
A Blind Delight

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 9: Part 9: Day 3 of 7 Fire VS Smile

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A Blind Delight
Part 9: Day 3 of 7 Fire Vs. Smile

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor was sitting in his room his blades held in his hands as he breathed in through his nose and out his mouth. "Remember Trevor to achieve your full potential you need to breathe. Achieve your center and be at peace with your surroundings." Trevor listened to his master in his mind.

"I can finally use your teachings master I will not disappoint you." Trevor continued to breathe focusing on the stances in his mind. '2 Stances 6 emotions and a final form make up the Sound Style... I never mastered the final form so I hope I will not have to use it' Trevor stood ready for his next fight and judging by the matches he was unconsciously listening to he heard that Cloudkicker had advanced to the next round. After each round the master division get a day off to prepare for the next round. He sheathed both of his blades sighing only 2 more rounds until the finals including this round. Trevor put his mask on his face removing his cloak he would not need it today for it would slow him down.

"Trevor your round begins in 10 minutes please follow me." Trevor looked to the man making him flinch. Trevor only motioned for him to go which the coordinator obliged just to not have to look at the mask anymore. "So you are not wearing the cloak today?" He asked trying to focus on something else.

"Nah I am going to need speed today to win against my opponent." Trevor looked up to the coordinator. "Is the mask bothering you?" He asked his shoulders drooped.

"I'm just not used to the mask it is not your fault." Trevor tilted his head. "Most of the time the other fighters wear helmets or some sort of scarf never just a mask." The coordinator stopped at the door listening. "Good luck out there Mr. Trevor."

"Thank you sir I will need it to win." Trevor moved his mask to the side to show the coordinator he was smiling. He smiled back.


"I'm fighting a dragon?"

"Yes just be careful he nearly killed his last opponent even after the pony conceded defeat he continued to attack." Trevor tightened his grip on his blades.

"Well this will be fun I wonder how he will act towards me?" Trevor slid his mask back onto his face.

"PLEASE WELCOME TREVOR!" Trevor kicked the door in front of him open with a loud bang that silenced the crowd. When Trevor stopped in the center of the Arena he clapped his hands together a few times nodding. The crowd joined him in clapping then they began to cheer for him. "NOW WELCOME IRONCLAW!" Ironclaw opened the door walking out to the center of the ring Trevor could hear him dragging a rather heavy object behind him. The crowd continued to cheer as Ironclaw stared down Trevor. "YOU BOTH REMEMBER THE RULES CORRECT?!" both Trevor and Ironclaw nodded. "THEN LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!"


Trevor drew both of his blades holding them at the ready.

"I have bad news for you young one." Ironclaw mocked looking at his blade then at Trevor. "Your tiny blades will not be able to block any of my attacks."

"Who said I needed to block your attacks?" Trevor asked crouching low to the ground ready for him to make the first move. Trevor heard the blade move through the air the sound it made was a light whistling noise. Trevor side-stepped the swing and retaliated by swinging his blades sideways they came in contact with something digging in slightly before Trevor heard the blade being dragged towards him. 'Shit.' Trevor was smacked aside which dislodged his blades from their target.

"I will give you some credit young one you actually hit me sadly your blades are not strong enough to cut my hide." Trevor stood slowly a searing pain in his side from where he was hit. "Just make this quick and accept your defeat." Trevor began to laugh it started quiet and slowly became crazed.

"I have to thank you Ironclaw you make me want to take this match seriously." He smiled under his mask he took up a stance one blade held above his head the other held towards Ironclaw. 'Loud Stance: Joy.' Trevor said to himself charging forward.


"Good job on mastering fury now we move on to the second form known as Loud Stance: Joy." Trevor's master said watching Trevor pant heavily. "You could work on your stamina though." Trevor only nodded in agreement.

"Master why is it called Joy?" The master chuckled pulling out two practice blades smiling.

"This requires the use of two blades not just your sheath. The style relies on psychological fighting. the entire time a smile will be carved on your face each strike with make you laugh and each wound you receive will only make you fight harder." Trevor listened to this fairly confused at this style. "The hard part if forcing your mind to think that you are not just fighting but you are actually doing something else letting the emotion take hold." Trevor sighed scratching the back of his head.

"Master how am I supposed to do that?" The master patted him on the head.

"Think of what brings you happiness everything that makes you smile." Trevor listened to his master's words smiling.

