

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 2: Chapter Two: I guess it's time?

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The day had yet to dusk towards the dusty night as Twilight sat before her window beside her bed. She sat there calmly, her eyes locked on the massive picturesque palace tucked away into the mountain side outside of Ponyville. Ever slowly, a smile crossed her face, which made Spike somewhat uneasy while he stood next to his caretaker by the window. “My beautiful Canterlot…” she whispered in a short nostalgia before turning to look at Spike, “Spike. Do you have the letters?”

Spike straightened up at the call and quickly showed a pile of prewritten letters off to his side to Twilight, which made her smile even more. “Perfect Spike… It’s about time we called the team…” lifting the papers up with her horn’s magic, Twilight looked to Spike proudly; Spike returning the look with a still uneasy gulp.

Sweet Apple Acres; home of the Apple Family, soul proprietors and distributers of all things apple. The day was still very young, and therefore the entire Apple Family was hard at work. Applejack and Big Macintosh bucking with their strong hind legs against the firm apple tree trucks so as to let Apple Bloom with a basket dawned upon her head catch the falling fruits and deliver them to Granny Smith so she could examine them for quality. It was a fast family machine, just like it always was.

Wiping away a small bead of sweat, Applejack studied over the clutch of apples they had collected thus far. “More then ‘nough if y’all ask me,” Applejack concluded.

Both her siblings agreed with a nod, Apple Bloom nearly dropping a few overflowing apples from her basket in the process. “We’ll be headin’ in Granny Smith!” Applejack called to her grandma with a wave of her left foreleg to gain her attention.

Granny Smith noticed the gesture and gave the three young ponies a dismissing smile while she began to study each apple they gathered. Being dismissed, the three moved off towards the house and Applejack helped Apple Bloom with removing her bucket. “So… What do y’all wanna do?” Applejack asked once they had all filled the living room of the house.

Apple Bloom and Big Mac thought over the idea for a second, but when Big Mac opened his mouth to say his idea, a green burst of fire swirled out between the three siblings. Apple Bloom was quick to hide behind her larger and more built brother while Applejack, familiar with such a flame, smiled and watched as the flame formed into a piece of paper. “A… A letter?” Apple Bloom asked cautiously.

The paper slowly brushed onto the wood flooring and Applejack crouched down to read it. “Guessin’ so… Must be from Twi. Wonder what she wants…” Applejack wondered as she read the letter to herself.

Her siblings waited curiously for their sister to inform them of what it said. But, seeing her finish the letter and cocking her head confused, they both asked together: “What’s it say?”

“Nothin’ really… just says ‘Dear Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Applebloom… It’s time’.”

Near the center of Ponyville, but known as the center of the fashion universe lately, Rarity’s Boutique was rounding off some last business before the usual time for a break. Typically Rarity would be working the store alone, but her dear little sister Sweetie Belle had joined her by wrapping and bagging purchases as they came and went. Little by little, the bustle of the shoppers combed out from the shop and left the two sisters alone; satisfied. “That was a very good day, Sweetie Belle. You did wonderfully,” Rarity complimented her sister, giving her mane a soft pat.

“Thanks, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle chirped, “So, uh, since we’re all done… Can we do something fun?”

“Fun? Well, I don’t see why not,” Rarity admitted while tucking some dresses away, “What would you like to do?”

Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to speak, but was quickly cut off as a green fire erupted on top of Rarity’s work counter. Instantly, Sweetie Belle knew what it was and clapped her hooves. “Oh, oh! Spike sent you a message!” the little filly cheered energetically.

Rarity turned to see just in time as the fire produced a piece of paper, bringing forth a smile. “Honestly, Sweetie Belle. It’s probably from Twilight…” Rarity defused Sweetie Belle’s over-enthusiasm before picking up the paper with the soft grip of her magic so she could bring it close to read.

Sweetie Belle tapped her hind leg impatiently, ever too eager to find out what it said. “So? So?” she pestered her sister eagerly.

The paper went back to its spot on the desk, leaving Rarity with a confound expression. “…What does ‘It’s time’ mean?”

On the outskirts of Ponyville rested a rustic little cottage, every inch of the small grassy property covered with bounding little animals jittering around while their soft-spoken caretaker, Fluttershy, rested on the porch overlooking the collection of animals. Beside her, Rainbow Dash was waxed a wedge against Tank’s shell. “Thanks for the wax stuff, Fluttershy. Tank’s shell’s been getting really scratched up lately,” Rainbow Dash thanked.

“It’s no trouble at all. Tank has always had trouble with his shell, so I always keep some wax ready for him,” Fluttershy explained.

For some time, the two of them sat on the porch in silence, Rainbow Dash wiping away at Tank’s scratchy shell. “So… Fluttershy?”


“What is the difference between a turtle and a—“ but before Rainbow Dash could finish, a green puff of fire sprung from the air between the two ponies, causing Fluttershy to squeak and jolt back away from the fire.

Rainbow Dash, after giving Fluttershy a narrowed look watched as the flame turned into a letter and leaned down to read it. Quickly, Fluttershy smiled and inched closer to Rainbow Dash and the letter. “Oh, it’s from Twilight… What’s it say?”

Lifting her head up, Fluttershy was a bit surprised with the serious tone in Rainbow Dash’s red-tone eyes. “…It’s time…”

One by one, green bursts of fire had come and gone all across of Equestria, bringing with it Twilight’s message to arms. For indeed, the time had come; the time for action. Twilight remained at the window, ripe in satisfaction over the proceedings thus far. Sure enough, on the dawn of tomorrow, she and her army would storm Canterlot Castle, overthrow the princess and—

Knock, knock.

Twilight turned from the window to look at her stairs that lead to the first floor, being sure she heard a firm knock at her door. “Wonder who that is…” Twilight mused to herself, hopping down to the ground below and advancing through her house to the first floor; having Spike following close behind.

Knock, knock.

“Coming! Coming!” Twilight called to whoever was at the door.

Using the glint of her horn’s power, Twilight opened the door to see that Applejack was standing in the doorway. “Applejack! Nice to see you. What brings you—“

In a quick snap, Applejack flashed Twilight the letter that was just sent to her. “What time is it?” Applejack simply asked.
Twilight blinked blankly before shaking her head. “…I’m sorry, what?”

“Yeah, ya’ sent me and my siblin’s this here letter. All it says is ‘it’s time’. Now I ain’t all that used to yer’ Canterlot lingo, so excuse me if I don’t know what ‘it’s time’ means,” Applejack explained while remaining reasonably calm.

“Oh… I figured you would know… I suppose I’ll let the others explain it to you when we all meet up,” Twilight nodded.

“Others? Ya’ mean them?” Gesturing behind her, Twilight saw the entirety of all her friends in Equestria gathered outside her library, each group holding a letter in their teeth, magic, ear, or saddle.

“Oh my…” Twilight said quickly. “Wait…” Twilight searched the group quickly before cocking a brow, “Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

At the bakery of Sugar Cube Corners, Pinkie Pie had been preparing a fresh batch of cupcakes. “These’ll be the best ones yet, Gummy!” Pinkie proudly declared to her lop-eyed pet lying in a bowl of dough.

In the midst of her work, she saw a green fire spark before her eyes. “WOOOOO! A letter from Twilight! I always love a letter! Even though this is my first one from her; I bet it’s gonna be great!” She cheered before snatching the letter and reading it over.

Short after, she gasped and threw her cupcakes to the ground. “Gummy! We’re taking over Molossia! Wait… No, Canterlot… We’re taking over Canterlot!”

Next Chapter: Chapter Three: Are you a pony or a... well... Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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