
The Little Pony Legend 2: Spirits of Courage

by MaggiesHeartLove

Chapter 13: Harmonic Convergence

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Revelation 2:2~

I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.


Harmonic Convergence

Everybody was now heading to the South Pole on Varrick's battleship. Inside, Kya attended to Jinora. The young girl's body laid still in a tub filled with glowing purifying waters as her aunt constantly moved her arms in swift motions to keep the glow alive. Spike stood beside her, keeping an eye on the progress. He noticed her blue eyes looked tired, but more so they looked concerned and worried. Her gaze never tore away from the child, not even for a moment.

Finally, Kya could do no more. She slowly lowered her arms, the water stopped its glowing once she did, she had done what she could, now all she and the others could do was wait. She sat on a chair and Spike offered her a glass of water.

"Thank you, Spike." Kya said before swallowing a huge chance of water.

Spike patted her leg and smiled compassionately, “Don't worry, Kya. I'm sure Jinora will be alright.” Kya petted his head in gratitude. She hoped he was right.


Meanwhile, on the ships's docks, Bumi sat beside Oogi playing soothing music with his flute. While he played, Tenzin stood by with crossed arms, his eyes stern and focused as he observed Korra and the ponies aiming attacks at their expected practice dummies.

Korra shoot air blasts at her dummy while Twilight and Rainbow Dash practiced their firebending at theirs. They had already destroyed five dummies, for which Flash had to constantly be replacing every time one was ether incinerated or torn to bits. They were down to their last remaining seven.

Judging by the determination in their eyes, the girls were not about to let Unalaq win this time. Even the always demeanor Fluttershy was fiercely unleashing her wind attacks at her dummy, her long pink mane sticking to her face due to her sweet, for which she wiped away before continuing her attacks.

Applejack had some rocks beside her and unleashed them at her dummy by rising them up and then air kicking them, each impact more powerful and aggressive than the last. Rarity waterbended the water by slicing it through the dummy, not even trying to be gentle at all. The normally prim and proper pony had tossed all of her ladyness out the window.

As they practiced, Mako watched with by the sidelines. His sad gaze was on Korra the entire time. The fire and aggression in her eyes were not aimed at him, but they might as well be. He knew that things between them weren't all rosy pink, but after everything he had learned in the past few weeks, it was that despite the circumstances, he still loved Korra. No amount of arguing, disagreements, or police or Avatar responsibilities could change that.

Mako wanted to set things right, he wanted to earn her trust again, he wanted to be better than before. Even if they remained broken up now, it would never change what they had been through and what they meant to each other. They just needed a fresh start, begin anew. He didn't want to let her go. He just couldn't. Mako was interrupted from his thoughts when his brother walked out, happily eating a cherry pie and wearing shinny purple coat.

“What's up with the coat?" Mako asked, "And where did you get that pie?”

“It's a Varrick ship, you never know what you're gonna find. There's a whole level filled with funhouse mirrors, of course--.” Bolin turned to show the back of his pants ripped exposing his underwear, ”--there's also the cat-gator deck." the earthbender sighed, "I miss that guy; he really knew how to make a long trip interesting. So, after that catchy musical number, which I believe I was pretty good by the way, did you and Korra work things out and are back on the love train?”

“Will you keep it down! I'm just waiting for the right moment. Besides, she already has a lot to deal with right now.”

Bolin placed his arm around his brother's shoulder, “Oh, Mako. You know a wise man once told me that delivering bad news was like ripping off a blood sucking leach--you just have to do it fast and get it over with. In this case, you gotta do the exact same thing, only for the opposite reason.”

Mako sighed in defeat, "I hate it when you listen to me. Fine!”

“Atta lover boy!”

As the boys were chatting, Tenzin stood by the girls coaching them. His voice was filled with an unyielding sense of determination and fierceness, which was very rare for Tenzin, “Unalaq will be waiting for you, you will need all of yourAvatar power and magic to stop him.”

Korra replied with furry in her voice, and as she spoke the ponies grew more and more fierce, “I'm gonna close the spirits portals, lock Vaatu for another ten thousand years and we will make Unalaq wish he had never been born!”

With incredible power and anger, Korra unleashed a blast of fire at the dummy, at the exact same time Twilight unleashed a magenta colored flame from her horn, Rainbow unleashed a fire blast, Rarity unleashed a powerful water whip, Pinkie and Fluttershy unleashed a huge air blast and Applejack threw ahead all of the rocks she had. Each of their respected dummies were now completely destroyed from the powerful bending attacks, Rarity's was torn, Applejack's had rocks right on the chest, Pinkie and Fluttershy's were literally blown away, off the side of the ship, while Rainbow, Twilight's and Korra's were disintegrated, burned remains spread across the floor.

The head of Korra's dummy flew off into the air and landed on the floor, rolling up to Mako's feet. The young man looked down at it in fear and shock, seeing the edges torn and burned. By the looks of how much furry Korra placed into that attack, it was painfully obvious that she was not in the mood to talk about anything besides stopping Unalaq. Korra walked up to the firebender and he nervously gave her the dummies' head.

“Thanks, Mako.” she said once she took the burned head into her hands. Just as she was about to turn away Mako opened his mouth to try and say something.

“Uh….mm.” but the moment she looked at him, he slightly backed away with his hand on his chin trying to look casual.

“Did you want something?”

“Uh, no, no nothing.” he said, his cheeks tinted with red. Korra shot him a concerned look before walking away. The moment she did Mako finally got his courage. Seeing her walk away made him snap back to his senses. He couldn't let her get away again.

“Actually, Korra I—“

“Yeah, what?” Korra asked, stopping herself and looked at the boy with curiosity.

Mako nervously tried to get his words out. He was still getting used to the whole 'being more in touch with his feelings' thing. “Look, I know you're busy and all but---you see, I wanted to—“

“Mako, if this is about you and me getting back together, I really don't have the time to—“

“I know things are crazy right now but I still love you and no matter what you say I know we're meant to be together!” Mako immediately blushed and backed away covering his face in embarrassment after blurting out those words.

Korra blinked in surprise, feeling a serious case of deja vu. She still loved him, she knew that much, but she didn't want to hurt him again. She didn't want them to split apart, but she feared she would ruin everything again.

“Mako, please. I really don't want to go through this right now. I made my decision and it's for the best. Just let it go.”

The words pierced through him like a knife. How he wish he could turn back the clock and make it so that fight never happened, but maybe Korra was right. Maybe they didn't work anymore and he was the one being delusional for once. The firebender decided to accept the truth. The painful, painful, painful, painful, painful…painful truth.

