
A Boy's Tears

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 28: Visit to the Pegasus Pony Capital/Attempted Suicide

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One week has passed since Colin and Fluttershy volunteered at Pawprint's pet shop that following daym and school was going great for him as ever. It was nighttime on a friday, and Colin was just about ready for bed for a new day tomorrow. As usual, Fluttershy tucked him in. "Okay, sweetie. Goodnight." Then she gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead. "I love you."

"Goodnight, mommy." The boy replied. "I love you too."

Then the yellow pegasus left his room and got herself ready for her sleep. The boy was really tired and just collapsed right on his bed, a,ready fast asleep in a few seconds. In his dreams, he was ever happy when he saw his parents again.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

"How you doing, kiddo?" Said the dad

"Hello, sweetie. It is so good to see you again."

The boy ran to them and hugged them tightly. Evelyn and Benjamin hugged him back in return. "I missed you!" He said

"We missed you too." Benjamin replied.

"We have been watching you from the heaven since you came here." Evelyn remarked

"Mommy, daddy, we're still a family, right?"

"Of course we are, buddy. Why?"

"Well, I have a new family now, and Fluttershy is my new mommy, and Big Mac is my new daddy. I promise you. I Would never replace you. I will always love you like my mommy and daddy."

"Who said you would replace us?" Asked Evelyn.

"I don't know mommy, I.... I just thought it like that."

"Well don't beat yourself up, Colin." Said Benjamin, placing his hand on his shoulder while bending down. "We know you would never replace us, and we would never replace you, or Johnny."

"Yeah, I just hope he is alright." The boy replied sadly. "I just wish I can see him again, and leg him know that I'm okay."

"It's okay, Colin." Evelyn remarked. "He will be fine. You will see him again."

"Yeah, don't worry. We will help you with that, we promise."

"We will always be with you, sweetie. We promise."

"I know you will."

"By son." The parents said before they faded into light again. Colin was a little sad that his parents needed to go again, but knows that his parents are always with him. He woke up and just as he thought before, it was all a dream, except it was really real.

He looked around the room in the dark with the moon shining through his window with a blue glow all around.

He heard the crickets chirping outside and the soft wind blowing against the trees making it rather peaceful for him to experience.

He still deeply missed his parents, but he had to pull through for them, Fluttershy, and all the members of his new family in Equestria that he lives in.

"I love you mommy and daddy. I miss you." He said to himself as he looked at his little pocket watch with his family and him in it from his nightstand. He wished that Johnny could have been in it, so that way, it would really look like a happy family, but he understood that he was in college. He decided not to let it get to him and went back to sleep in the still of the night.

The Next Day

Colin was eating his breakfast that consisted of a tomato, egg, lettuce, and mustard sandwich with some apple juice on the side. He couldn't get his mind off of his dream last night. He was a little saddened about it, but he pulled through with it.

"Is everything okay, sweetie?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, i'm fine." he replied. "I just.... had another dream with my parents. except it wasn't really a dream, it was more like.... a vision like they just came to me as spirits." he sighed. "I'm sorry, mommy. I still miss them."

"Oh sweetie, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry. Here, let me give you a hug." then Fluttershy gently squeezed him like a true mother would do. It was just what Colin needed this whole time, knowing that Fluttershy will always be with him to love him and care for him. "Feel better?"

"Hmm-mm. I think i do. Thank you, mommy."

the yellow pegasus smiled warmly as this response. "you're welcome Colin. Always happy to see that you're happy. And I deeply appreciate you taking care of my, i mean our animal friends."

"Thanks. Always awesome to help and take care of animals. They are one of my favorite friends, you know?"

"I do." He took a sip of his ice cold drink and wiped his face after he ate his sandwich.

"Here, let me take that plate back for you, sweetie." Then when she put the plate in the kitchen sink, there was a knock on the front door.

"Oh, can I get it, mommy?"

"Of course, sweetie."

the boy opened the door and it revealed to be Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo. "Hey, Colin. How's it going, kiddo?" asked Rainbow in a friendly tone.

