
The Midnight Circus

by _Vidz_

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Come one! Come all! For one night only the Circus will be coming to your town! Come and be a part of the crowds to experience excitement and thrills you’ve never felt before! Bring your family and friends, and let your eyes be dazzled! So please, join us under the stars for a night you shall never forget!

“A circus? Just what is that exactly?” Asks the little filly.

Earlier this morning she hopped out of her bed without even bothering to brush her yellow coat or her puffy red mane. Although, it’s not like she’s the kind of girl that obsesses over her appearance like any other. She did however tie her big pink bow in her hair to show she at least had done something this morning. She didn’t know why, but today she felt this sudden anxiousness and energy about her. Perhaps because it was the first day in a while that the sun was able to warm up the air. She had been walking with a young colt, maybe a couple years older than herself, whom she had just met near the neighboring forest. He had been walking around with a stack of flyers tucked in a cloth bag around his waist, so naturally her curiosity was raised. The colt looks like he just got out of bed with his shaggy black mane. He bears an unbuttoned white vest over his light gray coat which is splotched with stains of dirt. She saw him with his head hung low, and wondered why he appeared so sorrow. She approached him with a friendly hello, and he returned it with another. It was as though he all of a sudden changed his entire demeanor as soon as she greeted him. He handed over one of his flyers, and she read the bolded ornate words from left to right as the wonder built up in her mind with every enthralling statement.

“You don’t know about the circus?” The colt asks in surprise.

“Well I’ve never heard of it before. What’s it all ‘bout?”

“It’s a place where you can watch shows, go on fun rides, and play games! There’s acrobats, the lion tamer, the freak show and more! We’ve even got a carousel and a Ferris Wheel!”

“Wow, that sure sounds like fun. Where is it?” She asks excitedly.

“Oh, it’ll be set up in these woods. You could follow that crooked path down there and it’ll take you right to it. But remember, it won’t be open until around midnight tonight.”

“Great! I should go see if my Sis wants to come along too. I hope she won’t be too busy.”

“Well I hope to see you there. So long!” The colt says about to walk away.

“Hey wait!” She calls getting him to halt. “What’s your name?”

“Me? Oh, well . . . my name’s Jerryl.”

“Hi Jerryl, my name’s Applebloom. It’s nice to meet you.”

“The same to you.”

“So wait umm . . . do you like live around here?”

“Me? No I . . . I don’t. I travel around all the time. Wherever the circus goes, I go.”

“But, aren’t your parents worried or somethin’?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I just . . . never mind. I-I have to go now, maybe I’ll see you down at the circus tonight. Goodbye.” He says trotting off into town.

Applebloom wondered why he didn’t completely answer her question, and found it odd how he just took off like that. She assumes he must just be in a hurry, and then focuses her attention back down at the flyer. She then galloped at full speed, at least, the fastest her little legs would let her, back home. Her family owned quite a few acres of land for farm work, and spring was just beginning to take effect, so preparations were being made to plant new crops. When she finally made it to her family’s big red farmhouse she immediately began looking for her Sister. She found her in the kitchen preparing something on the kitchen table which was nearly covered in flour. Next to her is a big bowl with a metal whisk leaning against the brim. Her orange coat was splotched with puffs of flour, her messy blonde mane was also tainted by the mixture she had been preparing. Pouring in the sliced apple pieces mixed with cinnamon from a bowl and into a shiny metal pie tin she greets Applebloom as she walks through the doorway.

“Ah there ya are Applebloom. You’re back early.”

“Yeah . . . Hey uh Applejack?”

“Yes?” She asks with her eyes fixed on the dough as she flattens it out.

“Have you ever been to a circus before?”

“A circus? Now why have ya got your mind wrapped aroun’ somthin’ like that?”

“Well, because there was this colt handin’ these out.” Says Applebloom as she holds up the flyer given to her.

Applejack wipes her hooves over her white apron and grabs the paper from Applebloom. She scans the page mumbling the words to herself as she reads them, and then approaches Applebloom with a question.

“An’ did you want to go to this?”

“Well, yeah! It sure sounds like fun! Don’t you think?”

“I guess, but when is this supposed to be takin’ place?”

“He told me midnight tonight.”

“Tonight? Oh Applebloom I don’t know about that.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s a bit too late for you to be awake.”

“Huh? But I’ve been up way past that before!”

“Right, but do you know what we’ve gotta do tomorrow?”

‘Uh. . .”

“Tomorrow’s the day we all have to start plowing the fields and gettin’ everything ready for the upcomin’ season. You know Granny likes to get up bright an’ early to get all this goin’, and we’re gonna need to make sure we’re all well rested.”

“But couldn’t we just go for a little bit?”

“I’m sorry Applebloom, but we just can’t do it. Maybe next time this comes around I’ll take ya, but tonight’s no good.”

“. . . Okay.” She says in a sorrowful voice as her ears droop down.

“Hey I’m makin’ an apple cinnamon pie, are ya gonna want a piece once it’s done?”

“No thanks.” She says making her way gloomily up the stairs. “I’ll just be in my room.”