“Forget I said anything.” he said with much sadness. Korra walked away and Mako sighed in defeat. Bolin 'zipped' next to him, frowning sadly.

“I'm an idiot.” said the firebender.


As Korra walked away, Twilight flew beside her, “I really think he means it.” she said sympathetically.

“I know…but it doesn't matter. We have two very different paths to take, it'll never work anymore.”

“Don't say that. At least he's willing to make it work. You know he's not going to stop. He can be just as stubborn as you sometimes.”

“Well, he's going to have to at least wait. Right now we've got bigger fish to fry.”

Pinkie Pie jumped up to them, “We're going to fry fish?! Don't tell Fluttershy!”

Kya walked out to join them, as Tenzin started going through their battle plan; “As soon as we reach the southern water tribe, well blast through blockade at the main port. Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defenses around the portal and enter the spirit world.”

“Works for me.” Twilight said

“Me too” said Flash Sentry.

“Woah! Since when does my little brother want to blast or crash through anything?” Kya said. This really was a whole new for Tenzin.

“I'll do whatever it takes to save my daughter.” he replied fiercely.

Bumi joined his sibling, “We all want to save Jinora, but I think you're plan might be a tad over aggressive.”

Twilight began 'neighing' angrily while flying, she was clearly exclaiming something in a fit of rage. The three siblings looked at her skeptically and then at Korra.

"Translation?” Bumi asked.

“She says if Tenzin is willing to do whatever it takes to save Jinora, then so should we.” Korra explained. Twilight neighed and nodded in response. Then Fluttershy began doing punches and kicks in mid air while neighing.

“What did she say?” Kya asked.

“She's gonna make Unalaq pay for hurting everyone, especially the spirits.”

Fluttershy then angrily neighed something else which made Korra gasp in horror!

“Fluttershy! Where did that language come from?!”

As the pony continued to neigh angrily, the three siblings looked at each other skeptically and curiously as Korra continued talking with the pony.

“I know he is, but still, you know better.” Korra turned to the confused siblings. “You don't want me to translate that. Trust me.”

“Oddly enough, she's the sweet one.” said Tenzin.

Bumi continued, “Okay, I understand but still there are only fifteen of us and one ship, plus seven of those fifteen are small and have four legs. No offense.”

The ponies all glared at Bumi. Tenzin crossed his arms, “Oh, and what do you suggest?” he asked his brother.

“An attack like this calls for strategy.”

Rainbow Dash stopped flying and sat down crossing her front hooves. “Every pony get a seat, this could take a while.”

Bumi began telling a story, “I remember when I was surrounded by pirates at the Hurricane Straits.”, Twilight groaned in annoyance as Bumi continued, “We managed to capture them all, just a feather, two eggs and a barrel of molasses.”

Tenzin angrily interrupted him, “I don't want to hear any of your crazy stories now! This is serious!”

Then, all eyes fell on the raven-haired heiress that walked out to everyone, wearing her winter coat designed by Rarity, and looked on sadly at everyone.

“Are we almost there?” Bolin asked.

“I'm tired of practicing on these dummies." said Applejack while stomping her hooves aggressively, "I'm reedy for the real deal!”

“I couldn't agree more.” said Rarity.

Asami sadly looked at the ponies, neighing and angrily stomping their hooves. She didn't need a translator to know what they were saying and feeling, but non the less, she was still saddened that she could no longer hear them. It was as if a magical chunk in her life had just been taken, and soon, there would be no more magic at all. It was a sad thought, but Asami had to be strong and have faith.

“We're almost there, but…I just picked up a distress signal from the southern troops. There's a problem.”

“What kind of problem?” Flash asked.

Asami still couldn't understand him, “If you're asking what's the problem, you guys might want to come in with me. It's about Korra's father.”

Korra and the ponies gasped.


After a while, Oogie finally landed in front of the White Lotus compound in the South Pole while Korra and the ponies entered on Naga. Korra's mother walked out and Korra quickly dismounted Naga and ran to her mother with open arms.

“Mom!” the two women embraced one another. Korra was so relieved to know her mother was alright, she had been so terribly worried about her for days on end. Now, at least there was one silver lining.

“I'm so happy you're here.” Senna said. Applejack and Rarity ran to greet her as well. Senna kneeled down and petted their heads.

“What happened?” Rarity asked, "Where is Tonraq? What has Unalaq done?"

But despite her asking, Senna could no understand a word Rarity was saying. Her lips were moving as if she was speaking like any other human, only what came out of her mouth were not words but animal sounds. She looked at Korra in confusion as she stood up. “What's wrong? What happened to them?”

“They're fine, but Equestria isn't. We have to stop Unalaq before it's too late. Where's dad?”

Senna lowered her head sadly as she answered. Her voice breaking as she explained. “Unalaq wiped out the entire southern resistance, and captured your father.”

Twilight gasped, “No!”

“I'll get him back.” Korra said determinedly. Tenzin approached while carrying Jinora.

“Where is my mother?”

“She's in the healing hut." said Senna, "So many injured.”

Senna opened the door to reveal the entire hut filled with injured Southern Rebels. They all looked in pretty bad shape; they had bandages in numerous parts of their bodies, bruises of black and blue, broken ribs and such, it was truly a sad sight to seen. Among them was the elderly Katara, along with other female healers all doing their best to heal the wounds of the courageous men. Korra felt terrible to see them like this. They all fought so hard and with so much strength and courage. She was not going to let their struggle go in vain, she promised herself that. Once Katara spotted her children, she rushed towards them, her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Jinora's limpness body in Tenzin's arms. “What happened?” she asked as she carried her granddaughter.

Pinkie Pie started to explain. “Well, first we got attacked by this dark spirit and then---“ but as the pony kept explaining, Katara couldn't understand.

"Pinkie Pie, dear. I'm afraid I can't understand what you're saying."

"Oh right, I forgot." said Pinkie Pie to herself.

"What happened to them?" Katara asked.

"It's a long story, I'll explain in a bit but first you need to help Jinora." Korra said.

“Jinora is trapped in the spirit world.” Tenzin tells his mother, her heart raced.

“Oh my goodness! How long has she been away?”

“Almost a week." Kya replied, "I've tried to keep her energy flowing, but I can feel her slipping away. You're the only one who can help her now, mom.”

Fluttershy removed a strand of hair from Jinora's face as Tenzin placed her in a tub of water and Katara began to heal her, the water started to glow around the sleeping child.

“How much longer can she survive like this?” Tenzin asked his mother hopefully.

“I don't know.”

“Not exactly what we needed to hear at this point.” Spike said.

