
Invisible Relationship

by Emerald Flight


Invisible Relationship

   "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

   Rarity returned Fluttershy's smile and leaned in for another kiss. Fluttershy was already flushed a light red, and as her pulse began to quicken, her face quickly took on a deep maroon color. She returned the kiss with equal passion, and broke off giggling. "Could you move just a little? My wings hurt."

   "Oh, sorry, darling," Rarity said, falling back onto the mess of colorful pillows and pulling Fluttershy along with her. She gasped, and clumsily fell to her hooves; she was now standing over Rarity, her wings slowly rising from her sides.

   Rarity smiled, and reached up to Fluttershy, rubbing her hooves slowly along the underside of her wings. Fluttershy gasped and her legs suddenly failed to support her; she fell to her left against the pillows with a pomf. She looked to Rarity, who had already turned to her side to face Fluttershy, and laughed shortly, her blush not fading from her face.

   A bluish glow momentarily surrounded the yellow pegasus, and Rarity rolled her closer until their bodies touched. Fluttershy looked down, and bit her lip coyly.

   Rarity grinned mischievously and placed her left hoof over Fluttershy's wing, letting her shiver before continuing. She moved her hoof round her back, making sure her front leg was gently stroking the base of the pegasus' wing as she did so. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile: this was the kind of thing she always looked forward to. Whenever they could, they got together and... well, this, whatever this was.

   Rarity continued her massage, leaning her head against Fluttershy's. As she drew herself closer to the pegasus, she could feel her breathing and eventually her heartbeat. She felt her chest rise and fall slowly, often shuddering as her hoof touched a nerve.

   A few minutes after Rarity began, Fluttershy's back arced slightly as her muscles contracted and her wings vibrated. She released an involuntary moan that made Rarity smile and stop massaging.

   Fluttershy's breathing became shallow as she settled back down. She stared deeply into Rarity's shining blue eyes; they almost matched her own, but she always thought that they were so much more beautiful than hers; so much more complex, so much more of a deep azure color that began pale near the edges of the irises and pooled to a darker color, forming an almost navy blue halo around the pupil.

   She sighed contently as she laid mesmerized by the unicorn's eyes, metaphorically held captive by the combination of the warmth against her body and the velvety pillows surrounding them. She felt like she couldn't move a muscle; even if she could, she wouldn't have wanted to.

   Rarity laid another kiss on Fluttershy's lips, and she felt a tingling sensation run through her chest. Her eyes closed slowly, and she gave herself fully to the feeling, never wanting to break it off.

   They were interrupted suddenly by the slow ringing of Rarity's grandfather clock. Rarity haltingly released Fluttershy from their embrace, her eyes still closed. No words needed to be spoken; both knew what the ringing meant.

   "...You should get going,": Rarity said softly.

   "B-but I -"

   "We've already agreed on this," she insisted, sitting up. "We've had an hour."

   "Just a little longer, please, Rarity," Fluttershy pleaded, unwilling to stop so abruptly.

   "I can't, darling; I would, believe me, but I can't. We can't."

   Fluttershy followed her off the bed. "I didn't - I still..." she trailed off.

   Rarity hugged her gently. "I know, Fluttershy, I know, but there's just not any other way. I only wish we could spend more time together, but we agreed on something the first day this started, and I'm not planning on breaking a pact." Seeing the look on Fluttershy's face, she felt a pang in her heart. "I promise, I'll try to make next time as long as I can."

   Fluttershy looked at her hooves, and felt the back of her eyes stinging. "How long?" She blinked, trying to keep her emotions under control. "How long do we have to keep meeting in secret?"

   "I don't know. I really don't. But, please, Fluttershy, look at me." She reached a hoof up and touched her chin. "If it's worked this long, it won't stop working. I promise - no matter what, even if we have to do this for the rest of our lives - I promise that I'll never stop loving you."

   Fluttershy smiled as a few tears rolled down her cheek, and placed her hooves around Rarity, holding her tight. "I'll never stop, either."

   The two mares helped each other clean up their manes and smooth down their coats, and Fluttershy left the boutique at 9:00 that morning, trying to look as casual as possible. A quick change of emotions had become a second nature to her; she'd developed a bit of a skill over the past three years.

   Rarity watched her depart from the upstairs window before walking over to her bed and lying down. She wouldn't open for another few minutes.

~~~~~(A Very, Very Short Time Later)~~~~~

   "Hey! Fluttershy!"

   Fluttershy was torn away from her thoughts as she heard one of her friends call her name. She stopped on the tiled street and turned her head. "G-Good morning, Twilight," she said, desperately trying to sound nonchalant.

   Twilight slowed to a canter, then to a trot, before finally coming to rest next to Fluttershy, "I've been looking for you all morning!" Seeing no recogniton, she continued. "Pinkie Pie dropped by the library this morning with invitations for everypony, and asked me to deliver them because she was, quote, 'super-duper busy'."

   "Oh, um, that's nice," Fluttershy replied, and accepted the hot pink sealed envelope. "I'll try to be there."

   "Speaking of... I went by your cottage, like, half an hour ago, and you weren't there. Usually you don't leave the house so early. Well, not on a weekday." She paused, as though expecting a response.

   Fluttershy smiled nervously, unsure of how to answer. If she was really bad at anything, it was lying.

   "Alright, see you there," Twilight said lightly, and turned away. Fluttershy was left standing awkwardly in the mob of early-morning commuters.

   Once she pulled herself together, she turned again and began to make her way back to the cottage. Was that suspicion? Oh, Celestia, I hope not. It hasn't happened before.. I don't want it to! I don't want to lose her! Please, Celestia, please don't let them figure it out!

   Calm down, Fluttershy, Does this seem familiar? The last time you were paranoid, you almost gave yourself away. She shook her head, as though to forget any assumptions. She'd begun walking down the bare-earth path to her cottage and cleared her mind, focusing on the nature around her. That always calmed her down.

   It was a quarter after nine when she got back to the cottage, but for the lfe of her, she had no idea what to do with herself for the rest of the day. She thought about what she could be doing... but stopped herself before she went too far. She could already feel herself blushing.

   Instead, she took the pink envelope from under her wing and opened it. Party starts at six, ends at nine. Alright, I can do that. She looked around the room, as though expecting something to materialize. It didn't, obviously, so she turned and walked into another room, trying to find something to occupy herself.

   She reached under the sink, grabbed a bag of grains, and walked around the backyard, feeding the chickens and other various animals. She smiled as she watched them eat. It was always funny to her; seeing their heads bob as they picked the seeds out of the dirt and grass.

   She lost herself in this way for maybe an hour. She only noticed so much time had passed when her pet bunny came over and tugged on her tail.

   "Oh, good morning, Angel," she said, turning to face him. She leaned down so her face met his. "How's everything?" she asked, smiling.

   He remained scowling for a few seconds, reached into the bag of seed near Fluttershy's hooves, ate a mouthful, smiled, patted her cheek, and hopped away.

   Fluttershy blinked twice. ...What? She confusedly watched him hop away, before he disappeared behind the corner of the house. Fluttershy smiled. He was having a good day... finally.

   She looked up at the sun, and back around the yard. Only seven and a half hours to waste until the party.

~~~~~(A While Later, Elsewhere in Ponyville)~~~~~

   Rarity had learned perviously not to arrive at Pinkie's parties dressed in anything expensve: tonight, she decided to wear nothing but a necklace. In fact, as she went through her wardrobe, she recognized it as the one Spike had given her a few years ago. It was as shiny as ever: that was where the true rarity of the Fire Ruby originated from - it was ageless.

   As she draped the gemstone around her neck, she remembered another reason for their secrecy: Spike, if not any other ponies, can't know. It would kill him. She sighed as she thought of the poor baby dragon distraught at their revelation. She could never bear that kind of guilt.

   Anyway, she always arrived at parties early; in case anypony needed help to set up. But, as per usual, Pinkie had everything covered, and Rarity was alone in Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie.

   "Hello, Pinkie!" Rarity greeted her, walking into the living room.

   "Hi, Rarity!" Pinkie called out, popping up from behind a towering three-tiered cake. "You're the first one here!"

   "Well," the unicorn said, scanning the impressive decorations. "What's all this for?"

   "For?" Pinkie giggled. "It's not for anything, silly! It's just because!"

   "Oh, yes, of course," Rarity said offhandedly. She was too busy staring with hungry eyes at the stuffed snack table.

   Before long, the others began to arrive one by one, all staring in awe at the decor like Rarity had. Twilight was next to arrive, then Fluttershy, By this point, there's still about ten minutes to six; and almost exactly on six, Rainbow Dash and Applejack tried to simultaneously force themselves into the door.

   "I got it!" Dash cried, her wings beating furiously.

   "No you don't!" Applejack shouted, pushing with her strong back legs against the ground.

   As could be expected, the two burst through the doorframe and crashed into the steps in front of them; once the dust settled, Dash was lying on top of Applejack, her wings extended.

   She hopped to her hooves, forcing her wngs to her sides while a touch of red appeared on her cheeks. Applejack stood equally quickly, the same rosy color showing up on her cheeks, if only for a moment.

   Rarity was the only one to notice this, She assumed for less than a second before the logical part of her brain shut her up. She still remembered vividly the last time she assumed... it didn't turn out well.

   Throughout the night, there was plenty of dancing and plenty of games, not to mention plenty of snacks. It was indubitably a great time, but it just didn't match up to Pinkie's birthday bash last year. That was fantastic.

   Nearing the end of the night, Rarity found herself apple bobbing with Fluttershy. She may not get a better time to speak with her tonight; now or never. Once they pulled out of the water (both without apples), Rarity leaned over, and, as quickly as she could, whispered, "Noon, tomorrow, your place," and walked away.

   It was all she could do to keep herself from bursting into song. She couldn't wait; even after such a long relationship, nothing had ever gotten old, There seemed to be something new every time. And tomorrow was ne of those times. She couldn't help herself, and let out a small squee; as she looked around, though, she realized nopony heard it. It was one of those times when being quiet was helpful.

   She left the party early; she didn;t want to let anything slip. All kinds of dayfreams floated through her head; she imagined looking into those shining blue eyes, and kissing those beautiful white lips, and running her hoof down that lucious, curly purple mane.

   She hoped Rarity planned out a long one this time. It'd been months since they had one over two hours. But any way Rarity had it, she would be happy. As long as she could spend more time with her, she would be happy.

   As she walked home, she noticed the birdsong was especially pretty.

Pure Love

   By the time noon rolled around, Fluttershy was absolutely confident in her appearance. She made certain that her coat was as shiny and clean as it could be and her mane was combed perfectly in her trademark curl. In fact, earlier that morning she opened her secret drawer, the one kept under lock and key, and used just a little perfume. Just a little.

   She was sitting on the couch near the door, nearing the end of a... well, a novel she'd bought (to no end of embarrassment) when there was a knock on the door that she knew only too well. Three quick, two short.

   She laid the book down beside her and opened the door just enough to let Rarity in, closing it behind her.

   "Hello, darling," she said, greeting her with a kiss. "I'm not late, am I?"

   Fluttershy shook her head. I wouldn't care anyway.

   Rarity took her sun-hat off and tossed it on an armchair before turning around to face Fluttershy again. By now, though, she had a that naughty glimmer in her eye that Fluttershy recognized instantly. "Your choice, of course, darling; where do you want to go?"

   Fluttershy smiled, and sidled up next to Rarity, spreading a wing over her and nuzzling her neck. "How about upstairs? In the guest room?"