"Hi Colin." Scootaloo added

"Hey, Rainbow, hi Scootaloo. What brings you here?"

"Well, we want to talk to Fluttershy first." the cyan pegasus replied. "Fluttershy, are you there?" she called

"Coming." Fluttershy sang. She trotted to the group while singing blissfully. "Hello, Rainbow, hello, Scootaloo." she said to them "Good morning."

"morning, Fluttershy. We were wondering if Colin would like to come to Cloudsdale with us. Would you, kid?"

"Yeah, I would love to!"

"Oh of course he can go, but only pegasus ponies can walk on clouds, remember?" Fluttershy said. "I just wish he can walk on clouds too."

"That's why Twilight is going to help us with that, remember? remember that even when Rarity had butterfly wings and I saved her when they burned out in the sun?"

"Oh yeah. I do remember that."

"So, can I go mommy?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Yes, you can go, but remember what Rainbow said, Twilight will help you with a spell that will let you walk on clouds, okay?"

"Okay mommy."

"And Rainbow, try not to be so rough on him, okay? I know you might fly him there, but please don't try to scare him or let him fall off, okay?" Fluttershy was a little worried because Rainbow was always one to gloat at times and push herself to the limit because she wants to be awesome all the time.

"Oh come on, Fluttershy. I promise you. He will be in good hooves with us. Right, Scoot?"


"Don't worry, he will be safe with me, and I will take good care of him. I promise."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Good. Let's go, buddy." then she knelt down and the boy got on her back.

"Wait!" Colin exclaimed "What about Scootaloo? she.... can't fly remember? Oh, no offence."

"None taken."

"Don't worry. she's going to come with us, i'm just going to carry her with my hooves as all."

"Okay. Let's go." The. The three were off to the castle.

Back in the United States, Johnny was becoming more frustrated than a bank robber trying to open a bank safe. He really did not know what to now. He really didn't.

"Johnny, you alright?" Asked Severin.

"No." The lead guitarist replied flatly. "We looked everywhere for my brother, and I might have to realize that my brother is dead." Then he looked away from his bandmates in shame.

"Johnny, please don't be like this.." Bobby begged. "I'm pretty sure he's not dead."

"Then why can't we find him? It's not like he can.... take a train to northern Canada or something." At last he could stand it no longer. He went into a drawer and pulled out large knife. "I guess there is only one way to help me." He was about to stab himself in his chest, but his friends were restraining him, trying to keep him from killing himself.

"Johnny no!" Christian exclaimed. "Dammit, let go of the knife!"

"No, i'm committing suicide! I'm not going to live a life where my own family has died. First mom and dad and now, Colin! My own brother!" Then he continued desperately to try and stab his own heart.

"He's not dead, man!" Said Bobby. "Please stop trying to do this, you're freaking scaring us!"

"Johnny, listen to us, Colin is not dead, we just have to look harder." Severin pleaded. "Just put the knife down and do not forget about any hope!"

Johnny didn't really heed their words and still tries to stab himself, but then gave up, knowing that his buddies would never let him kill himself. He finally gave up and let go of the knife by throwing it on the floor. "I'm sorry." He said while sobbing. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, mon ami. We understand your frustration. Everything will be alright" then the leader hugged his closest friend out of the group. Then Christian and Bobby joined in.

"We'll find him, we promise." Said Christian.

"I know I.... I just wish I can see him again."

"Look, let's go find Jonah and continue the search." Said Severin


Back in Equestria, Colin was waiting for Rainbow to take off to the pegasus capital of Equestria. "Ready kids?"

"Ready!" They both replied.

"Good." Then she took off in the speed of light like a peregrine falcon without diving. Colin held on to Rainbow Dash, and looked at the world below him. It was like he was the king of everything with the world in his hands.

"This is awesome!"

"You loving this, kid?"


She flew higher and hire and saw the city not far now. "There it is, Colin! Cloudsdale, the main city for pegasus ponies in Equestria!"

"Wow! It looks beautiful."

