
A Boy's Tears

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 3: Cleaning Up after the Storm/Colin's Talk

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Colin closed the bathroom door in Fluttershy's cottage, and looked at the entire bathroom. He felt amazed by how it looked. He saw a small round bathtub, and a few bottles of soap and shampoo. He looked over the tub, and saw a plug for the drain in case Fluttershy wants to take a bath. He took off his clothes, and turned on the water. he felt nervous, because he was worried that the water the would too hot or too cold for him. He slowly dipped his leg in the water, and surprisingly, it felt very warm, and just the right temperature. He got into the tub and dipped his head under the pouring water, making his kind-of-long-hair to go down from the wetness. After a few long minutes, when the tub was filled with water, he grabbed the bar of soap and began to rub it all over himself. He went under the water and rinsed himself off, a few minutes after that. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo, and closed his eyes so the shampoo wouldn't get inside them. After another few minutes, he rinsed the shampoo off his hair under the pouring water. The water in the bathtub was now mixed with shampoo and soap, and Collin pulled the drain. He got out, and dried himself off.

"Where's a hairbrush when I need one?" said Collin out loud to himself. He found a hairbrush right next to Fluttershy's bathroom mirror, and brushed his hair. All of a sudden, he stopped when he heard a knock on the bathroom door."

"Colin?" it was Fluttershy. "Are you alright?" she asked softly

"Yeah, I'm fine." Colin replied

"Okay. I'm just checking on you." said Fluttershy sweetly

"I know. I know. How are my clothes going?" asked the boy.

"They just need to be dried up, so they are hanging on the clothesline." Fluttershy replied. "They just need to dry up."

"Okay. Let me put my clothes on, and I'll come out." said Colin

"That's fine, take as much time as you need." said Fluttershy sweetly. Colin put his pajamas back on, and slowly came out the door, with Fluttershy watching him, with a smile on her face. She softly rubbed her nose on Colin's stomach and began sniffing it. "You're clean as a whistle." she said

"Thanks." said Colin.

"Happy I'm able to help." Said the yellow pegasus with her smile.

Colin smiled back to her, however his turned into a frown. "Fluttershy?" He said


"Since I'm the only human in Equestria.... Do... Think I'm... You know... A... A monster?" Said Colin as his face had a look of fear.

Fluttershy gasped at what Colin just said right out of his mouth. "What?" Colin, you are not a monster. Just because you are the only human in Equestria, doesn't make you look like one." She said motherly. She lifted Colin's chin so he could look at her.

"Are you sure I am not?" Said Colin

"Of course I am." Said the yellow pegasus. "Every-pony in Ponyville are very nice and friendly."

"Including Princess Celestia, and Luna?" Said Colin

"Of course. They are the kindest rulers I. All of Equestria." Fluttershy answered. "You know, you should meet them."

Colin looked a little horrified and said "N-no! She... She would accept me here."

"Oh, don't be silly, Colin. She loves every-pony, even if they are not ponies." Said Fluttershy. "I... I want to u introduce you to my friends. They will like you, I promise."

"Do you think so?" Asked Colin a little uncertain.

"I know so." Said the yellow pegasus. All of a sudden, she heard a knock on the door.

"Fluttershy, it's me, Twilight!" said the voice. At this, Colin gave out a little shriek, and ran to Fluttershy's room.

"Colin, wait!" Fluttershy called to him.

"I don't wanna come out, They will think I'm a monster!" Said Colin with fear.

"I told you, They won't think you're a-"

"Fluttershy?" said the female voice again

"Coming, Twilight!" Fluttershy called. "I'll be right back." She said to Colin

Fluttershy opened her door, and saw her friends. There was a purple allicorn, a white unicorn, a blue pegasus, a pink earth pony with a pink mane, and another earth pony that has a cowboy hat on her head. There was also a bab dragon "Hi girls. Hello, Spike. What are you all doing here?" she asked with her usual kindness

"Well, we heard that you were taking care of a creature, and we want to see what it is." said the purple Allicorn

"Of course, Twilight." said Fluttershy kindly.

"So where is the poor darling?" asked the white-furred unicorn.

"He's... he's in my room, in my bed." said Fluttershy.