“But she is very strong to have lasted this long.”

Twilight looked at Jinora and lowered her ears, “Hang in there Jinora. We'll get you back…I'll make sure of it.”


Outside of the compound, they all gathered together to discuss their next move. “I talked to the rebels." Korra said, "They said Unalaq's got the southern portal surrounded. Harmonic Convergence is only a few hours away.”

“Then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal now.” Tenzin said.

“There's no use in talking anymore. We know what our mission is.”

“A suicide mission…” said Bolin. They all looked briefly at him and Fluttershy shouted angrily at the earthbender.

“Oh, grow a spine! We've got worlds to save!” Fluttershy flew up to Bolin's face with a fierce look in her eyes, “So quit being such a baby and man up!!”

Bolin blinked three times. He knew Fluttershy could be fierce when she wanted to be, but this was one of the rare times where she screamed at him, or neighed at him since he could not interpret what she was saying. “I have no idea what you just said, but please don't hurt me.”

Korra gently grabbed Fluttershy and stroked her mane, speaking to her in a soft tone. “Easy honey, I understand you're all upset, but you got to pull yourselves together.”

“Korra's right." said Rarity, "We must conserve our energy for the real target: Unalaq!” the unicorn said the name with much anger and disgust.

“You know, I was in a similar situation once.” Bumi began.

Spike sighed, “Here we go again.”

“My platoon had crawled through the desert with no water for a week! But when we finally located the only oasis for a hundred miles.” Bumi briefly stopped when he heard snoring. Spike had fallen asleep. “Hey!”

Spike snapped awake, “I didn't burn Korra's boots!”

“Anyway, it was surrounded by angry sandbenders. I realized the only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above.” While Bumi kept talking, Pinkie Pie was eating popcorn while listening intensively. “So I fashioned a catapult, and with the help of a few well-trained hog monkeys…”

“Enough of your ridiculous lies!" Tenzin shouted, "Can't you see the fate of the world and Jinora's life depends on what we do here today?!”

Pinkie Pie groaned sadly, “Awwww, he was just getting to the good part.”

“Hold on, maybe Bumi's right.” said Asami.

The ponies all said, “Hu?!”

“We don't have a catapult and hog monkeys, but we have a flying bison and there's a plane on Varrick's ship, not to mention we've got Alicorn magic and three Pegasus ponies. Maybe we can attack from above.”

“What are you thinking?” Korra asked.

“Mako, Bolin and I can use the plane to create a distraction, and scatter some of the defenses while Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Flash Sentry and Twilight can drop some of Varrick's bombs from above. You, Tenzin, Bumi, Kya and the rest of the ponies can fly to the spirit portal on Oogie when you see an opening.”

“That's actually a good plan!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“Attack northern troops from the sky? Count me in!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Me too!” Flash agreed.

“And me!” said Fluttershy.

Applejack galloped happily, “Let's do it ya'll!”

“Alright, let's get moving.” said Korra.

Spike cheered, “Let's do this!”

“Hang on, Spike. You're staying here and help keep an eye on Jinora.” said the Avatar.

Spike lowered his ears in disappointment, “But I want to help save the world too. Please, pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssseee?” the little dragon gave the avatar his signature cute big green eyes. Korra simply arced an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

“You're not gonna stop until I cave, are ya?”


He kept giving her the cute eyes. And Korra finally gave in. “Okay, fine! But stay close. If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself.”

Spike had tears forming in his eyes as he hugged her leg, “I love you too!”

Twilight levitated Spike and placed him on her back, bearing a look of determination. “Let's ride!”

Tenzin, Kya, Bumi, Korra, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Spike all flew away on Oogie while Naga and Pabu stayed behind…again.


Unalaq was in his tent, patiently waiting for Harmonic Convergence. His son and daughter walked in on him.

"What are we still doing here father?" Eska asked. While she was normally emotionless and stern, this time she looked more irritated and impatient. She was already sick of staying at the South and wanted nothing more than to go home.

"The invasion was completely successful and the southern tribe s under control." said Desna, not nearly as impatient as his sister, but he wanted to leave just as much as she did. "The spirit portals are open."

"You've restored balance." said Eska. "Now we would like to go home."

"You don't understand." said their father. "Everything I've achieved so far will pale in comparison with what I'm about to accomplish."

The twins were very confused by this. "What else is there?" Desna asked, slowly growing impatient. "The Water Tribe is united."

Unalaq smiled wickedly, "After today there will be no more Water Tribe, no more nations of any kind. The world is about to be transformed into something magnificent, and new. And I will lead this glorious revolution. Now go outside and get the troops ready to defend the spirit portal."

"From whom?" Eska asked. "We've already beaten everyone."

"The Avatar and her Ponies will be here soon. They have no choice."


Asami was already piloting the plane, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Flash and Twilight, all had explosives on bags which were hung around their necks. Mako and Bolin were on both standing on the plane's wings, Bolin on the left with Mako on the right. Asami gave Tenzin a thumbs up, and the air nomad nodded. The two groups dispersed, as Korra watched her friends depart, she shouted, “Good luck! And be careful!”

“Are you forgetting who you're talking too?” Rainbow said proudly.

Flash saluted to her, “We won't fail you Korra!”

Korra saluted back, “I know you won't.”

“We'll see you at the portal!” Twilight shouted before she and the others flew off beside the plane. Korra's eyes shimmered as she sadly watched her friends depart, at one moment, her eyes and Mako's locked. His amber eyes reflecting the dim colors of that of his beloved.

"Be safe." he whispered. Unbeknownst to him, Korra returned the gesture.

"Be safe."

She looked down at her hands and noticed her fingernails turn blue once again. A look of determination on her face which is shared by Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. Bolin and Mako were both hanging on to the plane's wings as the Unalaq's compound came into clear view.

“Are you ready?!” Asami asked.

Bolin clung on to the wing for his dear life. “I'm an earhtbender, strapped to the wing of a plane, hundreds of feet in the air, so, no?”

“Don't worry, there's no way they'll be expecting this.” Mako replied. They all saw Unalaq's compound coming into view. It looked vaguely similar to the White Lotus compound, minus the tall building, various tents and huts were seen all around, encircled by a silvery colored wall around it, with a single opening to serve as an entrance of exit, as well as various watchtowers. Spirits encircled the portal like moths to a flame. The beam of light shoot straight from the ground up into the sky with no end. A bunker made out of ice forced around the spirit portal, with various windows where northern troops watched from their spot. As the plane drew closer, Fluttershy gasped. Mako's eyes shifted to down bellow, where they saw a large party of Northern Soldiers ready to attack them.