   "I'll follow you, then," she replied, nuzzling back.

~~~~~(One Trip Up The Stairs Later)~~~~~

   A stray thought crossed Fluttershy's mind as she fell back on the pillows and blankets laying at the head of the double bed: It always smells like her. It was true: the guest room bed had had a certain scent to it for quite a while. And it never lost its appeal.

   Rarity climbed up from the foot of the bed and stepped carefully over to Fluttershy, the mattress giving way with each hoofstep. She stopped when she was standing over her, and for a precious few seconds, neither of them moved. Fluttershy felt a warmth rush from her hooves to her head as the bliss of expectation washed over her.

   Rarity bent down to kiss her, long and passionately, until she felt a pressure on the bed beneath her. As smoothly as she could, she lowered herself down next to Fluttershy, who turned to face Rarity and expose her quickly-rising wings. She didn't waste a second of their precious time together; as soon as her right wing was out from under her, she initiated another kiss, and leaned into it, making sure not to lose a single bit of emotion.

   She reached a hoof around Rarity, and moved herself closer until the two were in a close embrace. She could feel Rarity's body on her body, Rarity's lips on her lips, and, momentarily, Rarity's tongue on her tongue. Her breathing became more and more shallow as she felt the unicorn moving her hoof slowly down her face, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of her face and caressing her neck.

   Her wings shivered as Rarity ran her hoof along their base and along the first extension. She felt the warmth of Rarity's body touch her very core and almost giggled, pulling herself even closer to her love.

   After what seemed like hours, Rarity ended their embrace, pausing just before she broke off to bite Fluttershy's bottom lip lightly, smiling as she did so at the pegasus' reaction.

   Fluttershy took a few seconds to open her eyes, and suddenly found herself caught once more in Rarity's deep blue irises, unable to look away. Rarity was flushed red as well, and she was still gently rubbing Fluttershy's wings, just loving the look that always appeared on her face once she hit the right nerve.

   For a second, Rarity's hoof ran over a certain point on the bone and Fluttershy gasped, shutting her eyes tightly and biting her lip. It felt amazing.

   She opened her eyes to look again into Rarity's face, and leaned in to nuzzle her cheek. She drew herself closer and whispered into her ear. "You're beautiful."

   Rarity kissed her neck and whispered back. "So are you."

   "I don't know what... I mean, I don't... no, I..." she stuttered, suddenly flustered. She didn't know why. It's not like she'd never been complimented before.

   "And, I have to admit," Rarity continued, pushing her muzzle against Fluttershy's neck, "you smell amazing."

   "Um... I... thank you," she almost whispered, glad that her perfume was noticed. She buried her head into Rarity's violet mane, running her hoof along the side of her body in the same way Rarity massaged her wing. "I just... I love you so much."

   "I love you too, darling." Rarity moved her head from Fluttershy's neck, and placed a hoof on her right cheek. "And you do smell really nice. Did you use perfume or something? I believe I recognize it. From somewhere."

   "Well... I mean... I used it once before, a long time ago. I've kept it ever since." She paused. "Does that sound weird? I think it sounds weird."

   Rarity laughed. "Why would it? You act as though you haven't worn anything stranger in bed."

   Fluttershy flushed a deep red. "Rarity! Come on! You said you wouldn't - I didn't mean - you suggested - it was just that one time!" she pleaded, memories from their more experimental days being dragged up from the back of her mind.

   Rarity laughed again. "Oh, lighten up, Fluttershy! I was only joking."

   "Still, you know, I -" she was interrupted by Rarity's lips touching hers once more. A smile found its way onto her mouth and she kissed back, again savoring the emotion with a renewed fervor.

   It took them a few minutes to finish again, and inally, Fluttershy asked, "When - um - how long do we have?"

   Rarity grinned, that familiar twinkle appearing in her eyes again. "I'm not going to tell you. It's a surprise."

   "B-But I was just-"

   Rarity placed a hoof over her lips, and shushed her softly, amused at the blush that darkened ever-so-slightly as she did so. She went straight for the throat, literally; she moved her head back down to just below Fluttershy's chin and began to kiss her neck and chest slowly, dwelling momentarily on the breath moving through her throat and the heartbeat pounding in her chest.

   She smiled and drew her tongue up the pegasus' neck before she felt a rather violent shudder. She looked up. "Are you okay with this?"

   Fluttershy nodded. You should know by now I don't mind what you do with me.

   Rarity giggled and raised a hoof in the air, shouting "CONSENT!" and returned to Fluttershy, laying kiss after sensual kiss with more and more passion on her body.

   At one point, Fluttershy began laughing, and laying a kiss on Rarity every once in a while. Once or twice, when Rarity's lips or tongue or hoof or anything else hit a particularly nervous point, Fluttershy's laughter would fill the room even more, mixing with the sounds of kissing and gasping and the occasional giggle from Rarity.

   Rarity had always thought Fluttershy's laughter was cute. Even before the developed, Rarity could've easily said that Fluttershy had a cute laugh. It just inspired joy in everypony nearby, and by this point, the only pony nearby was her. After a while, she stopped kissing for a second and laughed along with Fluttershy, losing herself in pure joy and pure love.

   She fell back onto the pillows with Fluttershy, and both laid on their backs and just laughed, laying their hooves on each other's. During a break once or twice, they quieted down, turned their heads to each other, and burst into laughter again, often hugging one another for no specific reason. It was just amazing, and neither really knew why... but then, they didn't really think about it.

   Rarity became quiet first and began to lovingly stroke Fluttershy's face and chest again, even going so far as her belly. Not any further yet, though; No, that's for next time, Rarity thought mischievously, scenes from last time already forming in her mind.

   Both were in a state of total emotional peace when there was a knock at the door.

~~~~~(One Short, Quiet Panic Attack Later)~~~~~

   "Oh my. Oh dear. Oh my. Oh dear. Oh my. Oh dear." Fluttershy was pacing in a circle in front of a curled-up Rarity lying on the double-bed.

   "What should we do?" Rarity whispered furiously. "You can't answer the door looking like that!"

   "...Oh my. Oh dear. Oh my. Oh dear..."

   "Calm down!" Rarity whispered louder than she meant to. "Oh, Celestia, what do we do?"

   "...Oh my. Oh dear-"

   "Fluttershy! Please!"

   "I don't know what to do! What if it's important?"

   Twilight's voice came from the door downstairs, "Fluttershy, I know you're in there!" Both the mare's hearts jumped into their throats.

   "What should I do? Oh my. Oh d-"

   "Alright! Okay! Calm down for a second! Just go answer the door as you are, but wrap the blanket around your head!"

   "Why would-"

   "Say you just got out of the shower!"

   "Okay. Alright. I can do this. Oh my."

   She quickly threw the blanket in a turban around her messy mane and trotted quickly down the stairs, before preparing herself and opening the door to Twilight. "G-good morning, Twilight," she said as nonchalantly as possible.

   "I'm sorry for bursting in on you all unexpectedly like this -" Oh, you have no idea "- but this is kinda urgent. Rainbow Dash just got sent to the emergency room."

   "She got what? Oh my. Oh dear. I... I have to go... um... dry off. I'll be back in a second."

   Fluttershy trotted upstairs even more quickly, letting the blanket fall off near the top. She quickly whispered the news to Rarity, who was still lying on the double-bed waiting for Fluttershy's return.

   "Oh, no, that's horrible! I wonder what happened to her," Rarity whispered, clearly upset. She walked over to Fluttershy and kissed her. "I'm so sorry, darling. And I can't squeeze in any other time soon. The best I can do is Wednesday, eight to nine, my place. I really do feel bad. But I promise I'll make it up to you next time." She petted the side of Fluttershy's mane down and whispered, "I'll wait in here until you two are gone. I'll meet you at the hospital in a few minutes.

   Fluttershy looked down at her hooves again. "You know, one day, we have to tell everypony else. I don't like having to do this."

   "I understand, but how? When? Where? How will they react?" She kissed her again, trying to encourage her. "Cheer up. Please. You know I like to see you happy." She smiled, and released her hold on her neck. Fluttershy stood at the door, looked back sadly over her shoulder, and walked out of the room, out of the cottage, and out of another incomplete-feeling meeting.

   .She followed Twilight down the path to Ponyville without speaking, torn between the worry and sadness she felt for Rainbow Dash and the desire to return to Rarity. She was glad that Twilight seemed to respect her wish for silence, even if it was unintentional.

   She couldn't help but ask, though. "...What happened to Rainbow Dash?"

   Twilight remained silent for a second, then replied, "I wasn't there. She was in the apple fields with Applejack and, from what I gather, she broke a wing." She sighed, clearly as worried as Fluttershy. "They said it was a compound fracture. I heard that's really painful for pegusi."

   Fluttershy tried for a second to feel the pain of a bone breaking through the skin at the base of her wing. She couldn't... she couldn't imagine at all how Dash must've been feeling. "I would think it would be like breaking a horn."

   Seeing Twilight's visible cringe, Fluttershy quickly apologized. "I-I'm sorry, I was just making a reference, or, um... I mean... I'm sorry."

   "It's okay. I'm just worried about Rainbow Dash. That's a big injury."

   They eventually arrived at the hospital, but instead of the colorful, cheerful place it usually was, where babies are born and ponies are healed, it became a dark, foreboding building, where, somewhere inside, their friend'l was suffering.

   Fluttershy swallowed and followed the lavender unicorn into the double-door ER entrance.

Apology Accepted

   Only a heavy wooden door separated Fluttershy and Twilight from their friend inside. The light yellow pegasus looked it over from top-to-bottom, and whimpered again.

   Twilight sighed. "Fluttershy, Dash is probably in a lot of pain. I would assume so. All we're going to do is go in and visit for a few seconds, just to let her know we're there for her." Fluttershy looked over to the purple unicorn, on the verge of tears. Twilight continued haltingly. "I - I know that it could - it might - will be a little disturbing, but it's - she broke her wing pretty bad. We have to at least wish her well. We're all friends here, right?"

   Fluttershy nodded for a second, pulling herself together as well as she could. She never wanted to see any of her friends in pain again - not after Pinkie burned herself that one time. Layers and layers of skin were raw, and it was even slightly blackened around the edges. And the screaming... she shuddered as horrible thoughts came to her mind.

   Twilight opened the door with confidence, or resolve; it wasn't easy to tell. Fluttershy's emotions changed when she saw he friend lying in the bright white hospital bed; she was laid out in an extremely uncomfortable-looking position, with her left wing extended and in a thick cast. But what really put Fluttershy over the edge was her face.

   She looked almost malnourished; her normally well-rounded face had been reduced to almost cadaverous - her cheeks were sunken, and her eyes were puffy and red from tears. Not that she would have shown any pain in front of her friends.

   While Twilight walked over almost solemnly to the row of chairs along the wall to greet Applejack with a hug, Fluttershy trotted over to Dash's bedside, putting her hooves up on the barred side and hiding her face partially behind the curtain of her mane.

   Dash let out a laugh that sounded normal enough, and greeted her friend with a "Hey, Shy!"

   This took the edge off Fluttershy's nerves, and calmed her down, if only slightly. "Hi, Rainbow," she replied softly, her voice cracking.

   The baby-blue pegasus chuckled a little, and moved her back a bit, wincing. "Don't cry, Shy, you're gonna make me look bad."

   Fluttershy couldn't help but smile; Dash had a better bedside manner than her, even though she was the one in pain. By now, the other two mares had come to the opposite side of the bed, before Fluttershy asked at the same volume, "Did it... did it hurt?"

   Dash grinned, and pointed a hoof back behind her. "Oh, this? Nah. My bone just came out of my flesh. Didn't hurt a bit." She looked expectantly around at her friends, but they didn't appear certain of how to react. She sighed, and took a few seconds of silence before speaking again. "I'll be out in a few minutes once the pain meds wear off," she said, pointing to an IV held into her foreleg with plastic, "and they'll hit me with a new shot. It makes me drowsy. So, I have, like, five minutes."

   None of her visitors could respond. Thankfully, the silence combo was finally broken by a wild Pinkie Pie dashing madly into the room, absolutely decked out with balloons. "DO I HAVE THE RIGHT ROOM THIS TIME?" she shouted desperately, and glanced around the room with glistening eyes, before she caught Dash's sight. She rushed over to her, nearly tripping over one of the strings on her balloons.

   She bent down over the hospital bed and began to cry, much to the confusion and general embarrassment of everypony else. Twilight tried to speak sense to her. "Pinkie, she just broke something. She'll be alright-"

   But Pinkie wasn't listening. Instead, she was unwrapping the shiny aluminum balloons from her forelegs and tying them to the corner bedposts. "Get well soon, Dashie, please!" she shouted again, tears streaming down her face.

   She was walked over to the chairs lined up against the wall by Twilight and they sat down to talk about it, while Applejack was still standing by Dash's bedside and talking quietly with her. However, Fluttershy had essentially retreated to the corner, lost in her thoughts. The arrival of Pinkie Pie only made her wonder where the last Element-bearer was. Where was Rarity?

   She paced the room for a few minutes, and went to sit down alongside Twilight and Pinkie. "...And she's gonna be a-okay, right?" Pinkie was asking Twilight, sniffling and dabbing at her eyes.

   "Yup. From what I can tell, her bone should set soon."

   "You're sure?"

   Fluttershy put a foreleg around Pinkie from behind. "Trust us," she said, smiling. "Dash is going to be fine."

   Pinkie turned around and hugged her friend, sobbing quietly into her shoulder. A bit of an overreaction, Fluttershy thought, considering I should be the one most upset. I'm the only other pony here that that could ever happen to anyway. She shuddered again as she tried to imagine her bone breaking like that. Glancing over Pinkie's shoulder, she noticed Applejack had been talking almost silently to Dash for the past few minutes. Shouldn't she be out by now?

   As soon as Pinkie swapped her attention to Twilight again, Fluttershy walked over to Dash's bed alongside Applejack. It was obvious that Dash was out, but it was also very obvious that she was in pain. She was biting her lip and groaning, her coat glistening with sweat and her entire body shaking as it was wracked with a fresh surge of pain.

   Fluttershy gasped, and put a hoof over her mouth. She looked like she was seizing up. Just then, though, she noticed out of the corner of her eye Applejack's hoof running slowly down Dash's mane. She was singing something softly under her breath as she continued stroking her head and neck like a newborn foal or a puppy.

   Not wanting to create tension or awkwardness, Fluttershy backed up and walked over to the chairs again, sitting near Pinkie. She watched from a distance as Dash slowly stopped moving, and her pulse resumed its normal speed, a tempo*. Twilight was holding Pinkie's head, praying she didn't see anything; it would have only worried her more.

   It was around this time that Rarity finally arrived. "Hi, Rarity," Fluttershy said, standing and walking over to her, leaving Twilight alone to console Pinkie.

   "Hello, Fluttershy," she said, her eyes only darting momentarily to her in recognition as she stared at the unconscious mare lying surrounded by medical equipment. "What did she do?" she asked quietly as she walked over to Dash's bedside.

   Fluttershy remained where she was, rocking slightly on her hooves. "She broke her wing. I... well, I mean, I wasn't there."

   "Yeah," Twilight spoke up from behind Applejack. "What happened? You were there, Applejack."

   The orange mare remained silent, her hoof paused on Dash's colorful mane. "Ah told the doctor all ah could remember," she replied firmly. "Just talk to them. Ah don't like havin' to think back to it again."

   Twilight quickly felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Applejack. I should've known... I mean, I could've been more considerate."

