Solv Skog, the last dragonborn, finds himself at the throat of the world before Paarthurnax, ready to read the Elder Scroll, but something wrong happens.
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(Fall end Throat of the World)

(The beginning of this story is inspired by Became a Dragon made by The Digital Guy. I also don't know who made that pic. Any information would be appreciated.

I have a rough dragon tongue, so feel free to point out the errors if you can see them)

Solv Skog is the last dragonborn. The fabled one to destroy Alduin, the World Eater, after his return. Solv was not ready, and this he knew. After great training, he eventually stood on the throat of the world and read the Elder Scroll which would teach him the words feared by even dragons, but that didn't happen.

Now he must return to his own world with the guidance of Talos and, perhaps the local divines as well, and discover the words of hatred...and, hopefully, avoid stepping on everything that is in this new world, as well as avoiding a foe that possesses the same power and ancestor as the dragons. This won't be easy, especially when one who strives to preserve life is reborn as a creature surrounded by the miasma of death, for this body is not his own, and two minds in one being never truly ends well.

Zu'u los Dinoksildov. Pah dovve faas zu'u, fah zu'u dinok do dovah ahrk dovahkiin!


8,038 words: Estimated 33 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

4 Chapters:

  1. Falling off the Throat of the World [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Aug 15th, 2014
  2. I am in control [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Aug 19th, 2014
  3. The King Dragon and the Royal Ejge [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Aug 30th, 2014
  4. Reaper's Scythe [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 12th, 2014
Published Aug 15th, 2014
Last Update Oct 12th, 2014


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