
Absolution 2

by ed2481

Chapter 23

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Giratina’s mind was deep in thought, barely noticing the carriage landing in front of the wreckage of the Apple family’s house. He has my moves... is also a changeling, and can go into and out of the Distortion world with ease as I. His hoof tapped lightly at the bottom of the golden carriage. I’m the only who has those type of powers, I’m the only Pokemon ever to have been imprisoned there. It can’t be Cyrus either, he died long ago without accomplishing much. Arceus can travel between worlds, but this isn’t his style... he rarely if at all physical interferes in the real world, nor does he make appearances. So, the only logical explanation for who this mysterious stranger is that he is... me. The changeling frowned at that thought. It sounded absurd at first, but Giratina knew that there was nothing else to explain the recent events from two days ago. This other changeling was related to him in one way or another... but now the question is how.

The feeling of a finger flicking the side of his head interrupted his thoughts. “While I understand that you are ‘oh so smart’ and as such must be left alone to think at times. Now is not one of them. I believe it’s time we moved off of the carriage,” Luna said, a magic blue finger dissipating. Her face was set in a serious expression and she nodded towards the destroyed farmhouse. “Honestly, we should not have taken so long. Even the two days that we spent waiting on your recovery was too great.”

“I know, but I’ll have you know I was going over the possibilities of who our mysterious changeling is over those days.” He got off of the carriage. “He’s related to me somehow, and not like my brother or sister, related to me as if he spent time in the Distortion world like I.”

“Strange,” Luna commented, all business as a suit of runed steel armor appeared around her form and she walked forwards towards the wreckage. “Come along. We must figure out what it is that has caused this.”

Hopefully none of the current theories that I have so far... Giratina thought to himself as he walked with the mare. “First thing to do is find something that still holds his energy signature. Can’t really take an air sample, Equestria’s magic probably already intermingled with it too much. So we will have to do some searching for the shards of the mirror he came out of and probably left through.”

Luna frowned for a moment before closing her eyes and then extending her senses out through the area. “What sort of energy am I looking for specifically?” she inquired, frowning as her horn glowed with a light blue aura.

“A wave length that’s very close to matching mine,” Giratina replied. “I know because it was the first thing I noticed before he leapt at me.”

“Right. Hmm, your blood, your blood. Some fragments of your chitin, piece of your wing,” she listed off as her scanning spell searched through the ruins. “Hmm... I doubt a mirror survived the house’s destruction.”

“Then that means he probably went to the pool in the Everfree forest... and that won’t lead us anywhere.” Giratina frowned as he closed his eyes, his hoof tapping the ground as he thought of something else for her to look for. “Can you find any distortion in space around here? He used my teleport move to counter mine. It’s a long shot considering two days have passed, but it could tell us something if we’re lucky.”

“Let me see,” Luna mused as she frowned and narrowed her spell’s search. The world beneath her eyelids shifted, turning darker save for a small number of fiery red ‘holes’ in reality. “Ah... thank you. Wasn’t looking for them until now.” She kept her eyes closed as she shot a number of small magical flares to illuminate the tears in fading holes in space. “There we are.”

The changeling smiled as the four glowing spots appeared in the sky. Two of those were his, the others were of his doppelganger. With the battle replaying in his mind he easily deduced which ones were which and pointed his horn to one of his doppelganger. The crooked horn glowed green as he began to cast a spell to do a thorough scan. “Hmm...” he closed his eyes and he took in the information he was receiving. “It’s faint. It will fade away in another hour or so, but I think I got something from it. It is my energy signature but... it’s not in a way as well. There’s a lot more Distortion world energy in its decay than there should.”

Luna frowned shrewdly. “Oh?” she tapped a hoof on the ground. “Could it be a wraith of some sort? Or a shadow clone of yourself?”

Giratina remained quiet for a moment. “It’s too soon to say.” The light around his horn died down and he opened his eyes as he glance over at her. “I want you to do another search of this area, but look for anything that has Distortion World energy decaying on it.”

“Other then all the little parts of you?” she asked, raising an eyebrow faintly as she closed her eyes once more.

“Yes, but there won’t be much... I don’t try to use any energy from the Distortion World save from the mirror travel or teleporting.”

“Right,” Luna agreed as she flapped her wings twice and flew skywards to hover over the wreckage, eyes closed as she held a slow controlled circular pattern over it. “Ah, the entire area is covered with it here. Somewhere around two or three hundred individual signatures. I do not like that.”

“...nor do I.” Giratina said with a dark, troubled frown. “My dear... I think we’re dealing with a creature that literally is made from the essence of the Distortion World.”

