
Stuart Little: Adventures in Equestria

by ace_attorneyfan800

Chapter 9: The Boat Race

Previous Chapter

Stuart was trying to pick up the remote and the girls began discussing among one another.

"Girls. I've got a bad feeling." Diamond said sounding worried

"Why?" They asked

"I know Anton's gonna try and pull something during the race, but I just don't know what." Diamond said

Stuart, meanwhile, had finally picked up the remote. Sadly it was too heavy and he ended up running backwards.

"OH MAN, AGAIN?!" Stuart said as he continued to move backwards and fumbled trying to keep the remote steady

"Look Diamond, we've got this. If we can beat Anton, he's pretty much gotten his just deserts." Sweetie Belle reassured

"You think just beating him in a race is gonna give him his just deserts?!" Diamond said, "HE'S FROM CANTERLOT AND HE'S UNBELIEVABLY RICH YA DINGUS! It's gonna take more than this."

Suddenly the bell at the judges table rung.

"Everyone at your places! Race is about to start!"

Meanwhile, Celestia watched on as Luna flew up to the bridge that intersected from the small starting body of water, to the huge closed up lake and got into position for her boat the Siren.

Cadence wasn't that far from her as she began to pilot her boat the Brigitte.

Shining Armor only giggled seeing her wife like this as Flurry Heart began to play with one of the guards. Celestia did the same seeing her sister happy like this. At the same time a colt by the name of Button Mash had took his place on the bridge controlling his boat Thor.

And next to him was none other than Prince Blueblood himself piloting the boat Maiden Taiwan.

The other five racers proceeded to the bridge and so did everyone else, but this didn't help Stuart's case at all as he was constantly trying not to get the remote or himself stomped on. Just then Twilight, Fluttershy, RD, AJ, and Filthy Rich came over to the girls.

"Where's Stuart?" Twilight asked

"WHAAAAAA!" Stuart shouted as he accidentally swung and let go of the remote, "LOOK OUT SIIIR!"

But it was too late. A pegasus by the name of Thunderlane had accidentally stepped on it in the hurry to the bridge making a crash noise loud enough for the group to hear. Fluttershy gasped as the group went to Stuart.

"Stuart! Are you okay?!" Fluttershy asked

"Stuart, what happened?!" Rainbow asked

"Oh it was completely my fault! I just couldn't grip it!" Stuart said as Diamond picked up the shattered remote

"Nice going captain loser!" Anton shouted at Diamond and proceeded to laugh

Diamond then ran off towards a park bleacher with the others, minus Filthy Rich following her until she sat down.

"Diamond wait!" Twilight said as the group finally caught up

Diamond Tiara was on the verge of tears as she looked at the broken remote.

"Um, ,maybe we can fix it huh?" Rainbow said, "A little glue? Who would know?"

"Not helping Rainbow!" AJ scolded

Stuart at this time was sitting near the Wasp with Filthy Rich doing the same.

"This is awe full. It's the same events like in my world, and I couldn't stop any of them or even change them. I ruined everything again." Stuart moped

"Well you know Stuart. These things happen." Filthy Rich said as he looked on towards his old friend Gordon

"But. What about your daughter Diamond?" Stuart asked

Filthy Rich then looked at his daughter.

"I'll be right back." Filthy Rich said before leaving Stuart

Stuart then looked into the water and at the Wasp.

"Should I do it again? Should I really do it again?" He contemplated to himself

Twilight had then moved out of the way to let Filthy Rich console his daughter.

"Diamond, look. Just because of this little mishap, doesn't mean everything is ruined. I-"

"All boats marks, ready, and!"

There was an air horn followed by the cheers of ponies.

"Maybe we should just go home." Filthy Rich said with Diamond nodding

"The boats are moving and there's a, mouse on a boat?" The announcer said sounding really confused

The groups eyes suddenly went like dinner plates and Diamond dropped the crushed remote.