"Just wait till we land." Then she saw the opening hatch and hovered over it, then landed on the large piece of cloud. "Well, here we are. Okay, Colin, you can get off me now."

"Uhhh, I don't know. I.... Never been on clouds before. It just looks a little..... Scary."

"It's okay, buddy." Said Scootaloo. "It'll be fine, just trust us."

The child gulped and then slowly dismounted the cyan pegasus. Turns out he was just fine, and didn't fall. Twilight's spell worked and he can now temporarily walk on clouds. He smiled as he noticed he was alright

"See, nothing to be afraid of. Come on, let us show you around the city." Then they went for a little walked down a cloudy road with Colin closely following them from behind. The building were really beautiful, even though they are just made of clouds "oh hey, look at this!" Said Rainbow.


"See that coliseum, squirt?"


"That is the Cloudsdale stadium where it holds events of flying competition or races that might be held."

"Wow, it's so big."

"Yeah, it is." Said Scootaloo. There was something kind of bothering her a little. She.... Felt something fuzzy when she is around Colin, and really wanted to tell him something.

"Well, come on, guys. Let's go see some more of the city." They all saw a close line of beautiful rainbows over a building that looked like a factory. "Here is the Rainbow Factory, where all rainbows are created and where weather clouds are created."

"What kind of clouds?" Asked Colin

"Everything, snow, rain, hail, and lightning."

"Colin." Said Scootaloo.


"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what?"

"Colin I.... I....." But she was cut off by a voice.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" It said. They all looked up and saw that it was the three main Wonderbolts, Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleetfoot. They all landed in style in front of them. They weren't really wearing their uniforms, but still looked rather elegant.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" Said Rainbow

"Hello, Rainbow Dash." Said Spitfire.

Colin was a little nervous around them, mostly because he is seeing them the flesh for the first time.

"Hey, Rainbow." Said Soarin.

Then the third Wonderbolt noticed the human boy. "Oh, hello, little guy. What's your name?" Fleetfoot said softly

"Oh, so you're the human we have heard about." Said Spitfire.

"Yeah, we heard so much about you." Said Soarin.

"So come on, what's your name?" Spitfire gently demanded "don't leave us hanging."

"This is Colin." Said Scootaloo. "He's a little shy."

"We're giving him a little tour of the pegasus capital itself and show him what it's like up here and see how awesome it is."

"Oh, don't worry, there's no need to be shy little buddy. We're cool." Soarin said to him.

"So, I guess it's our turn to introduce ourselves. I'm Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts."

"I'm Soarin, the second in charge."

"And I'm Fleetfoot."

"Nice to meet you all." Colin felt more comfortable around them now. Even though they might look a little jerky, they are actually very friendly like everyone else in Equestria. "So you guys are famous flyers?"

"Yep, we are the fastest fliers in the world." Fleetfoot replied. "Well, except Rainbow Dash. She is faster than all of us."

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash would make a great Wonderbolt someday." Soarin added.

"You know, Colin, you're a really cool kid." Spitfire complimented, giving him a gentle elbow jab on his arm.

"Yeah. Thanks. I think you guys are pretty cool too." The boy replied

"That's sweet." Said Fleetfoot. "Isn't he such a sweetie?"

"I know. Very nice and kind, and cool."

"Well, we might as well be going now." Said Soarin. We have another day of patrolling to do in the skies. It was awesome meeting you, Colin. Hope to see you again soon."

"Yeah, we like you." Spitfire added.

"Thanks. I hope we will meet again sometime. Bye."

"Bye, Colin." The three main Wonderbolts replied before they all flew simultaneously past them.

Now that this was taken care of, Scootaloo felt like she should tell him how she feels about him now. "Colin, about before i-"

"Oh wow!" Colin interrupted unexpectedly. "Is that a pizzeria?"

"Yep. You want some pizza, squirt?"

"Yah I do." Then the two went into the pizzeria while Scootaloo was a little mad because her chance was blown a second time. Nevertheless, she went inside to join them anyway.

Next Chapter: Brothers Reunite Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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