   She sighed, and walked up to Twilight, sitting down next to her and Pinkie, who had calmed down considerably. "It's okay, Twi," she said, moving her ponytailed mane back from her face. "Ah hope y'all can respect that. Ah'm sorry, everypony, ah just don't wanna talk 'bout it no more. Ah just wanna wait 'till Dash gets better. Then maybe we can all laugh about the whole thing."

   The silence in the room was overpowering. The afternoon light shining into the room through the tanned old Venetian blinds quickly became evening light as, one by one, the ponies left, quietly or under murmured conversation. Fluttershy followed Rarity out last, leaving only Applejack alone with the battered Rainbow Dash.

   Suddenly, the clean white hospital bed moved as the blue pegasus on it began to stir. In her hazy vision, she could only see Applejack standing by her bedside and a dark, empty room behind her. She reached a hoof out to touch the light orange via of the mare so unmovingly loyal to her - almost paling Dash's loyalty in comparison.

   "...Don't go," she whispered through cracked lips.

   Applejack leaned down and kissed the mare on the forehead. "Ah won't leave ya, Dash. Ah promise."

~~~~~(At About The Same Time in Rarity's Boutique)~~~~~

   The door closed quickly behind the yellow mare, blocking out any light from the boutique that could have made its way onto the tiled street. Rarity sighed briefly, and turned to smile weakly at Fluttershy. "Alone at last," she almost whispered, before her smile fell from her face.

   "I'm worried about Rainbow Dash now," she began straightforwardly. "I... I don't feel in the mood anymore. I mean, I keep imagining what the poor darling must have suffered through, and - oh! It just tears my insides out!" she finished dramatically.

   Fluttershy said nothing. Instead, she shuddered once more at the thought of such an injury running through her head and turned away. "I... I should go."

   "No, wait, Fluttershy," Rarity said, reaching out a hoof to stop her. She wrapped her foreleg around the pegasus' neck and pulled her back towards her for a kiss.

   It wasn't long, but there was an emotion in it; a rich emotion that was filled to the brim with all of Rarity's fright, worry, and sadness. There was disappointment in herself for not being able to be there for Fluttershy twenty-four seven, and there was a degree of frustration that they couldn't tell everypony they knew about their love.

   She finally pulled away, her eyes half-closed and red with suppressed tears. Without warning, those suppressed tears burst from their reins and began flowing freely down Rarity's cheeks, falling to the floor below them and forming a few small spots on the hardwood.

   She bit her lip and finally began sobbing, a sound that in and of itself hurt Fluttershy; but the empathetic pain was increased tenfold when Rarity leaned onto her shoulder and buried her face into her neck, wetting it with fresh tears.

   Fluttershy could feel everything Rarity was feeling, and a stinging sensation began tickling the backs of her eyes. She could feel the tears forming but was powerless to stop them; as they began to cascade down her face, she began to remember the last three years, and all the secret love they'd shared. Would they risk that for publicity? How could they not?

   Her sobs increased as well as she leaned back onto Rarity, crying into her loved one's mane and laying a gentle hoof oh her shoulder. She finally grasped the frustration Rarity was feeling, because she began to feel it herself; she felt almost obligated to keep Rarity happy, and she wanted them to be able to meet without fear of ridicule or disgust. She wanted them to be in a real relationship, and above all else she wanted their friends' approval.

   But there was a fear of rejection and loss that kept them at bay; a fear that they both hated, and a fear that they both shared. It was this fear that caused such unbelievable frustration, and what finally drove them to this. They stood in front of the boutique's entrance, crying into each other's shoulders, releasing all their pent-up emotions.

   Finally, after a good ten minutes, Rarity quieted down, and turned to the couch, her hoof still around Fluttershy. She led her still-upset marefriend to the loveseat and sat down, holding her tightly. After a few moments of nothing but the sound of sobbing filling the room, Rarity finally drew up the courage to speak.

   "Fluttershy, d-" She paused, not wishing to say anything that would hurt the mood. "Fluttershy," she repeated, but softer. Fluttershy looked up, her cheeks still flushed and tear-stained. She'd only heard her use this tone twice before.

   She took a deep breath before continuing. "Fluttershy, I love you. You know I do. And I've been thinking a bit." She shut her eyes tightly, wondering how to piece everything together. "I think we should tell them."

   Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat. She thought for a second she misheard, but then understood that Rarity was being totally truthful. She couldn't smile, but her heart jumped from her stomach to her throat. The bitter tears were gone; she didn't feel like crying anymore.

   "I... I think we should tell them," Rarity repeated, as though solidifying the statement in her own mind. "We should tell everypony. If they don't like it, so be it. We have to be strong."

   Fluttershy still couldn't move by her mind's command, but her emotions got the better of her. She leaned across and hugged Rarity, locking her lips with hers for a kiss of pure romance, pure passion. She didn't break off for minutes, but just moved her hooves down Rarity's pristine white coat, feeling every inch of her that she could. She just wanted to feel this mare; this mare that was finally willing to take a bold step in their relationship - something Fluttershy definitely couldn't do.

   Of course, all wonderful things must come to an end, and she eventually broke off, running her hoof along the side of Rarity's face lovingly. She then embraced her again and whispered softly into her ear:

   "Thank you."

Emerging Attraction

   The thick maple door creaked open slowly, and Applejack walked into the small hospital room, the contents of the brown paper bag in her mouth shifting as she did so. Dash had been fading in and out of consciousness over the last four or five days, and apparently the cycle was currently on 'sleep'. She was on her right side, her eyes closed and her nose twitching slightly. At first glance, she appeared comfortable; she was curled up beneath the light sheets and her face was relaxed and calm.

   Applejack smiled, walked over to the visitors' seats adjacent to the bed, and sat down, opening the brown paper bag and pulling out her lunch. For her, it was the standard two green apples, two red apples, but she'd brought something special for her friend. If she ever woke up.

   She sat in silence, chewing one of her apples while staring at Dash (more like past Dash) thoughtfully. Now, she would never know how much it hurt to have a wing broken, but she could infer by now that when Dash woke up, she would most likely be in pain. She sighed as she thought about the expressions that she'd seen on Dash's face for the last few days. It was good that she was out for most of them; more often than not, they scared Applejack.

   Dash had been Applejack's best friend for quite a while now. It hurt her to see Dash sustain such an injury while she was with her, an it hurt more to think that she could have kept it from happening. She remembered with overwhelming guilt the bet she'd made with Dash on who could climb to the top of an apple tree first. She remembered with sorrow the short scream she heard, before she turned and saw Dash falling to the ground. She remembered with a pang in her heart the terrible crack that filled the farm. It felt even worse knowing Dash tried to hide her pain from her.

   It was this, this reason alone, that she'd been staying with Dash almost 24/7. Right?

   She shook her had and snapped back into conscious thought, noticing to her great chagrin that she'd been staring at Dash's flank while she was thinking. How could she have not noticed? She looked to the door, checking to see whether anypony might be checking in on them, and sighed to herself, smacking her forehead and blushing lightly. This kind of thing had been happening for too long - it was just strange.

   Her thoughts were interrupted by a groaning and shifting coming from the bed and she gasped, shifting her view quickly as Dash sat up, exhausted, the hospital bed creaking beneath her. She opened her eyes and glanced around the room hazily, her eyes finally coming to a rest on Applejack.

   "Hey, what's up, AJ?" she said, smiling. "When'd you get here?"

   Applejack stood up, bringing the bag over to Dash's bedside. "Ah only left fer maybe ten minutes. But ah got ya somethin' on mah way back," she continued, opening the bag and taking out a steaming object wrapped in tinfoil. "It's a hayburger," she said, tossing it to Dash. "Ah heard ya say you didn't like none-a this here hospital food, so ah just... well, ah got ya somethin'."

   Dash grinned. "Well, thanks, AJ," she said gratefully. "What do I owe you?"

   "Consider it a treat. Ah don't want nothin' back." Applejack nodded her head. "Go on, eat. It's noon already."

   Dash opened the foil and bit into the still-warm burger. "Oh, mmf, it's rlly gud," she said, savoring it. "How long's it been?" she replied, swallowing.

   "Ah dunno, four or five days, ah reckon," Applejack replied, returning to her seat and picking up her apple. "The doc says y'all are gonna be out soon."

   Dash smiled, staring out the window with a faraway look in her eye. "I can't wait."

   Applejack smiled, "So, how's yer wing feelin'? Ain't hurtin' too much, ah hope?"

   "Well, no, not really, but it's boring as hay here. There's never anything to do."

   Applejack laughed. "Well, wouldn't 'cha be doin' the same thing anyway?" she asked. "Jist nappin' all day."

   Dash laughed with her friend. "Yeah, probably, except I'd be doing it in the trees or in the clouds or something."

   Applejack calmed down and bit into her apple. The room quickly became silent again. "...Have they told ya anythin' about yer flyin'?" she asked quietly.

   "No," came the reply, almost sounding annoyed. "You know, I really don't wanna talk about it."

   Silence reigned in the room, until Dash interrupted it momentarily. "Thanks for the burger, though."

   Applejack didn't say anything. It wasn't so much out of Rainbow's snappy answer, but because she was already post in thought again. Rainbow's life revolved around flight; if the damage to her wing was too great to support her weight anymore, Applejack couldn't live with the idea that she essentially caused it.

   "Hey, AJ!"

   She snapped out of her guilt for a second. "Ah'm sorry, Rainbow, what's up?"

   "Can I ask you a really big favor?"

   "Go ahead."

   "Can you see if Twilight's got the new Daring Do book in yet? I've been waiting for, like, ever," she said, shifting her wing a little.

   "On it, sugarcube," Applejack replied, leaving the bag where it was and turning to the door.

   "Wait," came Dash's voice from behind her.

   She turned her head back. "Yeah?"

   "You're a good friend, AJ," she said, grinning.

   Applejack said nothing, but on her way out the door, a smile and a blush quickly found their way to her face.

   It was a bit of a walk to the library from the hospital, but Applejack didn't mind. It was a great day, a perfect day to be outside... doing chores. And helping around the farm. The guilt in her heart increased little by little as she thought of the work her family would have to do to make up for her absence. But she couldn't just leave Rainbow. She couldn't.

   She sighed, and kicked a loose stone as she walked down the lightly-populated street. Most everypony was in eating lunch, or out with friends. A few light thoughts bounced around her head, one or two making her blush.

   "Git outta mah head, dammit," she cursed lowly and increased her pace to a trot. That's not th' kinda pony ah am. Ah'm not one-a those ponies. Ah'm not.

   Immersed totally in her thoughts, she almost ran headlong into the library. She stopped herself quickly before trotting into the thick wooden door and knocked twice.

   "Howdy, Twi," she said as the door swung open. "Ah won't be long, just need ta pick up a book fer Dash."

   "Oh, yeah, that came in a few days ago. Come on in, I'll go get it," Twilight replied, disappearing into the library again. Applejack followed her in, glancing around the nicely organized bookshelves without too much thought.

   "So, how's Rainbow doing, anyway?" Twilight asked from beneath a nearby counter.

   "Uh... fine, ah suppose. She'll be out in a few days, ah reckon."

   "Oh. Okay, good. I've been worried." She stood from behind the counter, levitating a short blue novel over to the orange mare. "There you go, Daring Do number... whatever whatever. They're up to the hundreds, now, I think."

   Applejack grabbed the book absentmindedly. "Yup, one twenty-eight," she mumbled, placing it carefully in her mouth. "Well, ah should be off, Twi -"

   "Hold up, AJ, I've been wanting to ask you something," Twilight interrupted. "Why have you been visiting Dash so much? I stopped by the farm the other day and they told me you'd been at the hospital for the past few days. That's a long time to stay with anypony."

   Applejack was immediately flooded with conflictions. First off, she hadn't really considered why herself. Second, if she gave her best reason, was it enough? She couldn't lie; not to herself or anypony else. What could she say?

   "Ah just wanna show support," she replied after a few seconds' pause.

   "Well, so do I, but I-" Twilight stopped when she saw the look on Applejack's face. Wow, she really doesn't wanna talk about it. "Okay. Um, bye, AJ."

   Applejack turned and trotted quickly out of the library and away from Twilight. That one question brought up tons of questions for her to answer: Why am ah doin' this? Twilight's right; even a good friend shouldn't feel the need to... so why do ah? Ah don't understand. There's somethin' goin' on here. Ah wish ah knew what it was.

~~~~~(Back In The Hospital)~~~~~

   Applejack leaned over her friend, who had slipped from consciousness again. She laid the book next to her slowly rising and falling chest, taking care not to touch the wings as she did so, which were still outstretched by a series of wires and cords.

   She looked so peaceful as she slept, the brow that was usually creased in determination resting still above her eyes, which were closed without any hint of emotion. Her rainbow mane was lying in its vibrant colors across her face and covering one ear, and her lips were loose and open slightly. She just gave off an air of tranquility.

   Suddenly, an impulse leapt upon her and, without thinking, she acted on it. She leaned down and laid a gentle kiss on Rainbow's lips, before pulling back in shock at herself, a deep shade of red dimming the white freckles on her face. Her pulse quickened and her breathing became shallow as she leaned against the wall, blankly staring at Dash's calm face and reaching a hoof up to her mouth in surprise.