"Is he still sleeping?" asked the hyper pink pony.

"N-no." Fluttershy admitted. "He's- He's-" Fluttershy didn't know what to say. "Can you all come with me?" said Fluttershy

"Of course, sugarcube." said the orange earth pony. The group then followed her upstairs to her bedroom, and she opened the door, very slowly.

"Colin?" said Fluttershy. "These are my friends. They want to meet you."

Colin however, didn't want to meet them, and gave out a little squeak of terror. It almost made the groups's hearts melt, but Fluttershy pulled the covers over the boy's small body, and the group saw him shedding a fear tears, and shaking with fear. This almost broke every-ponies hearts.

"Oh my, He looks so adorable." said the white Unicorn.

"He's small." said the pink earth pony.

"Where did he come from?" asked the purple Allicorn with astonishment,

Fluttershy placed her hoof on his back so that he would calm down. "Shh. It's okay, Sweetie." she said to him very tenderly. Colin was now starting to calm down a little thanks to Fluttershy's magic touch. He opened his eyes, and saw the group and Fluttershy giving him a sympathetic smile as he looked at them.

"Please don't hurt me. Please don't call me a monster." said Colin

The group, except for Fluttershy, gasped at what he just said

"Why would you think that we would call you a monster?" said Twilight

"Yeah, little buddy. Sure, you may look kinda like a freak, but you're not a monster." said the blue-furred pegasus. However, Colin began to break down after what she just said. The group gave her a glare, and the purple allicorn whacked her behind the head with a hoof. "Ow! What was that for, Twilight?" said the pegasus

"Two words, Rainbow Dash: Not helping." said the allicorn sternly

"I- I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. It was supposed to be a compliment." said the blue pegasus

the white furred unicorn gave a sigh and said "Look, next time, Rainbow Dash, Try thinking of saying something else."

"Sorry." said the blue furred pegasus a little guilty.

Fluttershy soothed Colin with her wing to ease him from his crying. Once again, Colin began to calm down a little.

"Girls, I would like to introduce you to this little guy." said Fluttershy

The purple allicorn was the first to come up to the small boy, and said softly "I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship"

Next was the white unicorn. "My name is Rarity." she said

"I'm Applejack." said the orange earth pony.

The blue pegasus looked boldly, and said "I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" Colin kind of smiled at her own personal comment.

The pink earth pony jumped in up in front of him and said "MY NAME IS PINKIE PIE AND I MUST SAY THAT YOU ARE A CUTIE-WUTIE LITTLE-" However, she was silenced with a hoof from Fluttershy.

"Pinkie!" said Fluttershy. "You're scaring him."

"Oh, my bad." said Pinkie.

Finally, the baby dragon came up and said "I'm Spike, and I'm a dragon." What he said made Colin jump a little, but Spike said "Don't worry, buddy. I'm a nice dragon." He reached out his hand so he could touch Colin to tell him that he was friendly like he said he was. "Come here."

Colin reach out his hand, and felt his own being shook a little slowly by the baby dragon himself.

"See, I'm a nice baby dragon." said Spike

After Spike stopped shaking the boy's hand Twilight asked "What's your name, little guy?"

"I'm... I'm Colin. Colin Fraser." said he in a timid voice.

"Well nice to meet you, Colin." Twilight said sweetly.

"So where did you come from, darling?" asked Rarity

"I... I don't know." said Colin. "I... I was trying to keep myself from getting wet in the rain, so I found a cave to keep me warm. The next moment, I woke up in here."

The ponies began to grow a little concerned, and Rainbow asked "Exactly, how old are you?"

"Six." Colin replied.

"Six?" said the group except Fluttershy.

"You're still just a baby." said Rarity.

"I'm not a baby!" said Colin deeply offended. "I'm a kid!"

Rarity took a step back by what Colin just said "So-sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"No... it's fine." said Colin.

"Well, if you're a child then, where are you're parents?" asked Twilight

Colin did not answer but all he said was "Nothing."

"Nothing???" said the group all at once.

