
A Boy's Tears

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 18: Information about Johnny

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The elements and Spike, with Colin walking with them, walked into a "Doughnut Joe's" pastry shop with a small bell ringing as the door opened.

"Ah, Twilight, Spike, and friends. Welcome. How can I help you all today?" Said Doughnut Joe.

"Hello Joe. Nice to see you again." Twilight replied. "We're here to eat some of your world famous doughnuts of course, and to Show our new friend to you."

"Really?" Doughnut Joe Noticed Colin and looked a little shocked of course, but intrigued to see a creature like him. "Ah, hey there, little one. What's your name?"

"I'm.... Colin." He replied in a quiet timid voice.

"What's that? I didn't really catch that." Joe said

"He said his name is Colin." Fluttershy answered for him. "He's not from Equestria, and he's quite a bit... Shy at the moment."

"Oh, well nice to meet you, Colin. Would you like a doughnut?" He asked politely.

"Yeah. I'll have a... lemon filled doughnut, please." Colin replied more bravely.

"Sure, coming right up.". The stallion fetched the human boy his doughnut of choice, and then fetched the others their doughnuts that they all wanted to eat. After they all have their doughnuts, they all sat around a small round table to sit and eat.

When Colin ate his whole doughnut, he realized how delicious I tasted, and then it reminded him of his older brother again. He got caught in another small standstill in his own thoughts of sentimentality.

"Colin, what's the matter?" Twilight asked him.

"What? Oh nothing. I was just wondering that if my brother was here, he would love this."

"Brother?" Everyone minus Fluttershy exclaimed in a not so loud voice.

"Yeah. He loves doughnuts."

"You never told us you have a brother." Said Applejack.

"What is he like?" Asked Rarity.

"Is he nice to you or does he bully you?" Rainbow added curiously.

"Guys, one at a time, please." Said Twilight

"Well, his name is Johnny Fraser. He loves me very much and was always there in my time of need whenever I was being bullied or picked on."

They all looked impressed and very curious about his older brother. "What else was he like?" Spike asked curiously

"Well, Spike, he's the singer and lead guitarist of a rock n roll band." Colin answered. "Johnny and his friends play very awesome. You should all hear them.

"A band? That's awesome!" Said Rainbow. "Can he do fast solos on guitar?"

"Yep. He practiced for years and they were adored by their other friends and some people from my home." Colin said proudly

Now they all wish that they can meet him. "Where is your brother now, sweetie?" Asked Fluttershy.

"He's.... he's back home, and in college, mommy." The boy responded.

"College? He sounds lie a really big brother." Fluttershy said in amusement. If Johnny was there, she would definitely be proud of him for helping his brother in desperate times and being a really great big brother. "

"What kind of music it?" Asked Pinkie

"He does rock, and heavy metal."

Fluttershy and the others sounded really impressed now, well, except Rarity, because heavy metal is not her cup of tea.

"That sounds wonderful." Said Fluttershy. "Sounds to me like he really knows how to 'rock out' with his friends." Fluttershy joked. She, Colin, and the others laughed with her.

"He does. He also showed me rock music and how it sounds. I really love rock and metal. I... i hope yoy all ate not mad at me for it." Colin continued

"Oh no no. Of course not Sugarcube. We're not mad." Said Applejack softly

"I do not really like it, but if that is what you like to to hear, and if you are happy with it, I am happy." Said Rarity, trying to accept the fact of Colin's musical taste.

"Thanks, Rarity." Colin said kindly to her.

"You are very welcome sweetie." Rarity replied to him

"What are your favorite bands? " asked Rainbow Dash.

Colin thought of what bands he really loved the most that his brother shown him some time ago. "Well, there's Guns N' Roses, Black Sabbth, Alter Bridge, and ummmmm...."

"What kind of a name is Guns N' Roses?" Asked Fluttershy a little confused by that name. everyone, minus Rainbow looked a little bewildered as well, wondering what kind of band that is.

"I think it sounds awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash. "What else?"

"Ummmm, Black Label Society, Aerosmith, Van Halen, The Rolling Stones, there is just so many that I can't really say them all." Colin admitted.

"That is quite a lot of bands." Spike pointed. "That's really awesome."

"Very fascinating." Twilight added.

The boy smiled and then frowned. "I just hope he knows that I am okay." He said solemnly.

"Don't worry, sweetie." Fluttershy said, wrapping her wing over his back for comfort from a mother's love, which is what a son needs in certain times.