   She bit her bottom lip, and stood shakily. Everything began coming together, and at the same time, everything began falling apart. Her views of herself were shattered. What had just happened? Should she tell Dash? Would she accept it? Would she make fun of her because of their rivalry? Would their friendship end? What-

   Her thoughts were interrupted harshly by a yawn from the baby-blue mare in front of her. Those light rosy eyes that she knew so well were soon open and staring back at her. "'Sup, AJ?" Dash asked, smiling drowsily.

   Applejack didn't say anything at first, and was saved for a few seconds from a rather awkward silence by Dash noticing the book. "Hey, thanks, AJ, I knew I could count on you," Dash said, holding it up to the light and flipping through it. She sat up and leaned forwards, giving her healing wing a chance to get situated. "I'll read it as soon as I can."

   Applejack still couldn't find the words to speak; her throat had became dry. What on earth could she say?

   "Applejack?" Dash was saying. "Hey, AJ, are you there?"

   Applejack snapped out of it for a moment, and turned to look around the room, praying she looked casual.

   Apparently not. "What's up, AJ?" Dash asked, catching Applejack's attention.

   Truth. Truth and honesty. "Rainbow, would you go out with me?" She felt a burning in her cheeks and a terrible pang of chagrin the moment the words left her mouth. That had to be the worst way to begin that particular conversation.

   She couldn't bear to look at Dash, and turned her head, embarrassed beyond belief. Silence quickly filled the room; a tangible, stressed silence, the kind that could deafen and choke.

   She felt worse when she heard Dash's voice from behind her. "...Is that why you've been staying here with me?"

   She didn't respond.

   "Do you really like me that much?"

   The only respond she could give was a forced nod. Then, silence.

   "...Did you know I was bi?"

   Applejack shook her head. That was new. It was good for her, but it was new. It also gave her a renewed sense of how much of a risk she just took - she didn't even know that Dash was a - a fillyfooler or not.

   "I... I guess we could try... but nopony can know, okay? Not for a while."

   Applejack still didn't know how to respond. Both joy and frustration flew into her heart; joy that there was a chance, and frustration that there probably wasn't.

   "Once my wing's all better, we can talk about it," Dash said quietly, the room still emanating a terrible silence. "...Did you know you were a-"

   "No! Ah didn't!" Applejack nearly shouted, more to herself than to Dash. "Th' thought hadn't ever even crossed mah mind! Ah don't know what happened!" She turned, finally, ignoring the few tears that came to her eyes. She noticed that Dash was blushing, too. "Ah'm still not sure. Ah just... ah don't know what happened."

   Applejack stared at the ground, still blushing furiously. She'd quickly become angry at herself.

   Dash sighed, and brushed a hoof through her mane. "I - I don't know what to say," she admitted. "The thought hadn't really, well, crossed my mind, either. I mean, it's not like you're not nice or attractive or anything -" Applejack blushed deeper "- but I hadn't really thought about asking you about something like this before."

   Applejack finally pulled together her remaining courage and looked up into Dash's eyes. "Ah should leave."

   "No, wait, Applej-" Dash was cut off by the shutting of the door. She looked around the room, and brushed a tear out of her eye. She didn't cry. Never. She picked up the book and opened to the first page, but she just couldn't concentrate on words. There was too much else to think about now.

~~~~~(A Little Later, At Sweet Apple Acres)~~~~~

   Applejack walked up behind Big Mac slowly. He was walking along one of the many cross-hatching paths in the acres, towing behind him a cart filled with the rotten apples that he was cleaning out of the trees. One of mah duties, she thought with another pang of guilt in her heart.

   "...Big Mac?" she asked quietly.

   He turned in surprise. "AJ?" he asked, and, catching her eye, dropped the cart and ran forward to hug his sister. "Ah ain't see ya round fer days."

   She returned the hug. "Ah know. But ah'm back now, and that's what counts, right?" Hearing no reply, she pulled away and continued, ashamed to look into her brother's face. "What if ah... can ah tell ya somethin' real strange, Mac?"


   "What if ah... wasn't... attracted ta colts?"

   The same tangible silence that she recently experienced in the hospital sprang up here, along with the terrible embarrassment.

   "Um... Ah'm... ah'm gonna be goin' out with Rainbow Dash sometime soon," she added weakly.

   Big Mac raised an eyebrow.

   Applejack sighed. "Ah'm just lettin' ya know."

   He shook his head. "It just ain't natural, AJ."

   "Wha- but, but Mac, ah -" she stopped, seeing the look on Mac's face. He was grinning, an uncharacteristically mischievous gleam in his eye. "Ah hate you, big brother, this ain't a laughin' matter."

   "Sorry, AJ, but it sure was funny. Okay, ah'm alright with it. That's all ya needed, right?" He turned away and picked up the yoke, walking along at the same pace he was, as though the news hadn't affected him at all. For some reason, this infuriated Applejack.

   She stomped the ground, but as a new wave of thoughts entered her mind, she shook her head and sighed. How was she going to tell Applebloom? Or Scootaloo, for that matter? They were both young mares now, and it wasn't exactly like it was a super-foreign idea, but... it just felt so strange to say. To accept.

   Applejack scolded herself as she walked back towards the barn. Yer makin' a big deal outta this, AJ, and you know it ain't. It ain't that different.

   The minute the barn was in sight, she accepted a hug from Granny and went straight up to bed. It was barely three-thirty, and Applejack wasn't the type of pony to nap. But if anything, she needed rest; tomorrow she would want to tell her little sister, and Granny. Then, if she had the courage; she would go back up to the hospital. It had been quite a day.

   Tomorrow would be quite a day, too.

Between Us

   "Ready to go?" Fluttershy asked, smiling her gentle smile at her marefriend.

   Rarity smiled back. "One second, darling, this sun hat just - mmf! One moment. Ah, there we go!" she said, her hoof dropping to the ground and her wide-brimmed straw hat perched neatly over her mane.

   Fluttershy picked up the wicker basket with her mouth and tapped her hoof twice on the hardwood floor. "Let's go!" she said, walking off happily towards the door, Rarity not too far behind.

    It was still imperative to keep their public relationship platonic; they still hadn't figured out too many details for what they were planning. They chatted lightly back and forth, until they reached the light woods that surrounded most of the southeast side of Ponyville. It was only when they entered it that Fluttershy felt comfortable to extend her wing over Rarity.

   The forest opened up to the East Plains, a sprawling pastoral beauty in which Fluttershy loved to sit and think. Today, though, she was here with Rarity, making a near-perfect thing beyond perfect.

   It was that time of day where there doesn't seem to be any temperature at all; the time of day perfect for brunch. As Rarity commented on the beauty of the field and scanned for a nice, shady spot to lay out the blanket, Fluttershy felt the chill of a midmorning zephyr and watched its effect on the grassy valley before them.

   "Ah, look! Over there!" Rarity's voice threw Fluttershy back out of her peaceful trance. Her marefriend was smiling and pointing to a spot almost across the valley, surrounded by tall grass and enveloped in shadow. Perfection, indeed.

   Fluttershy merely nodded, and began trotting along the forested perimeter of the crescent-shaped hill encasing the valley, when Rarity's voice made her stop once more. "Oh, don't go the boring way around." She turned to Rarity grinning and motioning with her head to the long, shallow slope to the plains below.

   It took her a second to realize what Rarity was trying to get across. She walked over to her slowly, pausing for a second when she came close to her face, and then turned in a split second and hopped down the hill.

   "Hey!" Rarity shouted, laughing, and took of down the hill after her. Fluttershy began laughing as well, the picnic basket falling from her mouth. When the two of them were neck-and-neck, though, she clumsily tripped over her own hooves and tumbled down the remainder of the slope, taking Rarity with her.

   They hit the bottom side-by-side, laughing and ruddy-faced, their usually well-styled manes out of order.

   Rarity laid a hoof over Fluttershy's chest, and leaned over to kiss her quickly on the cheek before standing and reaching down to help her up. She gratefully accepted, retrieved the wicker basket from a few feet away, and they started off to the little shady spot, sides touching.

   There wasn't much talking; there hadn't been for years. It seemed as though they knew everything about each other, until the next meeting. Then, they felt as if their knowledge and love for one another was... solidified. Either way, it didn't really require conversation.

   The spot turned out to be on the edge of the rim, overlooking not only its enclosed valley, but the wider, amber-and-gold East Fields beyond. Rarity let out a short, content sigh when they reached the top, and nuzzled a little into Fluttershy's neck. "It's beautiful."

   Fluttershy smiled, and nuzzled back. "Just like you."

   Rarity flushed a light red as the couple sat down, spreading the warm, quilted blanket below them. The wicker basket was beginning to let off a delicious scent, which quickly wafted its way to Rarity. She gasped. "Is... is that..."

   "Yes," Fluttershy smiled, pulling out a cluster of pastries covered delicately in wax paper and placing it between them. "I made four, and you can have as many as you like."

   "Fluttershy, you are too good to me," Rarity giggled, hurriedly unwrapping one of the pastries and biting into it, savoring the warm, flaky crust and the sweet, thick syrup for all it was worth.

   "...Is it okay?" Fluttershy asked as Rarity sat, stone-still, staring past her and holding the half-eaten pastry.

   "Okay? It's -" she stopped, savoring the flavor with renewed vigor. "It's the best thing I've ever had in my mouth!" That mischievous gleam popped into her eye again. "Well, third-best."

   Fluttershy flushed a deep maroon and stared at her hooves, not sure whether to laugh or feel embarrassed. Was she talking about what -

   Yup. She glanced up to see Rarity licking the bitten side of the pastry seductively, letting the sweet syrup drip off her tongue and onto the blanket below. But - but weren't they technically in pub-

   She was taken by surprise by Rarity leaning across the blanket and enveloping her in a long, passionate kiss. Her tongue tasted sweet, of course, and it added so much to the embrace. Slowly, the couple backed up to the tree behind them and Fluttershy began to lean against it, the bark feeling much more comfortable against her back than she thought it would.

   Rarity moved quickly. He hooves traveled down Fluttershy, sensually stroking alongside the pegasus' body. Her lips stayed locked to Fluttershy's as her hooves moved down her belly, coming closer to-


   Fluttershy's eyes snapped open. "Twi-" she gasped, and her swung her head to her right, where she could see nothing but four purple hooves, one raised in surprise. In two seconds, she threw herself into high gear and flapped her stiff wings twice, gaining just enough speed to thrust herself into the tree limbs above.

   "Twilight! I - you - I -"

   "Were you - was that - wh-"

   "It - I - please -"

   Fluttershy could hear both the unicorns below her babbling in total shock, but she could do nothing more than think the worst of the near future. She laid on the thick limb supporting her, covered her face with her wings, and began to sob softly. It was over. This was it.

   "Twilight, calm d-"

   "How long could - did you - h-"

   "Stop! Please, darling, just calm-"

   "I can't! This is - it's... why...?"

   "Twilight, please!" Rarity finally calmed down, interrupting the confounded mare to the best of her ability. "I can't hide it. You saw... something, and -"

   "Yeah, I saw something! I saw two of my best friends making out under a tree! That's something!" Twilight was in the middle of confusion and panic.

   "What were you doing here, anyways? I've never seen you in the East Fields!"

   "I don't even know! I was on a walk! A-a biology study or something! I don't remember! That's not the problem at hoof now, though!"

   "I'm sorry we couldn't have told you sooner! I didn't want anypony to... find out like this. I'm sorry." At this, Twilight began to calm down, but bewilderment was still evident on her face.

   "So, then, how long has this been going on? You said 'sooner'; that means that this's been going on for a while! How long have you guys been..." She looked around at the valley below them, and up at the tree above. She sighed. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have - I just - this -" Another sigh.

   "I'll come clean," Rarity said, trying desperately to get Twilight to stop babbling. "Just... listen, please. Okay. Everything started three years ago, wh-"

   "Three WHAT?!" Twilight shouted, red-faced and flustered. "Why didn't you tell anypony else? We would've been fine with it then, but now - it - it'll take some explaining!"

   Rarity looked down at her hooves, still thoroughly embarrassed. "Spike," she murmured quietly.

   A brief, but terrible silence filled the little hilltop, during which only the soft sobs of Fluttershy above them could be heard. Rarity looked up at the tree branches above and smiled wistfully, her eyes glistening with tears. "I just wanted what was best for everypony. But... I can't. I can't keep them all happy."

   Twilight had been trying to speak, but, again, no words would come. Finally, she was able to speak. "You're right. It would kill Spike. It's..." she trailed off, unsure of how to continue.

   The lavender unicorn looked up into the dense mass of tangled branches above her, and sighed again. "Fluttershy, I'm - I didn't mean to - just come down, please," she asked tenderly. "I swear I won't ask too much."

   The crying slowed to a halt, again leaving the hilltop in silence. After what seemed like quite a while, Twilight heard the quiet, choked voice in reply: "No."

   Twilight cast a final, guilty glance at the tree above her, and shook her head. "Really, I'm sorry, and... and I won't tell anypony if you don't want me to. Please, just come down, I want to talk about this."

   There was no reply, but only a shuffling of wings as Fluttershy cautiously descended to the ground below and the conversation she'd hoped she'd never have to endure. She lightly touched down at the base of the tree before walking quietly over to Rarity, her face hidden by a thick curtain of mane.

   Twilight stood apart from the couple, piecing together what she was going to say before she made the awkward situation worse.

   "So..." she began tentatively. "You and Fluttershy?"

   Rarity nodded, her eyes cast downward.

   She bit her lip, and looked sadly at the two mares whose relationship she'd accidentally interrupted. "I don't want you guys to think that I'm not okay with it, 'cause I am. But I'm just really confused. Why did you keep it a secret from us? From me?"

   Rarity sighed briefly, and opened her mouth to speak, but was surprised by Fluttershy's soft answer. "We thought you guys wouldn't think it was normal. I couldn't face it. It's my fault."

   Tears came back to Rarity's eyes, and she shook her head. "No, no, darling, it isn't, really, I... I shouldn't have been so afraid. I'm sorry."

   Fluttershy shook her head, her gaze still locked on the ground below.

   Until now, Twilight was watching on with a terrible pain in her heart. "No, wait, guys, listen! It's not anypony's fault!  get that you were trying to play it safe. I didn't mean to hurt anypony, I never did. I promised that I won't tell anypony. We'll just keep it between us until you guys... you know... come out," she finished lamely, slightly unsure of the meaning of the phrase.

   Rarity smiled, despite of herself. "You'd do that for us? And you really don't think it's too... strange?"

   Twilight returned her smile. "I'm not against f- l- you guys, it's just weird to think of my two longtime friends having done this for so long."

   Rarity and Fluttershy were still standing awkwardly side-by-side, afraid in context to get too close. Rarity walked forward first, giving her friend a hug. "I'm really glad. Really. We were planning on telling everypony soon, but, well, we haven't set aside a date. This really helps."

   Fluttershy finally looked up, and flashed a quick smile before looking back down again, still too embarrassed to look Twilight in the eye for too long.

   Rarity walked back over, and smiled again, warmly. "I'm sorry that I didn't come right out and tell anypony, but I'm glad that somepony else knows now. It really makes me feel less stressful."

   "Well, whenever you wanna talk to anypony, I'm always available. Really, though, how long has this been going on again?"

   "Out third-year anniversary is next Tuesday."

   Twilight's ear flickered and she looked out across the valley below, her cheeks turning a light pink. "So... I mean, you already... uh..." she trailed off, glancing up at the pair and tapping her forehooves together for a moment.

   Rarity cocked her head. "You mean..."

   Twilight shook her head quickly, a full rosy blush spreading over her features. "I - I didn't need to ask - I mean, um, you don't have to answer -- you shouldn't, actually, I was just... um..." She sighed. "It's just disconcerting, I guess, to think that two of my friends have been, well, together like that for three years."

   "It's fine, Twilight." She giggled. "Also, yes, and a lot."

   Twilight looked at Rarity, then at Fluttershy, then back to Rarity, her eyes glazing over. "Y- I- never mind. Sorry. I should go. I never should've been here in the first place, I should've just turned and walked away, I shouldn't have said anything, I shouldn't have overreacted-"

   "It's okay, Twilight," Rarity interrupted. "Truthfully, I was expecting much worse," she added, giggling.

   As she waved an awkward good-bye to Twilight and watched her walk away, she sighed happily. Everything went better than expected; one of her friends approved, and she could talk to Twilight about everything now. It felt like a weight was lifted from her back -  the feeling she only felt when she was in deep with her marefriend, when she felt like there wasn't a blasted thing on Earth that she needed to do or to worry about.

   She turned to Fluttershy, putting a hoof under her chin and gently moving her head up to meet her gaze. "Are you okay, darling?" she asked quietly.

   Fluttershy was still flushed a terribly deep red, a shade that Rarity had only seen on her the day their relationship began. "I'm okay," she replied. "I... I love you."

   Rarity smiled broadly. "Is that so?"

   Fluttershy blinked, and looked down again. "But why did you have to tell her about us... um... you know," she asked, blushing lightly and touching her two forehooves gently together.

   "I didn't, technically. She asked."

   "That's... I didn't think she would do that."

   "You were right there!"

   "I zoned out."

   Rarity looked into the yellow pegasus' face for a few seconds, scanning her for any sign of emotion. Finally, she burst into laughter, prompting Fluttershy to laugh, too. Rarity fell back onto the picnic blanket, motioning for Fluttershy to follow. She did, of course, and they laid next to each other, just laughing. Pure joy; pure love.

   "Well..." Rarity began, calming herself to the best of her ability. "That actually happened."

   Fluttershy laughed again. "Yeah, it did."

   Rarity sat up, helping her marefriend up as she did. "Fluttershy, we did it! We told somepony!"

   "We didn't really -"

   "Now we can tell everypony else, and I'm absolutely certain they'll be perfectly fine with it!"

   "Well, Twilight being okay with it doesn't really m-"

   "Can't you see what's waiting for us? Life, darling! A real relationship! A life together! We can finally be ourselves in public! I can't wait, really."

   "A life... together?"

   Rarity looked back towards Fluttershy from her magnificent position at the top of the hill. "A life... a-a life t-..." she trailed off, thinking forward as well as she could. Was it... could it work?

   She smiled, and approached the blanket again. "Yes. A life together," she replied, lying down next to Fluttershy and leaning over onto her, their lips touching and their bodies pressing. She pulled away momentarily, still stroking Fluttershy's side with a hoof.

   "Now... where were we?" she purred.

Rapid Development

   "Applejack, do you really like me as much as I think you do?"

   "Of course ah do, Rainbow. Ah have fer the longest time now."

   Rainbow Dash took a quick glance around the orchards below. The hill they were lying on suddenly came into view; behind Rainbow was a mass of green and red, apple trees as far as the eye could see.

   "I like you too."

   Applejack smiled and blushed as a breeze swept around the tree they were relaxing in the shade of. Dash smiled back, but suddenly her gaze became soft, something Applejack hadn't seen in her before. She rose to her haunches and leaned over to the orange mare, kissing her forcefully.

   For a moment, Applejack was terribly confused, but soon gave in to the emotion, leaning back and placing a foreleg gently on Dash's shoulder. Before long, the tingling sensation in her chest rose dramatically as she felt Dash's tongue press against her teeth; of course, without a second thought, she let her in. Applejack sensed her pulse quicken and her blush deepen as she felt Dash's hoof on her face, caressing her mane slowly. She never wanted it to end.

   It did, of course, and Dash pulled away, her mouth still open and her muzzle flushed a deep red. Her eyes were half-closed, and she leaned more towards Applejack, grinning seductively.

   "You caught me. I'll admit it. I like you a lot." She came closer, pushing Applejack over onto her back, pressing their stomachs together, leaning her head down until it was less then an inch from Applejack's face. "I want you, AJ."

   Applejack looked with wide eyes up at the baby-blue pegasus standing over her. She smiled, and another blush lit up her cheeks.

   "Can I?" Rainbow asked, a grin crossing her face and a twinkle coming into her eye.

   "Yer more than welcome," Applejack replied softly.

   "Sweet." Rainbow laughed shortly and laid a kiss on Applejack's neck, and another on her chest, making her gasp and chuckle. She kissed slowly down her body, glancing up every so often and smiling, before reaching h-