[SCORE] Stuart Little (1999) OST - Boat Race ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7LdznhLM1Q )

"STUART!" the group shouted as they proceeded to the area Stuart was only to see the Wasp moving on it's own

"Stuart!" Diamond shouted, "What are you doing?!"

"Sailing! I hope!" Stuart said as he piloted the Wasp

"Stuart you come back here this instant!" Fluttershy ordered

"I can't!" Stuart said

"Why not?!" RD asked

"I don't know how!" Stuart said

The group soon found themselves on the bridge with the spectators at the event.

"I don't like this one bit!" Fluttershy said

"STUART FLUTTERSHY DOESN'T LIKE THIS ONE BIT!" Twilight shouted from the top of the bridge to Stuart

"I'm okay guys!" Stuart shouted back as all the other boats went under the bridge

"Go Stuart!" Scootaloo shouted, "Drive the main sail!"

"I still don't know what that is!" Stuart shouted

"Oooh!" Fluttershy growled in frustration as Stuart went under the bridge

Twi, RD, Flutters, AJ, and Mr. Rich successfully made it through the crowd to the other side while the Crusaders, Silver, Spoon, and Diamond had to go under ponies to get to the other side.

"Come on Stuart!" Diamond shouted as she emerged from the crowd

"Gee Diamond. Ya all done crying?" Anton taunted her

"Yeah, ya all done being a jerk?"



"Don't worry girls I won't let you down!" Stuart shouted as his boat met up with the others

Stuart could see that ahead was the Wamrath, Siren, and Brigitte.

"Oh no." Stuart groaned sadly

Twi and Flutters soon emerged from the crowd nearby to the Crusaders and Silver Spoon.

"Twilight, what if he falls?!"

"Well remember he's, quiet a fine swimmer."

Fluttershy then slapped Twilight. The Crusaders and Silver Spoon just watched on in pure amazement. There might've been only ten competitors, but the ten boats there were enough to make the sea burst in color. Meanwhile the Wamrath, Siren, and Brigitte were leading the pack and the Siren was beginning to catch up to the Wamrath fast, but Anton caught a evil grin on his beak and with the slide of his talons on the controller sticks the Wamrath began to go left and crashed into the Siren tilting it and then breaking a sail off keeping it sideways and cutting through it before continuing on causing confusion and boos in the crowd.

"Hey that's cheating you can't do that!" Button said to Anton

"Well I just did." Anton said nonchalantly

"Oh no." Diamond said in fear

Soon Stuart was passing by the wreck of the Siren and began to get bad flashbacks.

"Oh god no." Stuart said in fear

Suddenly the Brigitte and starting to pass the Wamrath, but unfortunately the Wamrath went left and fast hitting the Brigitte's side causing something on it break apart and the sails go crooked. The Maiden Taiwan and Thor was unfortunate enough to get caught in the cascade and ended up ganging on Thor making it go sideways. Stuart saw this and quickly headed left avoiding a crash unlike some of the other boats, but when he came out he found only him and the Wamrath remained. Stuart gulped as flashbacks appeared again.

"Oh god please no." Stuart said to himself

Just then a strong wind started blowing the Wasp's sails right and making it tilt some and made Stuart lose control.

"OH JESUS COME ON WRITER!" Stuart said as he said as he got out of his spot and went for one of the strings only end up nearly falling out and just being saved by said string

"What's he doing?!" RD asked

"I think he's hiking out." AJ said in fear

Stuart had finally got back up and onto the Wasp passing by the orange bell bouy meaning to turn left. Both the Wasp and Wamrath did so on their own and Stuart went back to the wheel. It was at this point though that the Wasp had passed the Wamrath, but Stuart had not noticed at all.

"HOPE THAT MOUSE CAN SWIM!" Anton said getting Diamond's attention

[SCORE] Homestuck - MeGaLoVania ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1p0bLkNGa0 )

Anton then flicked one of the sticks sideways sending the Wamrath for the Wasp!


Diamond quickly tried to grab the controller but to no avail as Anton had quickly turned it out of Diamond's reach.

"STUART LOOK OUT!!!" Diamond shouted

Stuart then noticed the Wamrath heading for him.