Colin smiled, feeling better from her very soft words again. "I think your right, mommy." He said

"Right, well, you want to show us some more of Canterlot, Colin?" Rainbow offered

"Yes please." They all exited the restaurant after Colin washed his hands after eating his doughnut. The all continued the tour for Colin in the City of Canterlot. While they were walking along the road again, Colin became more and more confident in himself when standing out in Front of the natives.

So far he was really liking this tour of Equestria's capital city. It Was also a good thing that the natives were not giving him a hard time. He wondered where the others might take him next, and just had to wait and see. Canterlot is quite a large city after all.

The group stopped after a short walk after they ate doughnuts, and saw a little field with a bunch of ponies playing Croquet with eachother, and giving out small, short applause for anypony how swung with effort at least. "This is where they play ummm.... what's this cslled?" Colin asked.

"Croquet, darling." Rarity politely corrected him as soft as possible. "And yes, this is the spot where everypony in Canterlot would play it if they wanted too."

"Cool. What other sports are there?"

"Well, every year, the Wonderbolts would perform every year in the stadium to perform in spectacular flying stunts." Twilight replied

"Wonderbolts?" Colin asked

"Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you, didn't we?" Said Rainbow Dash. "The Wonderbolts are the fastest, most coolest flying ponies in equestria. Not as fast as me however, but I want to become one someday, because I have just the right speed to be one."

"She's quite a dreamer." Said Applejack rolling her eyes. Everyone laughed, and Rainbow looked unamused by her joke.

"Where are they now?"

"They are up in Cloudsdale, the capital city for pegasus ponies everywhere." Rainbow replied. Of course rherw's pegasus ponies everywhere in Equestria. All of them can live wherever they want be in."

Rainbow was correct. Colin saw many types of ponies getting alone with eachother and spend some quality time together as good friends, like Lyra and Bon Bon, the cutie mark crusaders, the kids he just met at school, a d Fluttershy and her friends. There was hardly to never any prejudice between these races what so ever.

"That is so cool. Do you think you can take me there sometime? I would love to walk on a cloud, it's my dream."

"Well the problem is sweetie is That only pegasus ponies and allicorns can walk on clouds, but I think I have a spell that can help you with that." Twilight said


Twilight nodded a yes to him in response. "Of course, Colin. Maybe not today, but some other time, okay?"

"Okay." Colin replied. "What other cools things does this place have?"

"Well, i want to show you some of my old friends here before I moved to Ponyville." Twilight said. "Well.... i don't know if I was a 'friend' to them, but still, we.became closer than ever now."

"Do you know where they live?"

"Of course Colin. I'll show you." They all followed Twilight and Spike to wherever any of their old friends ds may live in this city.

Meanwhile, in Colin's homeworld, was the city of Denver, Colorado. There lies a university in the suburban areas in the outskirts of the official city of Denver. It was quite large, and yet quite peaceful too.

In it was four young men by the age of their early twenties, still in their college years. In this little coup was a chubby drummer with short brown hair, a skinny bassist with long black hair, an African rhythm guitarists with a leather jacket, a small patch of beard on his chin, and long dreadlocks on his head, and finally, the singer and lead guitarist, who had hair that was a little longer than his shoulder, dark brown hair, and also wearing a leather jacket, holding a Les Paul as his instrument. The singer had to be Johnny, Colin's big brother. Meanwhile for him and his cronies, they were jamming in their little garage in a house that was not far from the college. Many people watched them and gathered around to hear them play. After the song ended, they a cheered for him. Turns out they have quite a few fans and might have even more if they keep this up.

"Awesome performance guys." Johnny said to all of them.

"Thanks, John. You too." the rhythm guitarist replied to him with a smile.

"If we keep this up, we'll be hitting the road together." Said the bassist.

"And the whole world will love us." The drummer added.

"I know. I can smell the fame already. If we keep practicing, then we will show the world our kickass music, and get a crap load of money." Johnny said in agreement "so, let's see if we can try that again. Before they were about to play another however, Johnny's phone rang. He gave a little groan of annoyance, and said to his friends "hang on, I gotta take this." He looked at his phone, but said that the caller was unknown. "Hello?"

"Johnny? Is that you?" Said the caller.

"Who's this?"

"Jonah, Johnny. Remember me?" The caller answered

"Oh Jonah. I am so sorry, I haven't seem or heard from you in a while. What do you want, man?" It was silent for a little while on the phone. "Jonah? You there?"

"Johnny, how can I say this..... Your parents..... They..... They......."

"They what? What happened?" Asked Johnny eager to know what the problem was.

"They.... They died in a fire." Jonah finally answered sadly.

"What?!" Johnny said in complete shock. "Are you sure? You can't be serious!" Now he was starting to become devastated.