~~~~~(A Split Second Later)~~~~~

   "Hey, Applejack!"

   Applejack awoke with a snort, her eyes snapping open as she tried to make sense of the world around her. She shook her head quickly when she noticed a short young olive-green stallion in the room with them, and stood respectfully. "Good mornin', sir," she greeted him with a nod and a smile.

   "Oh, um, it's, like, three or... never mind. Good morning."

   "Yeah, okay. So. Doc's got some great news for me, AJ!" Dash said happily. "I'm gonna - they're gonna let me - go ahead, tell her, Doc!"

   "My name isn't - I've got a n-... never mind. Anyway, nice to meet you, miss..."

   "Oh, uh, Applejack," she was able to reply, before Dash began speaking again.

   "Just tell her!"

   "Well, your friend here's getting out tomorrow. We just have to run a few more tests, should take most of this afternoon and a little of tomorrow morning, then she's free to go for physical therapy."

   "See, isn't that - wait, physical what now?"

   Applejack smiled. Just the kind of thing she'd know Rainbow Dash would say. She wanted to laugh so badly.

   "Well, your wing hasn't been moving much, so, yeah, you'll have to take two weeks of muscular therapy. It shouldn't be too bad."

   Rainbow Dash grinned and sat up as well as she could to face the doctor. "No way! I'm way too awesome. Ten bucks says I can fly the minute I get my cast off."

   "You can't - nopony could - I can't make bets with... never mind. I'll give you the paperwork after we gets results Wednesday, uh, tomorrow, sometime around noon. You'll be taking basic exercises at the YMCA downtown." He flashed a quick, polite smile and turned to walk briskly out of the room.

   Dash turned to her friend, smiling ear-to-ear. "Did you hear that? Tomorrow! I'm getting out tomorrow! I can't wait! What should I do first? The world is my oyster!"

   Applejack sat back down, shaking her head. "Ah dunno. Ah'm pretty sure ya gotta catch up on yer weather stuff -"

   "Oh, AJ. Always the pessimist. There's so much to do when I get out! It feels like I've been here forever," she groaned, before turning to look out the small window near her bed. "You know, we still have to make plans."

   Applejack grinned, despite herself. She couldn't wait, either. "...Do ya wanna start now?"

   "Sure," Dash replied, turning back around. "Time and place. I'll be there."

   "Uhm... yeah. Thursday? Day after ya get out. If that's too soon, then, ya know, that's fine with me, but -"

   "No, no, it's fine. Really. Stop worrying, AJ." She grinned. "You should be happy that you're going out with the awsomest mare in Equestria."

   Applejack glanced around the room, and shifted her eyes to the door quickly. "Well, see, that's another point. Ah never reckoned ah was a f- fillyfooler before. Didn't even cross mah mind. Ah suppose it's not a bad thing -"

   "I'll say," Dash snorted.

   "Sorry. Anyways, ah suppose it ain't bad, but ah just never thought of it bein' me. Ah mean, what if somepony else thinks it's wrong? Ah mean, if we decide to tell anypony. Ah mean, not 'we', but, like -"

   "Calm down, seriously. Everything's gonna be fine."

   "Ah already tried to tell mah family. Found the nerve to tell everypony 'cept Granny, actually. Ah suppose ah thought they deserved to know." She sighed and stared at her hooves.

   "How do you even know whether you're a fillyfooler yet? Have you tried before, or is this like, an experiment, like, an assumption-type-deal?"

   Applejack sighed again. How on Earth could Dash sound so casual about this? "Ah'm pretty sure," she replied, remembering back to her accidental first kiss with a bit of chagrin.

   "You're right. Wouldn't expect that out of you."

   "Cain't say the same fer you, Rainbow. Ah always kinda expected it," Applejack said playfully.

   "Hey! That's not fair!"

   "You know ah was just teasin', Rainbow."

   Dash stopped, and grinned, shaking her head. "Yeah. I know. It's just, ponies always seem to call me out 'cause... well, rainbows. And, you and I both know that I tend to be... well, dude-ish. Sometimes."


   "Don't do that, it's weird. Anyway, up until maybe four or five years ago I pretty much stuck with colts. It wasn't bad; a met a few really nice guys. But, eventually, I remember being at a - a party somewhere or something and I was with a mare. And something just clicked. So, you know, what the hay, both," she finished with a chuckle.

   "Was it really that easy fer ya? Hoo boy, it's takin' somethin' outta me jist to talk about it. If ah had a choice, ah always thought it'd be a colt."

   "What, do you think it's just me?" She grinned again, egotistically now. "I wouldn't blame you. I'm awesome, remember?"

   Applejack looked up at the small white hospital bed she'd grown so accustomed to staring at. "Ya wanna know the truth, Dash? Maybe it is." Dash looked back at Applejack in mild surprise. "Maybe it's yer personality, or the little competition we've always had goin' on, but..." She trailed off for a second, before picking up the courage to speak again. "Ah just really like you, Rainbow."

   Dash blushed lightly, staring at her friend who, in turn, was still staring at the floor below. She turned to look back out the window, pondering this new development deeply.



   Dash took a deep breath, and, without turning from the window, asked a question that Applejack never thought she'd hear. "...Would you say you love me?"

   Applejack flushed a hearty maroon before nervously clapping her hooves together a bit and brushing the hair out of her face. She wasn't sure whether she felt uncomfortable.

   Truth. Truth and honesty. "...Ah think ah do, Rainbow."

   Dash turned, looking almost on the verge of tears. "You know, nopony's ever said that to me before. Nopony I dated or felt a connection with. Nopony at all since my mom, for that matter."

   Applejack stood and walked quickly over to the baby-blue pegasus' bedside. "Oh, Celestia, Rainbow, ah'm really, really sorry -"

   She was interrupted by a swift embrace from Dash, making her gasp in surprise. "Don't be," she whispered, and hugged her tighter. Applejack blinked, and her blush deepened just a little. She could feel her crush's heartbeat. And they hadn't even had a first date yet. Before long, damn the torpedoes, she gave in to the warmth she felt in her heart and reached her forelegs up slowly to hug Dash back.

   After not long enough, Dash pulled away, her eyes a light pink. Without time for Applejack to react, Dash's lips were sealed with hers, for real this time. Applejack closed her eyes quickly, and pressed her lips as well as she could against Dash's. She leaned her head unintentionally forward, her back leg lifting ever so slightly and her chest tightening.

   "Alrighty, Miss Dash, we're ready to - oh," the off-white stallion stopped, witnessing the short moment of passion between the two. Applejack gasped and pulled away, using all of her willpower and better judgment. "Um... I'll just... come back in a little while." He grinned nervously and turned to walk quickly out of the room.

   Dash looked up at Applejack, who looked back embarrassedly. Suddenly, Dash burst into laughter, falling to her side and laughing until it developed into a cough. Applejack smiled, and joined in shortly. The moment of happiness lasted only minutes, but felt to Applejack like hours. And still, hours were not long enough.