"OH COME FREAKING ON!" Stuart shouted

Both the Wamrath and the Wasp clashed their sides but the Wasp wasn't strong enough to push the big boat back and tilted right and got stuck, but more trouble came. When the Wasp tilted one of the masts' on the Wasp got caught in one of the strings attaching the masts' and sails' on the Wamrath. Stuart quickly heard the nose of a stuck mast and looked up and gasped.


[SCORE] WWE: "Fight" ► Kevin Owen's 1st Theme Song (16-Bit) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qXjw7ONICI )


"HE'S NOT A STUPID MOUSE!" Diamond said defending her friend

"Hmm. You're right. He's stupid lunch!" Anton said proceeding to lick his beak

Diamond Tiara snapped. Diamond then did a school boy WWE style roll up and proceeded to beat up Anton.

[SCORE] Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater (Instrumental) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDY-PxP-2CU )

Stuart, meanwhile, was climbing up the mast up to the string nearly avoiding a sail from the Wamrath almost hitting him as it slammed against the mast.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Filthy Rich said pulling Diamond off of Anton

"Get off me! GET OFF!" Anton shouted as Diamond was pulled off

"Diamond!" Filthy Rich scolded Diamond as Twi, Flutters, RD, AJ, the Crusaders, and Silver Spoon all met up

Unknown to the group in the scuffle Anton's elbow was on his remote and messing up the controls. Stuart had finally reached the top but the Wasp was submerging into the water with the Wamrath.

"*gasp* STUART!" Fluttershy shouted in concern for him

Stuart then bit onto the string and just like that the Wasp was free and the Wamrath was ahead. Everyone watched as Stuart was still on the mast and the Wasp was trying to stay stable.

"Whoa!" Stuart shouted as the Wasp continued to tilt left and right

Soon the Wamrath began to experience problems as it started turning left and tilting without Anton's control.

"W-WHAT THE?!" Anton shouted in fear as he started messing with the controls, "S-SOMETHING'S WRONG! What's happening?!"

Stuart then saw the Wamrath turning and tilting left while the Wasp was turning left and tilting right. A scene Stuart was all too familiar to him.

Uh, um, uh, welp. C-can't say I didn't see this one coming. Stuart thought

Stuart then jumped from the mast onto a sail sliding down it and back to the wheel area steering the Wasp out of the way of the runaway Wamrath, and just barely missed it as one of the sails on the Wamrath rubbed onto one of the Wasp's sails before letting go.

"HE DID IT, HE DID IT!" The Crusaders and Silver Spoon shouted in joy as Stuart was meters away from crossing and cutting the finish line tape

Stuart only smiled as the memory of George, Elanor, Fredrick, and everyone at attendance at the 2nd annual Central Park boat race went crazy over him winning. And as Stuart reached the finish line tape a single tear left his eye.

"For you George. For you.....big brother." Stuart said sadly to himself

Stuart's boat then cut through the finish tape and everyone, minus Anton for obvious reason, went crazy and cheered like no tomorrow.

"HE DID IT! HE WON!" Fluttershy shouted in excitement in the same tone she did when Rainbow did her sonic rainboom to save Rarity and the wonderbolts

Everyone then proceeded to the other side of the bridge leaving Anton behind as he continued to fiddle and bang around the controller trying to get it to work. Diamond Tiara was ahead of everyone and watched as Stuart came out of the bridge and back to the starting area as the cheering continued on. Cadence was right beside Diamond and looked at Stuart and the Wasp in a look of amazement and curiosity.

"Who, is that mouse anyway?" Cadence asked as levitation held the remote to the now gone Brigitte

"That's no mouse! That's my friend Stuart Little!" Diamond said in joy to Cadence as she looked on at Stuart

"The winner of the 100th annual Canterlo boat race, the Wasp, piloted by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, and Stuart Little!"

I've got a feeling that this is the beginning of something. Adventure maybe? Who knows. If it is. The adventures are only just beginning. Stuart thought

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