“I see,” Luna said as she winged back down to his side. “Now I am truly worried. I should not have waited two days.”

“That just means I need to triple the effort of trying to regain my power,” the changeling stated as calmly as he could. He glanced up to her, his eyes looking disturbed by something. “Luna, I don’t think I want you to come back with me when I chase after this... creature.”

She slapped him across the face with a magical blow which knocked him from his hooves. “And you will meet him with that sort of endurance I take it? You did so very well on your own last time as well. I suppose it makes sense that you’d wish to beat him so thoroughly again.”

The changeling rubbed his sore cheek as he got back up, glancing at her sourly. “Only because he took me by surprise and I had no idea who I was fighting. Now I do and he won’t trip me up like last time. I know what I’m about to face Luna, you don’t, so that’s why I don’t want you to come with me to fight it. It will be too dangerous.”

Luna laughed. “Giratina, Giri, please do not insult me again or I will be forced to take action,” she said, her tone light and airy but carrying more than a little annoyance. “Tell me what we face and we can face it together. By yourself I doubt you will be able to fight it well.”

“It’s... complicated to explain, and I have fought something like this before and won,” Giratina answered. “Let’s just say... your assumption of it being a shadow clone is not far off.”

“Well then, all the more reasons for me to join you,” Luna replied pointedly. “I do have quite a bit of experience fighting shadows.” A small shiver ran down her spine. “As well as nightmares and clones.”

“Luna... this isn’t like what overtook you,” Giratina said in a very serious tone. “That was some sort of alien entity that whispered to you and made lying promises to get what it wanted. This is like... taking the darkest part of who you are and making it a reality.”

“And that means that you would be the best choice to fight it? Alone at that? No, Giratina. You will accept my help in the matter,” she replied, her eyes hard. Several tense moments passed as they glared at one another.

“Luna... please, this is my battle,” the changeling said to her. “My duty is to keep the Distortion World in check... it is my prison yes, but it’s also a prison for itself as well, and I’m the warden. Whatever this thing is... it’s possibly my fault in some way so it’s my duty to correct it.”

“That is what most idiotic stallions say before they go charging off into something that they cannot hope to do ‘by themselves’ because it is ‘their duty’,” she stated very dryly. “I know that your father’s parenting was terrible, but I did not realize you still had such a childish way of thinking.”

Giratina scoffed. “Please... you know me, Arceus's influence would be the last thing I would resort to. Understand this is for your protection Luna... I’m hard to kill and stay dead, you should know that. This being’s power can easily overwhelm yours and harm you seriously, trust me on that.”

Luna gave him a long look. “Giri, I am not letting you chase after this thing alone. I am coming with you. Deal with it.” The words were delivered like powerful stabs to his gut.

The changeling let out a long sigh as he closed his eyes. “...fine, but if things go south really fast, I will teleport you out of there.”

“Only if I am substantially wounded and am in need of immediate evacuation,” Luna said tartly.

We’ll see... he thought to himself before nodding his head.

“I heard that,” she stated flatly. “Or, I know what you just thought.”

“Then understand that it’s for your own good... please, trust my judgement Luna,” Giratina asked of her.

Luna gave him a bland look. “How do we get to Earth? Have your powers returned yet?” she asked him.

The changeling frowned as he held up a hoof. “Shadow Ball!”

Nothing happened.

“...apparently not,” he stated with a frown, though kept his hoof up in the air.

“Lovely,” Luna mused, frowning as she looked at air in front of them. “I can more then likely cut our way into the Distortion World if we have too but I’d rather not. Cuts tend to bleed.”

“And trust me when I say you don’t want the Distortion World to bleed a part of itself into Equestria,” Giratina stated, holding his hoof still as he had his eyes close. Part of his mind was focused on trying to use the move Shadow Ball, even re-teach his body how to do so if necessary.

“I’m aware,” Luna said with a small frown as she tapped an armored hoof on the ground. “Hmm... there must be a way...” she looked over at him. “Ask your father for his aid. If nothing else, he may answer your wish because of the sheer novelty of your asking for his help.”

“....” Giratina didn’t reply, or at least pretended not to hear the suggestion.

“He is God,” Luna pointed out. “I’m sure he can be of some help.”

“I would rather ask for mother’s help than his,” he stated while still trying to use Shadow Ball.

“Then ask Mew for help and let us be off,” Luna replied dryly. The changeling eyes open up slightly to give her a flat look. “Oh don’t look at me that way. Just ask for her help.”

“How pray tell do I do that if my powers are gone?” he demanded.

“Simply ask for her, I’m sure she’s listening,” Luna said with a small shrug of her wings.

