my sister’s camp.” Miss Orangedale said not turning to face us.

“She’s doing well.” I said awkwardly, “That is actually why we are are here–well partly at least.  Your sister wants to arrange a secret meeting with just you to formulate some kind of truce.  she doesn’t want war.  She wants the gang to be reunited as they were under your mother Miss Fruitiedale.”

“Oh thank heavens!” a voice said from the pile of furniture.

The stack moved in a blue glow of magic to reveal a closet door.  It opened and out walked the real Miss Orangedale.  She looked the same as her decoy, except she was a unicorn.  She also had some patches of yellow fur on the left side of her face.  My Stable 13 mind changed her designation to undesirable.

“Sorry for the theatricks.” Miss Orangedale said putting the decoy into the closet with her magic and covering the door with the furniture again, “I wasn’t sure if you were sent to kill me by one of my sisters overzealous underlings or if she had actually sent you.”

“So you’ll go to the secret meeting?” I asked.

“I haven’t seen big sis since mom died.  Of course I’ll go.  Any idea where to meet?”  She asked.

“I, uh–I haven’t chosen a place.  I’m not familiar with this city.” I said sheepishly.

“The control tower of AWX International Airport.” Bucky interjected.

Miss Orangedale thought about that location for a moment before speaking, “That is nuetral territory and I don’t think the Avant Garde settlement will mind.”

She paused a moment trying to remember something before continuing, “Wait, wasn’t it overrun with ferals?”

“I’ll go early and clear them out.” Bucky said and then turned to me, “The Avant Garde has a reward for anypony who clears it for them.”

“Fair enough, I’ll meet you and my sister there 5:00am, tomorrow.” Miss Orangedale concluded.

She paused and put a hoof on her chin.

“What was the other reason you came here?” She asked.

“Oh,” I said remembering The Collector’s fetch quest and how I’d mentioned Miss Appledale’s message wasn’t the only reason we were there, “I need the ruby slippers from ‘The Unicorn of Oz’.  I believe they are on the lot somewhere.”

“Sorry, Crystalline, I sold them for a bunch of caps to an Observer a few months back.  They are likely owned by the DJ Variety, she is the leader of their creepy clique.”

***  ***  ***

The trot back to the GGA base in the Stable-Tech Studios lot was a quiet one.  I turned on the radio, but the movie soundtrack sounded like a bunch of string instruments and put us a bit on edge so I shut it off.

“Welcome back Crystalline and co.” Sun Kissed greeted us disinterested from atop his watch tower as we entered the gate.

We walked down the street and went up to Miss Appledale’s office.  Upon seeing us she made a motion with her hooves.  The 2 stealth bucked guards appeared once more and walked out as we entered.

“So did you get in to see my sister?” She asked once she was sure her guards were gone.

“Yes, the meeting is tomorrow at the AWX control tower.  5:00am.” I told her.

“Ok, that is doable.  Thank you Crystalline, once the meeting is over I’ll let you look for the prop in our warehouse.”  Miss Orangedale said dismissing us, “I’ll have Cinnamon Apple Spice prepare a bed for you. Feel free to do some shopping at our food, medicine and gun stores.  I’ll give Honey Glock permission to trade with you for caps.”

***  ***  ***

Fully stocked on ammo, food, and medicine we assembled in the crisp morning greyness in front of the movie theater facade of Miss Appledale’s office.

“We’ll meet Bucky there remember, he is taking care of the ghouls.” Bugz whispered sleepily as he approached–since he had to be conscious to maintain his glimmer disguise, he hadn’t slept.

“Ok, then let’s get Miss Appledale.” I whispered back and we entered the building.

We went up to her office as quietly as possible, though there was an odd lack of guards.

“Miss Appledale?” I asked in a loud whisper to a supposedly empty office as we entered.

Suddenly a shimmer in the air pulled back and Miss Appledale appeared wearing a brownish cloak that had a gemstone clip around her neck that helped it form into a hood.

“Zebra stealth cloak.” She whispered when she saw my stunned expression, “Traded it from a zebra ghoul in Mareily Hills when I was a filly. So let's go”

She went to the desk and clicked a hidden button.  The desk moved aside revealing a metal grate.  Without a word we all stood on the grate and it began to lower.  Above us the desk slid back into place.

“This is a secret tunnel that connects to the sewers that was supposed to help the Stable-Tech studios executives get to stable 54 by Mareily Hills.  It was supposed to house the biggest of the Old Applewood Celebrities in an effort to preserve Equestrian entertainment incase of a megaspell strike.” Miss Appledale explained as we descended.

“But few made it.” Slimeball cut in, “Many died or ghoulified enwhay a spell missed its target and struck the stable while the door was still open.  Many of the Mareily Hiller ghouls are from that stable–the area isay now known as the Mareily Creator.”

“Well, it is true what they say about you Slummy Scums.  You do make great tour guides for ponies in this city.” Miss Appledale complimented.

Slimeball blushed slightly at the compliment as the elevator came to a stop.  We exited the elevator shaft and into the sewer proper.  Behind us the wall slid back into place concealing the elevator.  Slimeball then took a piece of chalk from her bag and marked a small “x” where the elevator had once been.

“So we can find ouray way back.” she said returning the chalk to her bag.

I nodded and we began to walk down the sewer tunnel trying to ignore the smell of 200 century old waste.  The only one not affected by the smell was Slimeball who took up the rear and gleefully splashed along in the foul muk.

Finally we came to a metal grate the lead out to the Applewood river.  A door had been carved in the grade and it was held closed by a lock.  One bobby pin later we were out in the slightly fresher air of the river bed.  From there Slimeball took the lead and we headed in the direction if the airport.