Applejack could just see the storm cloud above her little Sister’s head, but she didn’t know what else to do. There was nothing else she could’ve thought of in an attempt to help take her mind off this ‘circus’ thing. It’s not like she disliked the idea. She would love to take her, it could be a real fun time. But tomorrow’s chores are what’s keeping her on a leash. The amount of work that needs to be done and the tight schedule that comes with it makes this all so difficult. As she continued to compose her pie she kept thinking of some way she could make her Sister happy, but nothing comes to her mind.

Hours pass, and Applebloom is still lost in her gloom. She no longer felt the buzz of energy she did this morning that wanted her to leave the house and jump about in the outdoors. She didn’t feel the need to go outside, trot around and bathe in the sun like any other young filly should. She instead slouched herself against her bed looking out through her window at the neighboring forest. Because her room was on the upper level she could see above the trees all the way down to the horizon where the sun began to set. As the stars dot the sky and the Moon pierces the dark Applejack comes in to tuck her into bed. As Applebloom snuggles her little body under the blanket she keeps her eyes fixed downward and away from her Sister’s. Applejack immediately takes notice of her eyes avoiding contact with her own, and tries to apologize to her once again.

“Applebloom, I know you’re upset, and I’m sorry.” She says.

“. . . We never git to do anything.”

“What do you mean? We do a lot.”

“No, I mean . . . you and me. Whenever I want to spend time with you, work always gits in the way.”

Applejack is struck with the truth. She knew very well that her Sister’s words were true. Work is always such a high priority that it never reels back to give them time for themselves. Time to just have fun as a family. Sure they have their yearly celebrations and get-togethers, but she cannot recall a time where she and Applebloom spent quality time together as Sisters. As the reality finally catches up with her, she is left stunned by the realization.

“Well, I. . . You know that work is important. And we need to stay on top of it.” She says in an attempt to somehow justify her absence from her Sister.

“It’s not fair.” She says turning her head away and to the edge of her plain white pillow.

“. . . Tell you what. Next time somethin’ like this comes ‘round, and you want to go, I’ll be sure to take you. I promise. Goodnight Applebloom.”

Leaving a kiss on her forehead Applejack leaves, but lingers behind as she leans against the doorway to look back at Applebloom. She has her back turned laying her head against the pillow, while the guilt delves deep into Applejack’s heart. She had never thought about it before, but she has never felt so disconnected from her Sister. She wishes she could find a way to fix this, she just needs time for it to come. Applejack pulls the switch dangling from the lamp shade nearby to blanket the room in shadows. The only lights left are the rays brought in by the Moon. She then gently closes the door and quietly walks down the hall to her bedroom, unsure if even she herself will be able to sleep this night.

Applebloom can’t sleep, it almost feels impossible. All she can think about is what could be going on out in the woods. What could this place look like? What would be there? Jerryl gave her ideas, but not enough to let her imagination see the whole picture. She knows her sister won’t keep her promise, she never has. She can’t remember just how many times she’s promised time to her, but conveniently time is always eaten up by chores and work. She tosses and turns, listening to the tormenting ticking of her little alarm clock on her bedside table.

She messes around with her thick blanket to try and find a comfortable position to guide her to sleep just so the night could end, but out of frustration she throws it off her and stares up at the ceiling. She hadn’t noticed it before, but the ticking of the clock has suddenly stopped. She turns and inspects the face of the clock, only to find it frozen at midnight. All three hands are stopped at the number twelve, and no amount of shaking and tapping can get the hands to start moving again. She finds it unbelievable how she could have stayed up all the way until midnight, and at this point she gives up even trying to get to sleep.

She figures that maybe it’s just the Moonlight keeping her awake. She steps out of bed, and just as she is about to pull the curtains together an orange glow captures her attention. Far out in the distance within the masses of trees many of these lights reach out to her in the dark. Her eyes are entranced as the lights beckon her closer. It must be the circus, it just has to be. It is just beyond her reach as the walls of her home are the only things holding her back. She can feel something building up inside her the longer she stares. Something she can’t hold back for very long before forcing her to take action.

“That’s it.” She whispers aloud. “I don’t care anymore. I’m going just for a while, then after that I’ll head straight back home. She’ll never know.”

Applebloom shuts the curtains and creeps out of her bedroom careful to not let the creaking wood disturb any of her sleeping family members. Carefully she closes her door and sneaks down the stairs all the way out the front door. She gallops at full speed through the grass towards the woods. Although the day may have been warmer, the night is still chilling to the point to where she can just barely see the clouds of her breath. Branches and bushes obstruct her path, but she charges through them without a hinder in her speed. Loose vines tangle around her hooves nearly causing her to come crashing down onto the forest floor. But as she staggers while lifting her legs out from the looped vines she regains her momentum. She can see the rays of orange light climbing around the silhouettes of the foliage pulling her deeper into the forest. Music and laughter are breaking the constant sounds of snapping twigs and rustling leaves. Suddenly she is brought to a gradual stop as her eyes consume the stunning sight before her. She looks on in awe, lost in astonishment.

Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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