“I think they were expecting it!” Bolin shouted.

The Soldiers bended water upwards and attacked, sending ice shards directly at the plane. Twilight Sparkle flew ahead, downwards to the soldiers. Mako watched in horror, "Twilight! No!"

The princess's horn glowed a bright magenta, and unleashed a powerful combo of magic, and fire blasts down at the shards, making them melt in seconds. Followed by a powerful blast aimed directly at the bunker, breaking it in half at her powerful blast. The troops fled in terror and jumped out the windows, away from the princess. Twilight continued this strategy, striking at the snow which rose upwards and landed not top of them, entrapping them with the snow. Many decided to flee in fear and Twilight flew up beside her friends.

“Nice one, Twi!” Flash said to her.

“Thanks sweetie.” She winked and flew ahead leaving a slightly stunned Flash, a smile growing on his face.

“Sweetie? Wow, I'm her sweetie.”

Rainbow Dash flew to him with a grin on her face. “Focus, Casanova.”

Flash snapped himself out of his dream like state, “Right, sorry.”

Fluttershy playfully giggled, “Sure glad Mako didn't hear that.”

Down bellow, more troops came out of their bunkers and saw the plane above them. They all waterbended water into icicles and shot them towards the plane. Fluttershy shouted, “Incoming!”

Asami stirred the plane and they easily dodged the attacks, but just barely for the ice shards came at them with great speed, even too fats for Twilight to get them all at once. Bolin clung on to the wing in complete fear, screaming terrified.


“Get ready!” the heiress shouted. On cue, Twilight flew near Mako who was on the wing of the plane. They both nodded at each other, ready for anything. Asami gave them the signal.


Mako started firebending at the compound while Twilight did the same with her magic, the plane managed to pass as Asami continued to avoid more incoming attacks from the troops. The plane continued to fly around the compound, roughly avoiding the projectile attacks from the troops. Bolin began earthbending at the troops bellow, knocking them off their balance and preventing them from unleashing more attacks. But sadly, bending was not the only thing at their disposal. Thanks to Varrick, the troops also had mecah tanks to support them. Twilight flew near the other ponies.

“Now, guys!”

On her command, they released the bombs from their bags and with her magic Twilight aimed the explosives at the mecatanks attacking them with their rockets and extension cables. Fluttershy saluted to Bolin as a signal and he activated the bombs by pressing the button on the remote control, exploding the machines in a patch of fiery inferno. The four ponies high hoofed one another in victory.


Meanwhile, Oogie was approaching the compound. Pinkie took out a telescope and looked through it to see a whole bunch of dark spirits over the horizon circling the portal as the beam of light shined in the distance.

“Wow! Looks like a dark spirit pallooza!” said the pony.

“I don't see an opening.” said Korra.

“Let's circle around and see if we can find a way from the other side.” Tenzin suggested.

“Good thinking.” said Rarity, even though she knew he couldn't understand her. As they flew ahead, Applejack's eyes widened in horror. A group of dark spirits was charging at them.

“In comin'!”

“Hold on!", Tenzin stirred Oogie out of the way in time before the spirits would attack, but the more they tried to avoid them, the more they continued to come at them. One spirit managed to jump onto Oogie's back, startling the Avatar, but Rarity and Applejack both simultaneously punched the creature in the face, sending it flying.

“Get away you beasts!” Rarity exclaimed.

Applejack smiled proudly, “Nice one, Rare!”

Kya and Spike worked together to drive more the spirits away with waterbending and breathing fire. Then, one spirit snuck up from behind an unsuspected Pinkie Pie and grabbed hold of her, lifting her up from the saddle.

“Pinkie Pie!”

As the spirit held Pinkie Pie in its tentacles, the fearless pony started to talk rapidly and excitedly, “Wow! You can see everything from up here, hey why is it that even though you're dark spirits you're more purple? Or is it violet? Magenta? Of course a lot of you are also blue, why is that? Is blue another form of black? Wait, blue can't be called black, if it was it would be called black-blue. Oh! You're black blue!”

The spirit holding her suddenly screamed in agony at Pinkie's content talking. She was like a never-ending river of words, and words and words. The spirit willingly released her and the pony landed perfectly back on Oogie's saddle as the spirit flew away screaming.

“That was fun! Can I go again?”

Korra silently gave thanks to Pinkie's natural ability to annoy others. But then, Oogie began to groan loudly and soon, the bison could barely keep himself in the air. The girls noticed that more and more spirits were clinging onto his legs and tail, sticking to him like gum on a sidewalk. The more they stuck, the weaker Oogie became. In no time, he would fall right out of the sky, and them along with him.

“The spirits are weighing Oogie down!" Tenzin shouted as he tried to keep his bison steady, but to no avail. "We're losing altitude!”

Bumi bravely stood up and started kicking at a spirit. “Get off of him you sticky, nasty little blob of goo!” as the non-bender was fighting with the spirit, he suddenly tripped but managed to quickly grab hold of the spirit. The creature struggled in his grip. “If I go, you're coming with me!” as a result of their struggle, both Bumi and the spirit fell from Oogie's saddle. The others watched in horror as the man feel downwards into the snowy ground.



Meanwhile, the plane continued to hover over the compound as they continued to dodged more projectiles from the troops. Twilight kept blasting with her magic, but while she wasn't looking, one icicle was thrown up.


Flash Sentry felt the sharp ice sting his wing. The impact caused him to lose altitude, and began to fall down.

“Flash Sentry!”

Twilight quickly flew down at top speed, successfully grabbing Flash with her front hooves and hoisted one of his hooves around her shoulders. Mako saw the alicorn carrying Flash. “Are you guys alright?” he asked in worry, until he felt a sudden change in the altitude of the plane. Some of the icicles managed to connect, damaging the plane. Mako and Twilight responded by attacking the troops with his firebending while Twilight Sparkle brought Flash to Asami's cockpit on the back seat.

“What happened?” the heiress asked. Twilight neighed something to her before returning to attack the troops. “I hate not understanding ponies.” Asami said bitterly.

"Twilight!" the alicorn heard Mako call out to her, "How about we show these guys what happens when they mess with an alicorn princess?" the young man smiled confidently and the pony smiled in response. At the same time, both Twilight and Mako both created a wave of fire and hit directly at the huts down bellow, making more troops run away in fear from the ragging flames as the plane made another run.

Rainbow and Fluttershy dropped more explosives and Bolin earthbended them down to the compound which exploded. He rose up his fist and cheered, “I wish Varrick was filming this! We could call it "Nuktuk: Sky Warrior"!