   Eventually, Dash's laughs trailed off into giggles and then to a happy sigh, before she sat back up and looked across at the orange mare, their eyes almost level. Applejack almost wasn't surprised for the next kiss, but it delighted her nonetheless. Dash moved her hoof up to Applejack's face, and she blushed terribly as the first part of her dream came true. She stroked alongside Applejack's mane, and before long, Applejack decided to join in, placing her hoof around Dash's neck.

   In three minutes or so, Dash broke off, licking her lips and smiling, a blush still coloring her face.

   "So... are we a 'couple' now?" Applejack asked quietly.

   "You'll have to find out on Thursday," Dash replied, smiling wider.

   "What, that's still on?"

   "Yeah! Definitely! I wanna talk more. I wanna know more about you. I wanna know why you like me and I like you back."

   Applejack smiled mischievously. "So, it's 'kiss first, ask questions later'? You always do this?"

   "No, that's not what I -"

   "You ladies ready?" the voice of the older white stallion interrupted.

   "We're decent, if that's what you're asking," Dash joked, smiling at AJ.

   As the stallion walked in, Applejack forced a polite (if embarrassed) smile, and murmured, "Well, ah guess ah should be goin' now..."

   Dash called out behind her as she ducked out of the door. "Okay, AJ, see you Thursday!"

   Applejack smiled, and stood behind the door, listening with half a mind to the muffled conversation.

   "So, you and her have plans?"

   "Yeah. First date, actually."

   "Oh. Good for you two. Hold still, this shouldn't hurt."


   "Sorry. Anyways, you think something could develop? You seemed pretty sure of yourselves when I checked in last time."

   "You know what?" Applejack's heart skipped a beat and a half. "I think something might. I kinda want it to."

   Applejack sighed gladly and slumped against the door as quietly as possible as the stallion murmured his response. She stood up, nodded to a nearby nurse, and walked out of the hospital double doors, head held high. This was gonna work. It was gonna be excellent. And it was all... up... to her.

   She gulped, and lowered her head slightly as she began walking the dirt path down to Sweet Apple Acres.

~~~~~(Meanwhile, Elsewhere in Ponyville)~~~~~

   "Well, if it's true, then it's not just us, is it?" Rarity giggled, and traced a few little circles on Fluttershy's chest.

   "I know. But I never really... well... never expected Lyra to be that type of pony," Fluttershy replied quietly, giggling along with Rarity as her hoof began to tickle.

   "Darling, we're that type of pony," Rarity said dryly, reaching up to Fluttershy and popping her hoof gently into her mouth.

   "Not you. Just me," Fluttershy replied, kissing Rarity's hoof before letting it fall back onto her chest.

   "Well, you know, I suppose you're right about that," Rarity said thoughtfully, nuzzling against Fluttershy's neck. "Not anymore, though. I love you too much."

   Fluttershy smiled, and nuzzled back, laying a hoof across Rarity's shoulder. Suddenly, Rarity moved away, sitting up at the edge of the bed. "Where - where are you going?" Fluttershy asked, slightly dismayed.

   "I've been thinking," Rariy said, opening up a drawer in the bedstand next to her. "I know Twilight was thinking of something different, but everything finally fits together." She turned around to Fluttershy, lying down again next to her. A small, rectangular wooden box was clutched in between her hooves. "I bought this years ago, but never had the courage to ask. And when I did, I just thought of my friends, and everything fell apart. But now - now, tomorrow, we'll finally be able to tell everypony about us." She looked away, out the small, circular window, and looked back to Fluttershy longingly.

   "Fluttershy." Rarity said, softly, lovingly. "We've been together for three years next Tuesday, but I can't wait any longer for this."

   The yellow pegasus blinked, her eyes becoming shiny and teary. "R-rarity, is this wh-what..."

   Rarity shushed her marefriend softly, and continued. "I love you more than anypony else I've ever met. Without you, my life simply wouldn't be complete."

   A few tears fell down Fluttershy's cheeks. "R-rarity..."

   "Fluttershy," Rarity said, opening the box to reveal a thin, shining silver-and-gold necklace. "Will you marry me?

   Fluttershy's tears began to flow freely. "Yes. Yes, I will!" she said, sniffing and leaning forwards to hug her marefriend - er - fiancé - tightly, and sobbed into her shoulder. The box bounced on the pillows below and fell to the corner of the bed, out of the way for whatever may come next.

   Rarity' tears soon dripped onto the sheets and pillows behind Fluttershy, and she smiled like it was the happiest day of her life. Because, in reality, it was - so far.

   Before long, Fluttershy pulled back and kissed Rarity fully on the lips, slipping her tongue in quickly and blushing furiously. It was the most passion Rarity had ever felt in a kiss - and it was coming from Fluttershy.

   After mere minutes, Fluttershy broke off, and began moving her hoof slowly down Rarity's body, tracing every curve and bone, and didn't stop at all.

   Rsrity gasped, and moaned. "Darling, I don't think you're supposed to consummate it until after the marriage - mmm."

   Fluttershy smiled probably the most alluring, seductive smile Rarity had ever seen on her. "It's your fault, you know," she replied softly, kissing her neck gently before whispering into her ear, "You proposed on a bed."

Brief Consultation

   At this point, Fluttershy felt exceptionally jumpy, past normal-Fluttershy levels. Every friendly 'Hey, Fluttershy!' became a less-than-friendly 'I know your secret'. She would have wondered why the paranoia was even still there, since now that - well, now that they definitely had to come out, it was useless. But that was why she was on the way to the library.

   Since Twilight had 'caught' her and Rarity that day a week or so ago, they hadn't spoken at all. It was a combination of a lack of opportunity to speak and one or two counts of avoidance. Twilight was on the other side of the street at Fluttershy was shopping for animal supplies? Duck into the nearest shop and hope she didn't see. That kind of thing. But now that - well, now that they definitely had to come out, she needed to get as much advice as possible. There was still some fear that she couldn't really explain weighing heavily on her, but she knew Rarity felt the same. For the first time, Fluttershy needed help.

   She tried to outline these points, tried to convince herself that she was right, as she walked up to the heavy library door. Wait, it's almost lunchtime. Twilight's probably out right now. I'm just wasting my time. She rocked back and forth on her hooves for a minute or two and flipped her mane out of nervous habit before peering into the small window next to the door. There was Twilight, sitting and reading, as per usual.

   Fluttershy sighed. With a nervous hoof, she reached up and tapped lightly on the door, before turning away and sighing quickly again. However, she heard the faint whisper of magic near the door, and turned her head back to see a faint pink dot trace cursive into the air in front of her.

This is a PUBLIC library, you know.

   At this, the cursive cut itself off (with a flourish that vaguely resembled a smiling cartoonish representation of Twilight) and fizzled out. The words, in glittering pink, remained in midair for a few seconds before fizzling away in turn. Fluttershy bit her lip anxiously and pushed the door open with a hoof. She was greeted with a still-smiling Twilight, who had remained in her reading hair behind the librarian's desk and whose horn's glow was starting to fade out. "Hey, Shy."

   "Um, hi," she murmured, trying not to look directly at her. Ask now, or later? Now or later? Decide. Fluttershy shook her head lightly and scampered off to a section back in the library, pretending to be trying to find something to read.

   She couldn't even focus on the book titles, so she just grabbed one off the shelf and popped it open, sitting back in one of the numerous other reading chairs that were spread around the library. She's right there. Wondering about you. Wondering why you're here, part of her mind was saying almost tauntingly.

   "Hey, Shy?"

   Fluttershy must have jumped an excess of three inches. She gasped loudly, and tossed the book into the air accidentally, trying momentarily to catch it in the air before a warm pink glow surrounded it and set it gently back down on the shelf. Twilight smiled kindly and leaned on the arm of the chair. "Shy, are you... alright?"

   "Y - well -"

   "Be honest."

   Fluttershy sighed. "Well... I was just... um, h-how did you know?"

   "Know what?"

   "That I have a, um, a bit of a p-problem?"

   "This is the sports section."

   Fluttershy looked up and around at the various bookshelves, her mind picking out titles like '6050 World Records' and 'The Forty Miles: A Racing Story'. She sighed. "Alright." Pausing, she looked over to Twilight, her face still hidden behind her mane a bit. "I came here to ask you something."


   "W-well, don't tell Rarity I was here, okay? You're the only one who knows so far, and - well - it's kind of a complicated question."

   Twilight shook her head, a small grin still on her face. "Come on, Shy, it's okay. I won't tell anypony."

   With a short sigh, Fluttershy looked back down. "I need to know... why I'm scared."

   When there was no reply, Fluttershy looked back over at Twilight, before shaking her head and beginning again. "I-I'm sorry. Look, we didn't tell anypony about us for... for so long because I was scared. Rarity would tell you something else, but it's true, it was me. I don't know what the problem is. I - I can't go to anypony else, because y-you're the only one who knows, and - and even then I don't really want you to, either, but..." she trailed off, putting a hoof to her forehead. "I just need help."

   "Well," Twilight began carefully, "don't you think you should see somepony else? Somepony more qualified to -"

   "It - it's not something that I want to, you know, talk about. I just... don't want anypony to know about us. At all."

   Twilight thought for a moment. "Do you think you're afraid of rejection?"

   "That's another thing. That's what I've been blaming it on for all these years, but I don't think it's that simple anymore." Her voice began to weaken as she felt a burst of heat run through her body from hoof to head. "I... don't really want to talk about it anymore. I'm sorry for, um, wasting your time," she said quickly, trying to leave the seat (whose material had quite a firm grasp on her at this point).

   "No, no, Shy," Twilight responded, putting her hoof over her friend's. "It's perfectly okay. I'm still your friend, and I want to make sure you're okay. So, do you want to... come out?"

   Shy paused again, bright memories returning to her and a fleeting smile crossing her face. Then she remembered Twilight was nearby and pushed them from her mind. "I don't want to, but I think I might have to." She inhaled and steeled herself, finally deciding to come out with it. "... We... we're getting married."

   There was no sound for a moment, and Shy glanced quickly over at Twilight, who showed no sign of reaction. "Um... Twilight?"

   "I have no idea what to say," Twilight replied finally. "I would be really, really happy for you both, but I didn't know until, literally, a week or so ago. To me, this seems extremely fast. So much change in such little time."

   "But how do I do it?"


   "I mean, how do I stand in front of all these ponies and... g-get married? I - I can't even -" she stopped, putting a hoof to her forehead again. "I'm getting a bit lightheaded," she added weakly.

   Twilight grabbed her shoulder. "It's okay , Shy. Calm down. We can figure something out. Maybe postpone the wedding for a - wow, 'wedding' sounds weird to say, considering it's between you and Rarity... I just realized exactly how deep this whole thing is. A-anyway, um, maybe postpone it for a few months so you can get your hooves on the ground and tell ponies? ... Have you told your parents yet?"

   Fluttershy shook her head slowly.


   "I know."

   "Three years, and not even telling your parents? What do -"

   "I - I know. That's why I need your help. Please."

   Twilight looked at her again and sighed. "I'll definitely help you if you need it. What do you, um, think the problem is?"

   Fluttershy shook her head again. "I don't know."

   "You're not really giving me very much to work with."

   "I'm trying, but I can't figure it out. I just don't want ponies to know."

   Twilight shook her head. She stood to her hooves and paced a bit, pawing a bit at the ground in thought. "Have you asked Rarity, maybe, what it is?"

   A quiet sigh. "I don't think she knows either. I'm not even sure if it's the same reason for her that it is for me. I... um, I don't want anypony to think about us... together, you know? I don't like thinking about the fact that anypony else knows." She bit her lip, feeling another rush of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I don't..." she trailed off into silence.

   "... Is it because it's special?"

   Fluttershy thought for a moment. "Because it's... special?"

   "Yeah. You and her are special. You're in a special relationship and you don't want ponies to, you know, know about it because of their reactions." She paused. "No, maybe because you don't think they understand."

   "N-no, I'm okay with the reactions at this point. But... yes, we're special together. Before Rarity, I didn't put my heart wholly into anything. I tried, but I couldn't. And Rarity - and Rarity and I, when we developed, I put my whole heart into it. I mean, I don't think I could stop if someone forced me. We're too connected. She and I, when we're together, we never think about anything else. We're just entirely, just, like, love, and that's wh-" she stopped herself short, blushing heavily and turning away. "...It's special."

   "I got it. You don't want other ponies to think about it."

   "I... don't understand."

   Twilight smiled, a bit of her classic nerdy flare returning. "It's simple. Because you and her have such a strong bond, you don't like somepony else thinking about the both of you and 'sharing' the love; to a degree, it's as though it would make the relationship as common as any other relationship when it is, in fact, above all the rest to you."


   "Watch. I'm now thinking about you two together under the tree that one day."

   "Please don't."

   "What were you, planning a kind of romantic picnic looking over the fields and -"

   "That word isn't the best adjective for what it was -"

   "- and after you were done, maybe, you wanted to cuddle or something -"

   "- it wasn't exactly like -"

   "- and maybe things got a bit too heated -"

   "Stop!" Fluttershy cried, putting a hoof firmly over her friend's muzzle. "Just... stop, please," she continued, her voice reverting to normal. She looked up and saw Twilight's eyes glinting gleefully, with obvious 'see-I-did-it' body language. At this, she felt a tingle run through her spine. Was that it? Did she really solve the problem that quickly - the problem they'd been having for years? "... I got it. But what do I do about it?"

   "I dunno," Twilight replied, pushing Fluttershy's hoof off her face. "Maybe walk around in public for a bit, see how it works, and, like, try to be accustomed to showing your relationship to others?"

   Fluttershy looked away, before looking back with a growing grin on her face. "I don't... y-you're a genius."

   "Maybe a bit."

   She pulled back. "No, but that makes so much sense. So much sense, and you didn't even n-need to try." She felt a burning behind her eyes. "I - I - three years we've been hiding it b-because we d-didn't know what would happen if we didn't hide it. Mayhe it took another voice. We were scared, and - and -" She felt the first of many tears falling down her face. "Th-thank you so much. Wh-why was that so simple? Why was that so easy for you? Why couldn't we have done this years ago, Twilight?" she asked, leaning forwards and burying her muzzle into her friend's shoulder as wave upon wave of joy washed over her. "Thank you. Thank you so much, Twilight."

   "As long as I'm invited to the reception."

   At this, Fluttershy began to laugh.