"Nothin' is not answer. C'mon, sugarcube, where are they?" asked Applejack

"I don't want to talk about it." said Colin

"Why not?" asked Fluttershy. However, she was stopped as Spike burped out a scroll. He unfolded it and it read

Princess Twilight

I would appreciate it if you, and all of your friends visit me in my castle. I've heard that Fluttershy is taking care of a strange creature, one that has never set foot in Equestria before. Don't worry, I'm not going to experiment on him, I just want to examine him, along with Luna.

You're former teacher, Princess Celestia

"The princess wants to meet Colin." said Fluttershy

"Well, it's not bad, Celestia and Luna just want to see him, right?" said Applejack

"Right." said the Group, except for Colin.

Fluttershy turned her head to the boy, and said "Don't worry, Colin. It will be okay. Celestia is one of the nicest rulers in all of Equestria, along with Luna, her sister."

"Are you sure she won't think of me as a monster?" asked Colin a little worried

"She would never think of any-pony like you as a monster." said Twilight reassuringly.

Colin was a little unconvinced, but he said "Okay, I'll meet the princess'."

Fluttershy gave him a gentle head rubbing and said "Good boy."

"To Canterlot." said Spike, and they made their way to the capital city of Equestria.

"Wait a minute." said Fluttershy. "I don't want any-pony staring at Colin."

"Yeah, your right, would she we do to keep every-pony from staring at him?" asked Rainbow Dash

Fluttershy was thinking and said "I got it! I have a large saddlebag that he can hide it." she put the saddlebag on, and said "Come on, Colin, you'll fit in here."

The boy did what she told him, and climbed onto the bag, and it fit him perfectly. Now they could go to Canterlot

Outside Canterlot Castle

Colin was still in the bag that Fluttershy kept him in. He peeked from outside the bag, and saw Canterlot Castle just in front of him. "Wow! That is so cool." said Colin with amazement.

"Just wait till you see the inside, kid." said Rainbow.

the group approached the door with two guards in front if it, and they recognized Twilight and her friends. "Come on in, your majesty." said one of the guards in a deep voice. "The princess' were expecting you." said the other

"Thank you sirs." said Twilight, and the group made their way inside the castle. They saw many rows of guards, saluting as they saw Twilight.

Colin gave out a nervous sound just by looking at them.

Fluttershy turned her head to face him, and said "It's okay, sweetie. They won't hurt you." Colin felt more calm by what Fluttershy just said.


the Group arrived at the throne room doors, and they slowly opened. As the doors opened, Colin was amazed to see how big the throne room is. "It's so huge." he said in his head. When they stopped, he saw two large Allicorns. One white one, and a smaller blue one. The white allicorns mane was flowing a very light green pink, and blue, like the color of a rainbow. The smaller blue one's mane was flowing, but hers had shiny dots sparkling, like the stars in the sky.

"Ah, hello Twilight." said the tall white alicorn in a motherly voice.

"We've been expecting you." said the blue smaller one.

"Thanks. You said you wanted to see what this creature that Fluttershy helped was?" asked Twilight

"That I did." said the white allicorn. "May we see him?"

"Yes." said Twilight. Fluttershy stepped forward, and felt the weight being pulled off as she felt Colin being lifted out with Twilight's magic, in front of the princess'. He gave a nervous look and began to shake a little.

The princess' smiled at the boy, and they both bent down so they could make better eye contact with him.

"Hello, little one." said the white alicorn, very softly. "My name is princess Celestia, the guardian of the sun and the princess of the day."

"And I am princess Luna, the guardian of the moon, and princess of the night." said the blue alicorn.

"H-hello." said Colin in a timid voice.

"Could you tell us your name, dear?" asked Celestia.

the boy made a little gulp and said "My name is... Colin. Colin... Fraser."

"That is a lovely name." said Celestia.

"Can you tell us your age?" said Luna

"I'm... six years old." Colin said

The princess' looked surprised at his age. "My, you're a young one, aren't you?" said Celestia

"Still just a boy." Luna added. "What are you?"

"I'm a human." Colin answered

"A human?" said Celestia. "I have never heard of a 'human' before." Celestia added. However, Luna saw that Colin had a sad face, and said to Celestia. "Sister?"

"What is it, Luna?" asked Celestia.