Rainbow and Fluttershy rolled their eyes and then they see two familiar faces bellow. Their emotionless eyes starring up at them. Rainbow shouted in horror, “GAH! Bolin, it's your crazy ex-girlfriend!

The twins began to attack; they slide on the snow with their waterbending. Twilight's horn glowed as she attacked the twins, but Eska managed to strike Twilight with a powerful water whip and the alicorn was then knocked unconscious in mid air.

“Twilight Sparkle!!” Flash cried out as he watched his girlfriend fall down. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash quickly flew towards her and and grabbed her in the nick of time. The twins then used their waterbending to destroy the tail of the plane, causing it to loose altitude. Rainbow and Fluttershy gasped as they saw the plane fall down.

“Brace yourselves!” Asami shouted to the brothers, both clung on to the wings, preparing themselves for the impact.

While carrying Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy flew as fast as they could to their friends but before their very eyes, the plane crashed on the snow. The girls lowered the unconscious Twilight down to see Mako, Bolin, Asami and Flash unconscious, the plan was completely destroyed, broken right down the middle, half engulfed in snow. They rushed to their sides; Fluttershy nudged Bolin while Rainbow nudged Asami.

“Asami! Please wake up! Please!”

Suddenly, the girls were both instantly frozen solid from the neck down.

“Hey! What the—“

They heard footsteps approaching and saw a group of Northern soldiers looking down on them. They had found them. Mako heard the faint sounds of neighing in protests, he shifted and opened his eyes. His vision was a tad blurry, but he could see the the ponies as well as Asami and Bolin being taken away by the troops. The firebender could hardly move, as he watched his friends being taken, he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

“I'm…I'm sorry.”



Korra clenched her chest as she felt a sever pain. Applejack and Rarity placed their hooves on her to help her.


“Twilight…the others…they need help”

But Oogie was already beginning to fall due to the spirits overpowering him. Dark blobs were covering half of his body, draining away his energy and ability to fly. The bison groaned loudly as his human and pony companions all screamed in horror at the sight of the white ground drawing closer and closer, until...

Oogie couldn't move a muscle. He laid on the snow unconscious, his airbender master as well as his sister both laid on the ground, unconscious. Korra's eyes fluttered open, she could see the ponies and Spike laying down on the snow right in front of her. She felt so weak from the impact. Her top hair tie had come off, leaving her hair loose and she felt a sting on her right cheek. Even Celestia's headband fell off and laid on the snow. She heard footsteps approaching and saw a group of men, who she assured where Northern troops, approaching her and the others, before slipping into unconsciousness.

“Let's take them to Chief Unalaq.” one of the troops said. One by one, they carried Tenzin, Kya, Spike, Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity with them to the compound. The last one reached for Korra, but then stopped and backed away in shock.

“What the---“

Right before his eyes, he saw a strand of Korra's dark hair start to shimmer and sparkle in a way he had never seen before. As the sparkles diminished, a single bluish-white shimmering streak appeared right across the Avatar's hair, making her look even more beautiful than ever. The soldier decided to ignore what he had just seen and carried the girl away.


“Korra. Korra. Wakey-wakey, eggs and bakey.”

“Easy, Pinkie. Give her some space.” said Applejack.

Korra's eyes fluttered open and saw that she was inside a hut with the ponies and Spike tied up along with Kya and Tenzin. She also saw her father who is also tied up by a pole.


Her heart sank at the sight. Her father was badly injured. He had a black eye, scars on his face, his cloths were torn, and his hair was a tangled mess, she even saw hint of dried up blood on his lower lip. He was in worse shaped than the rebels back at the healing hut.

“Korra…I'm so sorry. I failed you” Tonraq said sadly.

“Don't give up. Harmonic Convergence isn’t here yet. We still have a chance.”

“What happened to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your hair”

“What about my hair? What has that got to do with---”

“Korra, it's half blue”

“What? What are you--?” Rarity levitated a lock of Korra's hair and she saw the strange new streak. Her eyes widened in surprise. “What? How did this---“

The front curtain of the hut opened, letting in some light, as the troops threw Mako, Bolin, Asami and the rest of the winged ponies onto the floor, the friends grunted once they made contact with the ground. They had their wrists tied together while the ponies were tied up completely. Korra's eyes shimmered with sadness when she saw Flash's sprained wing.

“Flash, what happened?”

“The troops were ready for us. They hit my wing.” he said.

Mako looked up at Korra with regret. “We tried.”

Twilight looked up at her too, “We're sorry Korra.”

Before Korra could say that they tried their best, her eyes narrowed and scowled as her uncle entered the tent.

“Congratulations everyone. You've all got front row seats for the beginning of a new world order.”

“You don't know what you're doing Unalaq." Tenzin said. "Freeing Vaatu won't make you powerful; it will only make you a traitor to everything that's happened over the last ten thousand years.”

“You think what Avatar Wan did was good? Driving almost all spirits from this world. The Avatar hasn't brought balance, only chaos." he tore his gaze away from Tenzin and narrowed his eyes at his niece, "You call yourself the bridge between the worlds, but there shouldn't be a bridge. We should live together as one.”

"Even if Vaatu escapes, I'll put him right back in his prison, just like Wan and his friends did.” Korra stated firmly.

"It's true that when Wan fused with Raava he tipped the scales in her favor, but this time I'll level the playing field. When Harmonic Convergence comes, I will fuse with Vaatu, and together we will become the new Avatar. A Dark Avatar.”

The ponies all gasped in horror.

"Your era will be over."

“Think about what you're doing." said Tonraq, in an attempt to plea with his brother. "I know that you've always had a deep connection with the spirits, but you're still a man. You're still my brother; you're Eska and Desna's father. Are you willing to throw your humanity away to become a monster?”

“I'll be more of a monster than your own daughter." said his younger brother, "The only difference is while that she can barely recognize her own spiritual power; I will be in complete alignment with mine. Vaatu and I will be as one. No one will be able to stand against us.”

“Unalaq, even if you do win it won't matter." said Korra, "The magic of the ponies' home is fading. And once it's gone, our world will disappear too. I and the ponies are the only ones who can save them. Vaatu knows it, that's why he's convinced you he will give you everything you ever wanted. I understand. I know how it feels want to prove yourself to everyone. To trust someone who says they can help you become who you want to be. But that ambition can also blind you, make you believe in someone who only wants to take advantage of your gift and push away the people who really care about you. Even if you do manage to get what you want, you'll still be alone."

“And that is why you are truly unfit to be the Avatar." Unalaq glared at the ponies with disgust, "You bring these--these monstrosities into our world and they bring their impiety called magic.”

