
Absolution 2

by ed2481

Chapter 13

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Cres let out a soft sigh as his mind restarted from its deep sleep. A yawn left his lips as his eyes opened and he found himself in the very middle of a four way napping pile. On one side was Emilia who was still sound asleep amidst her cold bed. On the other was Belle who was only lightly sleeping, he could tell that she hadn’t been for long, and leaning against Belle’s belly was Xav, curled up in an adorable red ball.

I love this... Cres thought to himself very quietly, leaning over to lick Belle’s head softly. Arceus... I love this feeling. Belle’s head leaned up into the lick and her paws stretched out as a small yawn escaped her lips. She glanced over at Cres and smiled, giving him a loving nuzzle.

“Good afternoon,” she said with a soft purr.

“Mhm you too,” Cres replied, smiling as he nuzzled her lovingly before he let out a sigh. “Belle... I think I need to talk with you about something.”

The red Absol continued her stretching her paws and neck, careful on not to disturb Xav from his slumber. “And what’s that?”

“I’d... I’d like to talk about it in private,” Cres answered, glancing at Xav. “It’s not the type of thing he should hear.”

Belle frowned slightly, but nodded her head as she slowly got up, letting the young pup slide off of her. Xav muttered softly under his breath as he readjusted but he didn’t awake and remained curled up. Belle then looked over at Cres and gestured to the door leading to the master bedroom and headed through it. Cres got up as well, careful not to disturb Emilia as he got up and walked after his mate, closing the door behind him with his tail.

“Thanks Belle,” Cres said, sitting on his rump in front of her.

“You’re welcome, so what is it you want to talk about?” she asked as she sat down in a similar manner.

“I... I just want to explain why... at least why I think I feel the way about Applejack being here that I do...” Cres said softly. “I’ve been keeping it to myself... and well...” he looked down at the floor before looking back up at her. “If I can’t trust you with it then I can’t trust anyone.”

The shiny Absol frowned slightly. “Well, tell me then; you know holding things to yourself doesn’t usually help,” she pointed out with a curious tilt of her head.

“Yes... you’re right,” Cres closed his eyes and then nodded. “Okay... please don’t laugh at me for this...”

“I promise,” Belle replied truthfully.

“... she scares me Belle,” Cres said softly.

Belle blinked in absolute shock and surprise as if she didn’t quite hear him right.

“I’m... I’m not afraid of fighting her... I’m... I’m afraid of what she could do to our lives together,” Cres said quietly. “The... the entire time I’ve known her she’s done nothing but try to instil fear of me in people, well, ponies in this case but... I’m scared that she’s going to turn you and everyone else against me... I... I don’t want her to ruin the life that I’ve worked so hard to make... I... I’m scared that I’ll do something to make Matt kick me out... I’m scared that you’ll hate me... I’m scared that Xav will turn his back on me... all because of her.”

Belle’s face softened at her love and she walked up to him and nuzzle the side of his head reassuringly. “I see... well, don’t worry too much about it my dear. If you running away for two years wasn’t enough to make me leave you, nothing will. Xav is our son and he looks up to you too much to ever suddenly turn against you. As for Matt... well... he’s Matt, I doubt he would ever abandon a Pokemon out in the middle of no where just because of bad behavior.”

“I know... but...” Cres lowered his head. “She’s so determined to vilify me... I... I’m sure... I don’t know what to do Belle.” He shivered and pressed himself against her.

Belle continued nuzzling him, offering her body for support as he leaned into her. “Cres, you’re letting her get to you, and not only that but you’re having little trust in me, your own son, or even the rest who know you. Why would they suddenly hate you because the words of one mare?” The crimson Absol shook her head. “Don’t take our actions of trying to prevent a fight between the two of you as a sign we are suddenly disliking you, it’s more of trying to stop arguments between you and Applejack.”

Cres sighed. “I guess... I just... I’m not good at this Belle...” he said quietly. “I don’t know what to do. If it was a battle then I’d beat her and be done with it but it’s not and no one will let me fight her like I should and... and you kept on shocking me and I started to worry that you hated me and-”

“Cres, I only shock when you’re going to say things that were based off of hate and just going to cause more trouble if you were to say it in front of Applejack. Second, I only do it because I want you to think a bit longer before saying things, because I know you can do it and it won’t cause you or Applejack any more hurt.” Belle titled her head at him. “I love you Cres, and I only do things for your good, to help you improve, never doubt me in that.”

Cres stared at her for a moment before a long sigh left his body and she could tell that he was holding back tears as he pressed himself closer to her. “I know... I know... I’m sorry... I just... I don’t know... I don’t know what to do... I’m a fighter Belle... that’s all I’m good at...” he trailed off and pressed his face into her neck. “I’m not a thinker, I’m not a plotter, I’m not a... a genius. I’m stupid and I know it. I just... I just want her to leave me alone.”

“Then don’t give her reasons to slander you, or just ignore her, Cres,” Belle told him. “Or better yet, try to fix the problem between the two of you. If there’s no reason to hate you, there’s no reason for her to ‘mess’ with you.” She then nuzzled him lovingly. “Also, you’re not stupid.”

“I don’t know... I feel like it most of the time,” Cres replied with a small half choked breath. “Others always know better than me when it comes to anything... I always screw things up... I’m not good at anything other than battling.”

“You’re good at being a father, you’re good at being a friend, including being a napping buddy for Ohm,” Belle listed out. “Along with many others things too Cres, you’re just letting this ‘fear’ of Applejack blind your eyes.”

Cres sniffled. “Thank you my love...” he said softly, pulling his face out of her neck to reveal small tears.

Belle leaned down and lick his face clean of some tears. “You’re welcome my dear.” She nuzzled him once more.

A sigh left Cres’ lips and he sat down, nuzzling her back desperately. “I don’t want to lose you again,” he whispered.

“Neither do I,” she whispered as she sat down with him. “So stop acting foolish and be that energetic, courageous Cres I knew once before.”

“I’ll try,” Cres said softly. “Though if I was still him I’d be smacking Applejack out of the house with the flat of my blade to protect my family.” A wry smile crossed his face at the mental image.

“True maybe, I guess there are some adjustments that need to be made.” Belle chuckled lightly with a soft nudge of her head. “Still, feeling a bit better?”

“A bit, I’ll admit,” Cres said with a small nod of his head. “Thanks my love.”

“You’re welcome,” she lean over to give a single lick across his cheek.

Cres returned it and then glanced at the door. “I suppose we should get back to sleeping before Xav notices that we left,” he said with a small smile before a thought struck him. “What do you have him learning right now anyways?”

“Mathematics and a small bit of physics, if he wants to be a good ‘swordsman’ as he puts it, then he needs to know the math and science behind what he wants to do,” she replied. “You know, angle of trajectory, velocity and accelerations and such.”

“...” Cres just kind of stared at her blankly, blinking twice. “You have such odd ideas sometimes my love.”

Belle rolled her eyes slightly. “Only to you my dear, only to you.” She chuckled lightly.

Cres chuckled as well. “Then again, just because I don’t understand it doesn’t automatically make it foolish.” he shook his head and licked her cheek once.

“Indeed,” she agreed with a smile as she nuzzled him once more and began to head to the door leading back to the living room. The other Absol followed along behind her and let out a soft sigh, talking to Belle always helped him.

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