~~~~~(Back At The Boutique)~~~~~

   Rarity sat at the huge walnut writing-desk with the special classical carvings on the side that she tended to do most of her sketchwork on, working slowly over a small accessory set that was due in a few months for some highbrow in Canterlot. The shades of blue had to be manipulated, re-manipulated, un-manipulated, and then manipulated again before Rarity was comfortable with it - and that was just the fabric. However, her magical grasp on the pencil sputtered when she completed a small shape in the center of the scarf - a dove.

   A wave of thoughts she'd tried to block out for work time came rushing back to her. She sighed, resting her head in her hooves. How are we going to do this? I'd always thought the doves was a good idea - Fluttershy and animals and all. And maybe to go along with that, there can be a sort of natural theme to the whole - back to business, Rarity.

   But isn't the wedding - your wedding - much more important? she asked herself, twiddling with the pencil and spinning it once or twice in the air. But we can postpone it. For a few months. Or so.

   She but her lip in frustration at herself. No. You can't do that to her. Engagement is a promise. How dare you let some stupid fear get in the way. It's been three years - how have you not grown the courage?

   Her mind paused, as though to let her digest it. What if I caused it?

   Just for a moment, her blood froze. "No," she said out loud, trying to assure herself. "She..." she trailed off. You mentioned it, right after the first incident years ago. She probably just followed along, like a mindless servant because she just bucking loves you too much and you can't manage that

   "No," she said again, more of a whisper to herself. It was true, though. She'd seen the way Fluttershy looked at her. She truly adored her. And although Rarity loved her back, entirely, to the point of willing to give up her life for her, there just didn't seem to be an equilibrium. And she hated herself for it.

   As if on cue, the front door opened with its signature G# creak, and Rarity turned almost wearily to the entrance to the sunroom. Even as Fluttershy's excited face turned the corner, she couldn't help but marinate in her own stupid thoughts.

   "Rarity!" Fluttershy cried, rushing forwards and tackling her marefriend (in an oddly gentle Fluttershy-like manner). Rarity couldn't stop herself from giggling, and when she felt her favourite pair of hooves wrap around her, she couldn't help but hug back.

   "Wh-what's the occasion, darling?" Rarity asked, grinning.

   "I - I just -" she paused. "Well, I, um, went to the library to talk to Twilight."

   Rarity looked up at her, shocked. "Really? I honestly thought you were avoiding her."

   A light pink faded into view on Fluttershy's cheeks, and she looked away. "Well, I... kinda was, but I just..." she trailed off. "We're getting married."

   Rarity felt an odd mixture of emotions rush through her as her conversation with herself came back to her but the idea of a wedding sparked her attention as well. "Yes," she replied, giggling and lightly touching muzzles with her marefriend, who just smiled wider.

   "And, well, I was thinking about it and realized that... there's no way I would have the courage to stand up in front of so many ponies, even just, like, one or two, and, well, get married. It just... bugged me," she finished quietly, pulling away and dropping to the ground. "I don't mean I'm not happy to, or absolutely dying of excitement, but, um, it just scares me. A lot."

   Rarity looked down, as well. "...I know the feeling."

   "So I went to see Twilight, because, you know, she's the only -"

   "Heh. I remember."

   "Yeah. So, I told her, and explained things, and she, I think, answered the problem we've been having for so long." She paused and reached a hoof up to rub her eye. "Rarity, it's finished. I'm n-not afraid anymore. I know why I was afraid, and n-now that I know, I just c-can't be afraid anymore," she said in a bit of a choked staccato, leaning forwards and holding her marefriend tighter.

   "Wh- well, what is it?" Rarity asked, giggling again. When there was no reply, Rarity simply smiled and held her marefriend's head closer to her chest. "... I love you, Shy. So, so much," she added quietly.

   "It's special," Fluttershy murmured as she went back in, moving to Rarity's lips and touching her cheek gently with a hoof. "I - I'm sorry, I can't right now," she muttered, "about the - the fear and stuff..."

   "T-take your time, Shy, I -" she was interrupted by another gentle kiss "- I have a while."

~~~~~(About Nine Minutes Later)~~~~~

   The generous levels of 'the usual' had eventually slowed to a cuddle, and Rarity was lying beneath her marefriend, her hoof wrapped around her back still, and quiet conversation speckled with laughter had filled the room.

   "I was wondering, when we get married, do you think things'll stay like this forever?"

   Rarity smiled, and kissed the bridge of her muzzle. "I think it will. Probably even more often. ... You do know that I love you."

   "Of course. And I love you, too," Fluttershy replied quietly. "And I always will."

   Rarity felt her stomach clench as she glanced down at her marefriend, a perfectly content smile across her face. She couldn't take it anymore. She just had to say what kept torturing her mentally. "Fluttershy, why are you so... why do you... why are you so in love with me?"

   Fluttershy looked up. "... You should know by now," she replied, smiling broadly.

   Rarity shook her head and put her other hoof around Fluttershy as well. "I - I just - I see the way you look at me and wonder whether I'll see be able to do that. I love you with everything I can, and I really, really mean that, but... I just feel so... inadequate."

   Hearing nothing, she continued, holding her marefriend tighter. "Everything I see in your eyes is... beyond normal. You're a part of me, Shy, and I shouldn't be so imbalanced like this. I want to... love you more."

   Fluttershy looked worried for a moment, before a grin crossed her face once more. "You proposed," she said quietly. "I didn't have the courage to. Even after all this time."

   Rarity felt a tingling behind her eyes, and shook her head again. "... Thanks, Shy. You always know what to say," she replied, leaning in for one more kiss.

   There was a moment of silence, broken by Fluttershy's giggle. "Have you ever noticed exactly how mushy we can be?"

   "I love it."

Complicated Coincidence

   Applejack stared at the row of apple trees before her, pushing her hoof back and forth in the dirt nervously. Dash said she'd be there around ten, and it was five till. Maybe something had happened to her.

   She sighed quietly and shook her head, trying to clear her mind and figure out what to do for the date. Do we go somewhere for lunch, or do we just hang out for a while, or do we, uh... what else do you do on a date? Her gaze towards the apple trees slowly intensified as her mind organized everything she knew about romance. I remember somethin' about 'be yourself.' But how exactly do ah do that? Do ah be mahself like ah would be normally or around her or, like, be cool, or - does 'be yourself' include to do what you think you should do? Because that opens up a whole new range o' possibilities -

   Her thoughts were interrupted as she was essentially shocked to life with a cry of 'Hey, Applejack!' and a round of laughter following her 2-inch jump. She turned to Rainbow Dash, her coat flattening again. "Dang it, don't do that, Rainbow, ah'm -"

    She was cut off again, but this time instead by a gentle pressure on her lips. She looked down in surprise at Dash, front and center, and leaning forwards, kissing her. Again. Nonetheless, she took it if she could get it, and leaned into it, closing her eyes quickly.

   When she pulled away and opened her eyes, it wasn't so much the kiss that made her blush as it was the smug look on Dash's face. "Am I forgiven?" Dash asked with a false allure, before busting into laughter again.

   Applejack frowned. "Th-that ain't funny, Rainbow," she said defensively, shaking her head.

   Dash didn't reply for a moment, but just grinned. "Aw, c'mon, let's just have some fun. This should be pretty cool. I already have an idea for where to go. I mean, if you didn't have something in mind. And we'll go all Dutch... not that that helps much, because I plan on buying a lot of popcorn."

   "The movies?"

   "Yuh. You know Critical Speed 5 came out today? We should totally go see it."

   Applejack smiled. "Ah dunno. Might make me more jealous o' wings than ah already am." Seeing the look on Dash's face, it was Applejack's turn to laugh. "Ah'm just kiddin'. After all, we both know who's the superior race."

   "Eh-heh-heh. Very funny. Are we gonna go, or not?"

~~~~~(Meanwhile, at Fluttershy's Cottage)~~~~~

   "I mean, by this point, I think I'm totally willing to do whatever Twilight said. And she said if we 'test' publicity now, it shouldn't bother us as much later," Fluttershy continued, pouring small amounts of birdseed into the various cages around the den.

   Rarity smiled, and sighed contentedly. "Do you really think it'll even be much of a change going out in public? I mean, the only difference is other ponies'll be watching us, at the worst, sitting together and eating popcorn together. Or, maybe, necking in the back row -"

   Fluttershy giggled. "Rarity, stop! We're just testing it out. It shouldn't be too much different, but... I mean, I'll admit I'm still kind of unsettled. I don't... like thinking about what other ponies are thinking."

   At this, Rarity sighed, much less contentedly. "I... should probably tell you the truth. You're afraid of... whatever complicated thing you were talking about yesterday, but I'm still scared of, well, reactions. I don't mind looks, but, I mean, I don't know what I would do if somepony said something. What would I do? I mean, I don't want to be rude or dismissive, unless, of course, it's necessary..."

   Fluttershy stopped feeding the birds and turned back to Rarity, who was still toying with her mane in the small mirror she brought anywhere she brought her saddlebags. "You know... we don't have to go if you're not okay with it."

   "No, of course we do. Fluttershy, we never should have been in the dark. It was just foolish inhibitions that kept us from being in the public eye. And I want to be done with it. I mean, I'm totally willing to finish this." She paused, shaking her head to push the thought to the back of her mind. "What movie were we going to see?"

   "I don't remember. I thought it was a romantic comedy. I don't remember what it's called."

   She turned around and smiled. She didn't have to say anything - Rarity could sense what she was feeling: the exact same mixture of anxiety and excitement she was feeling. Everything was changing.