The ponies’ all growled at him.

“The only good thing Avatar Wan ever did was severing our world from that of those filthy creatures. Everything they do is useless and meaningless, talking about "the magic of friendship" and the powers of an alicorn---all of it is in-pure."

Korra snarled at Unalaq. “In-pure? They've taught me more about myself in a few months than you ever could in a lifetime! You say you want spirits and humans to live together but you don't even believe in friendship!”

“They fill your head with childlike idealism. It's time you woke up and joined the real world. Which will soon be my world.”

“If you don't let us go there won't be any world, period!”

Unalaq ignored her warnings and turned to Eska and Desna, “Keep them lock up. After Harmonic Convergence, I will come for Korra and her ponies.”

“Yes father.” said Eska.

Unalaq attempted to leave but then stopped, “Oh, and another thing…” he reached into his pocket and Korra's eyes widened as she gasped…he was holding her headband. “I doubt you'll need this back.”, Unalaq bended the accessory right down the middle and it broke in two. He tossed the remains in front of Korra, smiling wickedly. “You thought you had let your pony princess down. Now you truly have.”

With that, he walked away. Korra looked down at her broken headband, Celestia's gift to her. Kya rested her head on her brother's shudders. "I failed in every way. We've lost Jinora forever."

"There's still a chance. They didn't get Bumi." Kya said, with much hope in her voice. She prayed their brother would help them in some way.


Bumi kicked his way out of being buried in the snow. He sat up, dusting the snow off of him, and realized the spirit he took down with him was still there, snarling angrily at him.

"Oh, you wanna play some more? Well, bring it on." the non-bender then began punching the spirit, preparing a heavy blow. However, the spirit did not fall down, but looked down at Bumi, his fist still jammed into it's neck. The man sweat in fear before the spirit punched Bumi back. He fell backwards into the snow, head first. He lifted his head, shaking the white flakes off of his hair.

"Oh, we're playing dirty huh?"

Bumi reached into his pocket, finding a dagger and threw it at the spirit. But the item simply went inside of it, reversed, and propelled back out towards Bumi, who managed to dodge out of of the way. He barely managed to move out of the way when the spirit attacked. Desperately, he reached into his pocket again, only to pull out…his flute. How was this suppose to help? The spirit began to approach Bumi, he panicked he didn't know what else to do, and so he placed the flute near his mouth and began to play the instrument. The lovely music reached the spirit and it stopped trying to attack. It simply floated in front of him, slowly its dark and scary appearance softened, it's sharp edges became round, and it's dark purple color changed to a light blue. Bumi was not expecting this, but he'll take what he can get.

"Hmm…Looks like we've got a music lover here." he continued to play his flute happily, and the spirit bobbed its head to the sound while Bumi danced in place. He then heard something approaching, he smiled when he spotted Korra's polar-bear dog Naga and Bolin's ferret Pabu approaching him.

"Ah, ha! Reinforcements!" he happily hugged Naga and smiled confidently at his comrades, especially his new spirit friend. "All right soldiers, looks like it's on us to save the day, luckily I've got a plan."


Twilight looked up at the devastated Avatar, “He's wrong you know. You haven't failed anyone.”

Korra lowered her gaze, “If I hadn't been so stubborn none of this would have happened. I trusted Unalaq and I sealed the fate of our worlds. I'm sorry for putting all of you through this.”

“It's not over yet. We can still stop Unalaq.” said Applejack in determination.

Rainbow Dash nodded, “Yeah!”

Mako looked at Korra's sad eyes and his heart suddenly spoke to him, “Korra, I know I've made some mistakes and I don't blame you for being mad, but just hear me out." Korra looked directly at him, though sadness and despair was on her face, Mako spoke with kindness and love. Things he had left out before.

"Since the day we met, you've made my life completely upside down, but in a good way. I used to think the only way to be happy was to have what everybody else did Like money and everything the world had to offer. But you, you found happiness with just the simple friendship of six little ponies. Ponies who you would give your life for simply because you love them. I know you're not perfect, but you found something I was still to afraid to accept until now. A wise pony once told me, "true friends stick together, even when we make a mistake."

Twilight Sparkle smiled at her friend. He had learned once again, the True Magic of Friendship.

"I've realized that apart we can only go so far," Mako continued, "but together…together we are stronger than anything. We need each other now more than ever. That's why you can't give up. I refuse to let you give up!”

“Things haven't been the same since you and the ponies have been gone." Bolin started, "We've realized that friendships aren't always easy…but no doubt they're worth fighting for.”

Asami nodded in agreement, “If I had to face the end of the world…I'm glad it's with all of you.”

“They're right." Tenzin said, "Believe it or not, one way or another, you've changed our lives…you and the ponies.”

“We're all here for you.” Flash Sentry said.

There was no stopping the tears that rolled down from Korra's eyes. Even in their darkest hour her friends were still holding on. They had not lost hope in her. Looking around at all of the bright and hopeful faces Iroh's voice was heard ringing in her ears.

“If you look for the light, you can often find it. If you let it out you can change the world around you.”

Korra looked down at the broken headband before her, which gave off a rainbow-colored glow. The same aura shimmered in her eyes. Her friends, their hope, their love…it was all clear. She now understood what Iroh meant.

“…look for the light. Of course!”

“What are you talking about?” Asami asked curiously.

Korra smiled at them all, “Someone once told me to find the Light in the dark, and I see now that I've already found it.” Everybody looked at her skeptically but Korra continued to smile her beautiful signature smile, “Friendship is the Light! If our bonds can survive everything we've been through, then there is no doubt we can overcome this as well.”

Eska scoffed in disgust, “All this conversation about love and friendship is truly nauseating and pointless.”

Korra looked up at her cousins with pleading eyes, “Eska, Desna try to understand. I know Unalaq is your father but Vaatu has made him completely crazy.”

“We will never betray our father." said Eska, "And you cannot persuade us with your petty little love speeches. You say it is strong but it is not. It is foolish.”, as she said this, she glared at Bolin who slumped in fear.

“Please, if you let us free we can still stop him from destroying everything." Korra continued to try to get through to them, "Once he fuses with Vaatu no one will be safe, and even so once the magic in Equestria is gone our world will disappear along with it. Desna, he won't be your father anymore.”

Desna confronted her with furry in his eyes, “You don't know what you're talking about! Our father is the wisest man in the world, if he says that what he is doing is right, I believe him.”

“So much for listening to reason.” Rarity said as she rested her head on her legs in defeat.


