
A Boy's Tears

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 12: Missing

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Back at the cottage, Fluttershy was waiting very eagerly and very patiently for his new son, Colin, to come back home on his first day of school. She was really hoping that he did have a good day, after all, Colin was a very likable and sweet child after all. She saw the girls and her new son out the window. She smiled, happy to see him again.

Colin got out the wagon, and said "thanks, guys. I appreciate it."

"No problem, Colin. Happy to help you." said Applebloom.

"See you soon, Colin." said Sweetie Belle.

"Tell Fluttershy we said hello." Scootaloo added. Then, she rode off into the dirt path on her scooter in the speed of light, leaving Colin alone as he entered the cottage.

"Hi mommy." he said with a smile

"Hello, Colin." said Fluttershy, very happy to see him. She hugged him, like a real mother would do to a son. "How was your first day of school, sweetie?"

Colin smiled, but he thought of those mean girls: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. He wouldn't stop thinking about those stone-cold words that they both said to him. Never has he met someone so mean in his life than those two brats. Despite this, he answered. "It was great."

"See, there was nothing to worry about." Fluttershy said. "What did you think of Cheerilee?"

"She was very nice to me." the boy replied with a larger smile.

"Wonderful." said Fluttershy. "Did you make any new friends?"

"Oh yeah. Tons of them." the boy replied. "There was a pegasus named Rumble, and two unicorns named Snips and Snails. those two were really funny. Oh, and there was Sunny Days and Peachy Pie too, very nice girls."

"That's great, Colin. I recognize those names that you said." Fluttershy stated. "Did you have fun with the girls?"

"Oh yeah. Scootaloo pushed me on the swings, and it was fun. Oh, and I played with the girls and Pip with Rumble too."

Fluttershy was so happy to hear what he believed was a brilliant first day of school for Colin, unaware that he was thinking a rather conflicting thought.

When she and Colin broke their hug, he turned his attention to the animals smiling at him. "Hi, everyone." The boy said to them. The animals made sounds trying to say hello to him back.

"They said hello to you too." Fluttershy translated. "So, what would you like for dinner?"

"I would like.... A salad." Colin replied. " and... Can you please have some baby carrots in them?"

"Of course I will."

The child was doing a great job not revealing those hurtful words from earlier to her. He really hated to lie, but he didn't want to make Fluttershy upset, and happy as possible. For now, he just needed to worry about filling his stomach to keep that happy.

"Why don't you go play with the animals for a little while." The yellow pegasus suggested.

"Okay." The child went up to the animal friends, and they all gently tackled him, and began to playfully tickle his small body, making him laugh uncontrollably. After he was down with the tickling, Harry gave him a gentle headlock and gently gave him a noogie.

Fluttershy watched that adorable sight. It was a rather cute moment for Fluttershy to look at. After thirty seconds, she went to the kitchen, and began to create the salad.

It was not as easy as a regular breakfast sandwich like the one that Fluttershy gave to him for breakfast this morning, but it was still rather easy to create. When she was finished, she saw Colin playing with Angel, smiling at that rather cute sight. Turns out Angel really likes Colin

"Okay, Colin. Dinner's ready." She sang as she placed the plate with the salad on the table for him to eat.

Colin rushed to the table and began to eat on his dinner, a d really liked the taste. What he really liked about it, were the baby carrots, one of his favorite foods. After he gulped the first bite, he said "thank you, mom."

"Anything for my son." Fluttershy replied sweetly. Then, Colin continued to eat the rest of the sandwich.

When it was big, Fluttershy tucked Colin In, and gave him a kiss on his forehead, very motherly. "If you loved today, then you will love what will happen tomorrow." She said.

Colin looked excited for her, but inside, he was really really worried. What if the words Diamon and Silver said were true? What if this little family that Colin was a part of was nothing but a filthy lie?" More or less, he kept that hidden in his own thoughts. "Yeah. I guess I will." He said

Before she left the room, Fluttershy said "Goodnight, Colin. I love you."

"I love you too, mommy." Colin replied in a soft voice. Then Fluttwrshy turned out the light and left him alone as he was trying to go to sleep.


Colin was having a dream, and he woke up in his bedroom again. He got out of bed, and went downstairs to greet her new mother. She was just feeding one of her animal friends, which was a skunk.

"Good morning, mommy." He said.

"Hello Colin." She replied in a... Little begrudgingly voice this time. Colin realized that something was wrong, very wrong. Normally, she would be very happy to see her new son, but this time, she sounded a little disappointed or a little angry

"Uhhh, mom, what's the matter?" Colin said a little worried.

"Oh, nothing at all." Fluttershy replied in a firm voice.

Colin didn't really believe her, for he knew that she was being a little sarcastic. "Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked

"Oh no." She replied. Then, she turned her head to him with evil looking, glowing red eyes that had the color of blood, glowing blood.

This spooked Colin, for he made a small yelp, and fell back on his feet with horror.

"You really want to know what's wrong, sweetie?" She said sarcastically. "Well, you are not a pony, so therefore you can't be my son. She said in a more cruel tone

Colin looked shocked to hear her say that. "What... But... But... Mom I, I thought you love me." He was starting to sob. Fluttershy however, wasn't very convinced by his sobbing this time.

"Oh please." She said cruelly. "How can I ever love a human?" Her voice was a little louder now. She just stared at him with hatred in her glowing red eyes. "You are a pathetic excuse for a son, I wouldn't even let you be my son even if you were the only human on earth. Unless you are a pony, you can't be my son."