***  ***  ***

AWX was a hub of travel before the war according to Slimeball.  Unlike many other airports across Equestria it was not taken over–at least completely–by the military.  Despite that fact the tarmac was littered with many wreckages of various crafts.  The main terminal was struck by a large flying ship–which Slimball called a Raptor–that had the name Avant Garde written on the side.  It seemed to spew clouds from some parts shrouding it in a light fog.  There was a small non-gang statement aboard the Avant Garde.

Separated from the terminal was the control tower.  A giant T-shaped on the skyline of Applewood.  It was virtually untouched by the destruction that hit the rest of the airport, except for a few scorch marks around the base and the windows on the top of the T were completely blown out.  For a second I could have sworn I saw a griffon perched on the roof, but I blinked and it they were gone, so I figured it was Bucky.

We ascended the steps of the tower and entered the room on the top of the tower.  The blown out windows cased a slight whistling sound as the wind blew by it.  The perimeter of the room had large terminals used for monitoring air traffic, but now most were destroyed or missing entirely.  In the center of the room was Bucky and Miss Oragedale seated around a table.

“Appley!” Miss Orangedale said noticing her sister, “Gosh, it's been so long.  What happened to your ear?”

“Missed sniper shot,” Miss Appledale said dismissively, “How are things at the Winnyland Fun Farm?”

“Good–well actually difficult.  Running a gang is no fun.”  Miss Orangedale replied solemnly, “I miss you, Appley.”

“I miss you too Citrus.” Miss appledale said wiping a tear from her eye, “So let's end this war and be a family again.”

Miss Orangedale was about to say something when the world exploded.  The tower shook violently and then began to fall.  As it fell the world kept exploding.  In a splatter of gore Miss Appledale exploded in one of the explosions.

“Appley!” Miss Orangedale shrieked, but it was barely audible among the cacophony of explosions.

A large chunk of the tower then struck Miss Orangedale shattering her skull.  I thought I saw Bugz–no longer in his Archer form–and Bucky trying to save Nicky, Ollie, Slimeball, and I from the crumbling building.  Another explosion erupted near me and everything when dark.

***  ***  ***

I opened my eyes.  The world around me was a burning, rubble filled haze.  I couldn’t move and my body hurt all over.  Then I noticed a the shadow of a griffon standing over me, carefully moving rubble off of my body.

Bucky must have made it out.  My concussed mind thought.

Then I noticed the griffon was smaller than Bucky and looked more feminine.

“Well, 3 birds, one very explosive stone.” The voice of Gwyneth said, but her voice sounded distant, “Those wishy washy gang leaders are out of the way so my boss can wage the war he wants and I get to cash in your bounty Crystalline.”

As she lifted me on to her back everything faded to black again.

***  ***  ***


Clash Coat: Level up

New Perk Added: Lucky Shot – You are 20% more likely to get a critical shot outside of STATS while in an environment that limits visibility.

Quest Perk added: Rotten Fruit – You have managed to piss off both the Golden Globe Apples and the Orange Oscars.  Standing with both gangs are now set to Villified and they will attack you on sight. -7 to speech when talking to a member of either gang.  +2 to speech when talking with any other faction not allied with one of the gangs.  This perk is incompatible with A Hint of Citrus, Golden Apple Tart, and Famous Fruit Salad.

Nicky: 50% to next level

Ollie Factory: 90% to next level

Bucky: Level up

New Perk Added: Debt Collector – +2 to speech when talking to somepony you’ve already met.  Also unique dialogue options are available for some characters.

Bugz: Level Up

New Perk Added: Counter Canter – Your fancy hoofwork (or agile flying if you are a pegasus pony) keeps you out of harm’s way. Opponents suffer a -5 to combat skills when attacking you.

Slimeball: Level Up

New Perk Added: Lingering Stench – your smell lingers awhile after you move.  +3 to sneak and enemies are more likely to attack where you just were rather than where you are.

Quest Failed:


Apples to Oranges

Quest completed:

Mareily Hills Ghoulies

Quest Updated:

Ballad of a Crystal Pony – √ Look for any information in the wasteland on the mysterious glowing ability you have.

                               √ Find out what that pink mare knows about your mysterious glowing power.

                               View Ollie's Black Opal.

                               √ seek out the Collector in Applewood.

                               (Optional) Learn if you are a crystal pony by taking a DNA test.

Stinky and the Ghouls –  √ Resolve the quarrel between the Slummy Scums and the Mareily Hiller ghouls

                              Inform Excrement that everything is resolved between the Slummy Scums and the Mareily Hillers

New Quest:

Variety Speak – Meet with Variety in the Variety News Publishing Building

Tour De Applewood - Collect the Fleur Dis Lee Star from The Walk of Fame

                               Collect the ‘Buck to the Future’ Hoverboard Prop

                               √ (Optional) Talk to Miss Appledale about getting the ‘Buck to the Future’ Hoverboard Prop

                               Collect the ‘Unicorn of Oz’ Ruby slippers

                               √ (Optional) Talk to Miss Orangedale about getting the ‘Unicorn of Oz’ Ruby slippers

                               (Optional) Talk to Variety about getting the ‘Unicorn of OZ’ Ruby slippers

                               Collect at least 3 Ponamaniacs animation cels

Faction Status:

Stable 13 – Vilified

Marker’s Gang – Vilified

The Chariot Hotel – N/A disbanded

Finders (West Branch) – Liked

Gun Runners – Liked

Clockwork – Accepted

Stable Infinity – N/A merged with Clockwork

Slummy Scums – Liked

Golden Apple Globes – Vilified

Orange Oscars –Vilified

The Observers – Liked

Mareily Hillers – accepted

Talons – disliked

Avant Garde – neutral

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