"I think I know what to do now master thank you." Trevor held his practice blades a smile creeping onto his face as he made his first strike.


Trevor slammed both of his blades into the side of Ironclaw cutting him deep the fight had been raging on for little over 20 minutes now. Trevor had been cut, bruised, and heavily injured yet he continued to stand. Ironclaw was in the same condition but he was barely able to stand. 'What in tartarus is wrong with this stallion? I cut him and he just laughs striking me back harder than before.' Ironclaw stood just in time to see Trevor swing his blade. Ironclaw was quick enough to block the attack but not quick enough to move out of the way of the kick that came launching him backwards. landing on his back Ironclaw tried to stand. Trevor let out a laugh but it suddenly ceased as he slumped forward.

"Why must we fight like this?" Trevor asked standing up straight. "Just concede defeat I do not want to use my next stance on you it would be unfair to you." Trevor took his mask off wiping his forehead off. "This fight will only end in death at this rate and I do not wish to kill a fellow master it's a waste."

Ironclaw could not believe his ears. "Mercy?" Ironclaw stood slowly his anger taking hold of his mind. "YOU DARE SHOW MERCY ON THE BATTLEFIELD!" Smoke and flames came out of his mouth as he yelled. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Ironclaw charged Trevor raising his blade high. Trevor felt the heat coming off of Ironclaw as he charged him.

"I will not kill you but I will defeat you." Trevor held both of his blades low on his right. "Silent Stance: The End." When Ironclaw was right in front of Trevor they both lashed out. Dust was kicked up from the blow obscuring the view of the outcome. Strangely the collision made no sound.

"I'm sorry Fillies and Gentlecolts but the dust is to thick to see the out co-" Something rather large slammed into the ground in front of the announcer making him jump back. He noticed what the object was it was a section of Ironclaw's sword. The announcer looked up to see Trevor crouched low one blade held high the second was placed against Ironclaw's stomach.

"I'll be damned beaten by a young fool." Ironclaw said as he slumped forward Trevor caught Ironclaw lowering him to the ground.

"You will live Ironclaw and you will come back stronger next time." Trevor stood up finding his sheaths. He smiled as he sheathed his blades attaching them to his person.

"THE VICTOR IS TREVOR OF PONYVILLE!" The announcer yelled as the crowd went wild Trevor only slid his mask back onto his face.

"HOLD ON!" A voice bellowed making the entire crowd go silent. "We did not hear Ironclaw concede defeat the match is still on." Trevor turned noticing it came from the judges table. "He has to concede defeat or be killed for the match to end. Either we wait or you finish him off now." Trevor looked towards where Ironclaw was laying before returning his attention to the judge.

"I refuse to kill and he did concede defeat the second he lost his weapon." Trevor walked forward to the judges table looking down at the judge the eyes on his mask doing what they were designed to do. Scare the living hell out of those he looked at. "He can not fight without a weapon so by default he concedes defeat."

"That is not how the rules work freak." The judge said as the entire crowd gasped at what the stallion had said.

"Can I ask you something sir?" Trevor grabbed the judge by the shirt pulling him up. "Do you want to take his place in this fight?" Trevor smiled under his mask. "If not then keep your mouth shut I will not kill my opponent especially one who can not fight back." Trevor shoved the judge back into his chair.

"That's it you are being disqualified Ironclaw wins." The Judge said into his microphone in front of him.

"I think not nephew." Trevor turned towards the voice noticing that it was Princess Luna. "Trevor wins this round along with the fact you are now no longer a judge." Luna walked up to Trevor patting him on the shoulder. "It was a glorious fight young Trevor." Trevor nodded sighing. "I will send a medical team to your room after we are done here just be careful on your way to your room." The crowd remain silent through the whole ordeal. Trevor raised his fist into the air which earned him a thunderous applause.

Trevor exited the Arena to hear the coordinator still at the door. "That battle was insane." Trevor nodded feeling light headed he shook his head placing his hand on the wall to keep himself up. "Hey are you alright?" The coordinator grabbed Trevor just as he fell. "Hey come on stay with me." Trevor didn't stay awake for long as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Author's Notes:

Can anyone tell me where I got the names for Trevor's stances? Anyway I might have to scrap season 2 and start over but I will still put it up as an alternate timeline if I don't like it and start over.

Next Chapter: Part 10: I Will Fight On Day 5 of 7 Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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