   Rarity smiled back.

~~~~~(Ponyville Theatre in About Twenty Minutes)~~~~~

   "Ahh, popcorn..."

   Dash was muttering quietly to herself from the back of the 12-pony line to the concessions stand, while Applejack found a seat to herself on the other side of the lobby. She looked over at Dash, mulling things over to herself. What did she think about everything? About her? Why was she already okay with, well, kissing so much, so early?

   She ran a hoof along the rough plastic surface of the seat under her, trying to take her mind off things. It didn't really work, but she didn't really expect it to. So many thoughts were bouncing around her head, she didn't even notice Dash standing in front of her, a gigantic popcorn bag barely held under her wing. "Let's move, AJ, we have a theatre to be at."

   "What? Oh. Ah didn't see ya there." Applejack grinned nervously, popping to her hooves and awkwardly adjusting her Stetson. "Uh... how'd ya get out of line so quick?"

   "We had a great server. And guess what he was," Dash added with a grin. "Guess."

   Applejack sighed. "Was he a -"

   "He was a pegasus," Dash finished, laughing at Applejack's face. "Who's the superior race now, huh?"

   "Show me your server pumpin' out 600 apple fritters in an hour, and I'll think about reconsiderin'," Applejack retorted, nodding her head confidently.

   "Yeah, well -"

   "Applejack? Rainbow Dash?"

   Applejack froze up, not wanting to turn around. That was Rarity. Why is Rarity here. Rarity ain't supposed to be here.

   "Oh, hi, Rarity," Dash said cheerily.


   "What are you both doing here?" Rarity asked, as Applejack finally turned around to face her, smiling in what she assumed was a convincing neutral. "Um... Applejack, are you all right?"

   "Wha -? Yes! Yeah, of course ah am. Well..." she trailed off, chuckling awkwardly.

   Rarity looked at her down the bridge of her muzzle. "... Right. Anyways, how are you both?"

   "Oh, it's great. We just decided to check out the new Critical Speed, but it's its second showing, and there's probably gonna be a massive line, so we got here twenty minutes early... you know how it works."

   There was just a second when Applejack sensed something odd in Dash's voice. Nerve, maybe? Or something else? Maybe that was why she didn't want to tell anypony? But then why'd she tell that doctor -?

   "Oh, that's nice; Fluttershy and I -"

   "Uh, s-sorry," Dash interrupted, "I have to go to the bathroom. Sorry, I'll just be right back," she added weakly as she trotted away awkwardly. Applejack felt a pang of worry. Was she just being evasive? Was she just that embarrassed?

   "I... kinda have to, too. One minute," Fluttershy interjected, apologizing as well and walking off to the south end of the theatre.

   Rarity sighed. "Well." She sat down next to Applejack, slumping back against the wall. Applejack heard her inhale as though she was going to speak, but she didn't. And then again.

   Finally, Rarity began. "Uh... can I... no, never mind."


   "It's just..." she said slowly, "I just need to - I mean, I can't think of a way to phrase it."

   "Phrase what?"

   Rarity sighed. "We... we've been looking to... okay, look, Fluttershy and I are trying to - to be together in public, and tell more ponies about -"

   "No. Ain't no way," Applejack interrupted, dropping to a harsh whisper. "You two are dating?" She clicked her tongue and looked away, chuckling to herself. What irony.

   "We've actually been - um, we've been dating for -" she stammered. "We - you weren't supposed to be here - not today. It was - we... we're actually engaged," she replied, her voice shrinking.

   "Ah'm sorry?!" Applejack nearly shouted, whipping her head to the unicorn in surprise.

   "Would you?" Rarity hissed, grimacing as most of the ponies in the lobby turned towards them.

   "Well - well, why are - when did -" she paused, and put a hoof to her head. The irony in and of itself was frustrating. She promised she'd try to keep on the down-low about her and Dash for a while now, but...

   "No, it - it goes a bit deeper than that. It's just... we kind of have to come out now. It's been literally years of being secretive and quiet about it and I just couldn't stand having to tell everypony about something like this and I'm sorry." She put a hoof on her muzzle and sighed quietly again.

   Applejack was a bit taken aback. Years? Engaged? Fluttershy and Rarity? It was a bit fast, wasn't it? She frowned. "Alright," she said finally. "Uh... geez, ah wouldn't 'a thought that for a million years. Ah guess it makes sense, though," she added.

   "I'm sorry, though, we should've said something a long time ago. I didn't mean it to go quite like this."

   Applejack remained silent.


   "Alright," Dash began, turning around once the two were safely out of sight, behind the entrance to the hallway. "What'd you call me out for?"

   There was no response for a moment. Fluttershy dragged a back hoof slowly along the ground, hiding behind her mane. Rainbow rolled her eyes, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. What else could she expect? It was Fluttershy, trying to say something obviously important. She -

   "I - I know you and Applejack are going out," she blurted, looking up.

   Dash felt a bright blush on her cheeks, before remembering who she was talking to. She frowned, suddenly feeling very un-confident. "How... did you know?"

   Fluttershy only responded with a look, and Dash knew exactly what she meant. They'd been friends for too long not to pick up on each others' quirks. Just the though of that, though, made Dash realize that Fluttershy was still holding something back. She wasn't quite sure what. Maybe... did she have a crush on AJ? She looked at the ground, a bit worried. Maybe she could've at least told Shy, literally her best friend.

   "I'm engaged."

   Dash didn't even process anything for a moment, just chuckled. "You're kidding." She glanced back up, and, seeing the determination in her face anypony else would have missed, her grin fell away. "You're not kidding." Fluttershy nodded, and Dash had another sudden realization. "... Rarity?"

   "Sh-sh!" she shushed her as a pair of ponies walked by, without even glancing at them.

   "You're kidding."

   "I'm not kidding, Dash." She paused. "It's been... it's been a really long time since we got together, and... we just didn't tell anypony, and..." she frowned again.

   Dash smiled. She didn't remember her usually very-reserved friend ever doing something quite so... adult. "You shoulda told me earlier, though," she commented. "We could have had all kinds of conversations, you know. Stories. Suggestions. Tips and tricks."


   "Tips and tricks and t-"

   "Dash, don't."

   Dash burst into snickers, but she didn't hear Fluttershy doing... anything. She looked up to see her hiding behind her mane again. "... Still a tough subject? You shouldn't have gotten engaged if you haven't been together long enough to comfortably talk about sex."

   "Dash," she said again, a heavy blush across her face, "it's been three years."

   Dash's eyes grew wider. "Woooah," she said. "That's..."

   "Well, what did you expect? I don't think Rarity would propose lightly, do you?" she asked pointedly.

   "Rarity asked? I would have figured that -" she cut herself off, catching sight of the clock to their right. "Wow, I gotta go if I'm gonna get to the front row. I'll see you later, Shy."

   "B- but - I - I thought -" Fluttershy sputtered. "I'm trying to - to tell you something I haven't told anypony before! At all!"

   "Not even your parents?"

   "That's not - Dash, look. You're taking this way too easy. I was..." she trailed off. "I was expecting some kind of vote of confidence."

   Dash felt a pang of sympathy in her chest. What she was doing was definitely hard - she'd gone through it, too. So why wasn't she feeling much about the whole situation? She took another look into her friend's anxious and saddened eyes, and found the answer. "Because I know you can handle it." She felt herself smile. "Go get your fiancée and watch your movie."

    Fluttershy hid even further behind her mane, still nervously moving a hoof on the ground. "But... but I don't know if I can handle it." She sighed, and looked up. "You're the only pony I've ever told about it. Ever. I'm only able to tell you because we're friends."

   Dash felt the impact of the word friends. Maybe she was being a little blunt.

   "But I don't think I'm going to be able to tell anypony else."

   Dash reached up her right hoof, but brought it back down, her wing sending a sharp shock of pain through her back. She raised her left hoof and put it on her friend's shoulder. "It's gonna be fine, Shy. Are you really that torn up about it?"

   Fluttershy nodded.

   She smiled lightly, and shook her head, pulling her hoof away. "I know you, Shy. If something needs to get done, you get over your fear and you do it. You always have been good at that - when something's super important to you, you just, I don't know, push your fear out of the way and..." She trailed off. "I'm no good with words. You know what I mean, right?"

   Fluttershy finally smiled a small smile, and nodded slowly. "Yeah. I do. Thanks, Dash."

   "Now can I go watch my movie?"

~~~~~(A Few Minutes Later, Screen 3)~~~~~

   Applejack grinned in the dark as Dash found her way to her seat, fourth row from the front. "You have much trouble with the bathroom?"

   "I was talking to Shy," Dash whispered in reply. "What's happened so far?"

   "What do you think?" Applejack whispered. "It's a racin' movie. Tough-lookin' stallion with the jaw gets recruited by the shady racin' guild, etc. It's only been three or four minutes. What did you talk to Shy about?"

   There was a short pause. "I'll tell you later. Hand over the popcorn, I paid good money for it."

~~~~~(Meanwhile, Outside of Screen 7)~~~~~

   Rarity saw Fluttershy approaching out of the corner of her eye and grinned. "You ready to go? I am. It smells like fake butter and nacho cheese out here," she added under her breath.

   Fluttershy laughed. "I hope we didn't miss anything, did we?"

   "Oh, no, of course not," Rarity replied, holding the door open for her marefriend and following her inside. "I, um..." she began, her smile fading, "I started off by telling Applejack."

   "I had a conversation with Dash, actually." She sighed as she got into her seat. "She and Applejack are actually on a date, right now."

   "Really? That's a bit... coincidental."

   "Yeah. I just don't see how they can do it so easy."

   "Well, we'll hit that level eventually," Rarity replied. "Cross bridges when we come to them, huh? For now, let's just do what we can, I suppose, even if that just means going to the movies together."

   Fluttershy smiled, and nuzzled Rarity very briefly, before looking around at the nearly-empty seats around them. The two couples nearer the front hadn't even bothered to notice hey were there. "We can do this, I think."

   "I think you're right."

Looking Forwards

   It felt like so long. The days ticked by in a constant status quo, but from Monday it'd been such an inconsistent on-and-off of change that made the short week feel like months.

   The wedding was tentatively set for August, early on, and Rarity already had invitations ready alongside explanations. It was exciting, but at the same time exhausting. She didn't want to care about what anypony had to say anymore, she just wanted them all to come see her finally settle down with somepony.

   That was part two, the settling down. Both she and Fluttershy had businesses and such, and they were both important. There was no leeway - they'd have to incorporate the two in one area. So they were going to buy a house.

   They were going to get married and buy a house.

   Every time she thought about it, she felt an old, familiar shiver run down her back, a mixture of excitement and fulfillment and everything else a growing pony needs. She was so ready.

   And so not, she thought as she felt the hooves reach slowly around to her chest.

   It had grown dark in the sunroom as Rarity worked. The paper had become harder and harder to write on as only her magic provided any light. She only decided to light the thick utility candle nearby when she felt her hooves on her. With a quiet sigh, she closed her eyes and kissed Fluttershy's hooves gently. It would all work out.

   "It doesn't have to be a big wedding."

   Rarity rested her head back, and Fluttershy nuzzled her softly. "I know, darling. But... well, I rather thought it could be good for us - for me - to close it with this, for lack of a better word."

   "I just don't want you to stress over it."

   There was a silence for a moment or two. The darkness around the desk seemed comforting, its contrast with the bright candlelight creating some level of isolation. Togetherness in isolation.

   "We may need to move the date," Rarity began, in an accidental whisper.

   "... Okay." Fluttershy kissed her gently. "I love you."

   Rarity felt a smile crawl across her face. The excitement gripped her again as she felt the weight of the change. "We should go out house-hunting tomorrow."

   She felt Fluttershy smile.

~~~(A Few Minutes Earlier, At The Acres)~~~

   The sun had begun to dip below the treeline, but the sky was clear and the bright violet of twilight was trembling to approach in the upper berths of the atmosphere. The grass in the west part of the Acres was soft - it was near the mountains, and the humidity reached down to the farmlands below. Even the tree she was leaning against had a nice, smooth trunk.

   "You don't want to get back before it gets dark?"

   She wiggled a bit as though to show she was comfortable. It was the first time they'd found themselves in a position like that - and they didn't even really try, it just sort of happened. Dash was sitting comfortably in front of Applejack, her head resting on Applejack's chest.

   Applejack moved her hooves from where they were, crossed on Dash's chest, to adjust herself. Dash groaned shortly, reaching behind her and guiding Applejack's hooves back.

   It felt natural. Like it was part of the package, or like it was planned. Applejack pulled her closer, shifting her upwards, tightening her grip. She'd been thinking, and wanted to ignore the thoughts for a moment.

   But she couldn't. She did try, she really did, but just the gravity of what she was thinking was weighing on her hard. She had to talk about it. Even yesterday she'd decided she had to talk about it, but couldn't find a good time. And right now she was as ready as she would ever be.



   "Ah..." she trailed off. Well, that didn't go very far.

   "You what."

   "Do you think... it'll work?"

   There was silence for a moment, before Dash rolled out of her position to lie next to her. Even then, there was a second of silence as Dash chose her words. "What do you mean?"

   "Ah don't mean ah wanna break up, or anythin' like that. Don't worry."

   "Well, what do you mean?"

   "Gimme a second and ah'll tell ya. Ah was thinkin'..." She paused, and looked over at Dash, who was looking off into the distance. It was odd how far they'd come. From that indescribable attraction to now, she'd ridden the constant high road and found herself falling so far in love with her that...

   "Ah was thinkin'. How far do you want this to go?"

   Dash crossed her hooves over her chest. "I don't know," she replied, in a voice almost low enough to be a whisper.

   "If - if it goes far," she began, realizing that everything she was about to say was a bit overboard. But it had to be said. "If it goes far, how d'you suppose it'll work? Ah'm tied to the farm. You wanna be part of the Wonderbolts. You'll be flyin' everywhere in Equestria for shows and stuff." Her voice had dropped further that she'd intended. "Ah won't see you very much."

   Dash still said nothing.

   "Dash -"

   "Can't we cross that bridge when we come to it?" she asked, looking over at her for the first time.

   "Well, ah have to think to the future. Ah run a farm, lookin' forwards is part of life."

   "Yeah, but... if we're satisfied now, do we even need to think like that?"


   "That's not what I meant, AJ -"

   "Ah know." Applejack crossed her forelegs over her chest as well, leaning up more against the tree. "Ah just wanna make every action count -"

   "What, so it doesn't count if we don't settle down?" Dash asked, a strong note of anger - frustration, perhaps - in her voice.

   "Ah was gonna say count for somethin'."

   "That's worse."

   "Ah need to get married, Dash."

   The heavy silence was perpetuated by the growing darkness. She shouldn't have said that, even though it was true.

   "... Why?"

   "The farm needs the support."

   "What about Big Mac?"

   Applejack took off her hat for a moment, looking it over before laying it on her chest and laying her hooves next to her. "Ah... promised somepony."

   The pause was interrupted by a light pressure on her hoof. She glanced down to see Dash's hoof on her own, and sighed quietly. "That's why ah needed to talk. Ah don't want to get... invested if you won't be happy."

   Dash said nothing, and didn't move her hoof. She looked over at her, and she was looking back, something in her eyes that Applejack couldn't place.

   Before she could say anything else, Dash leaned over and kissed her gently. Her body relaxed almost instantly. It wasn't a secret to Dash any longer that that was Applejack's favorite thing. And it wasn't a secret to Applejack any longer that Dash was a lot more personal than she came off. Maybe even emotional.

   For a long time, Applejack felt as though she was less the driving half of their relationship; less forceful, more simply carried along in Rainbow Dash's gracious storm. But, without words, Dash told her that she needed her, relied on her more than she'd ever known. And as Dash pressed up against her, she felt that more and more.

   Eventually, when they stopped for a moment, Dash was lying on top of her, almost weightless by Applejack's perspective. Applejack drew a hoof slowly down Dash's wings, and kissed her gently one more time.


   "Huh...?" she mumbled, still taken fully by the kiss.

   "I love you. I... I really do." When Applejack said nothing, she continued. "Maybe once... it wasn't like that. But now I do."

   She looked up into her eyes and her throat went dry. "Ah - ah love you, too, Dash," she replied, returning for another short kiss.

   Dash chuckled. "Ah, clichés."

   "Hey, they work for me."

   They laughed together, just for a second, before returning to play out their scene, and let the night wear on.

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