"I sense that the boy is very hurt somehow." Luna answered

The group looked at Colin with a sympathetic look on their faces.

"Colin?" said Luna "What's the matter?"

"Yes, Dear, what seems to be troubling you?" Celestia added


Colin gave a little sigh, and said "Well... Yesterday. It was my birthday, and-"

Pinkie gasped at what he said. "It was your birthday??"

"Pinkie, please." said Rarity.

"Sorry." said Pinkie Pie

"I just left for school, and when I got home, My house caught on fire, and my parents died from it." Colin said before breaking down into a few tears

The group and the princess' gasped.

"My neighbor Jonah let me stay at his home until he could find me a new home." His sobbing began to grow louder. "It's all my fault that they are dead, beacuse my daddy was making me a birthday cake, and he accidently tipped over a lighted candle onto a window curtain. I ran away from Jonah, and it was raining. I found a cave to keep me warm and not wet, and when I woke up, I was at Fluttershy's bed. It's all my fault that my mommy and daddy are gone. It's all my fault, but I never meant for any of this to happen to them."

Fluttershy pulled him into a very loving and caring hug. "Oh you poor, poor little baby." she said very sympathetically. She herself began to shed a few tears. The who group of ponies, and Spike had a few tears come out of their eyes, even Rainbow Dash

"You poor dear." said Celestia.

Twilight walked up, and said "Colin, it was not your fault that your parents died from the fire. It just happened

"Of course you didn't mean it." said Luna. "No-pony means for these kind of things to happen."

"It was by accident." said Rarity, gently stroking Colin's back

"She's right sugarcube." said Applejack. "They loved you. They would never blame you for anything."

"I'm- i'm sorry i caused all of this." said Colin sobbing.

"Shh. it's okay, Colin. You don't have to be sorry for anything." said Fluttershy, trying to make Colin feel better. Fluttershy then said "Would you like me to give you anything, Sweetie?"

"No thank you." said Colin

"Are you sure?" asked Twilight.

"Yes." the boy replied. All of a sudden, he fell asleep, as soon as he stopped his weeping. The group gave a loud "Aww" by the sight of him sleeping. It turned out that he just cried himself to sleep

"So that's the child's problem. He was just suffering from a broken heart. The poor child." said Celestia with great sympathy.

"I know, the poor darling." said Rarity.

"I just wished that we could do something to make the little guy feel better." said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie made a little gasp, and said "How about a late Birthday party?"

The group looked at her, with smiles forming on their faces.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." said Celestia.

"Where?" asked Applejack. However, she had a thought and said "Wait, how about Sweet Apple Acres? I want to make sure that he has a lot of ponies helping him."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." said Luna.

"Me and Luna will be there for him." said Celestia.

"Really? thank you very much you're majesties." said Fluttershy

"You are very welcome Fluttershy." said Celestia.

"When shall it began?" asked Rarity.

"Tonight at eight o'clock." said Applejack.

"Well then, it's settled: We throw Colin the best birthday of his life." Said Pinkie in an excited, but quiet voice so she wouldn't wake up Colin.

"I hope he will like it." said Fluttershy.

"Oh he'll love it." said Pinkie Pie.

"Is there anything else you would like to know about Colin, your majesties?" asked Twilight

"No that's quite alright." said Celestia.

"Here, here." Luna added. "We just wanted to see what the creature was, and where he came from."

"Good." said Applejack.

"Come on, guys." said Spike. "Let's make sure that Colin has the best birthday party of his life."

"Right." said the Group, except Fluttershy.

"Spike? Is it okay, it Colin stays with me for a little while?" asked the yellow pegasus

"Sure thing, Flutters." Spike said "He will need a little cheering up from you."

Fluttershy smiled at the group as they went out of the throne room. She looked at the princess' and said to both of them "I really hope this will work."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. We will be there to help you cheer him up."

"Now go on and cheer him up. he will need it." said Luna.

Fluttershy went out the door, holding Colin in a hugging position

Author's Notes:

Please don't hate me for this chapter, I've did all that I could to come up with what would happen next. What will the party be like? How will it go for Colin? Find out now on the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Colin meeting the Crusaders/Feeding Fluttershy's animals Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 6 Minutes
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