Waterbenders used their water to diminish the fire damage caused by Mako and even Twilight from earlier. One soldier walked out of the opening of the compound, carrying a spear. Unbeknownst to him, on his right side, Bumi, Naga, and Pabu stood still and quiet, pressed up against the wall. But the soldier then noticed their presence.


Before he could react, Bumi jumped from behind him and tackled the man down. He tied him up and punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious. With him out of the way, Bumi took his uniform and put it on. He turned to his comrades, smiling confidently.

"How do I look?"

Naga and Pabu looked at one another and then back at Bumi. Even if they could give Bumi their opinions, there was no way he wanted to hear them.

With his new disguise, Bumi walked into the compound, bypassing various soldiers and dark spirits that encircled all around. The soldiers seemed either oblivious to their presence or simply decided to ignore them. One soldier however, was speaking with a comrade about the entities.

"You know, if I wanted some ball of evil lurking over my shoulder all the time, I'd stayed at home with my mother-in-law."

Bumi moved deeper into the compound, standing before various dark spirits, encircling the spirit portal. They did now acknowledge his presence, mistaking him for another soldier. The man stood before them and took out his flute. "All right, spirit army. Your general is here. Follow me!" he began to play the flute, attempting to use the same soothing method he did with the previous spirit. The spirits around the portal took interest in the sound and they began to encircle Bumi as he played.

"It's working!" he said, and he was right, it was working…or was. Apparently, not all spirits were music lovers and instead of being soothed by the sound, they became irritated and pounced on Bumi. "It's not working!"

The spirits all ganged up on him like fish fighting for a meal on the ocean floor. Bumi crawled out from under them and ran away, with the spirits chasing behind him. As he ran he gulped in fear as a trio of spirits came at him from his direction. He tried to run the opposite way, only to be reminded that the previous spirits were still chasing him. He was surrounded, luckily there before him stood tall mecah tanks and he nimbly jumped up and into the open cockpit of one of them, closing it before the spirits could get to him.

The spirits surrounded the machine, before two sinked into it. From inside, Bumi witnessed the controls releasing static electricity, the lights turned on and without even trying, the mecah tank's tread activated and it began to drive into the tents. The soldiers ran away in fear as the possessed machine went awol and attacked the rest of the tents. Bumi was very inexperienced in these kinds of things, he so wished Asami was here to help out.

"Get me out of here!"

He desperately activated a lever, which caused the mecah tank to fire off a grappling hook, which began to swinging it around the main watchtower, its hook end held on to it while the mecah tank continued destroying tents as it went in a circle, the hook still holding on to the watchtower. The machine was completely out of control, it destroyed everything in its path. Before long, most of the compound was destroyed, half of it bursting into flames, and even knocking away the roof of a tent, to reveal two soldiers playing a board game and one sleeping on his bed.

The inside of the machine continued to release static, and even smoke, and then the spirits showed themselves, trapping Bumi within the cockpit. He pulled the eject lever, the cockpit opened and the man let out the signature "Goffy-Scream" as he was propelled out of the machine.


Fluttershy's ears perked up and they heard a loud noise. “What was that?”

Eska and Desna looked out to investigate but were then tumbled by Bumi who came sliding into the hut in a chair and smiled at his friends.

“All right, guys. Rescue time.”

Eska and Desna got up and snarled at Bumi form behind. Spike cried out, “Bumi behind--- “ Naga bursted through the tent and knocked the twins down. Spike blinked in surprise, “---you”

The ponies all dropped their jaws while the others stared in disbelief. Once they were all untied and headed out, they saw the entire compound destroyed and the towers had fallen down. Flash's eyes widen in surprise. “Wow! He's one crazy, dude.”

“No kidding.” said Twilight, equally surprised.

“Bumi, how did you manage to take down this entire encampment on your own?” Tenzin asked in shocking amazement.

“I did it all with my trusty flute and….ah, never mind, you wouldn't believe it anyway. Let's get moving.”

Tonraq was held up by Mako and Fluttershy as they entered the icy forest and reached the portal. It's beam glowing bright. Applejack pointed to it, “There it is ya'll. Unalaq is on the other side just waitin' to get Vaatu out of that tree.”

“We'll we're gonna stop him before he gets the chance!” Rainbow Dash said with fierce determination.

Korra stood in front of the Mane Six, “You girls ready?”

The Ponies all nodded simultaneously, “Ready!”

Tonraq tried to stand on his own, “You go in through the portal, I'll hold off anyone that comes in after you.” but the man groaned in pain as Mako and Fluttershy helped support him.

“No, you're too hurt, you need a healer." Korra turned to the heiress, "Asami, can you take Oogie and dad back to my mom?” Asami nodded and Korra turned to her father, “This is my fight now.”

Rainbow flew behind her saying, “Ahem!”

Korra arced her eyebrow at her. “You know what I mean.”

Tonraq knew that his daughter needed to do this. She was the avatar and this was her destiny, “Korra.” he lovingly hugged his daughter, “I love you."

“I love you too dad.”

Twilight Sparkle turned to Flash Sentry, “Flash, you and Spike go with Asami, you'll be safe there.”

“No way Twi, I'm not leaving you!” Spike said.

“Me neither” said Flash with a straight face, but then winced in pain due to his injured wing.

“But you can't fly with just one wing, you'll be defenseless.” said Twilight.

“You're forgetting, I've had years of combat training. I don't need wings to fight. Besides, if anything happened to you I would never forgive myself.”

Twilight looked down, lowering her ears and blushing at Flash's words, “You don't have to do this.” she said. He lifted up her chin with his hoof so she was looking at him.

“Yes. I do.”

Both ponies smiled at each other, a faint blush on both their faces. Mako watched them both and remembered the time when he decided to stay by Korra to defeat Amon. Ponies and humans really aren't so different after all.

“And Korra's taught me tons of fighting styles." Spike said, "I can handle anything.”

Twilight sighed, "Alright.”

Asami took hold of Oogie's reigns and, with Tonraq on the saddle, they flew back to Katara for Tonraq to be healed. Korra turned to face the others, speaking like a true leader, “Once we're inside you go find Jinora. Mako, Bolin, Spike and Flash Sentry will take care of Unalaq while I and the ponies close the portals so Vaatu can't escape. Then we use our Elements of Harmony when Harmonic Convergence starts to restore the magic in Equestria.”

“Sounds good to me.” said Applejack.

But before anyone could enter the portal, Bolin spoke up, his voice shaking with worry. “Wait, okay worst case scenario: So we fight Unalaq, you close the portal, restore the magic and let's just say something happens to you. Are we gonna be trapped in there for eternity?!”