"Johnny? What's wrong?" Asked the bassist.

"Not now, Christian, I'm busy." Johnny replied to him. Then he Thoth about his little brother and gasped "oh no, Colin! Is he alright? Please tell me!" His heart nearly skipped a beat.

"He's... He's alright. He wasn't in the fire." Jonah replied.

"Oh that's good." Johnny said in response, feeling extremely relieved to here that his sibling was still alive and one piece.

"I tried to take him in and give him to the orphans, but he didn't want to go. I suggested to him that he should come live with you, but since you are in college right now, you wouldn't take him."

Johnny was starting to feel extremely guilty now. "What happened then?"

"He... He ran away from me. Now I have been searching for him everywhere. But I can't find him." Jonah replied. Johnny didn't know what to think or say, being on the verge of tears.

He was not the only when about to weep when Jonah finally said "I am so sorry, Johnny. I am so sorry I couldn't find him. This is my fault."

"No, Jonah. It wasn't your fault. Why did he run away from you?"

"Well, he blamed himself for the fire. It was his birthday and.... Your father accidentally tipped over on of the kitten candlesticks and landed on a window drape. He says that it was all his fault, and really hated himself for that."

Jonah felt a crack in his heart and began to she'd a tear from his eyes. "Worried silly about his little brother and his safety, Johnny had a thought. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked Jonah

"Well, I don't know, you can try to find him yourself, but I doubt you will have any luck on finding him in an instant." Jonah suggested

"Can't kill for tryin'. I'll see what I can do. Thank you so much for telling me about this, Jonah. And please, don't be so hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault, or Colin's. he would never cause such destruction."

"I know. Talk to you soon, my friend." Jonah replied sadly.

"Bye." Johnny hung up the phone, and sat on an amplifier, sobbing quietly to himself for the lost of his parents and the disappearance of his one and only brother

"Johnny, are you alright?" The rhythm guitarist asked him while sitting next to him. The other two band members sat near him too for comfort.

"No, Severin" Replied Johnny. "My parents just died in a fire, and Colin is missing. He said it was his fault for letting that happen, but...." He sniffed. "It wasn't. It's my fault. It's all my fault." He continued sobbing. And felt a gentle hand on his back

"No it isn't." Said the drummer. "There was nothing you could have done."

"Johnny, mon ami, it was not your fault." the rhythm guitarist added.

"Yes It was, but I didn't for this to happen." Johnny replied.

"Of course you didn't, bro." The secondary guitarist said. "No one would ever mean these kind of things to happen. It just happen by mistake. When my parents were still in Libreville, he met a very intelligent shaman near the Republic of the Congo that anything can happen somehow, and it is u predictable."

"He speaks the truth." Said the bassist. "We have met Colin before remember, and he would never do so,etching like that. And of course it wasn't his fault. It just happened."

"Yeah, it's not like you started the fire or did he." The drummer pointed

The other band members glared at him in annoyance "Bobby! That's not helping him." Said the rhythm guitarist in irritation.

"Please be more careful with your words." The bassist added.

"Sorry. You're right. But, I really hope that Colin is just fine." Now the drummer was being helpful.

The three turned back to their co-founder. "Do not worry." Said the rhythm guitarist. We'll find him. We promise."

"Right!" Said the other two in unison.

"That's very kind of you guys, but I have to do this alone." Johnny said, getting back on his feet, easing his sobbing.

"Oh come on man, Colin is our friend too." Said the drummer

"I know Joey, but this is more of a family thing."

"We understand, but we just want to help you. We're a band, Johnny, and a band is like a family too."

"Really?" Said Johnny.

"Of course, John. We have been best friends ever since middle school and we look at how we all came all this way." Severin added.

"Look, I really do thank you guys for your concern, but this is something I have to do alone." Said Johnny

"Please, let us help you." Said the drummer.

"Well, what about any missing work for you guys? What if I make your grades fall?"

"Oh don't worry about that, Johnny. Mr. Parker is a very understanding teacher. I'm pretty sure that he will understand why we have to skip our classes for a few days. A few days won't hurt us anyway, dude." Said the bassist.

Johnny smiled, and was silent but said after a minute "okay. You can come with." His friends cheered on at his choice. "Let's just go to our teachers and the headmaster, then tell them what has happened first before we leave to Billings."

"Right!" The three replied in unison. They all put there instruments away on their stands and went out of their garage, then Johnny closed it. They all went to his car, and went to the university to begin their search.

Next Chapter: Twilight's Old Friends/Babysitting Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 6 Minutes
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