
Prepare for trouble and make it double

by Star709

Chapter 13: Ch.12- A Screwy Reuinon

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Ch.12- A Screwy Reuinon


present time

Seviper turned his head, currently scouting the area around them, his eyes struggling to see anything but trees. Next to him was one of the few Pokémon he can actually tolerate (Even if she can be a bit annoying) Dustox, who was currently flying around.

A overly cheerful voice suddenly called out. "[Hey! Seviper, I spy something....green!]"

Seviper suppressed a groan. "[Is it a tree?]"

"[YA! How'd you know?]"

Seviper wanted to yell at her for forgetting what they came up here for, but yelling at her or even making her cry would be just like kicking a newborn puppy. "[Dustox, we're suppose to looking for a way out of this forest.]"

Dustox frowned a bit. "[Ya I know, but it's so BORING!]" Seviper rolled his eyes.

Meowth's voice rang out. "Hey! You guys found anything yet?"

Dustox flew down towards Meowth, while Seviper slithered down from the tree. "[Nope, sorry Meowth.]"

"*Sigh* Well guess we should try something else." Meowth turned around towards Wobbuffet. "Hey Wobs! What now?" Wobbuffet had his back turned, he seemed to be staring at something. "Hey Wobs, you okay?" Meowth walked towards the silent blob. "Wobbuffet?"


Meowth blinked. "Huh?" Wobbuffet motioned Meowth closer, hesitantly Meowth and the others walked closer to Wobbuffet. "What's wrong?"

Wobbuffet pointed behind the bushes he was looking at. "[Sir, does that filly look familiar to you?]"

Meowth looked to where Wobbuffet was pointing at and gasped, standing there was a filly about 10 or 11 years old, she had a dark pink coat, her white-and-purple mane raggedy. Her Cutie Mark was of a screw and baseball, and a propeller beanie seemed to be permanently affixed to her cranium. It was her eyes however, her eyes that threw the Pokémon for a loop. Her eyes…had no pupils, instead possessing spirals, one clockwise, and the other anti-clockwise. "That's- That's Discord's brat!!!"

Meowth was instantly pushed out of the way by a overly excited Dustox. "[Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Screwy!?]"

Seviper slithered closer. "[Ya... I think that is Screwball.]" Seviper turned towards Meowth. "[But, shouldn't she be with Discord, trapped in stone?]"

Meowth got up. "You would think so." Meowth turned back towards the small filly. "I guess Celestia forgot to mention her, to the new elements."

The filly 'Screwball' turned around when she heard a twig snap, the four Pokémon also turned around to where Screwball turned towards to. From the bushes three dog like creatures appeared. "Diamond Dogs." Meowth hissed.

One of the diamond dogs stepped forward. "Hello little pony, you got something that belongs to us."

Screwball grabbed her hat and clenched it hard. "Go away! It belongs to me!"

The lead dog sneered. "Fine then, GRAB HER!!!" From the bushes six more dogs came out, wearing armor and holding spears started charging at the small filly.


Three of the diamond dogs were instantly thrown backwards, the leader looked in front of him and saw a strange assortment of creatures, a huge pink jellyfish, a blue furry bat and a hairless ape like creature standing in front of the filly. "Who are you?"

Jessie smirked, she turn towards Woobat and nodded. Woobat  understood and her body glowed. The diamond dogs felt something enter their minds, and instantly they could understand what the jellyfish and the furry bat were saying.

Jessie spoke first. "If 'who are you' is the question you ask..."

Woobat grinned. "...The answer we give you is our compassion for chaos!"  

"To infect the world with devastation...

To uphold the evils of this world!"

Frillish jumped in between the two. "To spread anarchy whenever we can!"

"To carry out the evils of chaos and disharmony!

The lovely beautiful villains!



The fiery destroyer of the Rocket gang spreads anarchy at the speed of light!  

Rejoice as the god of chaos will soon make it's return!"

Frillish once again jumped in front of them. "Something like that!"



Everfree Forest

present time

(Tomas P.O.V.)

Braving the Everfree forest was possibly the stupidest thing anyone can do. Something I had to remind myself constantly as these damned wooden mutts kept reforming and attacking me. It was getting more and more frustrating as both Carnivine and Inkay fought against masses of non unified twigs, that were acting similarly to that of a wooden tornado as they raked and clawed their ways into them, luckily my Pokémon were way more tougher than that. I was in the deeper woods and but luckily I wasn't alone.

Yet another set of howls, the third set signifying yet another incoming pack of wooden mongrels that was driving me to my last nerve, the temptations just to set the forest aflame was growing every second, but I withheld the urge. The last thing I needed was a forest fire burning out of control to draw attention to myself.