“Mew is not omnipotent... she’d only knows what’s going on if she came here herself and checked it with my-”

“Father?” a familiar feminine, and rather playful, voice asked from beside his head.

The changeling blinked as his face fell flat before turning slightly sour. “No...” He turned his head over to see the all too familiar floating figure of Mew. “...”

“Hello there Giratina,” she said with a soft, still playful, smile. “You need something I’d gather?”

“...no, what makes you think that?” he said through some gritted teeth. “What the world are you even doing here?” He hold up a hoof. “Wait, let me guess having tea with a golden dragon?”

“Actually, I’m going to see Willow next Tuesday,” Mew replied with a small smile. “Was actually on my way to see Celestia about a small matter of the future and I heard you saying my name.” She shrugged her shoulders. “You know how it is, son.” The changeling rolled his eyes at the last sentence.

Luna smiled. “Ah, wonderful. Mew, Giratina seems to have lost several of his abilities following a beating he received. Could you possibly speak with Arceus about returning them?” Luna asked politely.

“Oh, what happened?” Mew asked curiously, floating over to gently stroke Giratina’s face. “Oh, your plates got switched.”

“They had to shift around after getting my face, along with the rest of my body getting slammed into the ground...,” he stated flatly, not reacting much to the petting. “As for how; well, there’s some sort of Doppelganger of me on the loose. I think this double of me came from the Distortion World and kidnaped Applejack for some reason and is now loose on Earth.”

“Oh, that, yes,” Mew said with a small frown. “That would most certainly do it. Forgot that was happening right now.”

Giratina frowned. “What, what’s happening right now?”

“Things I can’t tell you, you know how Arceus is,” she replied with a sigh. “Figures he’d suggest my visiting Celestia about that matter now...” she shrugged and then sighed. “Because of course he did. I’m just his number 1 and only assistant.”

Giratina’s frown deepened in disapproval at her answer. “Mew, cut to the point and don’t dance around my question. What. Is. Happening.”

“I can’t say,” she replied as she rested a paw against the middle of his forehead. “Just know that it’s your own hole you’ve dug.”

Her words seemed to struck a chord in Giratina who slowly nodded his head. “I figured... old shadows creeping back on me once more.”

“Should I ask what you’re both talking about or shall I simply assume that it doesn’t really matter in terms of the fight to come?” Luna asked with a frown.

“Don’t worry about it, Giratina made a few mistakes and now one of them is biting him, his own fault too,” Mew said with a small shrug before she sighed and stroked his forehead again. “Honestly Giri...”

The changeling’s eyes narrowed at the floating pink cat. “Honestly you and ‘father’ should’ve done more raising me or parenting me. I had better ‘parenting’ here than back on Earth.”

“I know, I know,” Mew replied, shaking her head. “I blame it on myself, too busy focusing on new species, leaving it up to Arceus to raise you three...”

“Well that didn’t turn out so well, didn’t it?” he remarked before shaking his head. “Nevertheless, what you told me just nailed my worst fear...” He let out a sigh. “Do you think... you can help me recover my powers?” he grumbled reluctantly.

“Sure,” she said, giving him a smile before she moved forwards and kissed him on the forehead before floating away from him. “There you go, all better.”

The changeling blinked a few times, not feeling that much different.

“Try something,” Luna said with a small frown, a large sword appearing on her back as she called it to herself with magic.

Giratina lifted up a hoof and point it up to the air. “Shadow ball!” A great orb of darkness form right in front of the hoof before rocketing skywards and exploding with a crackling discharge of black energy. A smile cross his muzzle. “Much better.”

“I’d say so,” Luna agreed with a smile, leaning over and giving him a light nuzzle before she glanced over at Mew. “Thank you Mew.”

“Oh, you’re welcome,” Mew said, smiling at the pair of them. “You two are so cute! Anyways, I’ve got to go talk to Celestia about things, see you later, son.” With that, she vanished.

Giratina nodded his head before looking over at his battle ready partner. “Let’s head over to the mirror pool in Everfree Forest. We have a mare to save and a ‘shadow clone’ to destroy.”

“Yes, yes we do,” Luna said, nodding as she flapped her wings and leapt into the sky. Giratina joined her and together they winged towards the Everfree.

Author's Notes:

Yes, our lore is strange. A small clarification though, Arceus and Mew are not a 'couple'. He simply needed an assistant to help him with the process of creating everything (and keep him company of course). So she's Giratina's mother in the sense that she was the only female around while he was growing up and such. She's still Arceus' #1 assistant today though and often goes out to do things for him/run errands/help him think up new Pokemon and uphold the universal balance of things

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