Spike's eyes snapped open in horror, “Wait, nobody said anything about being trapped for eternity!” he nervously clung onto Korra's leg, “Nothings gonna happen to you, right? Korra?”

Korra gently carried Spike into her arms and held him tightly to calm him down. She looked at everyone with a brave face, “If everything goes as planned, we'll all walk out together after Harmonic Convergence. If not….”

Everybody and everypony looked at one another with worry. What would happen if they didn't make it out in time? Would they be trapped forever? The thought was just too frightening to continue. Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, her eyes looking up at the Avatar with such courage it mirrored her own.

"We will make it out. I know it."

Korra could feel the confidence within the alicorn's heart. If she believed they would make it out alive, then she had to believe it as well. The Avatar kissed Spike's forehead before gently placing him down. She looked up at the others, her blue eyes sparkling, reflecting the aura of the portal.

“Let's go.”

Rainbow Dash rose her hoof, “Alright, let's kick some dark spirit butt!” the pegasus flew right into the portal, and one by one the others ran into it, disappearing in a ray of pure white light. Spike was the last one to approach it, his little dragon body shaking in fear.

“On second thought, maybe I should have gone with Asami.” he said as he prepared to take one step in the opposite direction. Mako's hand stuck out of the portal and grabbed Spike by the tail pulling him in by force.


Unalaq waited anxiously for Vaatu. He stood before the tree, lost in thought. But he was interrupted when he heard a sound, he turned around and his eyes narrowed.

The whole gang came through the portal and into the spirt world. Once they did, the Mane Six's and Korra's cutie marks briefly glowed. Flash was amazed at the scenery, “So this is the spirit world? Where are all the spirits?”

Right on cue, they saw Unalaq surrounded by a heard of dark spirits near Vaatu's tree. The man and the spirits lunged to attack them.

“That answer your question?” Twilight asked sarcastically. The alicorn princess jumped in front of them all and unleashed a powerful energy blast from her horn that literally blew away the spirits in one fatal swoop. Korra turned to the siblings.

“Tenzin, you Kya and Bumi look for Jinora. We got this.”

The siblings obeyed the Avatar and ran off to find the young airbender. Unalaq rose up, bending the water from a stream bellow him, turning it into ice, and slide down before unleashing a powerful water attack at his enemies. Mako and Bolin stood up and countered his attack with their bending, as did Spike with his fire, and Flash stood beside them.

Unalaq got back up on his feet and charged at them with his waterbending. While Mako, Bolin, Spike and Flash kept him occupied, Korra and the ponies ran towards the Southern Portal, reaching their heads and hoofs towards it. Korra entered the Avatar State at the same time the Ponies activated their Elements, causing all of their eyes to glow brightly. The winds bellowing in their hair, the beam glowed brightly, they grunted as they tried to use all of their combined energies to close the portal while Unalaq tried to break through Mako and Bolin's defenses.

Meanwhile, Mako and Bolin kept fire bending and earthbending at Unalaq while Spike breathed fire at him and Flash kicked the rocks Bolin earthbended to hit Unalaq but the man continued dodging and repelling their attacks as he tried to get to Korra. Mako and Flash both dodged Unalaq's attacks and Bolin launched Spike in the air with his earthbending and the dragon breathed fire at Unalaq which he manages to extinguish with his water and then he water wiped the dragon off the rock and Mako caught him before he landed on the ground. The firebender looked at the evil chief with furry for having hurt his friend.

“That's it!”

Mako lowered Spike down and shoot a big fire blast at Unalaq who repelled his attack and send Mako flying backwards with a water balst. Bolin turned to the orange pegasus, “Flash, go check on Mako!”

Flash nodded and went towards Mako while Bolin earthbended a giant rock wall at Unalaq who then knocked it down.

Meanwhile, Korra and the ponies all struggled to close the portals. No matter how hard their tried, the portal would not give in to their power. Rainbow Dash grunted, “Why----won't it---close?!”

“You're running out of time Raava." Vaatu's evil voice spoke, "I know you can feel it coming.”

And he was right, at that moment the planets alined, Harmonic Convergence was here. The girls couldn't take it anymore, they were all blasted away from the portal by a pulse of energy as both the south and northern portals began to collide, merging together creating a glowing arch. From the outside, Eska and Desna watched in horror as a dark purple energy came from both portals, knocking the towns backwards. They watched in visible horror as the waves from both portals grew and grew, spreading all around, and engulfing the entire planet.

In Republic City, Lin shielded herself from a powerful force that spread through her. She heard the sounds of gasps and screams coming from all around the city. She looked up and her eyes widened in horror. The entire sky was purple in color with the northern light glowing and dancing high above in an aery green color.

In Equestria, Celestiaa, Luna, Leilani, even Discord witnessed the castle beginning to turn grey, bright colors started to fade and all around, ponies screamed in fear at the sight as their world turned dark, the sky was grey and all plants began to die. Discord clenched his head in fear.

“The Great Change has begun! We're all gonna die!!!!!”

Celestia looked up the sky and pleaded, “Please girls…hurry.”

The heroes watched in horror as the two portals created lightning that hit the Tree of Time and it began to glow a sinister red as electricity surrounded it, before the energy exploded from the tree. As the energy expanded and dissipated, a dark and red entity emerged from the tree, growing in size, towering over all.

It was too late…Vaatu was free.

The seven Elements of Harmony watched in horror was Vaatu laughed evilly.

“Things just got real!” Pinkie Pie screamed in horror. She had never been so scared in her life!


Author's Notes:

Don't worry, Korra and the ponies have got it covered…..okay, we're all doomed. :(
Just kidding! XD
Any who--remember when I said there would be only two chapters left, weeeellllll I accidentally forgot to count one more so it was actually three chapters left. Well, now that I uploaded this chapter now it's two again. But don't worry, I practically have the finale already done and I can't wait for you guys to see what happens! I will most likely post it along with the next episode "Darkness Falls."
What will happen to Equestria?
Will our heroes win?!
And will Korra and Mako ever get back together?! WILL THEY?!
(If you ship them like I do of course…..so hard. MAKO NEEDS KORRA!! HE NEEDS HER!!)
Sorry, I get excited.
Tune in next time
God Bless *kiss, kiss*
Oh, and what do you think that new streak in Korra's hair means? Even I'm not sure. And about the broken headband giving a rainbow glow and the same glow appearing in Korra's eyes is the same rainbow glow that happened to Rarity, rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in the season 4 episodes of My Little Pony. Check them o

Next Chapter: Darkness Falls Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 41 Minutes
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