That, however, didn't mean I was left with no options. I grit my teeth as we scrambled away from yet another set of hungry fangs and claws, my rocket uniform already torn in several places, and it was only pure luck that we hadn't suffered worse. I had already sent Mime Jr. to his pokeball, in fear of him getting hurt.

Carnivine flicked out his vines left and right, cutting their wooden heads in two, however whatever magic drove these beasts, refused to let them die. These timber wolves were making hard to not force me to burn down part of the forest. That and they were surrounding me. Cursing, I had grab another pokeball, one of the only three Pokémon who I hadn't used in Canterlot. 'Hopefully his flames will keep them away.'. "Archie, your up!"

In a explosion of light another Pokémon joined the battle, he was a orange dog with jagged black stripes, he had beige fur covering his whole head. "ARCANINE!!!" Arcanine or Archie as I like to call him, wasn't always a Arcanine, he used to be a Growlithe that I found during the war against Discord, back then I used to call him Growlie. "Archie, burn these wolves to the ground with Flamethrower!"

Archie let out a stream of flames out towards the pack of wolves, instantly turning a few of them to ash. But the even more of them showed up. "Damn, Archie! Carnivine! Inkay! Come back!" Instantly the three of them rushed back towards me, making a half circle around me.

Looking across the field I saw that the timberwolves were far from done messing with me, they had combined into a much much larger wolf, the wolf let lose a loud roar causing Carnivine and Inkay to flinch a little.


Before the timberwolf could do anything, a large purple ball of gas had burst out of the bushes and sent out a large Shadow ball towards the wolf.

Seeing the ghost type, I was about to order Arcanine to attack, until the Gastly had turned around revealing a black bow tie. "Hello Tomas long time no see."

I looked at Gastly shocked, the shock expression however turned to happy smile. "Marx!?"

The Gastly smiled. "So you do remember me!"

I looked around for any sign of the other members of the ghost trio. "Hey where's Max and Alfred?"

Marx playfully rolled his eyes. "Oh you know Max, can't keep his eyes of your sister for a second." I narrowed my eyes for a second. " Oh, and Alfred he's at the old castle. He likes to just roam the halls there now and days."

The large timerwolf roared, reminding us that it is still here. "Oh that's right, the timberwolf." Marx grinned. "Not to worry though, I got this under control." Marx grinned sinisterly at the timberwolf. "Will~O~Wisp!"  The Gastly unleashed his attack as circle of blue flames shot towards the large timberwolf, the wolf let out a loud scream. When the flames died out the timberwolf had turned to ash. "Dream Eater..." A large white flame appeared above the ashes before it became absorbed by the Gastly. Marx turned around to face me. "Should we get going?" Dumbfounded at the display of power I just nodded.

  Though as we kept moving it didn't stay quiet like that for long. The normal sized timberwolves were reconstructing themselves out of the ones that were beaten by Carnivine and Inkay, and already they were resuming chase. It was half an hour of cat and mouse before we reached the large chasm separating the dark crumbling spires of the sisters castle. But luckily for us it seemed, the bridge was out. meaning while Inkay's psychic would allow us to cross, the timberwolves had no such luck with a gap far too wide for them to jump.

The castle itself was massive, even in its ruined state. While Canterlot's castle might of been impressive in its stature and as radiant as Celestia, the old castle used of been much bigger in the past, a wave of nostalgia hit me as old memories returned to me. Though in its crumbling state, the old castle was almost as I had remembered it.

The smell of mold and fungus welcomed me as I entered the castle, rugs and tapestries worn down by both the sun and sporadic weather of the everfree forest. I was surprised by the lack of actual wildlife within its halls. I would of expected at least some sort of monster or beast to have taken up residence within the crumbling ruins, but it was just that, ruins. No biological economy to keep such a thing within a dead stone hall fortress that composed the old castle. Though the sheer size of what remained of the castle was still nothing to be overlooked.

However the first room I had gone into was one that hold the most memories, my room. Everything was exactly how I had left it before, toys for my Pokémon were scattered across the floor, a luxurious bed, my old suit of armor I wore when I was a member of the royal guard, and a small desk at the corner of the room. I walked towards my old desk, several documents and papers were scattered across the desk, but what really stood out was the old picture of me, Luna, Mime Jr., Weezing, and Chimecho, all of us smiling.


I turned towards Carnivine, who looked rather worried for me. I notice a few tears escaped my eyes, I quickly brush them of. "Don't worry about me Carnivine, just remembering about the good old days." Carnivne gave me a sad smile.


I looked up and saw Marx looking at us. "Umm... I found Alfred, he's very eager to see you again."


Next Chapter: Ch.13- Phantom Menace Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 4 Minutes

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