
Time Flies

by PonyJosiah13

Chapter 2: Part 2: Compulsion

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The house where the Turner-Do family lived in was a simple two-story cottage sitting at the end of Drury Lane, not far from B Boulevard. Phillip and Rainbow Dash trotted up to the door. Taking hold of the golden knocker mounted into the wood, Phillip rapped at the door sharply. The door opened and Dinky Do, Time Turner and Ditzy's daughter, appeared before them. She looked up at the visitors with a confused expression. "Hi, Rainbow Dash. Who's this?"

"Heya, kid," Rainbow said with a friendly smile. "He's a friend of mine. Your dad home?"

"Yes, he's in the study," Dinky said, standing aside to allow them entry.

"Thanks," Phil said, entering behind Rainbow. As he entered, he glanced behind him to see Dinky pull out an antiseptic wipe with her magic and start to wipe down the knocker.

"Super germaphobe," Rainbow Dash muttered to him in explanation.

The two of them walked into the kitchen, which was filled with the overpowering aroma of fresh banana blueberry muffins. Ditzy Do was just pulling a fresh batch out of the oven. "Hot, hot, hot!" she chanted, tossing the steaming tray up and down in her hooves before placing it on the table and blowing off her hooves.

"Why don't you use oven mitts?" Rainbow asked.

"I do! See?" Ditzy declared, displaying the mismatching oven mitts on her hind legs. Rainbow gave her a flat look.

"We're looking for Time Turner," Phillip said.

"He's in his study," Ditzy said, pointing down the hallway. "Would you like a muffin?"

"Not now, thanks," Phillip replied, moving down the hallway to a door at the end. He knocked twice.

"Oh! Uh, come in," came a male voice from inside. Phillip pushed the door open and entered.

Time Turner's study was perfectly organized. The desk was placed at the back wall, facing the door. Everything on it—quills and ink, papers, letter opener, lamp, photograph of family—was placed exactly in line with the edges of the desk. On the wall above the desk was a framed diploma from Manehattan Institute of Technology, announcing to all who read it that Time Turner was the bearer of a doctorate in mechanical engineering. The bookshelf on the side was perfectly dusted, and the books on it all sorted by subject, author and date, placed perfectly straight in the shelves. On the floor next to the bookshelf were several stacks of Scientific Equestrian, as perfectly square as if they'd been stacked using a slide rule. A small table opposite the bookshelf had a chessboard set up on it, with all of the pieces placed precisely in the center of the squares, facing directly forward. Along all of the walls of the study were several different clocks, including two grandfather clocks, all perfectly synchronized, providing a constant, rhythmic ticking in the background. Even the spotless wastepaper basket was perfectly lined up with the edge of the desk.

This was more than a study; this was Time Turner's sanctuary, where he could go to be safe from the imperfection and chaos of the outside world.

The stallion himself was sitting behind the desk, reading a tome on the history of timekeeping devices. He looked up as Rainbow and Phillip entered.

"Are you Phillip Finder?" he asked, coming around from behind the desk.

"I am," Phillip said, extending his hoof.

Time Turner retreated nervously. "I'm sorry, I don't shake hooves."

Phillip put his hoof down. "You said you were in trouble and needed my help?"

Time Turner glanced out the window of his study and quickly trotted over. He glanced around at the sunny street outside, then shut the blinds, casting the study into darkness. Then he quickly trotted over to the door, shut it tightly and locked it.

"Uh...Turner?" Rainbow's bewildered voice came from the darkness. "What's going on?"

Instead of answering, Time Turner trotted back to the desk and turned on an antique oil lamp. A small, shivering flame burst into existence, casting the room and its occupants into eerie, flickering shadows. Turner looked up at Phillip, his wide eyes seeming to glow in the dark. "Yes, my problem. Um...well, I'm not really sure, but...I think I'm being spied on."

"Go on," Phillip said quietly.

"Well, for the past couple weeks now, I've been feeling like I am being watched and followed," Turner explained, reaching up with his hoof and slowly rubbing his mane in a circular motion. "Then I noticed ponies around town, ponies that I've never seen before. They've been following me, watching me, but they always disappear when I try to get close." He swallowed nervously, looking up at the window before looking back at Phillip. "I've even seen them watching my home."

Phillip pondered this for a moment. "Can you describe these ponies?" he asked.

"They're always different," Time Turner said. "There's at least ten of them, I don't know. Oh, there is one thing," he added. "I saw one of them carrying a cloud animal."

"Cloud animal?" Phillip asked.

"It's like a balloon animal, but with clouds," Rainbow Dash explained. "They sell them at Cloudsdale, at the Cloudiseum. But they usually fall apart after a few hours."

"Yes, but it was an earth pony carrying it," Time Turner added. "That struck me as odd, and that's what alerted me to these ponies that were following me."

"And why would anypony be interested in you?" Phillip asked.

Time Turner shrugged and started mopping his mane in a circular motion with his right hoof. "I-I-I don't know," he stammered. "I'm just a clockmaker and engineer with a wife and a child! I've never bothered anypony! I've never even been threatened!"

Phillip was silent for a few moments longer; Rainbow could almost see the gears turning in his head. Finally, he looked up. "I'll take the case, Mr. Turner."

"Oh, thank you," Time Turner sighed in relief.

"Keep an eye out for anypony suspicious," Phillip advised, turning to leave. "I'm going to do some investigating and will contact you soon." He paused in the door and turned over his shoulder. "Don't be afraid, Time Turner. I will keep you and your family safe." Unlocking the door, he trotted back out into the hallway.

Time Turner turned to Rainbow Dash, his expression pensive. "Um...he...is he, um...?"

"Hey, don't worry, Doc," Rainbow Dash reassured him with a grin. "He knows what he's doing. He and I will solve this case faster than—hey, Phil, wait up!" She zipped out the door after Phillip.

"Why does everypony insist on calling me Doc?" Time Turner muttered to himself, putting out the lamp

Outside, Phillip exited the cottage and headed rapidly down the street towards Sugarcube Corner. Rainbow caught up with him, trotting alongside him. "Can you believe him?" she rolled her eyes. "I thought for sure he was gonna pull out the tinfoil."

"No," Phillip replied, quickening his step. "He's scared, and I think he has a good reason to be."

Author's Notes:

Just to make something clear here, I don't believe in the whole Doctor Whoooves thing. Sure, I enjoy the artwork, but I also realize that it excludes ponies who aren't also Whovians, and that it also makes it too easy for Whooves to steal the spotlight. So, in my stories, Time "Doc" Turner is a humble OCD clockmaker, husband and father.

Hope you keep looking forward for more.

Next Chapter: Part 3: Gone Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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