Colin couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He ran out of the house, and ran to the fields with more tears streaming down his face. He stopped in the middle of the flower patch not far from the cottage. He covered his face as he was crying.

"Oh, don't worry, Colin." Said a familiar voice that unexpectedly came in front of him. It was a sarcastically cruel voice that sounded like Twilight. He looked and he was right, and what he saw was Twilight, along with Fluttershy, and the other Ponyville residents, including Celestia, and Luna. Like Fluttershy, they all had evil red glowing eyes with no pupils.

"It will all be over soon." Twilight said..

"Let's get him." Said Rainbow Dash.

All the ponies and Spike menacingly walked up to him to do something really terrible to him. Colin fell down on the ground with fear again, and he was about to run away again. But this time, he was stopped when his back bumped into Rainbow Dash. He looked up in fright to see her evil smile.

Many ponies crowded around the boy, like a pack of striped hyenas about to eat a poor defenseless leopard cub. They were also all smiling evilly and menacingly. It was too scary to even imagine what they would all do to the poor boy. Colin began to panic and he exclaimed "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

End of Colin's dream

Colin bolted up instantly, hyperventilating. Never has he had such nightmares besides the one where his parents came back and disappeared. He buried his face into his legs and began to cry silently. While in his sorrow, he thought that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's words are true. He stopped his sobbing for a moment, and he thought of an idea. He quietly got out of bed, and pulled out a paper and a pencil.

He wrote out: Dear mommy, I am sorry if I'm not a pony. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were right. I can't be your son, or part of this family if i am not a pony. I am so sorry if i put you through all that trouble. I love you, and I hope I didn't cause trouble to you. Your son, Colin.

He took the sheet of paper and placed it on the bed, and he tipped-toed out of his room, and walked really quietly, for he knew that animals ears worked better than humans ears. He looked around to make sure no one knew, and the coast was clear. He slowly creaked open the door and ran off into the night as soon as he was yards away from the cottage, with tears streaming down his face.

The Next Morning

Fluttershy woke up from her bed, and gave out a small yawn. She got up, and went to Colin's room. She opened the door and had her eyes closed when she said "Colin, it's time for school." but as soon as she opened her eyes, he gasped to see Colin missing and not in his bed. She gave out a loud scream and rushed to the bed "Colin? Colin? Colin?!" she exclaimed in pure worriment

She looked on the bed, and found the boy's letter. She picked it up and read it. When she was finished, tears streamed down her face from her eyes. A crack was heard in her chest, and that's when the animals came up, looking to see what was wrong. they all had faces of concern.

"Oh friends, it's awful, Colin ran away from home." she said to the critters. The animals were also becoming scared to hear that their newest member of the family just ran away from home. "I better tell my friends."

Fluttershy was pacing to and fro around her cottage, ever so worried about his precious little boy, and worried that something terrible has happened to him. Finally a knock of hope came to the door, and she answered it. "Oh girls, Spike. thank goodness you're here." She said

"What happened, sweetie?" Said Rarity.

"Colin ran away from home." Fluttershy answered with a few tears forming in his eyes. She bowed her head with sadness to sayt hat, for it was too painful for her to say such things like that.

All her friends were quite shocked and they all exclaimed " WHAAA?!?!??" In unison

"How did that happen?" Said Rainbow Dash.

The yellow pegasus revealed the later to her friends and one at a time, they all read through it. NOW Tears Began to form on their eyes. It was just so heart wrenching for them to bear.

"Where can he be?" Said Pinkie Pie.

"I hope he's okay." Scooaloo added. "Ugh! That Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "This is all their fault." Her tone quickly changed from worriment to anger.

"Yeah, those lowdown snobs have really done it this time." Said Applebloom.

"They can pick on us, but when they pick on somepony like Colin, that's where we draw the line!" Sweetie squeaked in outrage.

Fluttershy was feeling more angry at those two brats. She said "How can those two do such a thing to my little baby? If I get my hooves on them, I'm going to..!"

"Fluttershy, calm down." said Rainbow Dash, placing her arm around her back and her side. 'I know how you feel, but we'll deal with them later."

"Yeah sugarcube, and besides, this isn't like you to say that." Applejack added

Fluttershy calmed herself down, and realized her anger. "I'm sorry." she said.

"It's okay. We will deal with them later, for now, we got to look for poor Colin." Twilight said "I really hope he's okay."

"We all do." Rarity added. "We should probably get Discord to help us too, he can find him for us."

"Good idea." said Fluttershy.

All of a sudden, a poof came out of nowhere, and there appeared Discord. "Speak of the Discord, and the Discord shall appear." he said in a sly voice.

"Discord, thank goodness you came. Colin ran away, and I need you to find him." Fluttershy said, explaining to Discord what this hullabaloo was all about.

Even the master of chaos was shocked to hear that. "What?" he exclaimed

"That's what we said." Pinkie said.

"Do not worry, I'll see what i can do. Meantime, why don't you gather everypony in Ponyville to help you as well, we will need all the help we can to find him." Discord said

They all nodded in agreed and they all went to Ponyville while Discord disappeared, ready to do whatever to takes to get him back,

Author's Notes:

The search is on. What will happen now? will they find him before anything bad happens to him? Find out on the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Finding Colin Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 25 Minutes
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